Day: August 20, 2024

Tues. Aug. 20, 2024 – yeah, that’s the ticket…

More hot, more humid. It was over 100F yesterday. It’ll probably be the same today. The humidity has been so high that it’s far more miserable than it should be.

Didn’t get as much done as I’d hoped. Had to get the kid from school, and had other domestic bliss to deal with. I cut my hair and shaved… since I was looking like a wild man. Cough. Sorta.

Mostly did smaller things, sorting and stacking. I’m not doing enough to get ready for my show. I think I’m letting the clock run out to put pressure on myself to break the inertia, but it’s not really working. I do work better with deadlines, but I’ve got one already. Show starts Friday. I really shouldn’t need more motivation. It’s just so crazy hot, and the thought of digging through my storage or my secondary in this heat is debilitating.

It needs to be done though. Get ready, do the show, then get back to normal school life.

Yep, that’s the ticket. Get through this, then continue as normal.

Stack it up fellas. The ride is gonna be rough.


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