Day: September 17, 2024

Tues. Sept. 17, 2024 – no bad things happened.

Hot and humid again, or still, or of course. Sunny and bright too. Yesterday was crazy hot and humid.

I drove in a big loop across most of Houston to do 4 pickups and then come home to get the kid. Saw three fires. I never see fires after that one year when I saw a half dozen. These all had responders on scene so I didn’t need to use my fire extinguishers. I’ve got a bunch in the truck… if needed.

Went out to my client’s house to help get xfinity fiber to the home installed. The installer wouldn’t get in an attic without a floor. And he really didn’t know much about networking, and barely could explain the features and limits of the service he was installing. For example, he didn’t know if it came with a fixed IP address or not. We’ll see later today if he managed to get it configured and provisioned, or not.

And that’s what I’ll be doing late morning, early afternoon- transitioning from the ATT fiber to the xfinity fiber. I’ve got some changes to make to the ubiquiti security gateway and router. Hope xfinity gets their part done, so I can flail away at mine. Then we’ll run the two concurrently either in load balance or in failover mode until the ATT contract expires. I can’t believe it’s been almost two years since we put the fiber in.

Time flies. Life. It’s what happens when you are planning for something else.

Don’t miss it.

With this second assassination attempt on T, things are getting even sportier. Get your stuff in a row.

Stack like time is short. It might be.


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