Day: August 13, 2024

Tues. Aug. 13, 2024 – can it possibly be half way thru August already?

Hot and humid. Of course. Like yesterday and every day for the last month. And for the rest of this month. And yet, there are “professionals” who get paid to tell us what they think it will be tomorrow, next week, and in 50 years. “Professionals” who are never punished when they are wrong, who never suffer for their mistakes, and who never seem to grow or get better. I guess it’s a good gig if you can get it.

Spent most of yesterday not doing stuff on my list. Then I did stuff for the kid, and fell asleep. Not a shining example…

Today I’ll try to avoid a repeat of that, although I have kid stuff in the afternoon, just like yesterday.

There is so much going on, so much to do, and suddenly the summer is mostly over. Crazy how that works. Someone with more willpower than me might be able to triumph, but I’m not. I will keep plugging away. That’s what I do.

Some things are just going to fall by the wayside. Picking the right things will be the trick…

Stacking will continue.


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