Day: August 21, 2024

Wed. Aug. 21, 2024 – more of the same, repeated…

Hot and humid, no break from the weather today. Crazy hot with the high humidity.

Did some stuff yesterday. One pickup. Ran the kid around where she needed to go. Had to blow off 2 pickups that will have to happen today. Did a minimum of cleanup and sorting.

So today I have to catch up with where I should be to get ready for my show. I’ve got storage units to go through and stuff to find. I’ve been stashing stuff all over, so now I need to bring it together. And it will be hot and sweaty work.

I’m not looking forward to the work, but I would like to sell some of the stuff and get it out of the way. Money is nice too. More money is extra nice.

So I’m doing my bit in the secondary economy by moving stuff from people who want to get rid of it to people who want to have it, and getting my middleman fee when I can.

It’s a hobby, not a side hustle, but it plays off my reselling anyway. It’s not an income, but it funds my hobby leaving the other money for life and preps.

I treat my ham radio stuff the same way. It has to be self funding… otherwise it feels selfish.

And I get to meet and talk with people from all over the country while I’m trying to sell, which is also very nice. I’m sure to learn something I can use elsewhere.

All of which is to say, get out and do some things. Join a club, take up a hobby, take a class, get a table at your local swapmeet… and then talk to people. It takes practice, and it pays dividends.

And stack, don’t forget to stack.

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