Day: August 25, 2024

Sun. Aug. 25, 2024 – last day of my hobby thing…

And it will still be a hot one. Because yesterday was, and it’s still Summer in Houston. There might be a little relief from the humidity though. When I got home yesterday a little bit of localized rain had cleared some of the humidity and it was almost nice out in the evening.

Got my ice and got to the venue on time. Set up the tables and spent the next 9 hour talking to people an trying to sell them stuff. It was tough. The mood on the floor was very subdued compared to previous years. I was selling $3, $5, and the occasional $10 or $20 item, and not doing much in the way of combined sales. Things got better before lunch and when the general admission started, and I sold more higher priced items and more combinations.

By 230pm the crowd started to thin, and several vendors packed up their tables. It felt very late in the day, and by the end of the day even more people had packed up early. Not good.

People I chatted with all blamed the economy, and everyone was very aware of price inflation for groceries.

We’ll see how today shapes up. Sunday has always been a slower day, and one that some vendors skip. I hope it isn’t a ghost town today.

So I’m off to do my thing, and then pack up and head home later.

I’ve talked to a LOT of people and gotten a feel for the lay of the land, which is always useful.

And I’m feeling like I should redouble my prepping efforts. It’s getting worse, but stacks will help.


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