Sun. Sept. 22, 2024 – things are heating up in the world

By on September 22nd, 2024 in culture, decline and fall, lakehouse, march to war

And the weather is hot too. Yesterday got very hot in the sun, so I tried mightily to stay in the shade. Humidity was a bit lower than last month, so there was that.

Changed the belt on my mower deck. I hit a piece of 2×4 that was under some leaves last time, and shredded the belt that was new this year. Good thing I bought several in the auctions. I should have changed the blades too, while I had the deck off, but I just ran a file over the edge. The cheap chinese steel is very soft and the blades wear quickly. I’ve got a bunch from the auctions ready to go, but I didn’t feel like taking the time, and I was hoping to get through the season on one set. I should have changed them or done a better job sharpening. I got terrible cut quality.

I did spend some more time on the irrigation pump. I rigged a second pump to fill the supply side, and try to get and hold prime. I was able to run all the zones one at a time doing that. That’s good news, as both the pump motor and the impeller seem to work fine, it’s just that it won’t prime and hold prime. That’s a plumbing issue and I can work on it. New pump would be about $700… so I dodged a bullet there.

Today I will try to get the wife’s speakers installed at the dock. I just didn’t get to it yesterday after mowing and working on the sprinklers. (and the grass was so crunchy I needed to water even if I had to rig it or do it manually.) Then it’s clean up and stow the new stuff on the stacks, and head home.

There is always plenty to do.

And plenty to stack.


35 Comments and discussion on "Sun. Sept. 22, 2024 – things are heating up in the world"

  1. MrAtoz says:

    Back to SA today to continue working on moving to Vegas. Lots to pack and lots to get the house ready for sale. 5:30am flight, but I’m up at 3. Can’t sleep. I hoping TSApre is up. I hate unloading my tech.

  2. Ray Thompson says:

    I hate unloading my tech

    The last time I flew I did not have to take my laptop out of its carrying case in Atlanta. I did have to do it in Spokane. I don’t think I had Precheck on either flight.

    I also found it odd that TSA ID readers could not use my VA identification card. I had to have a driver’s license or a passport. When I asked a TSA agent, whom was on a break, why. He just said the readers would not accommodate the information on the card. I said it was a federally issued ID. He then said the readers could not even accommodate their own TSA ID cards.

    I asked what would have happened if I had no other form or ID. He said they would have to manually process the ID and would subject me a more thorough search including a pat down. Great system that punishes those whose valid IDs do not conform to a poorly implemented ID check system.

    I think it has something to do with scanning the photo on the card as the person’s photograph is also taken. The system probably matches the photo taken with the photo on the ID. The VA card photo is not in a position the system recognizes.

  3. Greg Norton says:

    “Do you remember everyone screaming about how racist the Redskins logo was? I don’t, because it wasn’t everyone screaming, just a very loud minority of busybodies and people who have a compulsion for unearned moral preening and virtue signaling. But they succeeded in removing what they found offensive, and never once did they bother to ask the family of the man on the helmet how they felt about it.”

    Or living descendants of Chief Wahoo in Cleveland.

    Every time I see Chief Wahoo, I think of Charlie Sheen. That is probably true for most people around my age and running through about a decade younger. 

    Maybe that is the real problem.

    A serious effort is underway to erase the culture from the last 50 years, particularly X-er interests.

  4. Greg Norton says:

    A serious effort is underway to erase the culture from the last 50 years, particularly X-er interests.

    Except for the mid-80s John Hughes films which the Wine/Weed Moms who are currently in charge of things pay lip service to liking and understanding.

    Ladies, I lived on the receiving end. Most of you talk about being Molly Ringwald in “The Breakfast Club”, but you carried on like Robert Downey, Jr in “Weird Science”.

    My friend’s ex-wife even once bragged about spitting Orange Julius on rivals for his affecton at the mall in the 80s, and RDJ never even went that far on screen.

  5. Ray Thompson says:

    spitting Orange Julius on rivals

    What a waste of good Orange Julius.

    But they succeeded in removing what they found offensive, and never once did they bother to ask the family of the man on the helmet how they felt about it.

    Stupid is as stupid does, to quote Forest Gump.

    I never saw any of those logos and representations as offensive. Land-O-Lakes, Aunt Jemima, the Redskins. I thought it was awesome to be represented on a product. Calling the Washington Redskins the Washington Commanders is even more offensive considering those clods that reside in Washington DC.

    The high school I attended in Rogue River was known as the Chieftains, with an Indian logo. The school had to ask permission from the local tribe to continue using the name and the logo. The tribe leaders said they were proud to be represented by the local school and considered it an honor. I suspect most groups feel the same way.

    None of the representations was presented as offensive. The lefties made it offensive. The lefties get offended by anything that does not meet with their mental weirdness.

  6. dcp says:

    I never saw any of those logos and representations as offensive. Land-O-Lakes, Aunt Jemima, the Redskins.

    Quaker Oats?

  7. Denis says:

    I never saw any of those logos and representations as offensive. Land-O-Lakes, Aunt Jemima, the Redskins.

    Quaker Oats?

    I was in a hurry to produce a meal, one weeknight last week, so I wanted to grab a jar of curry sauce at the supermarket. The brand I once recognised as “Uncle Ben’s”, with the smiling elder gentleman on the label, who looked like he might know something about sauces is now just “Ben’s”, and no image. Ben is my brother’s old dog. Not delicious. Lost a customer there, woke folks…

  8. Greg Norton says:

    I never saw any of those logos and representations as offensive. Land-O-Lakes, Aunt Jemima, the Redskins. I thought it was awesome to be represented on a product. Calling the Washington Redskins the Washington Commanders is even more offensive considering those clods that reside in Washington DC.

    The “Washington Football Club” missed out on huge nostalgia memes and merchandise sales by not going with some variation of “Hogs”.

    The NFL is the exception to my belief that 50-ish Wine/Weed Moms run everything now.

    The NFL is run by 20-something coeds graduating from Fancy Lad U institutions who the C-suite, owners, and, most important, sports “journalists”, would like to bang.

    When Brady won the Super Bowl *in his home stadium*, the Yucs players were free to retire to the infamous Mons Venus strip club across the street, but a gathering of staff, team members, and their families to celebrate at the training facility, equidistant in the opposite direction, was ruled out for pandemic and various other political correctness reasons by the NFL.

    Something tells me a private gathering happened anyway.

  9. Greg Norton says:

    Hooray! Disney World is saved! Wait? Who do we have to thank?

    DeSantis don’t surf.

  10. Nick Flandrey says:

    Ah, it’s exactly what Walt feared, and tried to avoid when he bought in FLA,and did the deal with Florida that resulted in Reedy Creek.    

    Outsiders have power over what they do creatively.

    Veto power.

    You can argue about Tom Sawyer island, but they closed the one in Disney land decades ago to put the Fantasmic show mechanisms there.   People aren’t protesting in the street, and far more people enjoyed Fantasmic than ever walked thru the p!ss stink of Injun Cave (or whatever they called it.)

    Getting rid of the Steamboat and the Rivers of America will change the feel of that part of the park dramatically.   And I don’t trust the current crop of Imagineers and managers to do the right thing.   But they should be able to make decisions like that without interference.


  11. Nick Flandrey says:

    80F and sunny.   Hot out there.

    Time for some coffee on the deck with my sweetie.


  12. Greg Norton says:

    Getting rid of the Steamboat and the Rivers of America will change the feel of that part of the park dramatically.   And I don’t trust the current crop of Imagineers and managers to do the right thing.   But they should be able to make decisions like that without interference.

    The new owners of the parks may look at meddling in Florida politics differently than Iger.

    Comcast, parent company of MSNBC, got a special district deal from DeSantis for their new property.

  13. Nick Flandrey says:

    Hooo boy.  I was right that the sun is boiling hot today.  Very little breeze and quite the scorch.   I feel a bit like the vampires in the Jane Yellowrock books when the sun starts to peal the skin from my head and face…


  14. Greg Norton says:

    Did Israel open the canned sunshine?

  15. Ken Mitchell says:

    I also found it odd that TSA ID readers could not use my VA identification card. 

    I understand that my retired military ID card is no longer good enough for TSA, because it doesn’t have an expiration date. Does your VA card have an expiration date? I haven’t experienced that myself, because I haven’t flown anywhere in years, and probably never will again.

  16. Ray Thompson says:

    I understand that my retired military ID card is no longer good enough for TSA, because it doesn’t have an expiration date. Does your VA card have an expiration date?

    Nope, no expiration date. interesting observation.

    I haven’t flown anywhere in years, and probably never will again

    Seems I will have three trips in 2025. The first trip is the flight to Vancouver from Atlanta and return in May. That flight I am flying 1st class. Why? Because why not? A nice treat once in a while is good.

    The second trip will be from Atlanta to Medford Oregon and return in June. For that trip, which is not yet booked, I will fly Comfort+. If the price difference between Comfort+ and 1st Class is not too great, I will opt for 1st Class.

    The third trip will be from Atlanta to Munich Germany and return in August. For that I will fly Comfort+ as 1st class is just too expensive for that trip.

    The advantage of 1st class domestic is that I can check two bags each at no charge. With current rates that is $170 for both ways. That mitigates some of the extra cost of 1st class. Yes, there is Southwest if a person likes flying cattle car seats. Not me.

    The last few TSA experiences have been OK. The usual manual wand because of the knee replacement. I have more problems with immigration coming back into the U.S. Especially in Philadelphia. The usual dozen questions, “where have you been, when did you leave etc.” The kicker was “why are you coming back?” Because I live here. “Don’t get smart with me”. How exactly would you like me to answer that question?

    The question that always amuses me. “Did anyone put anything in your baggage without your knowledge?” One time I answered “If it was without my knowledge, how would I know?” “Sir, step aside for additional screening.” Now I just answer “No”.

  17. Greg Norton says:

    I also found it odd that TSA ID readers could not use my VA identification card. I had to have a driver’s license or a passport. When I asked a TSA agent, whom was on a break, why. He just said the readers would not accommodate the information on the card. I said it was a federally issued ID. He then said the readers could not even accommodate their own TSA ID cards.

    VA ID cards are not Real ID compliant. Changing that situation would be someone’s soupbowl for decades and would probably be subject to a long bidding process with challenges to at least one awarded contract.

  18. Greg Norton says:

    The second trip will be from Atlanta to Medford Oregon and return in June. For that trip, which is not yet booked, I will fly Comfort+. If the price difference between Comfort+ and 1st Class is not too great, I will opt for 1st Class.

    Does Medford rate a plane 737-size or larger or is it something smaller?

  19. Ray Thompson says:

    Does Medford rate a plane 737-size or larger or is it something smaller?

    I think it is still considered a smaller airport. There is not a lot of traffic so no need for a larger facility. The location has stayed the same since at least 1960. Probably the biggest commercial aircraft they get is the 737. Most flights are the local commuter jets. Getting there from Atlanta requires a stop in Salt Lake City. It is an expensive airport, like Knoxville. Ripping off customers since 1960. It might be cheaper to fly to San Francisco and rent a car. I would need a rental anyway.

    Knoxville’s problem are the local energy facilities run by the federal government and Alcoa Aluminum. The airport charges more because the government and Alcoa will pay more. The airport is not well run or managed in my opinion.

  20. Greg Norton says:

    I think it is still considered a smaller airport. There is not a lot of traffic so no need for a larger facility. The location has stayed the same since at least 1960. Probably the biggest commercial aircraft they get is the 737. Most flights are the local commuter jets. Getting there from Atlanta requires a stop in Salt Lake City. It is an expensive airport, like Knoxville. Ripping off customers since 1960. It might be cheaper to fly to San Francisco and rent a car. I would need a rental anyway.

    PDX is ~ four hours. SFO would be seven or more.

    The Britt, outside Medford, is back to running a full schedule again, which starts in June. Plus, Lithia Auto Group is based in Medford, and they’ve grown even larger than back when we lived in Vantucky.

    The Britt is probably more popular now, with Oregon having legalized possession of small quantities of meth, heroin, and cocaine, than it was when we went before weed legalization.

    Doh! I almost forgot about the state’s shroom store in Salem.

  21. Greg Norton says:

    How is Warner Discovery not rolling in “Batman” re-release cash this year with the 35th anniversary of the Jack Nicholson flick?

    At one point, the video shows the “Gotham City Hall” steps from the 60s TV series, located on the Warner backlot.

    The October 8 Tesla event to introduce the Johnny Cab will be at the studio.

  22. Ray Thompson says:

    PDX is ~ four hours. SFO would be seven or more.

    I have done the PDX option on other trips to southern Oregon. Last trim in 2019 involved going to the coast and traveling south over four days before heading inland. My memory says that Portland was more expensive, especially the rental car. A necessary place because of the travel itinerary. 

    If we opted for SFO, we would take several days to travel up the coast and enjoy the scenery.

    When I came back from Hawaii I picked up my car in Stockton. I drove to Rogue River (just above Medford) and spent a few days. Then I headed from Rogue River south to Victorville CA. I did that drive south by myself in one sitting in a 1966 VW Beetle. Miserable trip. I think it was 13 or 14 hours. March 1983 so it was not too hot.

    I got stopped twice by CHP because of the Hawaii plates on the car. Nothing was wrong, the CHP just considered it suspicious to have plates from someplace with a large body of water separating the locations. I had to show my military orders.

  23. lynn says:

    I am not in San Antone yet and it is 99 F already.  I am wondering if downtown SA will be 102 F.  Perfect for unloading my truck.

  24. CowboyStu says:

    I am not in San Antone yet and it is 99 F already. 

    That is the way it is pronounced in the songs.

  25. Ray Thompson says:

    That is the way it is pronounced in the songs.

    I thought it was San Ann Toen.

  26. CowboyStu says:

    I thought it was San Ann Toen.

    Good choice!!!

  27. nick flandrey says:

    Long day in the hot sun, but I’m home.   Home sweet home.   Or is that home sweat home?

    Thank you Mr Carrier for making the South livable.

    Traffic was light, fewer racers than usual.  Fewer cops doing stops than usual.

    I think I’m getting better mileage since I changed my air filter.   Not sure yet, because I haven’t run a full tank without topping up before empty.  More left in the tank at the end of this round trip than usual…


  28. nick flandrey says:

    Oh, and after going my whole life without any  wasp stings, I’ve been stung three times in the last 3 weeks.

    I’m on  a mission to kill them all now.


  29. nick flandrey says:

    Maybe, just maybe, if you have this many issues, you shouldn’t go to a theme park. 

    With your blind, non-verbal, autistic 24 yo son, who has the mental capacity of a 14 month old.


  30. Bob Sprowl says:

    2005 Dodge Sprinter 3500 Van Problem and Warning

    My granddaughter bought a Dodge Sprinter 3500 Van.  Made by Mercedes and sold by them, Dodge and Freightliner.  Ran marginally and while troubleshooting engine issues the key FOB died. The second was already dead.  The key turns but apparently is undetected.  Dash warning lights come on but nothing else happens.  Local independent shop took a look at it and then said it will have to go the dealer.

    Mercedes-Benz dealer said that they no longer have the right equipment to program the key fob.  They will have to replace her ignition switch and engine computer with a 2009 model one at a cost of $4400.  It will be two or three weeks before these parts are available, maybe, no promises that they can be found.

    I will try to contact Mercedes-Benz national maintenance offices tomorrow and see if they have a more reasonable solution.  Don’t expect to be successful but why not.  There should be someone, somewhere has that equipment.  It was sold to locksmiths if they wanted to buy it. 

  31. nick flandrey says:

    And all that nonsense hasn’t cut the theft rate…


  32. Nick Flandrey says:

    I just watched the possum in my attic come into the eastern half, walk around, head for the path to the western half, then appear on the other cam in the western half, and walk around.   He’s got a patrol route.   I’m going to move the Hav-a-hart traps tomorrow.

    And it looks like I’ll have to open the soffit and try to block the passage from the garage to the house attic.  More work inserted into my day and pushing other stuff back down the list.


  33. drwilliams says:

    “Does your VA card have an expiration date?”

    Does your obligation as a veteran have an expiration date?

  34. Denis says:

    Good morning!

    The autumnal equinox has happened, the nights are now longer than the days. There is a bit of an autumnal tinge to the air, the trees are starting to show a few hints of colour, and the stags are practising their roaring and rutting. 

    This evening will mark the first outing of deer season for me. Hurray.  Goodness, where are my boots and bullets? Hunting season is the best and my favourite of the five seasons! Happy hunting to those of you who are similarly afflicted.

  35. brad says:

    I never saw any of those logos and representations as offensive. Land-O-Lakes, Aunt Jemima, the Redskins.

    Because they weren’t. It generally wasn’t people of the affected groups fussing. It was virtue-signalling progs. Stereotypically single, white women, with some number of delicate white male progs.

    Which, around a couple of corners, reminds me of the latest with our crazy neighbors. Nothing to do with us, for once. For historical reasons to long to explain here, their parcel borders on about 6m2 (60 sq ft) of land belonging to the apartment house above them. That little bit of land is pretty inaccessible for the apartment house, because of the way the underground garage was built.

    Anyway, for liability reasons, the apartment house told the neighbors that they need an agreement. Basically: “you get to use that bit of land like it’s your own, but you take full responsibility”. The guy started out “sure fine”, then his wife (who is the real problem) went off: Why do they need an agreement? Why can’t they just do whatever they want? The guy then flips, and starts agreeing with her. Exactly our experience: he might be fine, but she rules the roost.

    If she makes too much of a fuss (which she probably will), the apartment building will likely tell her to get all her plants off the land, oh, and move all the ones that will then be to close to the border. I’m going to enjoy sitting back and watching the fireworks, since we won’t be the target this time. Schadenfreude.

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