Day: September 25, 2024

Wed. Sept. 25, 2024 – sometimes I wanna be a badass…

Cool to start but then warming to hot later. Fall in Houston. We are solidly in Fall, with the 75-76F mornings. It’s still early though, which is why we get the 90F afternoons. Which describes yesterday, despite overcast skies.

I did a few things yesterday, but got off to a slow start. I sat down after breakfast and fell asleep. I slept in my chair at my desk for almost 3 hours. That is crazy. Normally that would only happen if I’d had a bunch of carbs or sugar for breakfast. The dog sat on my lap that whole time too. He never does that. If he wants up, he wants back down in just a few minutes. I must have really been tired after the weekend.

If I had a headache, I’d have checked the CO2 monitors… or a butt ache, I’d have peed in a cup looking for rufies… that’s how strange it was.

I felt good when I woke up though.

So I went to my client’s house, did the changeover to xfinity fiber, did some other network maintenance (updating firmware on network devices), and came home to run the kids around and cook dinner. I even got my remote connection sorted out, with DDNS and the VPN set up and working. Felt almost like a real IT pro…

Dinner was a ribeye roast, bone on, frozen in Dec. 2013. Delicious. Tender and full of flavor. Vac seal with all the air removed, and keep frozen at 0F or thereabouts, and you can store food a lot longer than “people” say. This isn’t necessarily true for frost free freezers as they have a warming cycle to melt the frost, so you are cycling the temps and periodically warming the frozen food. But a chest freezer or old school upright will keep your food healthful and delicious for a decade or more.

I’m not recommending you plan to have food frozen for a decade, btw. You should be doing a better job of rotating food in and out. BUT. If you have the space, meat in the freezer is like money in the bank, especially when you buy on sale.

After dinner I re-baited the live traps in the attic, but didn’t see my possum invader last night. I’ll get him if he comes back. Meanwhile, I need to block his ingress route, which I’ll do if it’s a bit cooler. I need to clean up his mess too. I dislike working in attics when it is hot out though so I’m putting that off as long as I can.

Today is auction pickups, and running around, and all the typical stuff on the list that got pushed back by my client’s needs, and possum adventures. And a sudden and unusual need for some more sleep.

Stack something, fix something, learn something, or meet someone. And try to keep up. Catching up is twice as hard.


(and so is being a badass. I realized that in the same way that happy people don’t make art, badasses are made by hardship and pain. I don’t want the backstory that comes with the badass present.)

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