And it will be crazy hot and crazy humid if nothing changes. That just makes everything so much more miserable. I don’t know when the weather will break, probably next month, but it will be welcome. We never did get a drop of rain yesterday.
I did small stuff, mostly indoors. I alternated a bit. Moved some stuff in from the truck, did some computer work. Hung a new camera, did some cleaning. Hung another camera, did more computer work. Sweat was dripping off my just standing still.
One of the small things I did was replace the light bulb in my pole light in the front yard. Now it’s lit up like daylight out there, at least on the cameras.
Today I’ll see if I can swap out another cam. It’s on the roof though, so if it’s too hot, I won’t climb up. My shoes damage the shingles when they’re too hot…
And I’ve to lots of other stuff to do, including a grocery run, and or Costco run. It’s time to start getting serious about getting my stuff together for my non-prepping hobby conference/swap meet/antique show/convention… I need to dig in my storage units, my secondary location, my office, and various other places where stuff might be stashed. And I’ve got all the normal things to do, as well as my volunteer duties for the show.
Gonna be busy.
But I’ll get some stacking done too. Because that’s what I do.
Whew, 80F already. Sun is barely poking out yet.
Today is going to be hot and humid for sure.
New cam in back yard has some flickering issues like the old cam. That means it’s a network issue, either the port or the cable. Data is just not making it thru cleanly. I’ll try the port first as that is an easy fix.
Hot and humid too here in West Cork. 19C (66F) and 99% humidity. It’s also blowing a gale and there are some hefty showers coming through. Beautiful holiday weather. Today will be shopping and visiting stately homes, out of the weather.
I would be in favour of consequences for people whose gross negligence with their lawfully held property contributes to the damage caused by the negligent or criminal acts of others.
Leave your gub unsecured and unsupervised in your unlocked car and someone steals it and uses it in a crime, your negligence is a contributing factor to the harm done.
Same if you don’t secure or supervise your gub and a child shoots themselves or someone else with it. Gubs are potentially dangerous, and are definitely dangerous when in the wrong hands. It is our responsibility as gub owners to ensure that our gubs are reasonably secured and/or supervised at all times.
If you are grossly negligent as a driver, you can lose your driving licence. If you were demonstrably and grossly negligent with gubs, perhaps better you not have them (for some period of time). All this is possible without recourse to additional legislation, at least where I live.
I don’t know to what extent the second amendment to the US constitution would or could protect a right to be grossly negligent while keeping and bearing arms. I suspect it does not, just like the first amendment does not cover shouting “fire” in a crowded theatre (unless there is a fire).
– this misunderstanding comes from a particular case, and is widely misapplied.
If someone steals my truck and commits a further crime am I responsible? Or does the thief have all the responsibility?
What if he steals my hammer, and beats someone to death with it?
If I leave my hammer on the couch, he still knows it isn’t his. HIS action starts the chain of events. He bears sole responsibility.
If a kid steals my car and hits someone am I responsible? Should I have locked my keys in the safe? Locked the safe in a safe? It’s locked in my locked house already, and even if it’s in a cardboard box inside my unlocked house, when the kid takes the keys it is HIS action that starts the chain of events.
The keys and the car have no ‘agency’. They cannot act. They cannot make a choice. The making of the choice is critical to the making of a crime and assigning responsibility.
When a kid drinks Fabuloso floor cleaner thinking it is juice, does the parent get charged with negligence or is it a tragic accident? Unless the parent put the Fabuloso in a drink cup, or stored it with other food, no. Does the maker of Fabuloso get sued? The label has pictures of stuff that looks like food, and it looks EXACTLY like juice… shouldn’t the maker be held responsible?
Things don’t have agency, they can’t act on their own. Gubs were widely available to kids for hundreds of years, as long as there have been guns. My cousins had shotguns and rifles hanging on the wall of their bedroom in grade school. You could order them by mail from catalogs. Access to gubs, or knives, or car battery acid or pub glassware isn’t the problem.
The murderous intent of the one holding the thing is the problem, or their unawareness of the danger, or their lack of training in safely using the thing.
I agree with Denis here. Most of the people I know with guns store them responsibly. However, I once knew a guy who left a loaded pistol lying around in his living room, even when people visited. That is irresponsible.
Suppose you regularly leave the keys in the ignition, and your young nieces and nephews know this, because they see you do it. One of them, or one of their friends, takes your car for a joy ride? Dunno what a court would say, but I could see you being partially at fault.
Thanks, Brad. I think that case depends on who is visiting. I have friends who keep loaded gubs all over their (otherwise well-secured) homes. I know that, and they know I know. I am allowed to handle and use the instruments if I have the need or desire. There is no negligence in that situation, because I know what I am about and so do they. With a different visitor, or with small kids, that might not be the case. My friends are responsible enough to vet their visitors, or adapt their arrangements accordingly.
Nick, I’m not talking about agency. I’m not saying put the gub on trial because it is a “bad” inanimate object, like in the middle ages. Punish the criminal for the crime. Foresee consequences for the unreasonably or grossly negligent. It’s about reasonable, responsible ownership and avoidable contributory negligence. With great freedom comes equally great responsibility. Your founding fathers understood that I think, as did millions and generations of responsible gub owners, but the understanding seems to have been lost or diluted over time.
It is a sure bet that if someone is killed, the estate and family of the deceased will be suing the owner of the vehicle.
I will disagree. When someone steals something that is entirely on the person stealing. The owner of the property should not be held liable just because something is convenient, and stolen. Your premise could be stretched to insane levels. Someone steals my lawnmower, runs over a kid taking both legs, am I responsible because it was my mower? Someone steals my bicycle and gets hit by a car. Am I responsible because my bicycle was not locked?
I gotta say that leaving a loaded gun around a toddler has GOT to be child endangerment. Toddlers cannot be responsible.
The devil is in the details. Requiring all guns to be locked up in an approved safe is a step too far. I have no children in my home, and in event of an incident, access must be quick.
My opinion, your circumstances may require different solution.
And there lies the problem – too many lawyers.
If you are wondering how congresscritters get rich:
Impeachment Inquiry Report Reveals How Much $$$ the Bidens Made Peddling Influence Since 2014
$27 million. $2.7 million/yr for doing nothing but having a last name = plugs.
Breaking News
Tim Walz quits campaign after learning he must go to battleground states.
And headline of the day:
Politico’s Headline for Reason Biden’s Heading to Chicago Is a MAJOR Eye-Roller
“Hero’s goodbye” Another LMAO moment. As a commenter said “they threw his ass out…”
AI gives you just what you ask for
Made me laugh.
But wait until there is an in-flight emergency and the pilot tells his AI copilot* “Put us down NOW”.
* You know the carriers are going to push for this
Privately funded justice?
It is 97 F in my backyard at noon. Our 1.5 mile walk at 730pm will be murder.
@Lynn: Not having tried Rust myself, I can’t say. But it is supposed to be fast, and a lot more memory-safe than C or C++. Anyway, I thought most of your stuff was in Fortran? Or is there such a thing as Fortran++? I haven’t used Fortran since Fortran-77 (and, later, RatFor).
Fortran is / has transitioned from a serious development language to a hobbyist language. There are two compilers left in the Windows world and both are hostile to F77 code. So, I am incredibly slowly converting the F77 code to C++.
In the process, I am converting from F77 to F90. It is a difficult port since F90 is so different than F77.
Our app consists of five EXEs, three DLLs, and many text and binary files. All of the DLLs are 90% F77 code. All of the EXEs are C++. In total, we have 850,000 lines of F77 and 600,000 lines of C++.
Rust is getting a lot of push right now. I am considering converting the DLLs from F77 to Rust instead. But, Rust is still being defined and is in a transitory state with a very strange variant of OOP programming.
No. Leo Apotheker, CEO of HP at the time was a dumba**.
Apotheker was fired less than a year after being hired, but he did a lot of damage to HP. Autonomy was just one of his brain farts.
>> It is a sure bet that if someone is killed, the estate and family of the deceased will be suing the owner of the vehicle and anyone else remotely related, even including Alec Baldwin and Kevin Bacon.
I worked with software which encompassed similar claimed features to the main product Autonomy sold prior to the HP acquisition. Our product was not successful due to the problems in structuring unstructured input data – kind of pre AI. I could not understand how Autonomy could achieve the claims it made. I had suspicions of ‘hookers and steaks’ and ‘hotskills’ but never got close enough to the Autonomy software to firm up on my doubts.
I wasn’t surprised when HP then wrote down the value to zero following acquisition. I feel it justified my suspicions.
Still, feel for the family, RIP
I liked parts of Swift, but the math libraries were a joke last time I looked.
Gun manufacturers, private aviation manufacturers, etc.
I have heard that makers of EAA 49% kits try to make the assets of the LLC to be only the petty cash & plans, everything else is leased or rented.
If you win a lawsuit then you get to own the plans, and the liabilities if *you* try to run the company.
I honestly don’t understand how the makers of side-by-side vehicles stay in business.
Swift is about Apple trying to move app business logic in the model part of MVC away from C++.
iOS had very good C++11 support early which was great for third party developers supporting the three major mobile platforms but lousy for App Store profits.
I would be in favour of consequences for people whose gross negligence with their lawfully held property contributes to the damage caused by the negligent or criminal acts of others.
Leave your gub unsecured and unsupervised in your unlocked car and someone steals it and uses it in a crime, your negligence is a contributing factor to the harm done.
Same if you don’t secure or supervise your gub and a child shoots themselves or someone else with it. Gubs are potentially dangerous, and are definitely dangerous when in the wrong hands. It is our responsibility as gub owners to ensure that our gubs are reasonably secured and/or supervised at all times.
Wow, I think that you and I have an impasse here. Guns are tools, pure and simple. So are hoes, shovels, saws, etc. Each of these has a purpose for usage.
My wife’s cousin has a loaded shotgun at her front door and her back door. She has a rattlesnake mound about a 100 yards (100 meters) from their farm in the country. About once a month, they open the front or back door and find a three to six foot long rattlesnake sunning themselves on the front or back porches. All three of their kids were born and raised to adults in that house with the loaded shotguns hanging on a rack next to the doors.
I have loaded guns in my house, truck, and office. I carry a gun to a lot of places. The guns are there to defend me from two legged and four legged varmints. They are not there as pretty, pretty, pretty toys.
If I had a young child in the house or in my truck, I would secure the guns more. But not in a safe where precious seconds are spent opening that safe while I am being attacked.
If you are wondering how congresscritters get rich:
Impeachment Inquiry Report Reveals How Much $$$ the Bidens Made Peddling Influence Since 2014
$27 million. $2.7 million/yr for doing nothing but having a last name = plugs.
That is a low number. I keep seeing $120 million.
Remember TV in the ‘70’s? When it seemed everything had lemon in it. Lemon Pledge for furniture. Lemon Joy for washing dishes. Lemon scented shampoo.
I replaced the kitchen ceiling light again. The 13 watt LED = 100 watt incandescent just didn’t work out. Better than nothing but lots of glare. The same fixtures, one in the laundry room and one in the water heater closet where I have a chest freezer are simply great. I suppose the glare is absorbed by the walls. The new light is 20 inches round and an inch thick. It is rated 40 watts juice and 4350 lumens, that comes out to about 300 watts incandescent. It’s brighter than the circline fixture I tossed a couple of months ago. Maybe by 60 watts. Nice light, no glare. Dang, I need to do some scrubbing in the kitchen.
I just unloaded the dishwasher. It’s a KitchenAide and it took 2.5 hours to run a “ProWash” cycle. That cycle has some kind of soil sensor. I rinse dishes before loading. No heated dry, no sani-rinse, just ProWash. I add a half teaspoon of TSP if I remember. I remembered today. I opened the machine to let the dishes air dry.
With the new light, my Corelle “sandstone”, not “arctic white” dinner plates look brand new. Which made me laugh.
Way back when negroes were still somewhat a novelty on TV? And not hyphenated Americans? There was, for a very short time, a Lemon Joy commercial. Just husband and wife washing the dishes. Just being folks. Husband held up a dish saying something about how good Lemon Joy cleaned, the usual commercial spiel, and “Honey, look at that shine!” He was using th eplate as a mirror.
We all busted out laughing. They said that on national TV?
No. I don’t know why “shine” was a bad word to use when talking about colored folk. It just was.
I think that is the biggest sloop that I have ever seen. 56 meters (183 feet) long with a 11.5 meter (38 foot) beam. Ah, she is really a motor cruiser with two engines that can push her to 16 knots (18 mph) and fuel storage of 50,000 liters (13,000 gallons).
“Reality, Not Black Pills”
“There are those who tell me to “chill out on the pessimism” because “Trump is going to trounce any Dem they throw at him.” So let’s take a look at both possible outcomes.”
“What if Trump loses and HOTUS takes office?”
“If the Democrats win the Presidency and both houses of Congress, Kamala is planning on Federalizing the patents of any company that doesn’t comply with her price controls.”
“What if Trump wins and takes office?”
“OK, now what? The US has more than $142 trillion in unfunded liabilities, and we are bleeding to the tune of $3 trillion or more per year. That number is so staggeringly large, it’s difficult to imagine. To put it in perspective, this number is equal to more than 93% of everything that every American has. This includes all of their assets in savings, real estate, corporate stocks, private businesses, and consumer durable goods like automobiles and furniture.”
“So Trump can’t and won’t do a thing to stop that bleeding. Even were he to try, Congress won’t buy into that, and neither will the American public. There is no stopping this juggernaut. So everything that you own, all that you have saved, everything, is going to be gone. There is no choice but for the economy and the government as we know it to collapse. It’s just a matter of when.”
This is why I am viewing the chance of a financial apocalypse in the USA as 100% in the next ten years. Things will be radically different in the USA in twenty years. One such view is “The Mandibles: A Family, 2029-2047” by Lionel Shriver:
I have no idea how to fix this without massive changes of people’s expectations.
The only solution is to nationalize all FUSA external debt and most of the internal debt. Work towards energy independence, again, and bring back overseas factories.
As Bill Paxton said, “Game over, man, game over.”
“Harley-Davidson Announces Changes After Backlash Over LGBTQ+ Sponsorships, “Woke” DEI Policies”
“The changes have largely come as a result of pressure campaigns by conservative activist Robby Starbuck – and his latest target was iconic motorcycle brand Harley-Davidson.”
“On his Twitter, Starbuck has criticized Jochen Zeitz, the German CEO of Harley who took the job in 2020 after formerly serving as CEO of footwear brand Puma, for his role in starting an organization called “The B Team” with billionaire Richard Branson. Among its goals, The B-Team seeks to phase out fossil fuels (which is weird for a motorcycle company) and “transform food systems” by reducing emissions. The group also lists as their priorities promoting “global cooperation and inclusive representation.””
I never understood how H-D could become woke with their customer base and their love of gasoline eating motorcycles.
I saw Deadpool and Wolverine today. I like it, but it won’t save Disney.
The only solution is to nationalize all FUSA external debt and most of the internal debt. Work towards energy independence, again, and bring back overseas factories.
Funny, those are Trump’s goals.
BTW, the USA is the number one energy producer in the world despite Biden trying to stop it every which way he can. No else is even close.
SE Wisconsin.
Plus HOG is 91% owned by institutions, 10% by Vanguard.
“Cops Are Reportedly Calling in Sick: Will DNC Violence Be Worse Than 1968?”
“The Democratic National Convention kicks off in Chicago on Monday, and the city has been bracing for violence and riots. Businesses started boarding up their windows and doors last week due to the many thousands of antisemitic, pro-Palestinian protesters expected to descend on the area organized by more than 200 different groups. Some are saying it could be reminiscent of the violence that plagued the 1968 DNC, which was also in Chicago.”
“That may just be wishful thinking. According to some reports on social media, more than 1,000 officers are calling in sick.”
Sounds like a war zone.
The money line dropped by the big surprise cameo is one of the most profound things I’ve heard about Disney as they continue to circle the drain.
Yes, there will only ever be one. The Mouse isn’t capable.
Lynn, I see no impasse. The examples you gave sound to me like responsible people acting responsibly after having responsibly assessed their particular circumstances. No harm done or to be expected.
What I am getting at is the cases of gross negligence that actually harm me as a responsible gub owner, because they are pure grist to the antis’ mills: leaving your gub unsupervised and unsecured in your unlocked car in a bad part of downtown is not the same as having a rifle rack in your remote backwoods pickup or woods cabin, or available to you for self-defence inside your otherwise secure home or office.
Do you leave your gubs lying around unsupervised where children or irresponsible people** can play with them? Neither do I. When I find myself shaking my head at tragic news reports about people who did, I think those people ought not to be in control of gubs.
** I have taught plenty of kids about gubs and shooting, and many adults too. Some of the kids were more responsible and less danger to themselves and others than a few of the “adults”, whose only qualification for that honorific was the number of their circuits around the sun. I wouldn’t have trusted them to operate a motor vehicle, vote, or be out in public unsupervised either.
“Trump Makes Liberal Media MELT DOWN With Post About Taylor Swift”
“Former President Donald Trump sent the liberal media into a tailspin on Monday by sharing satirical posts of Taylor Swift endorsing his 2024 presidential campaign.”
“The images, reposted on Trump’s Truth Social platform, featured AI-generated visuals of “Swifties for Trump” T-shirts and even portrayed Swift herself as Uncle Sam, captioned “Taylor wants you to vote for Donald Trump.””
“Trump’s playful acceptance of the “endorsement” from Swift, while clearly marked as satire by the original poster, Amuse, was disavowed by many of the superstar singer’s fans and left-wing news outlets alike.”
I know that there are Swifties for Trump as I like most of her music and I like Trump. I highly doubt that I am the only one.
re: gubs in cars
Left to my own devices, I’d never leave my handgun in my car.
But sometimes I go places where foolish people prohibit me carrying, even in Texas. I use the Post Office, I like live music which is often in 51% places, and I use medical services at hospitals.
I usually avoid places that have 30.06 signs, and occasionally walk in anyway if it’s just in-and-out. But for the most part, I end up throwing the gub into the console and locking the vehicle.
Which, of course, INCREASES the potential for theft. The Medical Center is a high crime area, and some entertainment venues’ parking lots are sketchy.
We have a so called gun safe. It’s just a steel box with a locking door. It’s not bolted to the floor. Just for the “where is the whatever” stuff goes in there. Pistols generally sit on a high closet shelf. Ammo is in another room. Almost nothing is sitting around loaded. My Henry .22 is by the back door but it’s on an empty shell. The Glock is under my desk, not racked. There’s a 410 behind the bedroom door and I really need to figure how to use it.
It’s all of five minutes to gather it all up, unload everything and put it where kids can’t get to it. Well, that’s if anyone brings any of their kids here.
It’s cool. Put them away. Just like you would put a circular saw away.
I don’t think Donahue’s career ever recovered after being fair to Rush Limbaugh appearing as a guest circa ~ 1992, around the time that the first Time cover story hit.
I got out of the habit of giving the dogs some canned food mixed into their dry food. Today I opened a can. Penny is whatever. Buddy the Beagle is whatever.
Then I started to dish it out. I really think that if Buddy really wanted, he could jump up onto the kitchen counter. I dished out half of the can. More for tomorrow!
It’s HEB Hill Country Fare “Beef Cuts in Gravy”. Yeah, whatever, beef cuts like Slim Jims are beef jerky. Or meatloaf is a sirloin steak. They like the stuff. It smells good to me. I tasted the gravy a few years ago, it’s sort of like canned beef stew. Needs salt and pepper and some garlic.
Buddy has been back to the kitchen at least 5 times to inspect and make sure the food pots are empty. He cracks me up.
I made deviled eggs last night. I used sour cream instead of mayo. To skip the soybean oil and preservatives. I only boiled four eggs. Small batch. I goofed and added too much mustard for my tastes. But the neighbor came down to update her Kindle and have a few beers and just visit. She said the eggs were great.
Me? Oh, I licked the spoon I used for the mustard and blew out my taste buds. But this morning? Yeah, it was a pretty good batch of deviled eggs. Sour cream instead of mayo works.
“AI is OK to use if I do it, but everyone else using it is cheating and a faker.” – Trump.
Fixed it for you.
Still can’t ever post anything positive about your candidate? Just once??????
Same reason Stephen King called his book “The Shining” and not “The Shine” as originally planned; ‘shine’ was a pejorative contraction of shoeshine, implying that was all some groups were good for, or capable of. It was applied to several groups at various times.
I just found it interesting (and maybe hypocritical, but not surprising) that the Trump campaign complained about AI use on a crowd photo (proven not true), but then used AI to create a fake photo for his campaign.
And I don’t have a ‘your candidate’. Once again, the current choices indicate that I will have to vote ‘for’ one person to help ensure that the other person loses.
“Cops Are Reportedly Calling in Sick: Will DNC Violence Be Worse Than 1968?”
The Chicago Teachers Union is demanding wage and benefits increases that would cost an estimated $50 billion. The total yearly tax receipts for the state of Illinois are about $53 Billion.
If the violence were worse, is there a point short of total destruction of Chicago that would represent an actual downside? Can we rig a roach motel so the agitators don’t make it out?
“AI is OK to use if I do it, but everyone else using it is cheating and a faker, especially that Rick fellow…” – Trump.
about AI use on a crowd photo (proven not true)
– so someone posted pix from a different angle or vantage point showing the same crowd? I didn’t see any. The hi rez version of the photo had the AI weird “slickness”or “shiny-ness” to the skin and edge highlighting, and the phones were all showing different things while they should have been at least similar in color and pattern as they were all pointed at the plane. Concert photos of crowds holding up phones look very different from the photo.
If there is a link to good photos from other angles or vantage points, I’d love to see them. We know that Hillary staged crowd photos during her campaign to look like the crowds were bigger than they were. She didn’t have AI and photoshop is too clumsy…
AI is just one more tool to manipulate people with.
Looking at today’s discussion, the factor separating most of the examples into two piles is an illegal act by an adult.
I don’t have any problem expecting people to behave responsibly in storing items than can be dangerous. But there should also be an expectation that adults instruct their children properly and don’t let them run wild and become hoodlums.
Take this for example:
4 children found shot in stolen car in Minneapolis
“We are failing to deter this behavior,” said Police Chief Brian O’Hara.
Car thieves ages 11-14. Age of shooter with alleged full-auto weapon not yet determined.
There has been some informed speculation about the thieves having been caught previously and released. One may have reasonable suspicions about that being the case also with the shooter.
The PLT’s will advocate for leniency for these “children”. The primary descriptor is criminals, and the PLT’s have created them and nurtured them.. An innocent person killed as collateral damage is just as dead as they would be if killed by someone in big-boy pants.
The solution is not to lock up inanimate objects, but to remove the active agents that turn inanimate objects deadly. Make their parents responsible, and that includes the one that has to be matched from the DNA database. Remember when they allegedly matched the PA shooter within 30 minutes, even though he had no record? Any bets on how long it would take to determine paternity on an 11-year-old car thief?
The PLT’s will also impose more severe penalties on someone that will be guilty of a “crime” by not securing their car and weapons with top-grade security because the products of three generations of PLT family destruction have no morals and the real goals are not crime prevention, but a) total destruction of any political operation; b) total destruction of our way of life, and c) total control of everything*
“We know that Hillary staged crowd photos during her campaign to look like the crowds were bigger than they were.”
Over the weekend the Humperites cleared paying patrons from a restaurant and brought in vans of people to make a fake crowd in the background for The Potted Kamel and ChinaTim.
“Tim Walz Introduced as ‘Command Sergeant Major’ at DNC Despite Losing That Rank”
“Democrat vice presidential nominee Gov. Tim Walz (MN) was introduced at the Democratic National Convention (DNC) as “command sergeant major” despite losing that rank before retiring from the Minnesota National Guard.”
Stolen Valor it is.
Forty years:
By my back-of-envelope calculations, if every civilization in the galaxy has a Farcebook like entity churning out the equivalent level of email-analog messages, the result is a shortening of the natural lifespan of the universe by at least 10 milliseconds.
And there is a real danger that the single electron that continuously loops and forces the expansion of spacetime will get fed-up with their shiite and just quit, making the whole thing collapse even more prematurely.
As part of my cleaning and sorting, I’ve been looking at three carousels of vintage slides I grabbed at goodwill. I saw that some of them were sandy desert, and hoped for Egypt pre-tourists…
Got vacation snaps of places and things, few people, Netherlands, London, Germany, Greece, some sandy desert (probably the guy’s work trip), and a couple of places I don’t recognize. The amazing thing is how few people are in the outdoor shots. That and how some of the slides are still full color, and some are barely there red haze, like the shots of the Royal Lipizzan Stallions… which is a shame because that is the most interesting set.
There is a market for old slides and photos, but I don’t think I have anything too valuable in these sets.
I think the super cheap auctioneer is playing games again. I came back to my pc and found the screen with all the items I was bidding on, with “WON” next to a bunch of items, like 4 different solar panels. Stuff I won very cheaply. The screen is left when all my “watched” items time out as the auction runs. They count down live, and then after the bidding is done, they switch to “won” “lost” etc, with a “bidding closed” icon.
Sweet, got a good price on a bunch of stuff … but when I looked at my “bids won” page, lo and behold, I hadn’t won any of those lots. Hmmm. One page showing I won them, one showing not.
Unfortunately I didn’t screenshot the first page, and once the page reloaded, they were all replaced with lots from the next auction.
I’ll pay attention next time, and if I spot shenanigans I’ll call them on it. Could just be bad programming. But they have a history.
I hate cheaters and thieves.
Some drama down the street. Woman yelled or screamed, dogs barked, and when I looked at the monitor for the cams there was a cop car in front of my neighbor, two down…
He’s had problems with an ex getting violent in the past.
I poked my head out and 4 or 5 more cops arrived at high speed.
Watching the video, I think the first deputy was talking with the ex or someone in the street, then they ran… then all the other cops came. The others mostly left pretty quickly, but the first and second are still on scene and it’s been a half hour.
I didn’t hear any shots, and there isn’t a medical response, so hopefully it was just shouting and everyone is ok.
Did the DNC Release the Wrong Platform?
The people putting this out are running the country, and running a political campaign on their record of doing so to convince people to give them four more years.
And they can’t even proofread or edit a document.
Notice I edited the above statement, adding the obviously missing verb. I found it easy-peasy. Less intellectually demanding than recognizing that the canned platform needed to be updated with Harris running in place of Biden, but still within the capacity of at least a small subset of Democrats.
That people so incompetent are in those positions should terrify us all.
I have started ripping the pile o dvds again. Surprisingly I hadn’t ripped Ronin yet. So I did. And started watching it to make sure it ripped ok.
Freaking heck, that is one good movie. Crazy car chases, shoot outs, spys, and plot twists. Parts of it I remember the dialog word for word, but huge chunks of it I’m watching fresh.
One woman, and she is a girl boss, but not a grrl boss. She screws up. People die. She’s a bad guy.
Great movie.
Ha ha…
You gotta suck extra hard if you can’t make money with the Star Wars IP.
And now into the arms of sleep…
>>As part of my cleaning and sorting, I’ve been looking at three carousels of vintage slides I grabbed at goodwill. I saw that some of them were sandy desert, and hoped for Egypt pre-tourists…
Afraid to ask how many slide projectors you have…
From the one clip I saw on Fox it looks like the Dumbo crowd in Chi-town had to put up with almost an hour of angry/screaming Joe. Same “juice” as at the SOTU.