Day: September 6, 2024

Fri. Sept. 6, 2024 – Friday so soon? Well, we did miss Monday…

Cool and wet. OR Hot and wet. Won’t know until we get there. But yesterday was overcast and cool almost all day, and actually cool once the rain started. Some cool would be nice.

Spent the day at home. Had to take the kid to the orthodontist, then school. The other kid stayed home sick. And the plumber came to do the gas line for the whole house gennie. Yep, the one that has been sitting there for years.

It lives! Started right up too. Now I’ve got some electrical to do, a battery to buy, and some sound absorption stuff to install. It will be nice to have finally made progress on that project. Honestly don’t know why it’s taken so long, but part of it was biting the bullet on the expense. Part of it was “just do it.”

Cooking a nice brisket for dinner rounded out the day.

Today should be domestic bliss, and some auction stuff. I’ve got one pickup to do, maybe two. I need to talk with the auctioneer that’s been selling for me and get that going again. I need to move some stuff to storage, and look to see what electrical stuff I’ve got stored deep at the secondary location. It would be nice to get some other stuff done too. The week flew by.

Like they are wont to do.

So stack what you can while you can. Make a little progress every day. Like the rapidly vanishing year, you’ll be amazed what the little steps add up to.


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