Day: September 4, 2024

Wed. Sept. 4, 2024 – so much catching up to do

Cooler, and maybe less sun today. Yesterday’s threatened rain never did come, but the temps stayed down as the sun stayed away. Today should be similar.

After a slow start to the morning, my afternoon flew by. Auction stuff. Then kid chauffeuring for two hours. Then grocery shopping, into dinner, etc… Not many bargains at the grocery store.

Today I’ve got a meeting with a generator guy about doing the gas hookup. Then I’ve got a couple of pickups. That should eat most of my day.

In between I might be able to grab a thing or two off the list.

Or not. The beginning of school is always a bit chaotic and crowded.

Kinda like life.

Get what ducks you have in a row… and stack.


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