Day: October 8, 2024

Tues. Oct. 8, 2024 – seems more important than it is.

More cool, followed by hot and humid. And a hurricane for Florida. It was pretty warm by yesterday afternoon, but cooled later. Still 84F after dark though. I’d say that we are well into Fall now, with the consecutive days starting at 72F or under. Nice.

Did stuff around the house, did my pickups, did my kid driving chores. Did some domestic bliss. Did some minor computer stuff. Didn’t work in the yard or driveway.

Today I’ve got one pickup, unless I won something I didn’t think I’d win. And I’ve got my busy day with driving D1 around all afternoon. I really need to get a few things done that will have a big visual impact and be a real change in the house. If I can get a couple of them done in the morning, I’ll be golden. If not, I’ll be a goat.

I’ll spend some time watching the weather too. Got plans that should probably change, and a couple of people in harms way. It’s difficult to change plans though, and easy to tell yourself lies.

Try not to lie, to yourself or others. One is hard, one makes life easier.

And of course, stack like your life depends on it.


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