Fri. Aug. 23, 2024 – first day of my hobby get together…

And it will still be hot. And it will still be humid. Weather? We’ve got both kinds.

It was crazy hot again yesterday. It’s not the absolute temperature that is the problem, it’s the combination with crazy high humidity and lack of breeze. And it was hot.

Did my running around and errands but it was 800pm by the time I was done, except for finishing the trailer load. That went for another couple of hours as I sorted and pulled stuff from my office. Having to wash out two coolers, and replace the hinges on one added some time. I’ve got a lot of cooler repair parts, as they are cheap and I buy used coolers, or find them on the street. Hinges take almost no time, clasps, retaining straps, and even drain plugs are easy. If you’ve got the parts at hand, it’s simple to fix the things when they need fixing. That’s pretty much true for most things.

I’m actually preferring the enclosed trailer to the Ranger. I don’t have to worry about rain, or security. So it’s working out. The cost of the fixes for the Ranger, and the additional rental for the trailer will kinda suck, but that’s life too.

While I was out doing my errands, we apparently lost power for about 1/2 hour. Centerpoint says it was due to “a safety hazard prevention”. That sounds like a tree trimmer made a mistake. There was some localized thunder, and even some spatter of drops, but not on me and it didn’t seem like it was in our neighborhood, so not likely to be weather related, even without the weird turn of phrase from Centerpoint.

Today I’ll head to the hotel to help with set up and then load in. Eventually I’ll set up my own tables, and then we’ll open the floor. Commenting will be thin as I’m going to be busy all day. You’ll have to talk amongst yourselves.

And if you find yourself with some spare moments, say a prayer for Barbara’s swift and complete recovery. She says she’s doing fine, but a sudden and unexpected heart attack is never a good thing.

Stack too, if you can.


52 Comments and discussion on "Fri. Aug. 23, 2024 – first day of my hobby get together…"

  1. Greg Norton says:

    Interesting. My web server runs FreeBSD. FreeBSD has been ported all over the place to many platforms.

    Mac OS X cribbed heavily from FreeBSD during early development, and FreeBSD ran Yahoo! fo rmany years.

    The BSD license is very generous and only requires attribution. A lot of what we consider standard Unix utilities came out of the BSD work, starting with vi.

    The legend is that Bill Joy coded vi in one night after getting frustrated with the standard Unix editor at the time, a direct inspiration of edlin on DOS.

    I’m sure heavy drugs were involved

    The Hot Skillz crowd needs to give it a rest.

  2. Ray Thompson says:

    I worked for a company that was proud of their cafeterias staffed by company employees

    When I worked for National Bancshares Corporation in San Antonio a staff cafeteria was provided. The food was basically at cost as the staff and overhead was covered by the corporation. It was a good place to eat. The food was good, the staff friendly, and it was a sociable atmosphere. It was easy to eat lunch for about $2.00.

    There was also the officer dining room, reserved for bank officers and their guests. I was a bank officer having that title bestowed on me after a couple of years working in the organization. The title gave me nothing but access to the dining room. The food was below cost. There were nice tables that sat 4, and a wait staff. A steak lunch, with the trimmings, was $5.00. No money was ever collected in the dining room as the cost was charged to the diner’s bank account.

    I would eat there about once a month as I much preferred the cafeteria. I could eat with my coworkers and we could laugh and have a social atmosphere rather than the stuffy environment of the dining room. The cafeteria also served breakfast, the dining room did not.

    It was a nice perk of the job.

    After MTech took over the IT functions of the corporation, the cafeteria and dining room were still accessible. A couple of months after MTech took over I was told that seven people were being laid off (I supervised twelve people). I was informed shortly before lunch of the names of the people as I had no say in the matter. We had all gone to lunch and everyone had got wind there were going to be layoffs. Everyone was pointing fingers at others while wondering if they were on the chopping block. I knew the names. It was really a depressing lunch. After lunch the people who were being laid off were called to human resources, in another building about two blocks away, and informed they were canned. During that time, I was tasked with removing their access from the system along with people in other departments. It was the worst day I ever had at the corporation.

    Within one year the holding company became insolvent and was taken over by FDIC. I left about three months after MTech took over. Their plan to run the IT was unworkable.

  3. Ray Thompson says:

    Maxwell House coffee brewed weakly weekly and served from an urn in a church foyer has more flavor than Starbucks Blonde.

    Fixed it for you.

  4. Nick Flandrey says:

    And I’m off to my thing.  

    Already hot and sunny, with humidity off the scale.


  5. lpdbw says:

    Weather? We’ve got both kinds.

    NIce!  A Blues Brothers reference.

  6. Greg Norton says:

    I worked for a company that was proud of their cafeterias staffed by company employees

    Charges to my credit card for the food service go to [company name].

    Aramark handles the vending machines, but someone else provides the food service.

    The vibe in the building reminds me of the Death Star in Tampa 20 years ago.

    The last true CEO of the Death Star prior to the SBC buyout even sits on the board.

  7. lpdbw says:

    I have a casual friend who works for Aramark at a high corporate level.  He’s a trained chef with a lot of executive experience.  I just saw him yesterday to buy a ham radio from him.

  8. Denis says:

    Many years ago, I worked at a bank. It had its own canteen, with employed kitchen staff. It was just like Ray described, cheap, convivial, and excellent food. One of the cooks had been the “saucier” at a famous hotel in Paris, and he was a magician with food.

    Like Ray said, the bank was taken over, the bean counters sent in, the canteen staff fired, the catering outsourced.

    Quality went in the toilet and prices exploded. Bank staff rebelled. Instead of dining in-house and talking shop, everyone went outside for meals, lunches became longer and more liquid, and productivity in the afternoons plummeted. The bean counters ruined it for everyone, including the bank, except for the local publicans.

    Years later, I saw exactly the same thing happen to a canteen in the public service. People are stupid and predictable.

  9. lynn says:

    101 F in the backyard at noon.  Heavily overcast though, maybe some more rain.

  10. drwilliams says:

    I remember one quarterly corporate meeting for quality improvement and cost reduction. I’d been in position for more than a year and got tired of big claims about cost reduction projects that were never followed up by actual performance. 

    I asked if we could have follow-up reports and chart results. 

    I had no inside info, but made instant enemies that day out of one group. Seems they were just coming to grips with a disaster—one of their projects had been implemented with an unforeseen cost in the form of increased corrosion. 

    The ultimate price tag was in the millions and wiped out more than a year of claimed reductions for their entire group. 

  11. Lynn says:

    xkcd: Time Traveler Causes of Death

    So no time travelers died of the extreme heat at 250 million years ago when the average temperature of the Earth was over 90 F ?

    Explained at:

  12. Lynn says:

    I made it through the first season of Picard, but it took some effort. I guess I’m just not into TV series any more. Packing a story into 45 minutes, with embedded cliff hangers to allow for commercial breaks – it’s just too artificial.

    The second season of Picard was good.  The third season was … ok.

  13. Lynn says:

    Side Quested: Sleeping with a Vulture

    Nope, not going to do that.  Vultures are nasty creatures, dogs are clean compared to them.

    I’ve seen 200 of them stripping a baby fawn or a 100 of them eating a feral pig on one of my properties. Nasty, nasty, nasty.

  14. Lynn says:

    “Did nobody stop to think what might happen in an emergency in space?”

    “Following on the absurdities of the Boeing Starliner imbroglio, yet more news about a potentially dangerous limitation.”

    ““The Boeing spacesuit is made to work with the Starliner spacecraft, and the SpaceX spacesuit is made to work with the Dragon spacecraft,” NASA told Fox News Digital. “Both were designed to fit each unique spacecraft.””

    Oops. I suspect that SpaceX will send up a couple of new space suits on the next supply spaceship.

  15. Lynn says:

    Pearls Before Swine: Rat is a Flat Earther

    Oh no, they keep on popping up all over the place.

  16. Lynn says:

    “Houston to get $9.9 billion in funding to expand, widen major roads”

    “The Texas Transportation Commission approved an updated plan for $104.17 billion in road improvements across the state.”

    A ten year plan so divide each number by ten to get an approximation of the annual expenses.  Still, that is a lot of money.  I wish that they would finish I-14 across Texas from Baton Rouge to Fort Stockton (the I-10 bypass of Houston and San Antonio):

  17. Lynn says:

    “Kamala’s Maduro Plan: #ComradeKamala Wants to Raise Taxes by $5,000,000,000,000”

    “(The Economic Collapse Blog)—She just can’t help herself.  If Kamala Harris was smart, she would not have any specific policy positions.  She is not a serious candidate and she should not try to be one.  Her best chance of winning to to just wave and smile a lot.  When she was running on “joy” for the first couple of weeks, millions of Americans loved that.  Of course it was a total charade because just like Hillary Clinton, behind the scenes Kamala Harris is extremely mean and vicious.  That is why she has always had such a high turnover rate among her staff.  But if she had just kept running on “joy”, there is a very good chance that she could have won.”

    “Americans for Tax Reform examined the plan that she has endorsed, and they concluded that it would raise taxes by 5 trillion dollars over the next 10 years.”

    Hat tip to:

  18. lpdbw says:

    I love the editor’s note on the link, Lynn.

    Basically says “believe us!  we’re all scientific-like!   Don’t actually use your own brain to come to conclusions.”

  19. Ray Thompson says:

    Did nobody stop to think what might happen in an emergency in space

    Remember, these are the same people who thought it was a good idea to have 100% oxygen in the spacecraft. A place with electricity, wires, switches that spark, things that burn, and an inward opening hatch that jammed close under pressure.

    And in other news. The wife and I just got off a video call with one of our exchange students. We talked for 45 minutes. All the way from Germany to TN. Think of that. The ability to communicate, six thousand miles away, with video, in color, with an individual, for no additional cost. I remember talk of video phones in the ‘60’s. Expensive devices, calls were expensive, black and white, low resolution. That stuff is real now, and much better than promised.


  20. Lynn says:

    “Subway announces a new price for footlongs as it enters the value menu wars”

    The fast food wars are accelerating into a declining marketplace as people cannot afford to eat out.

  21. Ray Thompson says:

    And let’s not forget Dick Tracy’s wristwatch. That generally exists, and a lot more, in the smart watches of today.

  22. Greg Norton says:

    A ten year plan so divide each number by ten to get an approximation of the annual expenses.  Still, that is a lot of money.  I wish that they would finish I-14 across Texas from Baton Rouge to Fort Stockton (the I-10 bypass of Houston and San Antonio):

    The concrete structural components to complete the I-14 interchange with I-35 in Belton have been sitting in a staging yard across the street from the bingo hall since before we moved to Texas 10 years ago.

    The last time we drove by, it didn’t seem like they were going anywhere soon.

  23. Greg Norton says:

    “Subway announces a new price for footlongs as it enters the value menu wars”

    The fast food wars are accelerating into a declining marketplace as people cannot afford to eat out.

    Subway was already a tough place for the franchisees to make a living.

    I saw a story in Vantucky media the other day about a bunch of the stores suddenly closing in Portland and on the WA State side of the Metro.

    Several Subways have closed around us in North Austin, including one which had a lot of traffic.

    The Subway became a head shop. Tripeez. 

    I used to say that SW WA State lived a decade into the future of the rest of the country, but now I think it is a much shorter amount of time.

  24. Greg Norton says:

    “Americans for Tax Reform examined the plan that she has endorsed, and they concluded that it would raise taxes by 5 trillion dollars over the next 10 years.”

    Everyone owning a home will become a millionaire on paper with the $25,000 first time buyer tax credit.

    You’re harshing the buzz.

  25. paul says:

    Someone’s new drug company, Optum, seem like nice folks.  He died on a Sunday.  His drugs arrived in the mailbox on Wednesday.  Nothing I want to take.  So I called and told them to not send any more drugs.  “Sorry for your loss” and all that and we are cool. 

    I got a bill a month later for $23.xx.  Ok, I guess saying “send no more drugs” also means “don’t use that CC number so send a paper bill”.  I filled in the form with the CC info and mailed it at the Post Office.  Got another bill the next month that I ignored.  Got another bill and I filled in the CC info.  Are we done?  Of course not.
    Another bill today so I called.  She didn’t know, said this is weird.  I think she didn’t know they even sent paper bills.  Ok, can I give you a CC over the phone?  Of course I can.  Hey, that’s the card we have on file!  Ok, hit that card one time and really really don’t send more drugs.

    I might be done with them.  Nice folks to talk to, not snooty at all.

    No word yet from SS. They did say a month and there is a week to go.

    Hurry up and wait.  🙂  

  26. Ray Thompson says:

    Everyone owning a home will become a millionaire on paper

    I am already a millionaire. Just not in US dollars. Anyone have change for a Peso?

  27. paul says:
    Everyone owning a home will become a millionaire on paper with the $25,000 first time buyer tax credit.

    Oh, that’s gonna be fabulous to have my value jacked up on a paid for house.  Just for the insurance bill. Nevermind the property taxes.

    Pass the Tums. 

  28. Lynn says:

    “RFK Jr: Democrats “Have Become the Party of War, Censorship, Corruption, Big Pharma, Big Tech, Big Money.””

    RFK jr. is done and throwing his support to Trump.

  29. Lynn says:

    “For the third time, an offshore wind blade by same manufacturer fails”

    “An offshore wind farm has experienced another blade failure by the same manufacturer that made the blade that broke off a wind turbine off the coast of Martha’s Vineyard in July.”

    “The Dogger Bank Wind Farm, off the coast of England, announced Thursday that it is aware of a blade failure at the facility, and the company is working with the blade manufacturer, GE Vernova, to investigate the cause of the problem.”

    Heads up !  Incoming !

  30. Lynn says:

    “Tucker Carlson Reacts to Kamala’s Speech: “This Woman‘s Really Scary””

    ““She’s much more skillful than I have ever seen. She’s a liar on the deepest level. The things she is saying right now are not just untrue—they’re the opposite of the truth, which is the hallmark of evil. She’s an extremist. She’ll say anything. She’s much more like Gavin Newsom than I ever realized. I could go through a whole litany of what she’s saying that is not true.””

  31. Greg Norton says:

    I just saw a Model Y Tesla pull up next door to deliver an Amazon package.

    I wonder how many “gig economy” jobs the driver has so he can afford the vehicle.

    Tony runs a cult.

  32. Ken Mitchell says:

    “The Boeing spacesuit is made to work with the Starliner spacecraft, and the SpaceX spacesuit is made to work with the Dragon spacecraft,” 

    Yes?  We all KNEW that, and I pointed it out 6 weeks ago. NASA HAD TO HAVE KNOWN  about it, and I’m astonished that anybody is getting the vapors about it NOW. 

  33. Lynn says:

    I just saw a Model Y Tesla pull up next door to deliver an Amazon package.

    I wonder how many “gig economy” jobs the driver has so he can afford the vehicle.

    Tony runs a cult.

    The Model Y is surprisingly affordable.  Base price of $31,490.  Current financing rate of 1.99%.  Range of 320 miles in the base single motor model.

    Wait, that is not the real base price. The real base price is: “*Price before estimated savings is $46,630, including Destination and Order Fees, but excluding taxes and other fees. Subject to change. Vehicle shown has upgrades that will increase the price. Estimated savings includes $6,000 in gas savings estimated over five years, the $7,500 Federal Tax Credit and state incentives, available to eligible buyers and subject to MSRP caps. Not all vehicles, customers or finance options will be eligible. Terms apply.”

  34. Greg Norton says:

    Wait, that is not the real base price. The real base price is: “*Price before estimated savings is $46,630, including Destination and Order Fees, but excluding taxes and other fees. Subject to change. Vehicle shown has upgrades that will increase the price. Estimated savings includes $6,000 in gas savings estimated over five years, the $7,500 Federal Tax Credit and state incentives, available to eligible buyers and subject to MSRP caps. Not all vehicles, customers or finance options will be eligible. Terms apply.”


    Typical price on a 2025 Camry SE is over $30k now that all of the trim levels are hybrids.

    Of course, the build quality on a Camry is going to be much better.

  35. Lynn says:


    Once a huckster, always a huckster.

    All of these billionaires are hucksters.

  36. Nick Flandrey says:

    Home from the first day.  Sales were slow, and the mood was subdued.

    Raining at the moment.

    Wife and kids were pulling out as I pulled up, so got to see them before the left.  I always hate when I can’t.

    My back is on fire.   Has been since yesterday after I loaded the trailer.   And I pulled something in my thigh when I chased my daughter with a plastic sword… she said “don’t hurt yourself old man.”    Put the jinx on my, by jingo.

    Hotel ballroom has a concrete floor and it just hurts.   Knees and low back normally.  Extra special this time.    BTW, the key to being the most comfortable you can  at a convention is to wear comfortable shoes, and change them every day.  If you are renting carpet for your booth, pay for the upgrade and get padding…

    I need to get dinner made, and stretch, possibly take something, and sleep.

    Early day tomorrow.


  37. paul says:

    To who ever recommended Evan Almighty  thank you.  There’s some plot holes but it is a really nice movie.  It’s on the “keeper stack”.

  38. EdH says:

    Starlink is up and running.   

    Attachment to the roof is OK, but will redo when I get the time.   Currently it’s two lag screws from the OEM mount into a 2 x 8, which in turn is held to the rafters of the eaves by six 4″ lag screws.

    I would prefer through bolts, but don’t have the time to remove the eaves’ soffit to install them, which in turn requires removing some air conditioning ducting. It isn’t moving at all in our current 35 mile an hour wind.

    For $120/mo I will be getting 350/20 instead of 15/1.   (Yes, 1. )

    In theory I will actually be able to remotely view a security camera upload for a change.


    As I texted my brother:

    I think the work pace of the 68-year-old me would probably annoy the 58-year-old me, and infuriate the 48-year-old me.

  39. drwilliams says:

    “the key to being the most comfortable you can  at a convention is to wear comfortable shoes, and change them every day.  If you are renting carpet for your booth, pay for the upgrade and get padding…”


    good viscoelastic sole inserts are spendy and worth every penny

  40. MrAtoz says:

    “the key to being the most comfortable you can  at a convention is to wear comfortable shoes, and change them every day.  If you are renting carpet for your booth, pay for the upgrade and get padding…”


    good viscoelastic sole inserts are spendy and worth every penny

    Last year, I walked 4+ hours/day for three days at Disney World in my Vibram Men’s FiveFingers V-Run Shoe. No problemo. Of course, that was a lot of walking and not standing in one place. I’ve worn “barefoot” style shoes almost daily for over three years. I do wear my safety boots for any yard work or on ladders, etc.

  41. MrAtoz says:

    Oo. Massive thunder boomers by me in SA. Dogs don’t like that.

  42. EdH says:

    “the key to being the most comfortable you can  at a convention is to wear comfortable shoes, and change them every day.  If you are renting carpet for your booth, pay for the upgrade and get padding…”

    I am a guest at a wedding next weekend, I’m pretty sure I can get away with just wearing my Dr. Scholl’s, not part of the wedding party after all.  

    Similarly, although my favorite sports coat seems to have shrunk around the waist since the last wedding … 2017, wow … I still have an older blue polyester, overly large really,  that should do.  Really, no one cares about the eccentric uncle in the corner.

  43. Lynn says:

    “WW3 WATCH: As Traditional Strategic Nuclear Deterrence Wears Off, Russian Doctrine Threshold Gets Lowered and Navy Trains for Preemptive Tactical Nuke Attacks”

    “Add to that the fact that Moscow’s ‘red lines’ have been breached one after another – as I write Ukraine is striking Russian territory with NATO weapons like there’s no tomorrow – and we can see how the situation has impossibly escalated.”

    “It now has arisen that Russia has trained its navy to target sites deep inside Europe with nuclear-capable missiles in a potential – by now virtually certain – conflict with Nato”

    “Moscow had rehearsed using tactical nuclear weapons in the early stages of a conflict with a major world power, […] planning for a series of overwhelming strikes across western Europe.”

    “You read it right – EARLY STAGES: not using strikes as a last measure, but as an early salvo.”

    I do not know what the leaders of NATO are thinking but I hope that they die in the first salvo of the CANNED SUNSHINE.

  44. Lynn says:

    Last year, I walked 4+ hours/day for three days at Disney World in my Vibram Men’s FiveFingers V-Run Shoe. No problemo. Of course, that was a lot of walking and not standing in one place. I’ve worn “barefoot” style shoes almost daily for over three years. I do wear my safety boots for any yard work or on ladders, etc.

    Do you wear socks with them ?

  45. Lynn says:

    To who ever recommended Evan Almighty  thank you.  There’s some plot holes but it is a really nice movie.  It’s on the “keeper stack”.

    Good movie.  I think that it is the first John Goodman movie where he is the bad guy.

  46. MrAtoz says:

    Do you wear socks with them ?

    I do not.

  47. Greg Norton says:

    I do not know what the leaders of NATO are thinking but I hope that they die in the first salvo of the CANNED SUNSHINE.

    Germany’s out. Leadership there finally realized who blew up the pipeline and their modern industrial economy.

  48. drwilliams says:

    “Germany’s out. Leadership there finally realized who blew up the pipeline and their modern industrial economy.”

    Merely a convenient excuse to distract from their own suicide by green energy.

  49. nick flandrey says:

    Rain didn’t last long. 

    Cooked some pork chops frozen a year ago, and they were delicious.

    Now I’m going to get ready for bed.   Early to bed… etc…


  50. drwilliams says:


    Stretch tonight for a better day tomorrow.

  51. Nick Flandrey says:

    Yep, and some pain relievers to  let me relax those muscles and get some sleep.

    Which I’m off to do now…  this time for sure!


  52. Denis says:

    Now I’m going to get ready for bed.   Early to bed… etc…

    I have to be “early to rise”, to load the car and start the trip home from the summer holidays. Alarm is set for 0700.

     Of course, I am awake now at 0530, having woken from a nightmare. So much for starting off well-rested.

    Anyhow, since I am “first” awake, I wish you all an excellent Saturday!

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