Day: September 21, 2024

Sat. Sept. 21, 2024 – at the BOL, and guess what? There is work to do…

Hot and humid here. I was hoping for a tiny bit cooler, but I think we’ll get hot and humid. It was 78F at midnight… with no breeze.

Did my pickups in Houston, then shopping at costco and lowes. Finally got the truck loaded and hit the road. Stuck behind a slowpoke and it added time to the trip. Made it though.

Today I’ll be fixing the mower deck so I can mow, and working other things on the list… and trying to do some stuff with my wife, like kayak on the lake. It’s gonna depend on the heat and the sun. I’m not interested in heat stroke.

Good thing there are lots of choices for what to work on :-/

Find something to fix. Improve your situation. Stack.


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