Day: August 18, 2024

Sun. Aug. 18, 2024 – still plugging away

Hot and humid. The summer continues. We had a nice Spring, with summer actually being fairly mild compared to a couple of recent years. We haven’t had the string of 100+ degree days that we had before. But the humidity is at saturation and it’s oppressive. You really can’t cool down at all, even sitting still will bake your brains after a while.

I spent the day pecking at things. I am trying to keep moving forward, but the lure of an un-scheduled day beckoned. And the heat was discouraging. I did the minimum to partly unload my truck and I re-did the tarp over the remainder of stuff in the bed. It was threatening to rain in the evening. Never did though.

Today I’ll probably do the same, little things to keep moving, but nothing major. It’s the doldrums. I am fighting the inertia. It doesn’t help that my neck has been hurting either, but that’s an excuse.

It’s hard to keep your motivation up sometimes. The best I can offer is keep doing something, even if it’s little things. They do add up over time.

And keep stacking.


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