Warm and overcast, threatening to rain. Cooler than summer though. Yesterday we got a bit of rain, depending on where you were in town. There was barely enough to make a puddle when I was at the range, but no more than a light mist at my house.
Spent the morning not doing stuff. Had a nice lunch, then got some range time in. Did surprisingly well considering how long it’s been since my last outing. And I was using new to me cordless hole punchers, in a size I’ve never used before. I’m pleased with the results, and after making a couple of minor adjustments and mods, these will be two more tools in the box.
I’m of the mind that having tools in the box is good. The more tools and the more options the better.
Today will be back to normal. Pickups, kid driving duties, domestic bliss… and maybe a small project or fix. There are plenty of tasks to choose from.
I’ve stacked up projects and tasks…
Stack some resources too…