Sat. Aug. 31, 2024 – hope it doesn’t rain…

It’ll still be hot and humid, but less so than Houston. Some chance of rain. It was a few degrees cooler up here last night than Houston, even chilly with the dampness. Nice change.

Spent Friday driving around, doing pickups, then errands. Got some stuff at Lowe’s to do projects up here. Ant killer too. Went to the chiropractor and got gas. $2.89/gallon. Picked my Ranger up from the shop. I’ve got new tie rod ends and the steering is better. Found some more damage to the control arms but I don’t think I’ll spend the money. Tires are cheaper…

Today I’ll start by cutting the grass, and knocking out a couple of small projects. Unloading both vehicles and putting stuff away will be a priority too. The rest will depend on weather. Too hot, or too wet, are both job stoppers.

One thing that won’t take too long is to check the moisture content of the walls in the dock house. If they are back to normal, I’ll make a list of what I need to close them back up. The meter was on clearance at Lowe’s so I finally bought one. It will be helpful to actually know the moisture content of the 2 x 4s instead of guessing that it’s “fine.”

I’ve got some projects that are indoors, and I’ll poke at them if I have too.

There is always more to do.

Like prepping, you can always do more, learn more, and stack more…


47 Comments and discussion on "Sat. Aug. 31, 2024 – hope it doesn’t rain…"

  1. Denis says:

    Hmm. Arrived at the BOL last night. No internet. Was too tired to investigate, so went to bed.

    After checking the house Asus network is working correctly, and rebooting the modem a couple of times to no avail, called the telco this morning. They couldn’t raise their modem, so are sending a technician first thing Monday. Pretty good service, considering we are out in the sticks.

    Now online using a hotspot from a 5G mobile phone. All painless, no AT control strings required. Simply magic.

  2. lynn says:

    Is it true that sugar is the only su* word in the English language the starts with the sh sound ? 

  3. lynn says:

    Picked my Ranger up from the shop. I’ve got new tie rod ends and the steering is better. Found some more damage to the control arms but I don’t think I’ll spend the money. Tires are cheaper…

    Good to hear that.  We had a fatality headon wreck in 1972 due to a broken tie rod on the other car on Highway 6 in Navasota, Texas.  Got my right leg broken in 2 places.  Was a bad day.

  4. drwilliams says:

    “Is it true that sugar is the only su* word in the English language the starts with the sh sound ? “

    Depends, Suggah. 

  5. Greg Norton says:


    So we are all going to have $100,000 household AI machines with 3X the electric bills that we have now ?  No freaking way.

    If the monkey trick doesn’t end soon, AI will be a big chunk of the demand increase. Wall Street is anticipating $20 Trillion+ of capital spending on technology

    Plus you will have all of the people moving to Texas, which, to the dominant Colonist demographic, is what California was to Chinese over the last 30 years.

    The water usage is already way beyond capacity and the state is draining the aquifers at this point.

  6. brad says:

    Is it true that sugar is the only su* word in the English language the starts with the sh sound ? 

    Sure 😛

  7. brad says:

    So, Germany is deporting some criminals back to the Middle East. Pretty sure they are flying commercial. Apparently, to motivate them to cooperate, they get EUR 1000 on the way out of the country. Funny coincidence, that’s just about the cost of a ticket from the Middle East back to Germany. Hmmm…

    I much prefer the proposal that the military should load them into military transports, fly them home and dump them out. Without the EUR 1000.

  8. Greg Norton says:

    Plus you will have all of the people moving to Texas, which, to the dominant Colonist demographic, is what California was to Chinese over the last 30 years.

    I forgot to add that lot of the dominant Colonist demographic work in tech, directly or indirectly.

  9. Greg Norton says:

    I much prefer the proposal that the military should load them into military transports, fly them home and dump them out. Without the EUR 1000.

    And without parachutes.

    Ach, ze old days, ja.

    Which reminds me — we are in San Antonio today, people watching at the anime show.

    Lots of Good Germans here, proudly displaying their party allegiance on their faces.

    This is only the second year since the pandemic that the show does not require attendees to show their allegiance by wearing ze armband -er- mask.

    Not that it would make a difference if the mask was worn on the arm.

  10. Greg Norton says:

    So, Germany is deporting some criminals back to the Middle East. Pretty sure they are flying commercial. Apparently, to motivate them to cooperate, they get EUR 1000 on the way out of the country. Funny coincidence, that’s just about the cost of a ticket from the Middle East back to Germany. Hmmm…

    I was summoned for jury duty two weeks ago, and the defendant in the repeated child molestation case gave off that “undocumented” vibe.

    What are we doing to ourselves in the US?

  11. mediumwave says:

    From yesterday:

    I really wanted Linux to win. It didn’t. It was remarkably good at some things, but not those that mattered most to me. I still have a couple of working boxes, and use them occasionally, but less often.

    Lundukes’s observations on the current state of Linux.

  12. dcp says:

    Went to the chiropractor and got gas.

    So many jokes….

  13. Nick Flandrey says:

    79F and overcast.   There was a sprinkle while I slept so IDK if I can cut the grass first thing…   Unloading trucks probably could be done.

    Breakfast is down the hatch, coffee is perking me up…


  14. lynn says:

    The water usage is already way beyond capacity and the state is draining the aquifers at this point.

    We are going to put in salt water filters using membranes in Texas.  Those get the salt water down to 15 ppm from 35,000 ppm salt of pre Biden money.  The cost is about $4 per 1000 gallons.  Good for residential, not good for crops (too expensive).

  15. lynn says:

    I am up at 1pm, Mom and I talked until 5 am then I finished Junkyard Cats #3.

  16. Greg Norton says:

    We are going to put in salt water filters using membranes in Texas.  Those get the salt water down to 15 ppm from 35,000 ppm salt of pre Biden money.  The cost is about $4 per 1000 gallons.  Good for residential, not good for crops (too expensive).

    Tampa Bay Water has desal plants. I think they work. Kinda.

    More electrical capacity will be needed.

  17. Greg Norton says:

    I‘ve seen at least four Lady Deadpool costumes today. Zero “Acolyte” characters.

    Right now, we are in a panel for a Japanese animation studio. Several of the animators are working on hand drawn scenes live.

    What? Hand drawing? I wonder where they got such an idea.

  18. Nick Flandrey says:

    Whew.   One hour for my lots, one hour for the HOA lots.   Then I cut some low hanging branches that were poking me when I was riding…

    Started a fire to burn my slash pile.

    It’s 95F in mixed sun.   It’s ok in the shade if the breeze hits you.


  19. Nick Flandrey says:

    I liked the books, but I don’t want to live in a world run by biker gangs.


  20. drwilliams says:

    “I don’t want to live in a world run by biker gangs.”

    Four years of Harris and that will look like a great alternative.

  21. paul says:

    I’ve been looking around at air-fryers.  Might not be a gimmick after all, there are a lot of different models and brands.  I bought this:   $50.  Two quart capacity. 

    Looks like just the thing to cook a handful of french fries.  Maybe with a Gorton’s fish filet or two or a few frozen breaded shrimp, too.  If it’s just a gimmick it can join the shelf where I stash unused (for now)(when the Keruig breaks, I’m done) electric percolators, a Fry Daddy, and the silly but fun Tater Twister. 

    Might be the best thing since sliced bread, too.  Only one way to find out. 

  22. MrAtoz says:

    Looks like just the thing to cook a handful of french fries.

    There are tons of air fryer recipes on YouTube.

  23. Ken Mitchell says:

    Air fryers are EXCELLENT for reheating meals, especially stuff you brought home from a fast-food place. French fries, onion rings, anything that was originally fried, reheats in an air fryer quite well. 

  24. MrAtoz says:

    I just set up Tubi TV on the new house Apple TV boxes. We’ll be streaming only.

  25. JimB says:

    I saw a lot of videos, so watched the first one, which seemed relevant:

    He sure talks a lot… the title is Pop!_OS Lead: Linux Developers are “Patronizing Pedantic Megalomaniacs”

    Is that what you meant me to see? I also poked around and looked for something else relevant, but didn’t find anything.

    My earlier point was that my main disappointment with Linux was with the application software, especially when I have to be compatible with the business environment, which is dominated by Windows. Some time ago, I said that my wife failed almost immediately, because she needed macro support in Excel, and it wasn’t available in Libre Office. That aside, I had fewer problems, because I can mostly be compatible with a lot thrown at me. Eventually, however, even I got tired of incompatibility and workarounds. To be brief, after five plus years of nearly 100% Linux, I went back to nearly 100% Windows, and that was Windows 10. Everything felt familiar, even though I had last used Windows 2000. I grudgingly admitted that 10 is better than 2k, although I still like 2k’s relative simplicity. Old habits die hard. I guess I am an Old Windows Guy. I started with Windows 2.1, and used about half of the major releases, including a couple versions of NT.

    Although I like Windows a lot and Linux a close (?) second, I do nominate Android as one of the easiest and most fuss-free OSs to live with. That’s another matter.

  26. CowboyStu says:

    JimB, I’ll give my experience in Linux in person.

  27. mediumwave says:

    He sure talks a lot… the title is Pop!_OS Lead: Linux Developers are “Patronizing Pedantic Megalomaniacs”

    Is that what you meant me to see? I also poked around and looked for something else relevant, but didn’t find anything.

    My bad–my comment should’ve been more focused: 

    Open Source is Not Inclusive

  28. JimB says:

    @mediumwave, I am shutting down, probably for the day, and just noticed your reply. I will look and comment as soon as I can. Thanks for the focus!

  29. Nick Flandrey says:

    Anyone got a favorite recipe for persimmons?   My tree is fruiting heavily, and some are already ripe.

    Raw they are kinda grainy and not super sweet.  Not bad, and I’d love them if I was hungry.

    Still burning slash pile.   One is gone, and the other is about half done.  


  30. Greg Norton says:

    Although I like Windows a lot and Linux a close (?) second, I do nominate Android as one of the easiest and most fuss-free OSs to live with. That’s another matter.

    Android is Linux.

    Any modern Apple device runs a flavor of BSD Unix, mostly FreeBSD.

  31. lynn says:

    Tampa Bay Water has desal plants. I think they work. Kinda.

    More electrical capacity will be needed.

    Desal plants use a LOT of steam with flash evaporation, very expensive to run.

    Membrane plants are fairly cheap to run, you only have to pressurize the salt water to 400 psig.  The membranes are expensive so the capital cost is high.

  32. lynn says:

    I liked the books, but I don’t want to live in a world run by biker gangs.


    I don’t want to live in a world with freeranging Mamabots and Warbots.  Guess what the Chinese and Russians are working on ?

  33. lynn says:

    Tampa Bay Water has desal plants. I think they work. Kinda.

    California has 20 or 25 million gallons per day of membrane plants.  They work fairly well but the ecogreenies complain about the 45,000 ppm salt efluent streams going back into the ocean water.

  34. Nick Flandrey says:

    second pile is down to ¼ and the fire ring has a pile of coals 2 ft high and 4 ft across.

    Time for dinner.

    Sweaty and hot until the sun went down.


  35. Greg Norton says:

    Tampa Bay Water has desal plants. I think they work. Kinda.

    California has 20 or 25 million gallons per day of membrane plants.  They work fairly well but the ecogreenies complain about the 45,000 ppm salt efluent streams going back into the ocean water.

    Tampa Bay Water’s desal plant is reverse osmosis.

  36. lpdbw says:

    Android is Linux.

    Yes, but…

    One vendor imposes the entire user interface.

    All products and installs are tested and installed through one vector.

    No one tells you RTFM as an answer to every innocent request for “how do I?”

    LInux dweebs absolutely LOVE to dunk on people just trying to get as easy a user experience as…. Windows.

  37. lpdbw says:

    Thanks for the Tubi recommendation.  I’ve had it forever on my Roku, and used it today for the first time.

    Watched In The Heat Of The Night – the original movie.

    Wow.  Rod Steiger and Sidney Poitier at the top of their game.  Steiger 3 years after The Pawnbroker, and Poitier did The Lillies Of The Field, In The Heat Of The Night, and Guess Who’s Coming To Dinner all released in the same year.

    The commercials were well spaced, not too long, and didn’t jump the volume up like some other streaming channels.

    I’ll use it again.

  38. lynn says:

    SpaceX launched two Falcon 9s this morning, one from Carnaveral and one from Vandenberg.  Both launched 21 version 2 satellites.

  39. lynn says:

    “Japanese Researchers Link Covid Shots to Permanent Blindness”

    “Dr. Ohmura’s team sought to better understand how Covid mRNA injections are associated with some patients to the development of systemic rheumatic diseases.”

    “The study noted that cases of rheumatoid arthritis, myocarditis, Guillain-Barre syndrome, and giant cell arteritis (GCA) have been surging in people after receiving Covid shots.”

  40. lynn says:

    “NASA Names Half-sized Crew 9 – FAA Clears Falcon 9 to Fly”

    Friday afternoon, NASA announced the downsized crew for the Crew-9 Mission to the ISS, a necessity brought on by flying the Starliner home autonomously and having Starliner Astronauts move to the Crew-9 vehicle to come home.”

    No jumpseats for the hitchhikers.

  41. Nick Flandrey says:

    Nice night for stars and radio.   

    Enjoyed a tiny little fire.

    The lower third of the sky was hazy, but overhead was nice, the milky way was out.  Saw one dramatic meteor that had a nice long tail.

    20M was open but more noisy than some nights.   Some guy in Calgary was booming in.   Several NZ stations were working DX and I could hear several of their conversations.   Heard one guy working Stavenger Norway from the North Island of NZ.   Crazy.  The NZ station was loud and clear, the Norway station was just above the noise but understandable.

    Lots of cuban commercial stations in 6mhz,  I haven’t heard many cubans in a while.

    It’s a chilly and damp 74F currently, and I’m headed to a shower and bed.


  42. Alan says:

    >> SpaceX launched two Falcon 9s this morning, one from Carnaveral and one from Vandenberg.  Both launched 21 version 2 satellites.

    And both 9’s landed normally. Reuse stats weren’t readily available.

  43. Alan says:

    >> One vendor imposes the entire user interface.

    Yes, Google does this…sort of…they allow other Android vendors to include their own bloatware (launchers – eg Samsung; sports app – eg Verizon).

    I only use Pixel phones – they always get Android security and functionality updates first. And no bloatware.

    N.B. wasn’t clear if you see the Android model as good or bad.

  44. Alan says:

    >> Tampa Bay Water has desal plants. I think they work. Kinda.

    Yeah, what he said…

  45. Alan says:

    >> Started a fire to burn my slash pile.

    Okay, “slash,” not “stash,” never mind  ;o

  46. Alan says:

    Just guessing but probably happened because Rolex has long since closed their own store and high-tailed it out of Ka-ka-fornia…

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