Day: August 31, 2024

Sat. Aug. 31, 2024 – hope it doesn’t rain…

It’ll still be hot and humid, but less so than Houston. Some chance of rain. It was a few degrees cooler up here last night than Houston, even chilly with the dampness. Nice change.

Spent Friday driving around, doing pickups, then errands. Got some stuff at Lowe’s to do projects up here. Ant killer too. Went to the chiropractor and got gas. $2.89/gallon. Picked my Ranger up from the shop. I’ve got new tie rod ends and the steering is better. Found some more damage to the control arms but I don’t think I’ll spend the money. Tires are cheaper…

Today I’ll start by cutting the grass, and knocking out a couple of small projects. Unloading both vehicles and putting stuff away will be a priority too. The rest will depend on weather. Too hot, or too wet, are both job stoppers.

One thing that won’t take too long is to check the moisture content of the walls in the dock house. If they are back to normal, I’ll make a list of what I need to close them back up. The meter was on clearance at Lowe’s so I finally bought one. It will be helpful to actually know the moisture content of the 2 x 4s instead of guessing that it’s “fine.”

I’ve got some projects that are indoors, and I’ll poke at them if I have too.

There is always more to do.

Like prepping, you can always do more, learn more, and stack more…


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