Day: September 3, 2024

Tues. Sept. 3, 2024 – Well, waddayano… Monday comes on a Tuesday this week

And it’ll be hot. Maybe not brain boiling hot, but still hot. And humid. ‘Cuz that’s how we roll in the Bayou City. Like yesterday. That was hot too, although slightly less hot than previous days.

I got up fairly early yesterday and started knocking out some little jobs. I replaced the door switch in the beverage fridge so the light comes on when you open the door. The old switch stuck. I hung a couple of speakers and made a plan to get wires to them on the dock. Wife has been pushing for this- let the stereo wars begin… I measured for insulation to close the previously flooded walls in the dockhouse. I unloaded the vehicles and mostly put stuff away. I even installed a screen door on the garage man door. It’s a retracting screen so it will only be in the way when we’re actually using it. Yes this paragraph IS all about me.

Other tasks were attempted too. I burned the last of the slash pile on the old but still quite toasty coals. This despite the rain… Then W put the coals out with lakewater. Much steaminess ensued. Items were put away where they belong. Books were shelved, although most were not, as the shelves were still waiting for stain and finish… and on my way out, I dropped off a few things for my buddy.

They were not large or difficult or even high priority items from the list, but they did need to be done eventually and they were low effort and low engagement, which was about all I felt up to doing. Because it was HOT AND HUMID.

Baby steps are still steps.

The same can be said for preparedness. Once you have the big stuff out of the way, it’s all small stuff. Or you could say that even doing small stuff helps you prep… because no matter how little you do, it’s still more than a vast majority will do.

So get out there and stack. Bag some low hanging fruit this week. You’ll be glad you did, and it might jump start more serious efforts.


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