Mon. Sept. 23, 2024 – another week to prep

By on September 23rd, 2024 in culture, decline and fall, march to war

Another hot and humid day. Although, I believe it is now officially Fall. It was hot at the BOL yesterday. Not so bad in the shade and breeze, but broiling under the sun.

So I worked outdoor in the sun. I stepped into the air conditioned dock house and into the shaded parts of the dock whenever I could. Still managed to get behind on fluids. It’s easy to get focused on a task and forget to drink. When I was doing the earthmoving work I made it a point to drink every time I got into or out of a machine. That’s harder to do when you are just hanging conduit. I did get the conduit for the outdoor speakers done. Didn’t pull the wire yet. Simply ran out of time, and energy.

Today I’ll be doing normal stuff here at home. There is plenty to do, so every day I can do it, is really a blessing. I just wish the temps were a bit lower. That makes everything easier. And so much of what I need to do is either outdoors, in the attic, or in the garage. Currently those places are boiling during the day.

I really need to get a big push of stuff done, so I can get back to trying to catch up…

Spend some time doing stuff you let slide, and stack…


31 Comments and discussion on "Mon. Sept. 23, 2024 – another week to prep"

  1. Greg Norton says:

    Maybe, just maybe, if you have this many issues, you shouldn’t go to a theme park.

    Disney’s internal formulas probably show that the revenue which can be realized from the family is maxed and granting additional accommodations won’t move the numbers. 

    The family has money but not enough money.

  2. Nick Flandrey says:

    Or maybe they are tired of accommodating edge cases to their policies.    They were TOO accommodating for a long time, letting anyone claim anything to avoid lines.  Wasn’t fair to “normal” people who were unwilling to game the system.


    Coffee is brewed, lunches are bagged.   Children are stirring.   The day begins.  In darkness since it’s getting later in the year.   


  3. brad says:

    Walked by the crazy neighbors’ place on the way to the bus this morning. They have themselves already ripped out all the plants from the little area I mentioned. WTF?

  4. Nick Flandrey says:

    Crazy is as crazy does…   no telling the reasons.   Maybe they want to claim damages?    “Look what they made me do”… ?


    Seems that I have a possum in the trap.   He’s pretty restless too.   I’m going to have to deal with him first today.   I hope no one objects to me “releasing” him a couple of miles from here.  last couple of times it was dark, but I don’t want to keep him in the cage all day.   He might have already been in there since shortly after I left for the BOL.


  5. Ray Thompson says:
    One Disney fan, Shannon Bonadurer, who has several debilitating conditions, told that she was left 'heartbroken' after she was forced to share intimate details about her medical history with a cast member, only to be denied the pass.

    Yet she had no issues sharing her details with the DailyMail which is read by millions all over the world. My how embarrassing.

    While chatting with, Shannon explained that she 'only has a small intestine,' which means she uses an an ostomy bag to go to the bathroom.
    'The ostomy fills on its own 24/7 and I have zero control [over] when,' she shared. 
    'It can fill up in five minutes, which would cause me to have to empty it immediately or experience a possible leak or break. 
    'Also, the ostomy bag can leak or break its seal without notice so accidents happen without any heads up.' 
    She also said she has a 'PICC (peripherally inserted central catheter) line on her chest that goes directly to her heart, and a portion of her small intestine is on the outside of her body.' 
    In addition, she suffers from a neurological movement disorder called dystonia that 'causes her muscles to freeze up,' sometimes leaving her 'unable to move' or even 'flailing' uncontrollably.
    She also said she has Cushing syndrome and Hashimoto's disease, which can 'cause her heart rate to accelerate' and make her 'physically ill' if she gets dehydrated, something that happens easily for her because she 'cannot control her body temperature.'
    She explained that she sometimes needed to 'excuse herself' to get 'IV fluids' at the first-aid station in the park, and having the DAS pass in the past allowed her to 'wait in a cool location near a restroom' between rides.

    Why is she even going to a theme park, where the lines are long, and the park is crowded. I certainly don’t want to be in line with someone whose crap bag can burst at any moment. What about the rights of the other park goers? She shouldn’t even be going outdoors if she cannot regulate her body temperature.

    Their problems are not my problems. Reasonable accommodation can be provided. But causing problems for hundreds for needs of one is out of line. Sometimes life deals a person a crappy hand, deal with it.

    'This is pure discrimination by Disney against the disabled community,' she said. 'You can't pick and choose which disability you are going to accept.

    Why not? Some disabilities cannot be accommodated, period.

    She said she was so upset by the whole ordeal that she has now canceled three upcoming trips.

    Good. Less hassle for others. I don’t think Disney is really concerned about not getting her money. Since she has three trips booked, I wonder where she got the money. If she is that disabled, she cannot work. Is she supporting herself on lawsuits against any business that does not conform to her wishes/demands?

    As for Disney, what is the extensive interview? HIPPA laws do not allow medical conditions to be discussed. Disney can only ask what limits the individual has because of the disability. I think this lady stating an embarrassing interview is lying through her teeth.

  6. Greg Norton says:

    As for Disney, what is the extensive interview? HIPPA laws do not allow medical conditions to be discussed. Disney can only ask what limits the individual has because of the disability. I think this lady stating an embarrassing interview is lying through her teeth.

    At The Mail, Schaedenfreude comes first.

    The “Death in Paradise“ Australian spinoff should premiere on BBC One ahead of the main show’s run which always begins with the Christmas special.

  7. nick flandrey says:

    HIPPA laws do not allow medical conditions to be discussed.

    – HIPPA lets far more sharing happen than you’d think.   It’s been a long time since it passed, and I read it, but like most legislation it does the opposite of  the name.

    And it only applies to healthcare providers.   Nothing stopping anyone from asking, and from you telling all your medical details.   My wife has an extensive 3 ring binder on the medical requirements of kids in her girl scout troop, and we ask the same questions if we take an ‘extra’ kid to the BOL or some other place away from home.   Pretty sure she even gets a temporary medical power of attorney if we’ve got them for more than a day.


    btw, it was 75F this morning, but it’s 89F at the moment.



  8. lpdbw says:

    And it only applies to healthcare providers.

    HIPPA rules are, by and large, not too bad.  But the ADA is ridiculous.

    My sister had the misfortune to run into an ADA grifter in California, and lost her business as a result. She ran a used clothing/resale shop in a historic mountain mining town, and this professional victim visited town.  He tried to get into every store in town in his wheelchair, and then filed lawsuits against every one that didn’t have accomodations for his chair.  I think he sued 20 businesses.

    Notice I said “historic mining town”.  Her shop wason the second floor of a building without elevators.

    She was fighting breast cancer at the time, and couldn’t fight two battles at once, so she shut down.

    ADA is also responsible for all the fake service animals you see.  Businesses are not allowed to question you about your animal, nor demand certification, nor request what your actual need is.

    I’m finally seeing a lot of pushback on that.

    When I was a business traveler, 2010-2014, I had a favorite hotel in Yuma, and I spent a lot of time in the pool and hot tub.  Then they had to become ADA compliant, and install lift chairs for all such ammenities.  They couldn’t justify two chairs, so theyinstalled one for the pool and  shut down the hot tub.

    I never saw anyone use the chair.  In fact, in all the pools and hot tubs I’ve ever seen, I’ve never seen anyone use the chair.  At my gym, which has a chair for the pool and a chair for the hot tub, both chairs are rusty and I doubt they actually work any more.

  9. Greg Norton says:

    ADA is also responsible for all the fake service animals you see.  Businesses are not allowed to question you about your animal, nor demand certification, nor request what your actual need is.

    I’m finally seeing a lot of pushback on that.

    ADA is vague on service animals and documentation. That was probably intentional on the part of Congress.

    Publix Supermarkets decided to take the hit from the possibility of a lawsuit establishing precedent and banned “therapy animals” without supporting paperwork a few years ago. I don’t know if they’ve been sued yet.

    On an airplane, the FAA had punted and left the boarding decisions up to the airlines who, in turn, defered to the judgement of the flight crews, but I think that changed in the last few years.

  10. lynn says:

    “Trump Finally Correct about Jewish Vote”

    “I will get back to this in more detail but first the statements I question lightly.  With Mr. Trump it’s usually a question of rhetoric.  His policies are most always spot on. In this case he alleges that if he loses in 2024, it will be, at least in part, because of the Jewish vote of which, according to a poll he cited, he currently has 40%, up from 29% in 2020 and 25% in 2016.”

    I believe Trump.  Israel will be gone if Harris is elected.

  11. lynn says:

    I had a guy wearing a Dachsund in a baby harness at breakfast in my La Quinta this morning.  It never barked once and was cute as the Dickens.

  12. MrAtoz says:

    This is crazy:

    Wait, the WH Used Taxpayer Dollars to Fly Zelenskyy to a Swing State After Slamming JD Vance?

    This is just one example of our goonbermint’s abuse of OUR assets. The Dumbos and Redumbos do it.

    In hilarious news, plugs is to appear on the Spew. I will watch the outtakes of his dementia.

  13. EdH says:

    About 95F outside here in the high desert, there is always a last hurrah of summer after Labor Day it seems. 

    It does make for pleasant evenings until the convection winds start after two or three days, when the Mojave desert to the east heats up..

    It was a pleasant short sleeve evening when we wrapped up the astronomy club outreach at 10:30 on Saturday.

  14. dkreck says:

    When the president does it, that means that it is not illegal.

    or something like that. 😀

  15. nick flandrey says:

    The possum has been released.   2 miles from the house.  Don’t know what their range is, but hopefully he won’t make it back.

    D1 is picked up from school.   D2 needs a ride in one hour.

    Such is my life.


  16. Ken Mitchell says:

    Wait, the WH Used Taxpayer Dollars to Fly Zelenskyy to a Swing State After Slamming JD Vance?

    Not only taxpayer DOLLARS; they brought him here in a C-17 military transport. A BIG transport. Why couldn’t they have saved $50,000 and flown him in a Gulfstream?  And what about glowbull warmening???

  17. Ken Mitchell says:

    The possum has been released.   2 miles from the house.  

    Too bad I live ~200 miles away; I’d love to have possums in my wilderness acre.  My wife called one of the “critter relocation” services here, and invited them to relocate possums here. We used to have possums and armadillos here, but I haven’t seen any since the freeze of 2021.

  18. nick flandrey says:

    I had a big fat ‘dillo the other night.   Big as a volleyball, and trying to dig under my slab, then under my woodpile.   Never saw on live and up close before.  Certainly didn’t think I’d have one in my back yard.

    Some parts of the intarwebz say to relocate him 25 miles away.    But their range is only a few acres… I’m not doing a one hour round trip to move a possum, sorry.


  19. MrAtoz says:

    I had a big fat ‘dillo the other night.

    One letter change and this post is NSFW.

  20. MrAtoz says:

    Not only taxpayer DOLLARS; they brought him here in a C-17 military transport. A BIG transport. Why couldn’t they have saved $50,000 and flown him in a Gulfstream?  And what about glowbull warmening???

    Maybe Seal Team 6 was on board with all their gear to protect Der Fuhrer. I guess tRump has to invade some country to get proper protection. The SS does not seem to be able to do this.

  21. lpdbw says:

    Interesting.   Normally, the 89th Airlift Wing from Andrews handles all the dignataries.  They don’t fly C-17s.  They’ve got cushy jets for cabinet members and executives, including Air Force One.

    The picture of the  Z man shows an aircraft marked with both the 437th and 315th.  Both wings fly from Charleston now, so I guess they mixed their airframes together.  Things have changed since I used to do flight planning and flight following software for AMC, formerly MAC.

    The C-17 is not a first-choice plane for comfort.  I’d say it has top-notch antimissile capabilities, but I think every tail in the 89th does, too, even the Gulfstreams.   That’s outside my area of expertise, I’m just guessing that you would protect SecState and the Joint Chiefs pretty well.

    As far as cost goes, I say “meh”.  Working with the AF as I did, I discovered an interesting fact.   The planes fly in war and in peace, when there’s need, and when there’s no need.  If they didn’t, the pilots would get rusty and lose qualifications, and logistics and maintenance pipelines would be unexcercised and you want them excercised to train people and find flaws.  They enjoy actually finding missions for the aircraft and crews, rather than just making up flight plans to get their hours in.

    Having said that, I do not like seeing the military kowtowing to Z and the D’s campaigning with him as a prop.

    I’ve been pretty ambivalent about him so far.  It’s been a case of “I hope they both lose” for me.  He may have just convinced me otherwise.

  22. Greg Norton says:

    Having said that, I do not like seeing the military kowtowing to Z and the D’s campaigning with him as a prop.

    The cargo plane was probably supposed to return to Ukraine with Zelenskyy and a symbolic load of long range missiles to use against Russia, but, apparently, over the weekend, the brass finally had enough and called a “Come to Jesus” meeting with the White House, nixing the plan to start World War III.

    Corn Pop is done at the Pentagon if the rumors are to be believed.

    Fools, drunks, and the United States of America …

  23. paul says:

    I’m not a fan of possums.  The whole looking like a giant rat is a turn off.  But they never messed with my chickens.  Unlike raccoons. 

    Armadillos are cool.  I had one a few years back and I hit it with a blast of spray paint.  So.  Purpledillo.  For about three years, coming to eat cat chow.  Not at all aggressive.  

    The cats were cool with the critter.

    Not much of anything lately.  Lack of rain I think.

  24. Greg Norton says:

    Not much of anything lately.  Lack of rain I think.

    We briefly had rain in North Austin/Round Rock this afternoon.

  25. nick flandrey says:

    I could see the streaks in the sky that mean it was raining nearby, but we didn’t get any at the house.  It did get dark a couple of times, and threatened to rain…

    Canned red beans and rice with added sausage links for dinner tonight.   Tasty, and filling, just in a completely different way than crab legs and filet…

    Glad to have food to eat.


  26. drwilliams says:

    “I’ve been pretty ambivalent about him so far.  It’s been a case of “I hope they both lose” for me.  He may have just convinced me otherwise.”

    It is revealing that he doesn’t have the sense to stay TAF out if presidential election politics and let himself be used by the Biden/Harris abattoir. 

  27. Ken Mitchell says:

    It is revealing that he doesn’t have the sense to stay TAF out if presidential election politics and let himself be used by the Biden/Harris abattoir. 

    Trump has been pretty clear that Ukraine would be cut off from US weapons and that he (Trump) would encourage Ukraine and Russia to come to a cease-fire deal that would probably preclude Ukraine’s membership in NATO.  After the USSR disintegrated, there were some fair number of Soviet nuclear weapons “abandoned” in Ukraine, and Slick Willie had brokered a deal that would guarantee Ukraine’s borders in exchange for Ukraine giving up their nukes.  When Russia invaded Ukraine in 2014, Obama was disinclined to force Russia to abide by their agreement; BarryO apparently wanted to make some other deal with Russia. 

    Trump was apparently scary enough that Russia sat quietly, but when Biden was elected, Russia had little fear of him, and so the Ukraine invasion resumed. Now, Trump is once again waiting in the wings, and Zelensky is trying to appease his American patron, the Democrats. 

  28. Nick Flandrey says:

    Well, either that was the speedy Gonzales of the possum world, or I have TWO possums.   Because there is a possum in my attic on camera tonight.  And I watched him walk into the bigger trap and then walk out.   Something must be under the trigger plate to keep the dang thing from activating.

    This possum looks a bit thinner and a bit less self-confident walking around the attic.  I think he’s not the same as the one I moved earlier.   Pretty ugly, and stinky, like his buddy.


  29. drwilliams says:

    Slick Willie treated the Ukrainians like a used condom and Barry treated them worse, so I can understand how Zelensjy would want to get rolled and f*cked again ‘cuz he’s so fond of it by now. Maybe he thinks it will turn out differently this time. 

  30. brad says:

    Trump is very…um…spontaneous. There’s a video of him handing out cash to people shopping in a supermarket. Buying votes for cash is illegal. Very dumb move that could land him in even more hot water.

    This is just one example of our goonbermint’s abuse of OUR assets. The Dumbos and Redumbos do it.

    Two sides of the same clipped coin. I’ll be glad when the vote is over. Of course, we will then be treated to months of recounts and accusations of fraud, by both sides.

    The cargo plane was probably supposed to return to Ukraine with Zelenskyy and a symbolic load of long range missiles to use against Russia, but, apparently, over the weekend, the brass finally had enough and called a “Come to Jesus” meeting with the White House, nixing the plan to start World War III.

    The thing is: Russia is getting military equipment from other countries (Iran, China, North Korea) and employing them against targets in the Ukraine. I don’t see why Ukraine should be prohibited from attacking strategic targets in Russia. It is basically impossible to win a purely defensive war – you have got to attack the enemy’s logistics.

    Slick Willie had brokered a deal that would guarantee Ukraine’s borders in exchange for Ukraine giving up their nukes.  When Russia invaded Ukraine in 2014, Obama was disinclined to force Russia to abide by their agreement

    In that sense, the US does carry some responsibility for defending Ukraine against this attack. Give them weapons, and let them use those weapons appropriately.

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