Day: August 16, 2024

Fri. Aug. 16, 2024 – where did the week go?

More heat and humidity. I’m ready to start cooling down. Hot with rain day before yesterday, hot with sun yesterday, and hot today.

I did my running around yesterday afternoon, then did my kid duties, and hit the store for soda and snacks. Other than pork shoulder, nothing good on sale, so my bill was high and my savings were low.

One of the errands was a scrap run. I had the broken Samsung washing machine on the truck, and I had some scrap stacked in the driveway. I took some copper pipe, some brass plumbing, a scooter, and some old lead batteries. Got about $55. Copper and brass are paying ok, mixed or shred steel, not so much. Lead is much less than it was two years ago. Scrap prices tend to go up or down with the health of the economy. I’d say it’s ‘middling’ right now.

Burned a steak for dinner. I was busy mashing turnips and left the steak on the grill 2 minutes too long. It was still edible and tasty but there was a little too much “taste of the grill”.

Today I’ve got another couple of pickups. I’ll get the kids out of the house, then get started. I’ve also got all the other stuff from the list, and getting ready for my show in about 10 days.

It’s a busy time with school starting back up, and all the other stuff going on. All I have to do is not falter…

Stack. And then stack some more.

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