More hot, more humid. It was over 100F yesterday. It’ll probably be the same today. The humidity has been so high that it’s far more miserable than it should be.
Didn’t get as much done as I’d hoped. Had to get the kid from school, and had other domestic bliss to deal with. I cut my hair and shaved… since I was looking like a wild man. Cough. Sorta.
Mostly did smaller things, sorting and stacking. I’m not doing enough to get ready for my show. I think I’m letting the clock run out to put pressure on myself to break the inertia, but it’s not really working. I do work better with deadlines, but I’ve got one already. Show starts Friday. I really shouldn’t need more motivation. It’s just so crazy hot, and the thought of digging through my storage or my secondary in this heat is debilitating.
It needs to be done though. Get ready, do the show, then get back to normal school life.
Yep, that’s the ticket. Get through this, then continue as normal.
Stack it up fellas. The ride is gonna be rough.
After my mom remarried, I grew up with guns in the house. I remember shooting at maybe 10 and my step-dad gave the 4 of us kids a demonstration on what guns can do. .44 round at short range into a milk jug full of water. Small hole in the front. 4 inch hole in the back.
Most of the guns were in the glass faced gun cabinet that was nominally locked. Except the loaded .44 that we all knew were it was. We also knew the gun cabinet key was on top. We knew gun safety and NEVER played with real guns.
Information and training is good thing.
The Mail loves its schadenfreude, but most of the money actually used in production got spent in Britain.
Discovery in the Carano lawsuit may provide details about the rest.
Today’s Tyler Durden cowardice protecting reporting about Burger Fi. Someone big must be involved.
I’ve been wondering about the future of the $20 hamburger restaurants like Burger Fi but especially Wall Street and tech industry favorite Shake Shack.
What sucks about Burger Fi is that they will take Anthony’s Coal Fired Pizza into Bankruptcy.
Afraid to ask how many slide projectors you have…
– I do like my obsolete media but I only have two, so I can crossfade between them. Not even sure where they might be, I’ve been looking with a loupe and my monitor set on a white page…
Gonna be another hot one. Time to get the kids and wife out the door.
I have one slide projector. Dad gave it, and all of his slides, to me a couple years ago. Kodak 850 Automatic Carousel, complete with hard carrying case. Vintage late 70’s, early 80’s. I did have to get a new bulb for it, but it works great.
I’ve started going through all the slides (there’s a lot!). Dad also gave me a bunch of slides from one of his brothers. I’ve tossed most I’ve gone through so far. Most are of people I have no knowledge of. I’ve kept just a handful out of probably a thousand so far. I’m keeping more of Dad’s as I know more about the content. I might be the only one left (besides my parents) who cares, but I think its important. Once I finish evaluating, I’ll either send them off to be digitized, or I’ll buy something to do it myself. I’m also going to clearly lable each saved digital picture so my son will have some idea of what he is looking at in the future if he takes an interest some day.
Dad also had some Super8 movie reels, which I didn’t know about. It was fun to see me at 4 or 5 years old playing with my land speeder on the kitchen floor, with the 70’s decor blazing. I had to buy something to play those, so I got a device that would also convert to digital at the same time. Unlike Dad’s slides, which I’ve seen at least once sometime earlier, I’ve never viewed those movies. And no, the land speeder is long gone. Though even if I had it, it likely wouldn’t have been worth anything, as it was well used.
Added: There is nothing quite like a dark room and the sound of a slide projector advancing. It instantly takes me back to another time.
Beautiful sunrise and sky today. Squirrels are out doing their mating dance. But it’s still humid and getting hotter by the hour.
I hope you don’t run into any “Bob Crane” footage in there.
NIMBY in Serbia…
I did that several years ago. I digitized all my transparencies, well the ones that survived. I had some from my uncle and I only kept a few of those. Most were scenery of places I don’t know.
I used an Epson scanner that would do four images at a time, transparencies, negatives, as it has a light in the scanner lid. It worked well but was tedious. Which was OK as I did it during the winter months. I no longer have any need for that scanner.
The Kodachrome transparencies were still pristine to my eye. The Kodacolor negatives were also in excellent shape. Ektachrome was a little bluer to my visual perception. Aghfachrome was gone except for the red layer. The few Seattle Filmworks transparencies were just that, transparent, no color left at all. Those few slides were just a failed experiment that I pursued at the time and took no further because of the less than stellar quality. The slides had always been stored in a human environment with A/C and heat. No attic, basement, or outside storage locations.
I suspect when I die all the images stored on my computer will be lost forever. My son might rescue the computer but will immediately format the SSDs and use it for himself. The backup disks (spinning) will wind up in the dumpster. I don’t fully trust SSD for long term storage. Not that it much matters the images that exist digitally mean nothing to him.
Some of the images that I rescued when the Beckett Point house was cleaned out, I scanned to digital. Those were used to enhance the document written by my grandfather’s brother. It was written in the late 1940’s to early 1950’s. It covered the family history on my mother’s side from their time in Utah. Some of the material dates before Utah was a state. I had acquired the original document, not in great shape, scanned it to digital using OCR. I then spent weeks going through and correcting the scanning errors. The pictures were added to that document in locations to match the context and people involved.
In doing this document there was evidence of a land swindle. Thousands of acres owned by a family member were stolen by a nefarious character who used unethical, and possibly illegal, means to take the land. That forced the family off the land and started the migration to California. The person that took the land was the brother of the judge that ruled the land could be taken for some questionable reason.
This is very true. My parents and their relatives would do that, to this day I can’t remember the contents but I remember the viewing experience.
When I was a kid my mom and I spliced all the short 8mm reels into longer reels. IDK if my siblings ever had them scanned. I THINK I have most of them somewhere…
Lots of family parties and vacation trips to WDW I’m sure. I carried the dammm camera bag at disney for years.
Ha ha…
You gotta suck extra hard if you can’t make money with the Star Wars IP.
No kidding. And Disney paid a premium price for that IP just to make it woke.
Who you hire matters. Disney has hired a bunch of woke individuals that seem to not reflect the USA that I know.
“Interesting behind-the-scenes look at the death of a terrorist”
“The Jewish Chronicle has published a lengthy article discussing how Israel managed to locate, target and assassinate Hamas leader Mohammed Deif.”
Who knows if this is all true ?
Now Hamas knows the depth that Israel will go to exact revenge and prevent future incidents. Infinite.
I now know how much natural gas my whole generator uses. My natural gas bill was $160 for July and August. I normally use right at $30 per month in non central heating months. Therefore the generator used $100 of natural gas for the three days it ran after hurricane Beryl. Not bad, just about double that of my normal electric bill.
The Weatherman.
It isn’t just third party IP anymore. Slipping under the radar this week was the announcement that The Mouse is possibly going to drain the river in the Florida Frontierland, demo Ton Sawyer Island, and build a “Cars“ racetrack in the space.
“Two Weeks”
“It’s been two weeks since the hurricane passed by and screwed up my analysis of the new solar system. Let’s look at the numbers from the past two weeks’ production:”
“The house used 621.4 kwh during the period, or an average of 44 kwh per day. The lowest demand day was 36.2 kwh, and the highest was 60.9 kwh. The system generated a total of 663 kwh, which works out to an average of 47 kwh per day. The low was 36.6 kwh, the high was 57.6 kwh.”
“Overall, it appears as though my system is properly sized as far as generating capacity. How well will we do for the main intended use? That depends on storage capacity. As I said, I have been using the power company as a battery of sorts, in that I send power to the grid during the day, then take power from the grid at night. That begs the question: What if the grid is down? To answer that, we have to dive a bit deeper into the numbers.”
He has written a couple of analysis of the materials, controller, and software that he used. These are at:
I do not know if the electric company ever start paying him for him excess power ? My neighbor two streets over has not seen a penny from the electric company in two years since they installed their $120,000 system with custom batteries.
Ugh, that actually makes a sad sort of sense. There is probably only one kid (and parents!) that knows who Tom Sawyer is for every ten that know all the characters in Cars.
A paved road and fiberglass sets would cost a lot less in maintenance than the aquatic attraction.
I now know how much natural gas my whole generator uses. My natural gas bill was $160 for July and August. I normally use right at $30 per month in non central heating months. Therefore the generator used $100 of natural gas for the three days it ran after hurricane Beryl. Not bad, just about double that of my normal electric bill.
The upsides of my generator are:
The downsides of my generator are:
BTW, the HOA had a upset over the weekend. Two of the directors were up for re-election and one of my neighbors walked in with 80 ballots that he collected from our 500 homes. The two old directors are in their 80s and have run roughshod over the rest of us in making new rules during covid and not approving projects, including new homes. Somebody bought the empty 1.2 acre lot cattycorner to me and is wanting to build a 15,000 ft2 home on it. They have been sitting on the new home for several months now.
Anyway, the HOA directors at first denied the 80 ballots, saying that the ballots had to be delivered in person. The 80 ballot guy got his lawyer on line threatening to sue the HOA and the directors personally. Plus calling in the Fort Bend County District Attorney for election tampering. So they then allowed the ballots and we now have two new directors.
Our old HOA was trying to turn our country neighborhood into an inner city neighborhood with all kinds of new rules on beautification and sitting on home improvements. We are going to stop that nonsense and roll things back to being a country neighborhood.
Footage Shows Superyacht Chartered By British Tech Titan “Disappeared In 60 Seconds”
This would steal some of the DNC’s thunder if RFK drops out this week…
@Greg, “August Surprise” tonight?
Big Mike takes the stage tonight.
I want to be wrong about this one.
If it happens, what exactly is the surprise?
The nomination isn‘t settled until the floor vote.
15,000 sq. ft. is a lot of house even on a 1.2 acre lot. The geezers may have a point.
Colonists or Club Hijab?
So the Starlink mount that I bought from Amazon as “next day ” is now delayed until tomorrow before 10 PM.
I think in the last month 90% of the ”next day” Amazon Prime promises have now slipped 24hrs or more.
I haven’t received a Prime delivery in two days in, well, I can’t remember when. It is always 3 or 4 days. I would cancel, but I have access to a half price Prime account. When that goes away, so will my desire to subscribe to Prime.
RFK Running Mate: We May Back Trump to Stop Kamala
NEW: Trump Says ‘Open’ to RFK Joining His Administration
Bunch of Dems thought they was clever…maybe not so much.
Don’t know what RFK, jr. wants, but I would offer him a chance at dismantling the government disinformation machine/1984 apparatus, and a DOJ committed to prosecuting, convicting, and imprisoning federal employees who violated the constitution and their co-conspirators in the private sector.
“yeah, that’s the ticket…”
hey, Nick?
who you channeling, and you got any lotto numbers coming through?
soopriz! soopriz! soopriz!
There just isn’t much of the federal government that is not corrupt and ripe for a huge downsizing.
No resignations. Fire for cause and prosecute. Claw back salaries and cancel pensions. Take their lunch money.
And since I already got the thumbs down:
Trans their dog!
Funny how some people don’t like to admit govt corruption.
Not just federal. State and local too. Kill the pensions. Give current pension holders a one time payout, based on age and cost of living index, and let them deal with the markets like the rest of us do.
“Now Hamas knows the depth that Israel will go to exact revenge and prevent future incidents. Infinite.”
No surprise to those familiar with the history of the 1972 Olympics.
Wish I had the link for the coded GoFundRetribution.
Well. Fidelity called today. She’s very nice. There is a $25 grand check coming from AT&T so watch your mailbox.
Did you get the forms from Met Life? It’s a 15 grand policy. Yes, I did and it looks like the same thing was sent twice. I did not see an amount anywhere, it looked like a “file a claim and we’ll let you know”. Like when I had them for car insurance.
I have to dig into the file cabinet to find when he was divorced and some other details and I think I have to get it all notarized and actually, you know, my give a crap meter has been on zero for the last month or so. Tufts of dog hair under the dining room table? Meh, who cares? Mow the yard? Nope.
She said this is normal but you sound happy. Well, I’m not the kind of guy that has ever thought of offing myself. Good.
Anyway. A 25 grand check. I looked in Frost’s phone app and that’s the max I can deposit a day. That’s nice, I don’t have to drive to Cedar Park or worse, Far West Blvd. Oh yeah, I have two pending deposits from SS. One is for $255. That’s the government’s way of sending flowers.
The other is for $4824. That’s all I know. I did the phone interview and needed to send in the marriage license, and not a copy and we’ll get back to you in a month to let you know what your monthly SS will be. Pretty sure it’s not $4824 a month…. that would be crazy. My SS hits on the 4th Wednesday. I just have to wait and see. Pretty sure it’s a blend of what I have had deposited and back payments from when he died. I’m not getting very far with my calculator today. Just not feeling clever at all.
I think in the last month 90% of the ”next day” Amazon Prime promises have now slipped 24hrs or more.
Just Jeff rehearsing for the holidays…
We had Prime. The TV part was nice when there was something we wanted to watch. Shipping? It’s the same without Prime.
I’m cool with saving up stuff I want to reach the (now) $35 minimum for free shipping.
Amazon doesn’t have the overall retail market share to go full “Company Store” … yet.
Let Kamala work her magic on the privately held grocers and then we may see some movement by Amazon in that direction.
Footage Shows Superyacht Chartered By British Tech Titan “Disappeared In 60 Seconds”
My brother just told me that the CEO of Morgan Stanley International and his wife were on the boat and are missing also.
Amazon doesn’t have the overall retail market share to go full “Company Store” … yet.
Let Kamala work her magic on the privately held grocers and then we may see some movement by Amazon in that direction.
Now Kamala is saying that she wants to raise the top income tax rates to 70 or 80%. That means that the middle tax rates will go to 40 to 50%.
In a normal world, this woman is unelectable. She and Walz are gun grabbers, free travel across our borders, shut down all fracking, stop using internal combustion engines, cash bail for all minorities, etc, etc, etc. I only know a few people who are planning on voting for her.
“Bye-Bye Petrodollar: 159 Countries Are Now Slated to Adopt the New BRICS Payment System”
“(Natural News)—As soon as October, Russia’s long-awaited international BRICS payment system will be ready to go with some 159 countries said to be in the process of ditching the U.S. dollar as their official settlement currency.”
“For several years, Russia and other BRICS member nations have been working on an alternative to the Western-controlled SWIFT international settlement system. Russia was banned from SWIFT following its invasion of Ukraine, but now there is a new system emerging from BRICS that threatens to make SWIFT obsolete.”
“If the new payment system is a success, it will render Federal Reserve Notes (FRNs) obsolete as well. The world will no longer be held hostage by the so-called petrodollar, which reports warn could have massive global market ramifications.”
BRICS activation is the trigger moment in the Mandibles book that causes the USA economy to fail due to all of the worthless dollars flooding back into the USA and their holders demanding physical gold.
“Kamala Harris Supports President Biden’s 44.6% Capital Gains Tax Proposal”
“Vice President Kamala Harris has declared her support for President Joe Biden’s 44.6% capital gains tax proposal. The proposal would be the highest in history. It also includes a 25% tax on unrealized gains for high-net-worth individuals (more than $100 million in wealth).”
Unreal. Tax and spend, spend, spend.
I agree totally!!!
“Those who vote decide nothing. Those who count the vote decide everything.”
― Joseph Stalin
Not just federal. State and local too. Kill the pensions. Give current pension holders a one time payout, based on age and cost of living index, and let them deal with the markets like the rest of us do.
Those pensions will not be worth much when the inflation continues running 30% per year. We are all in this boat together and the keel (bottom middle) is no longer there.
“We are all in this boat together and the keel (bottom middle) is no longer there.”
As recent events show, when the boat flips the rich end up on the bottom.
from above link:
The other link reports 15 people rescued. No report on number on board, but if those are the figures the dead/missing are 6 rich passengers and 1 cook while the survivors are 15 “others” not meriting publishing a name.
“some of the servicemen previously assigned to a Russian spaceport have been transferred to the front and put on infantry duty”
Russians short on infantry?
“Is Your SSN in the National Public Data Breach? Here’s How to Find Out”
“Initially, it wasn’t easy to see if your personal information was ensnared in the breach since the stolen database is 277GB. But New Jersey-based Atlas Privacy Data Corporation has created, which can flag if your Social Security, phone number, or full name and ZIP code are in the archive. The site also doesn’t store any user searches.”
I think that you can steal everything on the intertubes now. Certain stuff should be air gapped but it appears that people want instant access to everything even if they are in Antarctica.
If I was looking for a new head of Secret Service Operations I might consider putting this guy in. Might be a lot less B.S.
“some of the servicemen previously assigned to a Russian spaceport have been transferred to the front and put on infantry duty”
Russians short on infantry?
Yes. It is that or use nukes.
Supposedly the Russian casualties are approaching a half million.
I tried to payoff a low six figure commercial mortgage at Wells Fargo today. They rejected the payment. First, I have to send them a letter via fax, email, or snail mail requesting a 30 day payoff. I am pissed.
They do not even have a sample payoff request letter for me. Instead, I have two pages of my handwritten instructions from a phone call to make my own letter.
Typical bankers. Very moribund.
“Georgia City Now Fining Some Victims of Gun Theft”
“Earlier this year, the city of Savannah, Georgia adopted a new ordinance requiring gun owners to keep their firearms locked in “secure compartments” when left inside their vehicles, as well as mandating gun owners promptly report all lost or stolen firearms to local police.”
“But even though the ordinance went into effect back in April, no one had been fined or cited for violating the law in the ensuing months. Now, however, the Savannah Morning News reports that the city is actively enforcing the ordinance, with four residents receiving fines or warnings over the past month.”
“SPD has recorded 83 instances of firearms that were taken from unlocked or locked vehicles between April 15 to Aug. 15 of this year, Niya Broveak, Savannah Police Department (SPD) open records specialist, confirmed in an email.”
Where is this “secure compartment” in a vehicle ? I can tell you that the glove box is not secure.
Businesses want to store everything in “The Cloud” and rent storage.
The developers go along because Hot Skillz, but then they get lazy/sloppy with credentials.
Your debt is someone else’s asset.
The Geico Gecko used to be huge into Wells Fargo, but they went too far even by his standards.
soopriz! soopriz! soopriz!
“The Bureau of Labor Statistics has “revised” job growth numbers from the first quarter of 2024, showing up to a million jobs didn’t actually exist.”
““US job growth in the year through March was likely far less robust than initially estimated, which risks fueling concerns that the Federal Reserve is falling further behind the curve to lower interest rates,” Bloomberg reports. “Goldman Sachs Group Inc. and Wells Fargo & Co. economists expect the government’s preliminary benchmark revisions on Wednesday to show payrolls growth in the year through March was at least 600,000 weaker than currently estimated — about 50,000 a month.””
And all of the new jobs in the last year were federal and state government jobs.
Be very careful of new sites offering to ‘help’ you with determining if your SSN number has been compromised. They could be sites that are gathering information to use against you. Lots of them have cropped up lately. They are advertising on social media, and via the search engines.
Best thing is to freeze your credit reports. All three of them. Then get a copy of your credit report (it’s free) from one of the three credit reporting companies.
Set up your SSN account on the US gov’s SS site (nowhere else). Strong passwords, of course. Check your SS statement regularly for fraudulent activities.
ZDNET has some resource links that are valid here . Also has links to the three credit reporting agencies.
Brian Krebs has good info on this breach. .
The crooked numbers are almost always later adjusted to the bad side with little fanfare.
It’s not just me, apparently today was some sort of heat record for the year.
Something is making a bad noise in my Ranger’s front end. It’s not consistent and I can’t see anything, but there is a bang or metallic ‘bong’ that just showed up today. I am going to ask my guy to throw it up on the rack and shake the wheels to see if anything moves. It sounds like a tie rod end popping out…
Hit the HEB for some groceries. Very few in store promotions, few sale items. Skinny pork tenderloins in the vac pac were $2/pound so I bought the limit. That was about it though.
Did one pickup, dropped some stuff at the secondary, then had to blow off a second pickup to get D1 from school and to an appointment. Grrr. I was only a mile from the second pickup when I ran out of time. I dislike not combining trips.
Spent about an hour on the phone with an old friend and colleague, it was good to catch up.
Looks like the DNC is getting a bit of the old ultraviolence today…
One day I was using the Wells Fargo website, and tried to login so I could figure out my car loan payoff.
But their website was so hosed up and completely useless, I couldn’t log in. In fact, I couldn’t reset my password, nor could I reach someone via phone to help me.
I got so frustrated, I went to the nearest branch and asked the banker there “How do I pay off this loan and make it so I never have to deal with Wells Fargo ever again in my life?”
By the end of the day, I had done so.
Acre is 43,560 ft2
1.2 is 52,272.
15,000ft2 of house with all of that as footprint, add 20% for adjacent hard surfaces, 18,000 ft2 total.
About 34% coverage.
Breaking News
After two weeks with Harris, Tim Walz announced he has signed up again with the National Guard, and requested deployment to Iraq.
By “a lot of house” I meant in a philosophical sense. 15,000 sq. ft. is multiple generations living under one roof.
Best case: a “friend” zip tied a harmonica to the frame.
It’s not just me, apparently today was some sort of heat record for the year.
104 F out here in the sticks. ERCOT hit 85,500 MW (SWAG) at 5pm, same as last year’s peak.
The Brazos River is back down to just six inches deep, recycled pee water from Sugar Land. One wonders how they ever ran steamboats up it to Waco in the middle 1800s. Even the side wheelers needed six feet of water.
The 1.5 mile walk at 8 pm with the wife was brutal. Very cruel and unusual punishment. The dog was not a big fan.
Acre is 43,560 ft2
1.2 is 52,272.
15,000ft2 of house with all of that as footprint, add 20% for adjacent hard surfaces, 18,000 ft2 total.
About 34% coverage.
Probably a three story house. There are several three story Victorians out here already. One wonders if people really know where they are.
There is a three story 20,000 ft2 house down FM 2759 from here built back in 1920 or so.,-95.6844219,34a,35y,20.15h,61.23t/data=!3m1!1e3?entry=ttu
By “a lot of house” I meant in a philosophical sense. 15,000 sq. ft. is multiple generations living under one roof.
I know of at least one four generation house in my neighborhood. Indian. There is a rumor that there is a five generation house here also.
I have had nothing to do with WF since they pulled the “No, the check Drawn on Wells Fargo of West Bumflock cannot be cashed and must be deposited and clear first before the funds are available.”
If you can prepay without penalty, visit them tomorrow and prepay 99.9% of it, then request the 30-day payoff. Let them have another month’s interest on the 0.1%.
Get out the BFH.
Taxing unrealized gains:
The response to this is to realize the gains, if people have the balls. Everyone in the tax-target group coordinates to sell XYZ corp on Monday. Put 10x or more of the normal stock volume on the market and the price goes down. Breakeven for the sellers is when the market for the stock is down 24%. XYZ corp is a smoking ruin by that time.
Announce the next day’s stock pick and the price falls off a cliff as the other investors stampede.
How many repeats until the stock market gets closed?
How much pitchfork inventory does Tractor Supply carry?
Hey, Andy! Nice family you have there!
January 2025. Presdient Trump signs reparations bill compensating owners of bump stock out of funds confiscated from ATF executive retirement funds.
“Hey, that new law making federal bureaucrats personally responsible for violating the constitutional rights of citizens is really sweet.”
Hey, Andy! Nice family you have there!
Typical Democrat. Very disturbed person to wish that on another person.
“Former SFWA President Cat Rambo Accused Of Antisemitic Tirade At Gencon”
“SFWA (The Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers Association) has been mired in an incredible amount of controversy over the last few years. The organization, which once was a staple of professional sci-fi writing, has turned into little more than an online forum to pretend to be a successful author that costs $100/year for its members to use. The destruction first occurred under its former president, Cat Rambo, who has now been called out for allegedly making antisemitic remarks at Gencon’s Writers symposium.”
“The change of SFWA from a professional writers’ organization to an amateur writers’ club occurred over the last several years as the organization, which used to do a lot of work for authors, like negotiate contracts with publishers, found itself becoming functionally useless in the modern era where most people who make good livings writing do so by selling their books directly and self-publishing.”
Sad, very sad. It looks like SFWA is going away. Wokeness is a disease that kills the soul.
When SFWA was unable to help Alan Dean Foster get his payments from Disney for his Star Wars books (and other people too), I knew that something was wrong with SFWA.
>> I tried to payoff a low six figure commercial mortgage at Wells Fargo today. They rejected the payment. First, I have to send them a letter via fax, email, or snail mail requesting a 30 day payoff. I am pissed.
They do not even have a sample payoff request letter for me. Instead, I have two pages of my handwritten instructions from a phone call to make my own letter.
SOP for an amortized loan. If you pay the correct amount for the specified pay-off date then no refunds/additional payments are required. Saves the bank money.
Google will find you a wide selection of pay-off request letters.
Hopefully you have no other banking relationships with WF.
“About That (New) Deal”
“Does this mean your current 13-book contract with them is done?
No. I’ve still got six books on that one.
… but now you’ve signed a contract for another ten books.
John Scalzi is getting $300,000 advances for each of his books. Not bad but he probably pays half of it to his agent, editors, proofers, etc.
>> The response to this is to realize the gains, if people have the balls. Everyone in the tax-target group coordinates to sell XYZ corp on Monday. Put 10x or more of the normal stock volume on the market and the price goes down. Breakeven for the sellers is when the market for the stock is down 24%. XYZ corp is a smoking ruin by that time.
Will more than likely get you a visited by two guys in suits and sunglasses…with bulges under their jackets.
>> Something is making a bad noise in my Ranger’s front end.
When’s the last time you had a vehicle that started making a good noise?
>> “Earlier this year, the city of Savannah, Georgia adopted a new ordinance requiring gun owners to keep their firearms locked in “secure compartments” when left inside their vehicles, as well as mandating gun owners promptly report all lost or stolen firearms to local police.”
At least once or twice a month I see someone posting on NextDoor about how their gub was stolen from their unlocked car/truck and their unlocked glove box.
And shocked they are!
Maybe it’s me, but how does a rousing, polished speech by one of your party’s best orators (Barry’s political principles not withstanding) make you want to vote for someone that sounds like a fourth-grader?
Oh right, because she’s “joyful.”
And female. And brown-ish.
No, they can’t define “female.”
Toasty…to our TX friends…stay safe…
Good for you. HOAs are, unfortunately, great breeding grounds for petty dictators.
That’s a lot of juice, 44kwh/day. Ok, maybe he has a big house running air conditioners. We use about 14kwh/day (no AC), if we don’t charge our car.