Tues. Aug. 13, 2024 – can it possibly be half way thru August already?

By on August 13th, 2024 in culture, decline and fall, march to war

Hot and humid. Of course. Like yesterday and every day for the last month. And for the rest of this month. And yet, there are “professionals” who get paid to tell us what they think it will be tomorrow, next week, and in 50 years. “Professionals” who are never punished when they are wrong, who never suffer for their mistakes, and who never seem to grow or get better. I guess it’s a good gig if you can get it.

Spent most of yesterday not doing stuff on my list. Then I did stuff for the kid, and fell asleep. Not a shining example…

Today I’ll try to avoid a repeat of that, although I have kid stuff in the afternoon, just like yesterday.

There is so much going on, so much to do, and suddenly the summer is mostly over. Crazy how that works. Someone with more willpower than me might be able to triumph, but I’m not. I will keep plugging away. That’s what I do.

Some things are just going to fall by the wayside. Picking the right things will be the trick…

Stacking will continue.


46 Comments and discussion on "Tues. Aug. 13, 2024 – can it possibly be half way thru August already?"

  1. Greg Norton says:

    No hidden agenda in this headline, no….

    Sleazy rider: Trump flies on pedophile Jeffrey Epstein’s old private jet – now owned by a top California GOP donor

    The Lolita Express which BillG rode back in the glory days?

    The press has been trying to tie Trump to that mess since Epstein “comitted suicide”.

    The Mail. This is a tough time to sell papers in Britain.

    I say Millcient, these Yanks have quite a problem with child diddling.

  2. Greg Norton says:

    I say Millcient, these Yanks have quite a problem with child diddling.

    BTW, I thought the guy looked guilty as sin yesterday, but I wasn’t going to give the blue state-born and Texas Fancy Lad Law grad ADA bimbette the conviction with a 25 year minimum sentence on just testimony from the victim.

    The McMartin case kept going through my mind, and I’m sure it was on the ADA’s as well from the way she was talking.

  3. brad says:

    I now get up at least once a night to pee and sometimes twice.

    The problem, of course, is that the enlarged prostate in men prevents you from completely emptying your bladder. Here’s something that works for me:

    I assume you have some bedtime routine: getting undressed, brushing your teeth, peeing, whatever. I’ve changed my routine to pee both at the start and and the end of the routine. There’s enough time in between for your body to “reset”, and let you try again. For me, at least, this prevents having to get up in the middle of the night.

  4. drwilliams says:


    No, you don’t need to look at the photo. 

    Started in 2020, discovered during an audit last year. School doesn’t even buy chicken wings. I’d guess they need to terminate 2-3 clueless managers who aren’t doing their job.  

  5. Greg Norton says:

    Started in 2020, discovered during an audit last year. School doesn’t even buy chicken wings. I’d guess they need to terminate 2-3 clueless managers who aren’t doing their job.  

    Someone does their job in city government in Harvey, IL?

    The mess in neighboring Dalton making national news right nowcasts a lot of doubt on the ability of IL local governments to actually govern instead of rule.

    And I’ve posted before about the saga of Harvey Square, the mall in ”The Blues Brothers”. I guess nothing has changed in city government there.

  6. Ray Thompson says:

    The VA has put me on another, or rather additional, medication for type II diabetes. The cost on the civilian market is $586.00 for 30 pills. I guess people without insurance just die. I got three bottles. I don’t think the post office delivery engineer knew there was almost $1,700 in that little bag.

  7. JimB says:

    …post office delivery engineer…

    Ha! Made me wonder if their Grumman delivery vehicles have a steam powered whistle. 

  8. Nick Flandrey says:

    Hmmm mid80s and overcast today.

    I’m sure it will burn off and get hotter.


  9. drwilliams says:

      “Made me wonder if their Grumman delivery vehicles have a steam powered whistle. “

    No, but the Keurig offers one as an option. 

  10. lynn says:

    I assume you have some bedtime routine: getting undressed, brushing your teeth, peeing, whatever. I’ve changed my routine to pee both at the start and and the end of the routine. There’s enough time in between for your body to “reset”, and let you try again. For me, at least, this prevents having to get up in the middle of the night.

    Yup, pee when getting ready for bed.  Pee last before turning out the light.

  11. lynn says:

    Hmmm mid80s and overcast today.

    I’m sure it will burn off and get hotter.

    We got a ¼ inch of rain yesterday afternoon.  

  12. Alan says:

    >>There is no perfect OS.

    Iirc, it’s been a while since I’ve gotten any OS updates for my Commodore 64.

  13. Greg Norton says:

    And I’ve posted before about the saga of Harvey Square, the mall in ”The Blues Brothers”. I guess nothing has changed in city government there.

    Dixie Square.


  14. Greg Norton says:

    Iirc, it’s been a while since I’ve gotten any OS updates for my Commodore 64

    Various third party replacement ROMs are out there to address various issues and/or make enhancements. You may have to solder, however.

  15. Lynn says:

    I had five phone calls before 10 am this morning wake me up.  A local realtor put a picture with a hand drawn road and bridge to the back of my commercial properties as a new back exit for the subdivision behind me.  People are excited and want to buy my commercial properties.  

    However, the realtor is wrong.  I told the realtors that I would only sell my properties for an absurd amount and they lost interest.  One of them is the last unused and cleared five acre property above the flood plane that has 310 feet of frontage on the road to the proposed new toll bridge going across the Brazos River that I am in no hurry to sell.

    The city of Sugar Land is merely building a real road to the levee and the septic collection pit.  They are not building a real $20 million bridge across the bayou that would be 50 feet above the low water crossing that is always flooded now.

    Oh well, at least I got six hours of sleep last night after reading my new used 700 page hardback until 4am.

  16. Nick Flandrey says:

    We just had a hard and heavy rain, but the sun is out now.   It didn’t help the humidity.


  17. JimB says:

    Iirc, it’s been a while since I’ve gotten any OS updates for my Commodore 64.

    Same here for my Windows 2000 installation, although it is air gapped.

  18. JimB says:

    We just had a hard and heavy rain, but the sun is out now.   It didn’t help the humidity.

    It helped it go UP! While that might be possible, there probably isn’t a practical difference.

    Many years ago, I flew from Michigan to Florida in wintertime. Stepping off the plane was like walking into a wall. Talk about atmospheric pressure!

  19. Lynn says:

    Many years ago, I flew from Michigan to Florida in wintertime. Stepping off the plane was like walking into a wall. Talk about atmospheric pressure!

    I flew from Helena, Montana to Houston last May.  36 F to 96 F. It was like a punch in the face.

  20. Nick Flandrey says:

    I’ve noticed that my antiperspirant/deodorant isn’t working.   Specifically, the new bar from the multipack I ordered on Amazon isn’t working to keep me from stinking.   Oddly, the same product at the BOL works great.   So I compared packaging.   The shape and size of the package has changed.   The net amount of product has supposedly remained the same.

    A close comparison of the old (exp. 2022) and the new (exp 2024) shows differences in color, font, and print quality that were big enough for me to think I’d been sold counterfeit product…   so I went looking today.

    The new stick matches the pictures on Arm and Hammer’s website, so I think it’s just cost savings, not counterfeit that made the difference in color, complexity, and quality of the packaging.   HOWEVER.  Upon close examination and further research, they changed active ingredients some time after they changed the packaging…   the online image shows the back of the stick listing the same ingredient as the old, effective stick, but the new package in my hand lists a similar, but less effective, and presumably cheaper ingredient.

    Amazon product listings have sellers with both the old product shown, and the new version.  I had ordered the new version, not knowing the active ingredient had changed. 

    I just ordered the old version, and will see if that’s what I actually get.   (the old version has “48hr coverage” on the package.)  If not, I’ll return it.

    Gotta keep an eye on the b@stards.   And another reason to stock up if you find something you like.

  21. Lynn says:

    “Reshaping the Electorate’: Biden-Harris Admin Granting Citizenship at Fastest Rate in a Decade”


    “The NY Times report goes on to set out at under five months, application processing speed is now on a par with 2013 and 2014.  About 3.3 million immigrants have become citizens during President Joe Biden’s time in office, with less than two months to go before the close of the 2024 fiscal year.”

    That is a lot of naturalizations.

  22. Greg Norton says:

    That is a lot of naturalizations.

    The message is not lost in points south.

    What surprised me most about yesterday’s jury panel was the lack of faces drawn from the demographics found below the Rio Grande.

    The more I contemplate the experience, the more annoyed I am with the county’s DA. I voted for him last time, and I’ll abstain in November.

  23. Greg Norton says:

    I’ve noticed that my antiperspirant/deodorant isn’t working.   Specifically, the new bar from the multipack I ordered on Amazon isn’t working to keep me from stinking.   Oddly, the same product at the BOL works great.   So I compared packaging.   The shape and size of the package has changed.   The net amount of product has supposedly remained the same.

    A close comparison of the old (exp. 2022) and the new (exp 2024) shows differences in color, font, and print quality that were big enough for me to think I’d been sold counterfeit product…   so I went looking today.

    Counterfeit? From an Amazon third party seller? I’m shocked!

    A third party seller is probably organized five finger arbitrage if the product is real.

    The replacement of active ingredient probably originated in California under a restriction there which went national.

    The situation might be similar to when WA State banned phosphates in the dishwasher detergents and Costco enforced the change nationwide.

  24. JimB says:

    “Reshaping the Electorate’: Biden-Harris Admin Granting Citizenship at Fastest Rate in a Decade”

    I still say the best solution would be to convince all those newcomers to vote straight Redumlican tickets. Watch the immigration policy turn on a dime.

    Hard, you say? We put men on the moon. We could do it. Let’s have some can-do spirit!!

  25. paul says:

    Deodorant stuff… I use Clubman/Pinaud aftershave.  Various flavors.   I like the smells    Slop some into your palm, rub hands together and rub it into your pits.  And crotch if your hands are still wet. 

    The alcohol kills the stink causing cooties.   

    I generally do not stink anymore.  Yeah, I do get smelly.  But it’s different than when I used Speedstick and then the Old Spice version of stick deodorants. 

    Rubbing alcohol is much cheaper and just as effective.  

    I don’t have a problem with sweating. It’s what my body does.

    It does sting at first. For a week or two.

  26. Alan says:

    >>That is a lot of naturalizations.

    And a lot of new Dumbo voters. 

    tRump though… 

  27. Greg Norton says:

    >>That is a lot of naturalizations.

    And a lot of new Dumbo voters. 

    A lot of harvested absentee ballots for the paralegals to fill out down at the Democrat’s law firm fixers before November.

    Here’s the thing. Trump. I’m just sayin’.

    A neighbor of mine who also received a summons for jury duty the same morning I did told me that he’s a “felony magnet”, having been summoned five times over the last decade.

    Another white male in his 50s who puts “Engineer” in the profession field of his tax return.

  28. Nick Flandrey says:

    Currently having an opthomological migraine.    They are disconcerting but not painful.  Might have spelled that wrong.


    My dad would use alcohol on his pits in lieu of showering.    I’ve got a spray bottle in the bathroom.   If I get out of the shower and the soap didn’t get it, the alcohol does.

    Weird that I’d have that conversation, and the migraine on the day after the anniversary of his passing.   He got the migraines too.


  29. Greg Norton says:

    I wonder how long it will be before Austin gets one of these.

    A big one in Texas. Maybe Buc-ee’s sized. I can’t imagine the fan boys being happy about a full parking lot when they pull up with the Tonymobile sucking fumes … er … electrons.


    H/T: Today’s Tyler Durden Cowardice

    Driving into downtown Georgetown, TX, I was struck at how many of the old houses around the city core had been torn down and replaced by structures I can only describe as Modern California Soy Boy.

    Williamson County is going blue like Travis (Austin metro) and Hays (San Marcos, where the NFL team will eventually play). The clock is ticking on the rest of the I-35 corridor, which I don’t think will survive the 2026 trim notices without a political upheval.

    IIRC Tesla runs an employee bus to Georgetown. I know they run one to Killeen for the Army’s “transition to work” internship (I forget the exact name) participants and line workers who can’t afford to live closer to town.

  30. EdH says:

    I am fooling around here today, looking at home automation stuff on line, security cams mostly and temperature sensors.

    One problem is that I’m on DSL, and uploading speed isn’t all that great.

    Because we had a black truck with no plates casing the neighborhood this weekend.

    One of the neighbors actually came by and told me that it stopped in front of *my house* while I was out.

    I am supposed to be gone on vacation for 10 days, starting in about a week…

    I have some good neighbors, who will keep an eye open, but they have lives too.

  31. Lynn says:

    ““Green” Hydrogen Subsidies Are 1,900x Larger Than What’s Given To Nuclear”


    “Now, back to hydrogen. It’s the most common element in the universe. It’s also one of the most difficult to produce and manage. About 98% of global hydrogen production now comes from hydrocarbons, with some 75% from natural gas via the steam methane reforming process. Oil refiners use a lot of hydrogen to remove sulfur from motor fuel. Water electrolysis, producing hydrogen by splitting water molecules, accounts for less than 2% of world hydrogen output. Why does electrolysis account for such a small percentage? The answer is simple: it requires vast amounts of electricity.”

    “Under rules published earlier this year by the Treasury Department and Internal Revenue Service, hydrogen producers can collect $3 per kilogram of hydrogen under the production tax credit if they use electricity from low- or no-carbon sources. (The exact amount is less than 0.45 kilograms of greenhouse gas per kg of hydrogen.) According to the latest figures from the Treasury Department, the PTC is the single most expensive energy-related tax expenditure in the federal code.  Between 2024 and 2033, the PTC is expected to cost some $276.6 billion.”

    And the nuclear power subsidies are fairly high too with free liability insurance, etc.

  32. Lynn says:

    “Does Tim Walz think your children are his business?”


    “Couldn’t help but notice that the line Tim Walz gets the biggest applause for is “Mind your own damn business.””

    “This is the guy who:  

    1. Set-up a snitch line  
    2. Backed a non-criminal speech registry  
    3. Shut down Churches  
    4. Mandated shots for state employees”

    This is a fascist who chooses what to mind and quite a bit of it is people’s private business.

    And of course, there is the Stolen Valor thing.  The latest is that Walz has PTSD from his non-existent Afghanistan tour of duty.

  33. Lynn says:

    “Anthropogenic Global Warming is Political, Not Physical, Science”


    “By now, almost everyone knows that “the world is warming”, and has been told over and over by the mainstream media that it is due to man’s emissions of greenhouse gases (GHGs), principally but not limited to carbon dioxide (CO2). This claim is largely due to the efforts of the United Nations’ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).”

    “A history of this institution is very instructive, as its roots trace back to the Club of Rome (a MUST read is https://climatism.blog/2018/12/19/draconian-un-climate-agenda-exposed-global-warming-fears-are-a-tool-for-political-and-economic-change-it-has-nothing-to-do-with-the-actual-climate/ Jamie W. Spry).”

    “I quote extensively from this reference below, in brackets […]:”

    “[The Club of Rome was a group of mainly European scientists and academics, who used computer modelling to warn that the world would run out of finite resources if population growth were left unchecked. The Club of Rome’s 1972 environmental best-seller “The Limits To Growth”, examined five variables in the original model: world population, industrialization, pollution, food production and resource depletion. They noted that “In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that…the threat of global warming…would fit the bill…the real enemy, then, is humanity itself.””

    Wait, didn’t I see this in a Pogo comic a long time ago ?  So we are affecting everything on the planet by “We have met the enemy and they are us” ?  This is not cool.

  34. Lynn says:

    “Intel is bringing GPUs to cars”


    “Triple-A gaming is coming to vehicles in 2025, the company said.”

    They are going to put gambling computers in cars.  What could go wrong with that ?

  35. Lynn says:

    “Alvin Bragg Accused Of Illegally Concealing Trump Prosecution Records In New Lawsuit”


    “America First Legal (AFL) has filed a new lawsuit against the New York District Attorney’s Office for refusing to comply with a records request under the New York Freedom of Information Law (FOIL) regarding District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s prosecution of former President Donald Trump.”

    Amazing what happens when the public puts the spotlight on things that happen behind doors. Lots of rats and roaches go scurrying into the crevices.

  36. Greg Norton says:

    Amazing what happens when the public puts the spotlight on things that happen behind doors. Lots of rats and roaches go scurrying into the crevices.


    Big Mike will settle the score with that Devil then come for the rest of you.

  37. Greg Norton says:

    “Intel is bringing GPUs to cars”


    “Triple-A gaming is coming to vehicles in 2025, the company said.”

    Intel is really late to the AI hardware party and taking a beating from Wall Street.

  38. Greg Norton says:

    I had five phone calls before 10 am this morning wake me up.  A local realtor put a picture with a hand drawn road and bridge to the back of my commercial properties as a new back exit for the subdivision behind me.  People are excited and want to buy my commercial properties

    The rate cut is already “baked in”. Wall Street will flip if they don’t get that reduction.

    Another change I noticed near Georgetown yesterday was a new Floor & Decor moving into the old HEB at the freeway interchange. That building had been vacant for a year.

  39. Alan says:

    >> “This is the guy who:  

    1. Set-up a snitch line  
    2. Backed a non-criminal speech registry  
    3. Shut down Churches  
    4. Mandated shots for state employees”

    This is a fascist who chooses what to mind and quite a bit of it is people’s private business.

    And of course, there is the Stolen Valor thing.  The latest is that Walz has PTSD from his non-existent Afghanistan tour of duty.

    Preaching to the choir.

    And The Kamel’s strategy of hiding in Joe’s basement except for scripted appearances seems to be gaining some traction.

    Which leaves OHBad ‘all in’ on Word Salad at the (maybe?) debate while holding deuce / seven as his hole cards.

  40. Alan says:

    >> Another change I noticed near Georgetown yesterday was a new Floor & Decor moving into the old HEB at the freeway interchange. That building had been vacant for a year.


  41. Alan says:

    And this…



    But no worries…”her” policy paper coming Friday will make it all better…

  42. nick flandrey says:

    There was a lot of “expansion” by  buying other retailers that now can ‘t be paid for at higher interest rates.   LL and conns are both guilty of it.

    Dunno about big lots.


  43. Alan says:

    I hope we get an exceptional “October surprise”

    Former aide: Trump ‘feels this election slipping away’

  44. Nick Flandrey says:

    Battlespace prep and gaslighting.


  45. Nick Flandrey says:

    night time for nick…


  46. brad says:

    The Kamel’s strategy of hiding in Joe’s basement except for scripted appearances

    This eventually becomes obvious. Of course, anyone who suffers from TDS will studiously not notice.

    Trump and Republicans have appeared to struggle to find a cohesive message against Harris

    And that’s the mistake. He should be campaigning on what he is going to do, not worrying about Harris.

    – – – – –

    Lots of random errands this afternoon, won’t be home until late…

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