Day: September 18, 2024

Wed. Sept. 18, 2024 – and so it goes…

Another hot and humid day is on order. Satan must be vacationing in Houston, and he likes it hot. It was another sweltering day yesterday, with sweat dripping down my back even when just standing still.

I did get out of the house and do the kid chauffeuring which involved a lot of back and forth to almost the same place. Just THAT MUCH too long in between trips to make it worth staying…

I didn’t get to my client’s house so that moved to today. This morning in fact as his wife is having people over in the afternoon, and I want to be gone… I hope the xfinity guy really did get his part done, and that I can remember how to do my part. Only doing the config changes every couple of years means having good notes, and re-learning over and over.


I wish I could look around the world and say things were getting better, but I can’t. Still on the downward slide with more bad to come. We are far from the darkest hour. Which also means we’re far from the dawn. We’ll get there eventually.

It’s funny that when I first started building my apocalypse library of reference books I thought of it as a cheap but very unlikely hedge… and I LIKE old books, and books of knowledge, so I liked collecting them. I even use one or another occasionally, just because I can. The way things are falling apart, I’m taking it much more seriously. Still a very low likelihood of needing it on a wider scale, but still has little downside and low cost… I’ve got a nice bookcase behind glass doors at the BOL, and they are moving up there.

Stack some reference books. Some log tables and calculators. Maybe even a slide rule or two, and a book on how to use them. Books of tables for engineering, math, design… the Foxfire series. Some people like military manuals and training courses, I like the 50s and 60s books aimed at getting people up to speed in a trade. Stack some medical references. An encyclopedia, atlas, and globe. The best of western thought and writing. The “collected works” of authors in one volume are CHEAP. Goodwill and estate sales will fill your shelves for little money.

Take Yoda’s advice. “Save you what can.”

And stack.


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