Mon. Aug. 26, 2024 – now I can do all the things I’ve been putting off…

By on August 26th, 2024 in culture, decline and fall, ebay, march to war

Slightly less hot, and small chance of rain, which is a nice change from ‘normal’. Even yesterday was slightly less humid, you could see that the air was clearer than it has been. Any change to “less” is a good change.

I finished up my hobby thing. Show floor was very dead Sunday. It’s always challenging to keep some exhibitors from leaving early, but this was a crazy number that left. Added to having fewer exhibitors to start with and Sunday was DEAD. I had some sales though, about $225, on Sunday. Lots of smalls, and really tiny margins, but I did move stuff. The big items didn’t budge.

Talking with others there, they sold some things, but the excitement was missing. One guy said it was because people were ‘scared’. They are worried about war and violence and the economy failing. He new about the new ammunition factory and about the new chip fabs, and their importance if war breaks out. Everyone mentioned inflation.

It was another data point, another reality check for me. A broad cross-section of folks, all with the same concerns.

An ill wind is blowing, and lots of folks have their finger in the air, trying to take its measure.

After I got everything packed and we cleaned out the venue, I came home and fell asleep for a couple hours. W and the Ds woke me when they got home. They had a good time with friends at the lake. Then I took the trailer and unloaded at my storage unit. Decided to put it all there, instead of putting some at the secondary location. I unloaded the rest back at home.

Today I’ll return the trailer, and hopefully my ranger will be ready for pickup. Once I get that sorted, I can get back to normal stuff here at the Casa De Nick. I’ll probably do an auction pickup too.

Lots to do, lots to stack, and no one knows how much time left. Get busy.


34 Comments and discussion on "Mon. Aug. 26, 2024 – now I can do all the things I’ve been putting off…"

  1. Greg Norton says:

    A city is allowed to control its own growth. For example: they could stop issuing building permits. But the US mentality is “growth is always good”, and the local politicos smell additional tax money, so…

    “Son, this land has been in mah family for five generations so no pointy head ‘urban planner’ is gonna tell me what I can do with the property. That is between me and Elon Musk.”

  2. Nick Flandrey says:

    Up and getting kids ready.   I’m not as sore as I thought I’d be… so that’s good.


  3. Ray Thompson says:

    A city is allowed to control its own growth. For example: they could stop issuing building permits.

    In the city officials view growth is more money in taxes and more money to waste. Especially in raises for city officials.

  4. Nick Flandrey says:

    Well realistically if you aren’t growing, you’re declining.    And since construction and growth is cyclical you “make hay while the sun shines” and use the resulting revenue to build out the city side of things later.   This is a problem when the city takes the money and uses it on homeless, or illegals, or featherbedding.


    78F at 7am.   Still feels pretty damp but the sky is clear and there was a pretty sunrise. 


  5. MrAtoz says:

    I’m listening to the “Art Bell Back In Time Podcast”. A blast from the past. I like putting it on in the background while doing mundane work.

  6. CowboyStu says:

    JimB & EdH, my apologies  for my mistake and thanks for catching it!

    Yes, Sat Sept 7, 12 noon at Five Fingers Pub in Inyokern.  We have room booked at Dow Villa in Lone Pine for that night.

  7. JimB says:

    Thanks, CowboyStu. I will see you in Inyokern.

  8. Alan says:

    >> Everyone mentioned inflation.

    Kamelnomics is coming, nothing to fear! 

  9. drwilliams says:

    Cancer is growth. 

  10. Greg Norton says:

    Cancer is growth. 

    Travis County (Austin proper) is a cancer which has metastasized and spreading up and down I-35. 

    Hays County (Buda/San Marcos/New Braunfels) was already left wing due to Texas State University, but Williamson County has only turned since we’ve been here. The inflection point was the WilCo Sheriff being deposed with the help of the Travis DA four years ago.

    I’m not going to mince words. The Sheriff was *deposed* albeit non-violently.

  11. nick flandrey says:

    We had a massive downpour and thunderstorm after I got back from dropping off the trailer.   It’s cleared out now, and we didn’t lose power.  

    I haven’t stuck my nose out, but I’m betting on “really freaking steamy” given all the wet ground and the sun shining…


  12. Lynn says:

    I finished up my hobby thing. Show floor was very dead Sunday. It’s always challenging to keep some exhibitors from leaving early, but this was a crazy number that left. Added to having fewer exhibitors to start with and Sunday was DEAD. I had some sales though, about $225, on Sunday. Lots of smalls, and really tiny margins, but I did move stuff. The big items didn’t budge.

    Talking with others there, they sold some things, but the excitement was missing. One guy said it was because people were ‘scared’. They are worried about war and violence and the economy failing. He new about the new ammunition factory and about the new chip fabs, and their importance if war breaks out. Everyone mentioned inflation.

    It was another data point, another reality check for me. A broad cross-section of folks, all with the same concerns.

    Mostly conservatives I’ll bet.  The liberals are all going crazy right now with their TDS.

  13. Lynn says:

    >> Everyone mentioned inflation.

    Kamelnomics is coming, nothing to fear! 

    Just 30% inflation per year.  What is your problem with that ?

  14. Lynn says:

    “How new DPS rules are leaving transgender Texans in limbo”

    “After the state announced that it would no longer change the sex on Texas driver’s licenses except for “clerical errors,” transgender Texans say they are confused and scared.”

    Are you kidding me ?  Confused and scared ?

  15. Chad says:

    Didn’t the fed chair come out a year or so ago and basically say they were upping interest rates with the intention of creating a recession as that was the only thing that would halt inflation (both price inflation and wage inflation)? It hasn’t happened yet.

  16. drwilliams says:

    “The Democrats got Cornel West removed from the Michigan ballot but a judge overruled the decision, saying West is eligible.”

    I mistakenly said PA in an earlier post. 

  17. Greg Norton says:

    “After the state announced that it would no longer change the sex on Texas driver’s licenses except for “clerical errors,” transgender Texans say they are confused and scared.”

    Are you kidding me ?  Confused and scared ?

    The Chronicle knows that is the kind of line that plays well with the Wine Moms who are going to decide this election.

    Gotta get Paxton’s name in there too. The Bush cabal at work.

    I can’t imagine that Abbott wouldn’t run in two years, but George P. (Diddly) Bush will make an attempt at the Governor’s Mansion whenever he gets the chance.

  18. drwilliams says:

    Libya says they will take 1.8mbd out of the market. They supply 8% of the European market. 

    Brent crude up 3%. 

    What’s the winter forecast, Kenneth? More elderly freezing to death in the Green Energy Perdition?

  19. Lynn says:

    “Junkyard Cats” by Faith Hunter

    Book number one of a four book novella science fiction series. I read the well printed and well bound POD (print on demand) trade paperback published by Lore Seekers Press in 2023 that I bought on Amazon. I have ordered the other three books in the series.

    The book is set in the not so distant future, probably 2060 or so. In 2043, thousands of Chinese Mama bots advanced into Seattle in 2043, creating and deploying Warbots to kill the population. The Mama bots self replicate and spread across the USA, killing off most of the population with their warbots, starting “The Final War”.

    Shining Smith has just bought an old scrapped Tesla warplane for her West Virgina junkyard but she finds an old friend dead in the cockpit when she broke the military seals. And, the plane is infected with bicolor ants, a nanobot enhanced ant that a crazy person introduced to the USA to eat all of the dead bodies. Shining is one of the few known survivors of a bicolor ant swarm, who infected her with their nanobots. And she is a survivor of The Final War that started when she was 12. But her old friend is a warning that danger is coming.

    The author has a website at:

    My rating: 5 out of 5 stars 
    Amazon rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars (4,587 reviews)


  20. Lynn says:

    “ERCOT successfully navigates heat wave, new peak demand record”

    “Thousands of megawatts of new solar, wind and battery storage have helped keep the grid reliable this summer, said Electric Reliability Council of Texas officials.”

    “That helped keep the lights on Tuesday, when ERCOT appeared to set a new peak demand record of 85,559 MW. The figure is preliminary until verified by market settlement data.”

    A lot of power purchase contracts are being renegotiated since the prices did not go stratospheric this summer.  I just got notified by Energy Ogre that they are going to cancel or renegotiate my electricity contract for my home.

  21. Lynn says:

    Well, we have hit peak crazy.  There are people claiming to be descendants of a long lost cannibalistic Indian tribe here in south Texas that were supposedly wiped out by the Spaniards for their eating habits.

    “The Karankawa Want You to Know They’re Not Extinct”

  22. Lynn says:

    Libya says they will take 1.8mbd out of the market. They supply 8% of the European market. 

    Brent crude up 3%. 

    What’s the winter forecast, Kenneth? More elderly freezing to death in the Green Energy Perdition?

    More importantly, Libyan oil is light and sweet.  European refineries cannot handle heavy or sour oil.  So the replacement crude oil has to come from Saudi light sweet or Texas light sweet.  Either is a hike to get to Europe.  We are already shipping a Panamax crude oil freighter daily from Texas to Italy.  It is a pain since we do not have a unused deep water port in Texas so they have to use Lightering to load the Panamax ship.

  23. Lynn says:

    “Maine Loggers Review the Cybertruck”

    It is a great toy.  Work truck, no, it does not handle mud at all.

  24. lpdbw says:

    transgender Texans say they are confused and scared.

    Mentally ill people say they’re confused and scared.  That’s not exactly “Man bites dog” level of news.

  25. Ray Thompson says:

    Currently in Gatlinburg TN. Spending four nights in a RV park. RV parks in this location tend to be expensive, because of location. We have never stayed here before. We found it while wandering around after taking the spousal unit to a craft show. Seemed like a nice park, smaller, well maintained, and lots of shade.

    We try to go somewhere once a month in the spring and fall (March, April, May, June, September, October and November). The other months are too hot or too cold. This is a good time for Gatlinburg as schools are in session and the tourist traffic drops dramatically.

    Smacked my head on the awning arm. I normally put pool noodles on the arms as when lowered a little they are head high. I didn’t this time (I forgot) and left a nice gash on my head that bled a lot. The cut is not enough for stitches but that sucker does hurt.

  26. paul says:

    I am for some reason in the Amazon Vine program.  I guess enough folks like my reviews.  Anyway.  You get the stuff for free.  They want honest reviews and not all “this is the best ever” shtick.  You do have to claim it as income on your taxes so it’s not totally free.

    So here is this:

    It’s four polo shirts for $39.99.  That qualifies for free shipping.  I didn’t expect super duper shirts for the price.  What I received was four individually wrapped shirts, cardboard included and tagged at $48. Each.

    The large fits me great.  Other brands large tend  to the baggy side.  So you might want to order up a size.

  27. Greg Norton says:

    Currently in Gatlinburg TN. Spending four nights in a RV park. RV parks in this location tend to be expensive, because of location. We have never stayed here before. We found it while wandering around after taking the spousal unit to a craft show. Seemed like a nice park, smaller, well maintained, and lots of shade.

    How many kids are sporting moonshine distillery t-shirts this week?

  28. nick flandrey says:

    Actually it was cooler, and the rain dried up pretty quickly.   Except for scattered drops in scattered areas.


  29. nick flandrey says:

    Picked up the Ranger.   BOTH front shocks were broken, not just the right one.   That explains the occasional noise from the left…

    My wallet is $2K lighter.

    I guess I better get the ebay store going again.


  30. Lynn says:

    Actually it was cooler, and the rain dried up pretty quickly.   Except for scattered drops in scattered areas.

    We got so much rain at the house that I turned off the sprinkler system again.  We are forecast for rain every day for the next 10 days.

  31. Ken Mitchell says:

    We are forecast for rain every day for the next 10 days.

    If you could, please push a little of that to San Antonio. Only about 150 miles, but we’ve seen ZERO precipitation in the last 3 weeks. Apparently, there were a couple of HEAVY rain storms yesterday only 10 miles north of here.

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