Sun. Sept. 8, 2024 – summer might not really be over, but I can see it from here…

By on September 8th, 2024 in culture, decline and fall, march to war

Cool-ish, warm-ish, sunny and damp. Should be mid to upper 70s, and maybe low 80s, which is a HUGE drop in temps from a week ago. Feels nice too. Yesterday was beautiful. Since we were on the edge of the forecast zone, we didn’t get the rain. We got sun and blue sky, with mid 70s temps. Windows down, and driving around…

Talked to my neighbor about fence repairs. He will get a bid or 2 and manage it. I’ll write a check for half.

Did my hobby pickup in Conroe. Saw the lake through the trees. I like lakes and woods and Conroe has both. Stopped at a “giant garage sale” since I was there… but it was a guy’s barn full of marked stuff that he obviously periodically tries to sell. Cutting the prices in half would help him… a three car garage full of stuff, and most of it was crep or to expensive and very little even caught my eye. Some people don’t have an eye for what will sell.

Then I went by my secondary to see about some electrical fittings for the generator. I have stuff that will work, but I’m still looking for a better solution. Home Depot didn’t have anything that would work for me either.

Didn’t get to see my auctioneer about taking more stuff. I thought he was in the office until 4, but he was gone by 2pm.

Got home, watched some youtube. Had a relaxing evening.

Today I’ll do a bit more in the back yard. No one else cleaned up the trimmings from the trees or bushes, so I guess I will. Amazing how gender roles come back when there is a spider to kill or some unpleasant yard work… and I’ve got other stuff to clean up and put away. Sorting through it slowly. That should be a lot easier and quicker now that just being outdoors isn’t a health risk.

Do what you can, with what you have, and when you can. And stack…


53 Comments and discussion on "Sun. Sept. 8, 2024 – summer might not really be over, but I can see it from here…"

  1. lynn says:

    It is 69 F outside and we have a 10+ mph wind from the north blowing in.

    Winter is here.

  2. Greg Norton says:

    How in the heII do you make a woke version of GTA?   It’s whole point is non-PC.   You club hoes with baseball bats, ffs and steal cars…

    Just looking at the last official trailer drop?

    A “stunning and brave woman of color” as the central character.

    Plus, Florida as the setting invites all kinds of Prog hate pouring into the game since they couldn’t beat DeSantis within the borders of the state and it looks like the Republican Gubernatorial ticket for 2026 will be Gaetz/Luna.

    You left out the flamethrower, BTW.

  3. lynn says:

    Sol just peaked over Vivian’s house.  The varmints both came inside now that they have confirmed that Sol came back.

  4. lynn says:

    We went to Willies Ice House last night for supper with friends.  They had the sides of the restaurant ? Bar ? Beer joint ? rolled up and the north wind was blowing through the place.  But the a/c was on too. Lots of people there.

    Got their chicken fried chicken with jalepeno cream gravy.  I was in heaven.

  5. lynn says:

    “I’ve Become Absolutely Obsessed With Ralph Nader’s Pens. Join Me on My Continuing Investigation.”

    First world problem caused by third world cheapness ?

  6. Greg Norton says:

    Sony now owns Alamo Drafthouse so a censored version of this trailer was in front of “Beetlejuice Beetlejuice” in the screening we attended on Friday night.

    The next effort from Reitman the Younger continues to mine the family legacy.

  7. Greg Norton says:

    First world problem caused by third world cheapness ?

    Ralph should step up to a Pilot G2 gel.

  8. Greg Norton says:

    The next effort from Reitman the Younger continues to mine the family legacy.

    Someone remembered Paul Shaeffer started on “Saturday Night Live” before nearly tanking his career along with Norman Lear’s in “A Year At The Top”.

    And The Muppets — Jim Henson!

  9. MrAtoz says:

    Don’t know Chris Tucker from Adam.

    He also plays the weird MC/singer in The Fifth Element.

  10. MrAtoz says:

    We went to Willies Ice House last night for supper with friends.

    Where I was raised in Wisconsin, meals were: breakfast, dinner, and supper.

    Most other places I’ve been it is: breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

  11. Nick Flandrey says:

    Whoo hooo.   72.   Degrees that is.  Sunny and light breeze too.  What a nice day.  I hope we get more than a week of Fall, before winter hits.


    coffee is in the cup.


    someone went nuts and shot up an Interstate… 


    There are going to be a lot more “someone goes nuts” stories before we get back to normal.


  12. Nick Flandrey says:

    we ate “supper” during the week, and “dinner” on sunday.


  13. lpdbw says:

    Ralph should step up to a Pilot G2 gel.

    2 years ago, I would have agreed.  G2’s were my go-to pen for at least 5 years.

    But now, I’ve got an even better one.

    Pentel Energel liquid gel ink.

    No shade on the G2, which is a huge step up from most ball points.  But I won’t be going back.

  14. Greg Norton says:

    Pentel Energel liquid gel ink.

    Japanese, however.

    Ralph probably owns stock in Newell which, in turn, owns Paper Mate.

    To be fair, Pilot is Japanese-owned also.

  15. Nick Flandrey says:

    I like the gel pen with the 1.0 ball, but it does burn thru the ink.

    I used to use black flair pens on yellow legal pad exclusively.

    but the gel pens are nice.


  16. drwilliams says:


    “I’ve Become Absolutely Obsessed With Ralph Nader’s Pens. Join Me on My Continuing Investigation.”

    First world problem caused by third world cheapness ?

    Anyone doing such an analysis that doesn’t dissect the pens and fire up the mass spec and SEM early in the process is just playing at it.

    I had a conversation with Newell earlier this year about a batch of Silver Metallic Sharpies that failed almost immediately. They sent two boxes of replacements which lasted normally, so my conclusion was that it was likely storage/handling issues. Wasn’t worth doing lab tests as I wasn’t going to have advertisers footing the bill.

  17. drwilliams says:

    The online Pentel catalog is worth browsing.

  18. drwilliams says:

    H&I TV airs The Adventures of Superman from 8-10AM Saturday morning, and 10AM-12 Noon Sunday morning (CDT). I usually have it on one or the other, and had noted a couple weeks ago that editing to get more room for commercials had removed a bit too much and the episode titles were gone.

    Today they broadcast the last three episodes of the series and started over with the first. I confirmed the absence of titles for the penultimate and last episodes, but was not able to watch the beginning of the first and confirm titles were present. 

    I spent some quality time after coffee was brewed making Sunday breakfast. Cooked a 24-oz package of thick-cut Hormel Black Label Original (17 slices). QC took two slices. BLT’s took two slices of toasted sourdough from a wide loaf, eight slices of cheese (cheddar and jack), two fried eggs, and two slices from a tomato that started a half ounce shy of a pound.

  19. Nick Flandrey says:

    OMG!!1111 what kind of sicko puts CHEEZE on a BLT????     AHHHHH!!111!!111

    – Hmm, no mention of how much bacon went on that BLT…

    My personal blt?     Half pound of bacon for 2 slices of  normal bread loaf sliced bread, toasted lightly with extra butter, ketchup in place of tomato, leaf of iceburg lettuce, or two, with the goal of a cool crispness to counter the greasy goodness of the bacon.

    If desired, a bit of mayo or miracle whip…

    Otherwise, you taste all the other stuff and not the bacon.   


  20. Rick H says:

    If you cook a package of bacon, and then use it in a meal, any leftover bacon means that you aren’t doing it right.

  21. ITGuy1998 says:

    So the BLT talk has brought up a memory from childhood. I remember Mom making me tomato and cheese sandwiches for lunch sometimes. Two pieces of bread, a slice or two of tomato and a couple slices of cheese on each piece of bread. Bake in the toaster oven until the cheese melts. I loved them. Oh, and the tomatoes were fresh from the garden.

  22. drwilliams says:

    OMG!!1111 what kind of sicko puts CHEEZE on a BLT????     AHHHHH!!111!!111

    – Hmm, no mention of how much bacon went on that BLT…

    My personal blt?     Half pound of bacon for 2 slices of  normal bread loaf sliced bread, toasted lightly with extra butter, ketchup in place of tomato, leaf of iceburg lettuce, or two, with the goal of a cool crispness to counter the greasy goodness of the bacon.

    If desired, a bit of mayo or miracle whip…

    Otherwise, you taste all the other stuff and not the bacon.   

    “If desired, a bit of mayo or miracle whip…” And you dare lecture me about cheese, you Philistine!

    Three slices of the thick-cut bacon per egg.

    Tomato and bacon on the side. Bit of pepper. More coffee.

    I skim the bacon grease with a spoon midway through cooking a batch and again at the end, letting the bacon rest and drain a bit before removing it. Then after removing the bacon, I scrap the bacon bits from the pan and drain them, too. They are burnt, and the yield from 24 ounces is about two grams, but the flavor is intense.

    If you cook a package of bacon, and then use it in a meal, any leftover bacon means that you aren’t doing it right.

    Cloverdale Foods in SD packages their thick-cut smoked bacon in 5-lb packages that one of the local grocers gets pretty regularly. It goes on sale about three times a year. I divide the 80 ounces into three, so 26.7 oz each, and call it a package. A pound is never enough.

    I have friend that grow tomatoes commercially and got a bushel this week. Dehydrating a bunch, then making spaghetti sauce to freeze.

    Real tomatoes are only available 4 months, maybe 5 with a great growing season. The red baseballs they sell the rest of the year are not real.

  23. Ray Thompson says:

    I was given a folder with about 50 Pilot pens and pencils on a trip to Norway. The father of the girl we hosted was the distributor for Pilot Pens and Pencils in Norway. He gave me some high dollar pens and pencils. Three of the pencils are going for over $100.00 on EBay. Some of the pens could not be found online or on the Pilot website.

    I did have a Pilot retractable point pencil for 50 years. I purchased the pencil in 1973 when I was in the USAF and filling in coding sheets. Hundreds of sticks of graphic sticks went through that pencil and it still worked flawlessly. On my last trip to Norway, I gave the pencil to the host father. The pencil was selling for $300.00 on EBay the last time I checked. I was no longer using the pencil and when I die it would get tossed. I figured the pencil was better with someone who would appreciate the pencil.

  24. lpdbw says:

    Japanese, however.

    I didn’t realize that, so I checked and you’re right.

    Why is that relevant?

  25. Greg Norton says:

    Japanese, however.

    I didn’t realize that, so I checked and you’re right.

    Why is that relevant?

    Isn’t Ralph Nader a selfless crusader, protecting working class Americans from greedy corporations who don’t care if they live or die.

    I guess that it doesn’t matter now, but 30 years or so, it would have been a big deal for Nader to use a Japanese pen.

    These days, no one even wants to open Pournelle’s “shipping containers from China” anymore. They all want work from home jobs, monitoring stock levels in their Amazon reseller store and, when the numbers get low, ordering more Tide and deodorant stock from the West Coast shoplifting rings.

  26. Greg Norton says:

    The Car Keys Express event at Costco was a bust for me today as far as getting a new fob for my 2001 Solara.

    I wanted to have two fobs to sell with the car, and I only have one original. Maybe I’ll try a local locksmith again.

  27. Denis says:

    Where I was raised in Wisconsin, meals were: breakfast, dinner, and supper.

    We had breakfast, dinner and tea. Supper would be a collation before bedtime. Evening dinner would be fancy, for guests, with table linens, silver cutlery and fine china. A bit of a production…

    BLTs are a New World thing. We had rasher sandwiches, sometimes with slices of tomato and/or cheddar.

    One one of my favourite childhood meals was the tomato sandwich… white bread, Hellman’s mayonnaise and slices of very fresh tomato from the neighbour lady’s greenhouse with salt and pepper.

    Alternative was the apple sandwich. White bread, butter and thin slices of fresh apple from one of our trees in the garden. Incomparable flavour. Unfortunately, nobody in the family knew what the apple variety was. I would love to have it again.

    I was allowed to pick and eat a ripe apple from some friends’ tree this morning. The tart sweetness brought me right back to my childhood.

  28. Lynn says:

    First world problem caused by third world cheapness ?

    Ralph should step up to a Pilot G2 gel.

    I use a Uniball Micro 0.5mm, blue.  Buy them in boxes of 12.

    Blue so I know which contract is the original signed contract.  Few scanners do a righteous job on the blue.

  29. Lynn says:

    “Ford Cars Might Pitch Ads to You While You Drive”

    “They plan to charge you for extras that come with your car. Ford has some patented onboard technology that can make driving very uncomfortable.  They have a patent to use systems in your car to deliver ads.”

    “It’s called an In Vehicle Advertisement Presentation Systems and Methods. It uses destinations, where you are going, and how fast you drive to put the ads together. It plans to send audio ads while you are listening to music. If you go slow, it will send more ads, and it can tell if you like the ads by how hard you squeeze the steering wheel.”

    Oh hell no !

  30. paul says:

    Look at eBay for “2001 solara keyfob”.  Get one for less than $10

    My truck came with one fob, an ignition key, and a valet key (doesn’t work for the glove box).  Missing a fob and an ignition key.  I bought a couple of fobs on eBay.  Programing to the truck is simple.  I bought a couple of un-cut keys.  They have chips and need to be programed. At the dealer, I think.  I had one cut and it’s in a hide a key box under the lip in the bed.  Why?  Because I know a certain dummy is going to park, open the door, hit lock and set the keys down while getting the phone or whatever like messing with an umbrella and shut the locked door.  He’s done it before.

  31. nick flandrey says:

    uh oh, you’ll have to revoke the certain someone’s dessert privileges…   😉


  32. Greg Norton says:

    “They plan to charge you for extras that come with your car. Ford has some patented onboard technology that can make driving very uncomfortable.  They have a patent to use systems in your car to deliver ads.”

    Oh hell no !

    Just because a patent gets issued doesn’t mean the “inventor” has any clue about implementing the idea.

    Getting the patent is important to a Fortune 50 corporate career. Building it doesn’t matter.

    The patent can be weaponized against someone actually capable of building the tech.

    Maybe Ford should concentrate on avoiding recalls for a while. They’re leading the industry right now.

  33. Lynn says:

    “A SWAT Team Destroyed Their Home, Now This Family Is Going To The Supreme Court”

    “Vicki Baker was ready to close the sale of her house in McKinney, Texas, in July four years ago. She and her new husband were settling into a new home in Montana. Her daughter, Deanna Cook, lived in the McKinney house pending the sale closing.”

    “On July 25, 2020, the sale was canceled, the house had more than $50,000 in damage courtesy of the McKinney Police Department’s Special Weapons and Tactics team, and a fugitive was lying dead in what had been Baker’s master bedroom.”

    “Baker, and the public interest law firm, Institute for Justice, have petitioned the U.S Supreme Court to hear Baker’s claim that the damage constitutes a taking under the Fifth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. As such, the city would be obligated to provide Baker just compensation for the damage.”

    “The city of McKinney denies it owes Baker anything because the police were legally exercising their power while responding to an emergency. McKinney appears to have legal precedence on its side.”

    McKinney owes the home owner for damages and time.  How could anyone think otherwise ?

  34. Lynn says:

    “Social Security Facing $63 Trillion In Unfunded Liabilities”

    The real problem with Social Security is that previous Congresses and Presidents stole all the money and “invested” it in crap.  The federal government is broke and the sooner we figure that out, the better.

  35. lpdbw says:

    Ok, so Nader can’t use Japanese pens because….  reasons.

    Anti-nuclear anti-capitalist greenie PLT Nader hasn’t been on my radar for years.  I even had to look him up just now to confirm my memory.

    The biggest surprise was, at the beginning of this pen conversation, that Nader was still alive.

    Now I can go back to ignoring him.

  36. Greg Norton says:

    McKinney owes the home owner for damages and time.  How could anyone think otherwise ?

    Cue the last reel of “The Blues Brothers”:

    Heroes hard at work.

    BTW, isn’t McKinney the home of the first $80 million HOK-designed high school football stadium, the one which set the standard for all of the Texas ISDs to follow?

    Eh. The taxpayers certainly didn’t need that state surplus money.

  37. Lynn says:

    “Diablo 12 Gauge Pistols, Collectors Set, Nickel and Blued Finish with Rosewood Finish Grips, 6 inch barrel. -No FFL Required-”

    First, when you shoot the first barrel, you will never want to shoot the second barrel after that thing hits you in the face and breaks your nose.

    Second, no FFL required ?  Say what ?

  38. lpdbw says:

    Second, no FFL required ?  Say what ?

    Muzzleloader.  They also sell quick-load slugs.  Interesting.

  39. MrAtoz says:

    The Kamel Humper must be sweating bullets as polls switch to favor tRump. The big one is Nate Silver, but he has been way wrong before, like Kankles winning with 71%. But even NYT put tRump up by one which is worry time for the Dumbocrats.

    I wonder if the Kamel Humper will be “pumped up” with the special plugs cocktail for the debate. She needs something to focus her. Maybe an hour of bong hits just before she goes on stage.

  40. nick flandrey says:

    A better question is “why did that poll get reported?”  and “why now?”


  41. Ray Thompson says:

    Life’s a bitch. Then you die. Film at 11.

  42. lpdbw says:

    A better question is “why did that poll get reported?”  and “why now?”

    Show a bad poll now, so you can invent a bounce after claiming she won the debate?

    Oh, and @nick, check your email.

  43. Greg Norton says:

    I wonder if the Kamel Humper will be “pumped up” with the special plugs cocktail for the debate. She needs something to focus her. Maybe an hour of bong hits just before she goes on stage.

    Wine Mom.

  44. nick flandrey says:

    “Everyone in the studio gettin tipsy, me an box wine gotta history…”



  45. nick flandrey says:

    Just watched one of our more “high end” auctions go by.    Lot of luxury watches went unsold, as did about 1 in 6 of the guns.   Start prices were too high.

    Lot of guns and ammo in the auctions this week.   People are digging deep and parting with more, I think.   We’ll see if it continues.

    Lot of silver coins selling too.


  46. Greg Norton says:

    Just watched one of our more “high end” auctions go by.    Lot of luxury watches went unsold, as did about 1 in 6 of the guns.   Start prices were too high.

    I have a friend who works for a Wall Street infrastructure company who just put a deposit on a high end Rolex. He has doubts about affording the watch long term so resale is a concern.

    Florida. Marine environment. I told him that the first overhaul will be pricey.

  47. nick flandrey says:

    Webwandered into the Charles Booth London Poverty maps. 

    Mapped London street by street for income and social class.   “Lowest class. Vicious, 
    semi-criminal”  were marked in black…

    Pretty cool.


  48. drwilliams says:

    Census data is not released for 70 years, otherwise the maps we could make now of American cities would be terrifying to a broad swath of the populace. Time lapse would look like cancer growth in a lot of places.

  49. Nick Flandrey says:


    drwilliams link

    Don’t know why the editor borks the link


    highlight except the quote marks, right click, select open in new tab.

    Something in the plug in or editor that converts links to open in a new tab automagically or that parses links in some other way doesn’t like the spaces, paren, or .jpeg instead of .jpg

    computers and programmers… oy


  50. drwilliams says:

    Thanks, Nick.

  51. Nick Flandrey says:

    de nada…


  52. Nick Flandrey says:

    Now I’m off to bed, to read? to sleep? perchance to dream?

    Only the Shadow knows.


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