Day: September 14, 2024

Sat. Sept. 14, 2024 – non-prepping hobby day

Warm again, sunny and clear. Humid, too. Like the 13th. Sweaty thighs just standing around. Yuck.

I drove around in that heat doing my pickups. All over town and back. Got a couple hundred feet of razor wire. I’ll add it to the stacks of several hundred feet of barbed wire. Don’t know where or when I’ll need it, but I’ve got it. I actually think one of my neighbors at the BOL will need the barbed wire… or we’ll need to build some barricades after the fall…

And my project of ripping DVDs to the media server continues. Like so many things in life, just doing a little bit at a time, over time, will yield results. I’ve managed to rip another dozen or more movies, and a couple dozen CDs while sitting here doing other things. My collection grows…

Today I’ve got my non-prepping hobby monthly meeting. We’ll be doing show and tell about what we got at our big yearly show, and wrapping that up. My duties will be limited to the web site again, which is just fine. I enjoy being a part of the group and the group effort. I recommend finding something that gets you out of the house and involves you with people outside of your immediate acquaintances. It is a valuable experience, helps avoid tunnel vision, and is rewarding in its own right. People are important, and learning (or re-learning) how to get along and be part of a group is a valuable skill.

Stack up some friends and acquaintances. Stack some stuff. Do both!


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