Day: September 23, 2024

Mon. Sept. 23, 2024 – another week to prep

Another hot and humid day. Although, I believe it is now officially Fall. It was hot at the BOL yesterday. Not so bad in the shade and breeze, but broiling under the sun.

So I worked outdoor in the sun. I stepped into the air conditioned dock house and into the shaded parts of the dock whenever I could. Still managed to get behind on fluids. It’s easy to get focused on a task and forget to drink. When I was doing the earthmoving work I made it a point to drink every time I got into or out of a machine. That’s harder to do when you are just hanging conduit. I did get the conduit for the outdoor speakers done. Didn’t pull the wire yet. Simply ran out of time, and energy.

Today I’ll be doing normal stuff here at home. There is plenty to do, so every day I can do it, is really a blessing. I just wish the temps were a bit lower. That makes everything easier. And so much of what I need to do is either outdoors, in the attic, or in the garage. Currently those places are boiling during the day.

I really need to get a big push of stuff done, so I can get back to trying to catch up…

Spend some time doing stuff you let slide, and stack…


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