Day: August 29, 2024

Thur. Aug. 29, 2024 – time flies… and any landing you walk away from is a good landing.

Supposed to be a chance of rain again today, and slightly cooler temperatures. Yesterday ended up in the high 80s, low 90s, but it stayed cool for a while. There was spotty rain, depending on where you were, but I barely got any here at home.

I didn’t have a very productive day. I fell asleep in the chair after breakfast and that set me back all day. Later I spent some time looking for sneakers to replace the pairs I’m wearing out, and did an online order with in store pickup later in the day. I also ordered a couple of things I needed around the house. Sanded and mudded the ceiling repairs in the bathroom and kitchen. They should have been done a long time ago, but I never wanted to make the mess. A quick sand and they will be ready for paint, and no longer on my list.

Got the kid from school, hit the chiropractor, picked up my shoes, came home and cut the grass. That was kinda productive… One trick, I like to wear shorts when it’s hot, but cutting the grass with the string trimmer is very painful in shorts. I bought a pair of MMA foam shin guards in the auction, and I wear those now to run the string trimmer. I’ve got a pair at the BOL, and one here. Legs stay cool, but almost all of the chips and bits get stopped by the shin guards instead of my shins. It might look silly but I don’t care. No more bloody shins.

Today will be more home work, mostly putting stuff away, and a couple of auction pickups. The shady guy finally has the last three auctions ready for me to pick up, I’ve got a couple of lots at another auction, and a third local auction to pick up later in the day. I only have a couple of lots at each of them, but I do need to get them picked up.

I’ll need to sort out what I’m taking up to the BOL this weekend too. OH, and taking the pickup to the mechanic because the alignment is off… just a little but they supposedly did the alignment after changing the shocks, so I’m miffed that it isn’t right. Of course I really need the truck for the next day, and then all weekend. Grrr. Not pleased. Not at all.

Still trying to improve my readiness. Still stacking. Got lots to do.


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