Mon. Aug. 12, 2024 – she’ll have fun fun fun ’til her daddy takes the …

Hot. Broken record time. hot hot hot. And humid. Because summer in Houston.Yesterday started nice and got hot. Ended nice, although it was a bit too hot. Even though it’s hot, it’s been cooling down at night, so I know Fall is coming.

I started slow, but did get some stuff done. The biggest thing was to swap out the washing machine and cut the grass. I moved and put some stuff away too. And I mounted shelf standards and put a couple of shelves in the bookcase. I’m moving a lot of the apocalypse library to the BOL. That is the most likely place to need it after all. That will have the side benefit of making some space in my office at home… which is also a good thing.

I got pulled over on my way home. It was a BS stop, one of my license plate lights was out and he “couldn’t read the plate from 50 feet.” I always have the cruise control locked at the speed limit, and I’ve taken care of my registration issues, so I wasn’t too worried, mostly just puzzled when he lit me up. Must have been a slow night for the Deputy. In any case, the plot thickened when he re-ran the plates and they came up for my other truck. He’d never seen Radio Operator plates, and had to “check” that I was telling the truth when I pointed out that you can have multiple vehicles with the same plate IF you’re a Radio Operator. Eventually he learned something, and I got a warning. I’m gonna say it was basically ‘stop and frisk’ and BS from the first question. “Where are you coming from?” and “Where are you going?” “What were you doing tonight?” All the BS questions. I was polite and helpful. I was an ambassador for ham radio after all. Still just bullshite though.

Today is a catch up day at home. I’ve got some auctions stuff to do, then errands, and a bit of moving kids around. School is starting soon, and then all of our schedules should firm up. Of course the demands of the school year will make their own issues, but that’s for later. For now, it will help.

I really need to be more scheduled, and actually knock out some of the stuff I’ve let linger too long. I need to take my own advice, and always be working to improve my situation.

The stacking part, I’ve got that down…


61 Comments and discussion on "Mon. Aug. 12, 2024 – she’ll have fun fun fun ’til her daddy takes the …"

  1. Greg Norton says:

    “2008 Video Shows Tim Walz Implying He Suffered PTSD from Afghanistan Deployment”

    He served with Beau in Afganistan.

    The Clear Channel flagship runs “Clay and Buck” “best of” on Sunday afternoons, and I heard the hosts soliciting Minnesota callers during the rerun hour yesterday when I headed out to mail bills. 

    Apparently “Tim Jong Walz” is a popular name for the Governor.

    Not that any of this matters.

  2. Greg Norton says:

    Hot. Broken record time. hot hot hot. And humid. Because summer in Houston.Yesterday started nice and got hot. Ended nice, although it was a bit too hot. Even though it’s hot, it’s been cooling down at night, so I know Fall is coming.

    Cooling down at night?

    I went out to run the OBD dump on a new (to us) car for the kid to use at college. 96 at 8:30 according to the indicator on the dashboard.

    Ten year old Corolla. We probably paid too much at Carmax but time is short at our house, and most of the household is way too into their media as of late.

    I did make it the kid’s responsibility to get extra keys made and check about a replacement remote. Of course that didn’t get done.

  3. brad says:

    I’m an idiot. Drove off with the trailer today, with tools rattling in the back. Because of that, I didn’t realize that I never raised the little wheel in front, by the trailer hitch. So that wheel pounded along on the pavement, and it now a total loss. Thankfully, it’s easy to replace, but that’s a hundred bucks I didn’t need to spend :-/

  4. Ray Thompson says:

    “Where are you coming from?” and “Where are you going?” “What were you doing tonight?”

    The last time I got pulled over was in Washington on highway 20 when leaving Beckett Point. The officer said I was speeding on Airport Cutoff Road. Coming from Beckett Point a person does not generally travel on Airport Cutoff Road. I told the officer I was coming from Beckett Point, had been traveling on Cape George Road, and turned south on highway 20 at Four Corners and did not travel on the road on which I was accused of speeding.

    I was in a rental car and had the necessary documents which I showed the officer. Knowing I was out of state he then asked the purpose of my visit, to which I replied it was none of his business. He then asked to search the vehicle to which I replied “No, I do not consent to a search”. He then asked if I was hiding anything to which I remained silent. He then said “watch your speed” and let me on my way.

  5. Ray Thompson says:

    I’m an idiot.

    Do you really think that makes you special? I have done stupid stuff when towing. In the state of Oregon, if you had been caught, the fine would be significant because of the chance of sparks. I also know that when traveling with the RV trailer, if any of the tank drains (black water and grey water) end caps are not installed, the fine is over $10 thousand dollars. I make a special effort to check those caps.

    I have developed a checklist for the trailer where everything gets checked. The wife reads the list and I do the checks. Shore power disconnected, wheel chocks removed, black water tank capped, front grey water tank capped, rear grey water tank capped, propane turned on (for the refrigerator), hitch latch down, hitch lock installed, safety chains attached and secure, emergency breakaway brake cable attached and secured, trailer light and power cord attached and secured, trailer doors closed and locked, storage caps for drain lines installed, trailer jack raised and foot removed, truck hitch locking pin installed and locked, anti-sway bars safety pins installed and secured, trailer lights working, trailer keys in the pocket.

  6. MrAtoz says:

    I’m an idiot.

    Like Mr. Ray, I am too.

  7. Nick Flandrey says:

    Everyone has lapses…  if it’s critical, written checklists are the way to go.  Of course, you have to USE it for it to be effective.


    Coffee is brewing.    I had an oreo to start my day.   Blondie, not a chocolate one.    They are so much better…


    I guess I’ll have to see what bulb the plate light takes, or if I can swap for LED.   It is a 21yo truck, and it’s kind of amazing the bulb lasted this long.   Ironically, I have several LED replacement fixtures, that I got at auction, but I haven’t swapped them in because I think they have the wrong connector on them.   I picked them up because I thought they might make good add on lights for boat interiors, or trunk lights for the truck.   Now I might use them for their designed purpose…


    I’m having a weird issue with my Ranger speedometer.   Stopped at idle, it still flickers and indicates 10-20 mph.   The mileage advances when it’s doing it too… even though I’m stopped.   As soon as I give it a little gas and move, it snaps to the right speed.  Also it doesn’t always do the flicker thing either, sometimes it sits there on 0 when I’m stopped.

    This violates my mental model of a wire in a sheath spinning when the trans is running, to turn the mechanical numbers on my speedo, and makes no sense to me.   Anyone see this before?   


  8. ITGuy1998 says:

    I’m having a weird issue with my Ranger speedometer.   Stopped at idle, it still flickers and indicates 10-20 mph.   The mileage advances when it’s doing it too… even though I’m stopped.   As soon as I give it a little gas and move, it snaps to the right speed.  Also it doesn’t always do the flicker thing either, sometimes it sits there on 0 when I’m stopped.

    This violates my mental model of a wire in a sheath spinning when the trans is running, to turn the mechanical numbers on my speedo, and makes no sense to me.   Anyone see this before?   

    I’ve seen it on older cars with a speedometer cable. When the cable ages, the lube dries up and causes just this symptom. The cure is a new cable. Depending on vehicle, that can be a major challenge depending on how much of the dash has to come out to get to the back of the cluster.

    If it’s a speed sensor, then it won’t be as bad to replace. 

  9. Tony Russo says:

    I drive a 20 yo Toyota RAV4. The speedometer and odometer are definitely driven by an electrical signal. The car had a leak where heavy rain would cause water to drip into the vehicle between the windshield and front door. A couple of times the water must have gotten into the instrument cluster causing a short that stopped the speedometer and odometer from working. It also turned on a couple of warning lights. Once the water dried up everything would work normally again. Maybe you have something like that going on. Or maybe it’s something else.  

  10. Brad says:

    Do you really think that makes you special?

    Are you saying I’m not “special”? I’m going to cry into my cereal 😛

    Yeah, we’ve all done dumb things. In this case I think it’s more that I haven’t used the trailer in a long time, so my routine failed. A checklist would help, if I would remember to use it.

  11. Ray Thompson says:

    I’m going to cry into my cereal

    No! Diluted Cheerios (cardboard circles) are disgusting.

    Are you saying I’m not “special”?

    We are all special in our own special way.

    Yeah, we’ve all done dumb things.

    The dumbest I ever did involving a trailer was forgetting to raise the stern drive when I took the boat out of the water. I drove about 50 yards grinding a half inch off the lower part of the stern drive. What was worse was the 5 people watching me be an idiot. So Brad, if had no witnesses, you are golden in the idiot category. 

  12. SteveF says:

    Of interest to fans of the Bobiverse: The Changelog podcast interviewed Dennis Taylor.

    Yesterday I drove the girls to the airport to spend a week with Spare Kid’s family. Spare Kid spent part of the summer here, which is part of why I’ve been so busy for the past several months. The wife and her mother have been in the PRC and won’t be back until the end of Summer, so the house is almost quiet now. Except that we have yet another houseguest, a Chinese woman (of course) whose brother has been in the US for years. He got sick or hurt or something so she’s here for a month to help take care of him. By whatever chain of contacts, my wife offered one of the spare bedrooms for her to stay in. The first I heard of it was when a handful of people showed up at the door one evening. Yes, in case you’re wondering, that’s just one of many reasons that I’m hoping that my wife will be arrested when she tries to leave the PRC. Anyway, the woman and I can communicate just well enough for things like “I made some rolls for the girls. Do you want one?” or “I need help with the washing machine.” Not a problem, especially as she spends most of the day at the hospital.

  13. EdH says:

    I’ve seen it on older cars with a speedometer cable. When the cable ages, the lube dries up and causes just this symptom. The cure is a new cable. Depending on vehicle, that can be a major challenge depending on how much of the dash has to come out to get to the back of the cluster.

    I heard many years ago that the speedometer needle jumping was a sign that the speedometer cable had been disconnected at some point. 

    It was a feature introduced in old mechanical connection days to alert people that the disconnection had  happened, and to alert people that the seller might have turned the  odometer back.

  14. ITGuy1998 says:

    I heard many years ago that the speedometer needle jumping was a sign that the speedometer cable had been disconnected at some point. 

    It was a feature introduced in old mechanical connection days to alert people that the disconnection had  happened, and to alert people that the seller might have turned the  odometer back.

    I don’t see how that would work. It is just a piece of metal that is turned by a cog on the transmission. Maybe that comes from the fact that it does sometimes take a little finesse to get it seated properly and to make sure the cable isn’t binding anywhere. I had a heck of a time replacing the cable on my Corvette. The real problem was the cable length. Even with the dash out, you had to have the instrument cluster almost fully back in place in order to attach the cable. Very little room to work.

  15. Lynn says:

    I had an oreo to start my day.   Blondie, not a chocolate one.    They are so much better…

    Truer words were never spoken.  When our clan went fishing in Montana last May, one of my nephews bought a family size package of blondie Oreos when we loaded up with food for our cabin in the woods.  I ate two of them that night.  The cookies were all gone in the morning.  Those sixty ??? cookies were no match for six big guys.  We bought more at the gas station / foodarama in the local town of 100 people.  Those also disappeared in a day.

  16. EdH says:

    I don’t see how that would work. It is just a piece of metal that is turned by a cog on the transmission.

    I think mechanically it would just be a pin or something that is preloaded with a spring, and once  the odometer cable is removed it sticks out a little and doesn’t go back even with a reinserted cable.  Then, once a revolution, the odometer “trips” a little bit over the pin and you see a blip in indicated speed.

    Now I am not saying this is the truth, it’s something we talked about as teenagers working on our old junkers together.

    I do believe (read it somewhere) the last generations of mechanical odometers (1980s and 1990s) had some sort of one-way gear in them, preventing rollback by using a drill or running the wheels in reverse as they did in some movies.

  17. Gavin says:

    @Nick According to the interwebs, Rangers have had an electronic speedo since 1995, and use an Output Shaft Speed sensor (since 2001). So I’d guess either the sensor or the wiring is faulty.

    Regarding trailer booboos, years ago I installed a bumper hitch ball on my previous truck while doing a flurry of maintenance, promising myself I’d tighten it before I left on my trip to pick up belongings from a storage unit about 6 hours away. You guessed it, didn’t remember. The ball vibrated loose, and I found out how important those safety chains are! Fortunately, the only damage was to the ball, which was ground down by the asphalt it rubbed. Getting a new ball and tools was a couple of hours, and I’m really glad it was on the outward (empty) leg.

  18. EdH says:

    Keep up the trailer stories, thinking of getting a camping trailer here…

  19. EdH says:

    @RickH:    I was using the search function this morning, and it will return five results, and then say there were more – but they would never come up when you clicked on that area of the screen, just an activity indicator that went away after a while.

    Not a big deal, but thought I would mention it.

  20. CowboyStu says:

    Keep up the trailer stories, thinking of getting a camping trailer here…

    We used to use my tents up in the Kennedy Meadows Campground.

  21. Geoff Powell says:


    Works perfectly here. To misquote Douglas Adams, “The secret is to scroll down in the search box, guys”.

    In my case, I see 4 results. Scrolling down gets me 10, clicking “more” allows me to scroll further.


  22. EdH says:

    @RickH, Geoff:  OK.  Working fine now, scroll indicator, everything.  unless it happens again I think we can just put it down to operator here… 

    Though I’ve been using scrolling for the better part of 40 years now….  Strange.

  23. Rick H says:

    The scroll box also fooled me when I tried it. 

    I added more text to the Search page to explain how it all works.

  24. EdH says:

    We used to use my tents up in the Kennedy Meadows Campground.

    Heh, yeah, me too.   Late summers hiking in the high Sierras we wouldn’t even bring a tent, just a tarp to throw over us in case of an afternoon shower. But tents for sure in spring and early summer, just to stay alive while enduring the clouds of mosquitoes.

    But I want to do a few longish cross country trips (weeks) in the next couple of years, dark sky park boondocking and campgrounds.

    So I need room for telescopes and packs and assorted gear.

  25. Greg Norton says:

    Yes, in case you’re wondering, that’s just one of many reasons that I’m hoping that my wife will be arrested when she tries to leave the PRC.

    Does she have a Rolex? Gold?

  26. Nick Flandrey says:

    Huh, it  looks like a mechanical speedo…   I guess I’ll have to take it to my (expensive) guy to see what he says.   

    WRT cheating on a speedo, the dash swap used to be popular…

  27. Greg Norton says:

    Dodged a bullet with jury duty today.

    Child molestation. Geesh.

    This is a bad year to be an ADA prosecuting one of those cases with the 40th anniversary of the McMartin preschool arrests back in March.

    No one in the jury pool wanted to be there.

    I think the prosecution passed on me when I said that I would have to vote “Not Guilty” if all the prosecution had was the victim’s testimony. The age range of the minor wasn’t given beyond “under 14”.

    Yes, the demographic of the defendant made me wonder about immigration status, but that isn’t supposed to matter.

  28. Ray Thompson says:

    Not a towing story, but funny anyway.

    I was driving a small truck (F350 dually with a flatbed) that I was using to transport hay from Grants Pass Oregon to our place 15 miles west of Wimer. It was grass hay and baled very loosely even with the tension on the baler discharge chute set very high. I had the truck loaded, and all the bales tied down. I knew how to get ropes very tight when tying down a load. At the last minute I discovered one extra bale of hay and just threw it on top being to lazy to redo the ropes.

    As I was traversing the 8 miles from Grants Pass to Wimer on I-5, the bale of hay on top worked loose, from the motion of the truck, or the air flow, I don’t know. It fell of the back left side of the truck. The bale crashed down on the i-state and exploded into this huge ball of dry grass. Some chap in a car was in the process of starting to pass a little further back in the left lane and caught the full could of grass.

    His windows were open. As he went by me, I caught a glimpse digital salute, barely visible, due to the cloud of dried grass swirling around in his car. A 50-pound bale of grass hay and perhaps 25 pounds of that hay was in his car. I doubt he ever got all the grass hay out of that car.

  29. Ray Thompson says:

    The ball vibrated loose, and I found out how important those safety chains are!

    Indeed. There was an incident many years ago on the road to the X-10 (Oak Ridge National Laboratory). A trailer came loose, came into the opposing lane, and the tongue of the trailer struck the side of another vehicle penetrating into the interior. It took out the middle section of the car driver’s body and then speared the passenger in the back seat. Of course both were killed instantly. The other vehicle driver was charged with vehicular homicide and several other charges.

  30. Lynn says:

    “Russia Begins Heavy Retaliation On Ukrainian Capital As Zelensky Breaks Silence On Kursk Invasion”

    This is getting too real.  Anyone else wondering if we have a long term forecast for canned sunshine ?

  31. Lynn says:

    The ball vibrated loose, and I found out how important those safety chains are!

    Back when I worked in the testing group for TXU, we had a 48 foot gooseneck trailer with four axles that we had converted from a cattle trailer to a test trailer.  It had three air conditioners, lots of test calibration machinery, a Honeywell TDC 4500 realtime mainframe, and a three phase 480 volt to 230/120 volt transformer that weighed thousands of pounds.  The whole thing weighed 28,000 lbs.

    We were towing it with a crappy Chevy one ton crew cab dually with a fifth wheel in the bed.  It had a crappy way underpowered diesel with a crappy three speed automatic.  We rented it from Hertz as we were under a capital moratorium due to the way over budget nuclear power plant we were building.  For some reason, the stupid fifth wheel had a drop down pin in it.  You pulled it up and rotated it 90 degrees to lock it in place.  

    We were leaving Monahans, Texas in July 1985 and driving back to Dallas (500 miles) when we stopped to get some Gatorade at a gas station.  As we left, the fifth wheel pin dropped and the trailer came loose .  The rear of the pickup came three feet off the ground.  I was sitting in the back seat and bounced my head off the ceiling.

    When the trailer hit the pavement after ripping the tailgate off the truck, it broke one front leg off and bent the other so we could not raise it.  We were blocking three lanes of the five lane main drag road in Monahans at noon Friday.  We could not move the trailer and the first cop who showed up to look at the traffic jam suggested that we go down to the pipe yard.  We went down there and they drove a pipe forklift back, picked up our 28,000 lb trailer, and put it back on our crappy fifth wheel.  

    The guy who had been driving was nope, can’t do that.  So I volunteered and drove all the way back to Dallas, arriving at 2am after hitting 95 mph going down Ranger hill on I-20 when the trailer brakes burned up.

    BTW, no safety chains on a fifth wheel.

  32. paul says:

    I’m how old?  I just thought of this.  My dad was August.  His mom’s maiden name was Paul.  Put them together and that’s my name.  I think Peter would have been a much funner middle name.

    heh.  It’s just popped up in my head. 

    They named all of us in similar fashion.

  33. paul says:

    I did my errands this morning.  Walmart for coffee pods.  Goodwill to drop off stuff.  To the recycler to cash in my cans.  Then Tractor Supply for dog and cat foods.

    Goodwill opens at 10am.  So, recycler instead.  I made almost $64 at 45¢ per pound.  HEB was on the way to Tractor Supply.  Ok, some beer, canned tuna, and tomato sauce.  Then Tractor Supply.

    Goodwill was on the way home.  I just made a big circle.

    Came home, unloaded the groceries and parked the truck.  Came inside to cool off.  The thermometer might have said 88f but it was a very hot 88f.

    I was home at 11:30.  I posted about my fun time and do I click the “Submit Your Comment” button.  Nah…  F5 for the dunce cap award.

    After cooling off I swept out the shed and unloaded the feed.  At almost 5:30 it’s still 99f and 39% humidity.

  34. EdH says:

    That darned “Sign in with Google” popup has started appearing again – on the ipad using Safari.

    I can’t remember what I did to get rid of it a couple of months back, but I suppose the latest emergency iOS update this weekend trashed that fix.

  35. paul says:

    The electric bills arrived today.  Not bad.  I can’t control the price, just kWh used.

    EDC was 404 kWh compared to last year’s 440.  Up a buck and a quarter $ over last year.  The drop is, I’m pretty sure, replacing the PC with the current mini PC.  105+ watt load on the UPS versus 35 watts with the monitor on adds up. 

    House used 637 kWh compared to last year’s 1033 kWh.  Almost 400 kWh less and almost $34 less this year.  Same deal with the PCs although one is asleep but for a couple of hours a month.  Also, the big change is I have the a/c set to 80f instead of 78f with bumps down to 77 once in a while.  An $87 bill for July is pretty cool.

    80f works for me. Sometimes my fingers and toes get cold…. just put on a t-shirt.  Or go walk Buddy the Beagle or just go outside for a while.  There are (they think) starving cats out there and some like to be petted.

  36. paul says:
    That darned “Sign in with Google” popup has started appearing again 

    Blogger changed something.  I’ve had a lot of cookies expire in the last week or so.  Log in and everything works again. 

  37. Nick Flandrey says:

    Today is six years since my dad died.   Can’t believe it’s been that long, nor can I believe it was such a short time ago.   Time is a funny thing.


    It was 91F in the shaded driveway when I got back from running the kid around this afternoon.   Then I ate some carbs and crashed in the chair.    It’s been light overcast since then.   Another day I didn’t “seize”.


  38. Lynn says:

    “Israel preparing for large-scale attack from Iran as US orders warships to accelerate deployment”

    And the forecast for canned sunshine doubles.

  39. paul says:

    August 30 will be four years since my mom  died.  Sometimes it feels like years and years ago.  Sometimes it feels like a couple of months.

    So, I’m not the only one thinking like this.  Good.  I’m not crazy.  

    Dad died 8/9/10. The hospital folks found him at 11. Lunch time! Make me believe he, who could walk into a strange house and know where the bathroom was, not do this on purpose. And he ghosted this house while mom was living here.

  40. drwilliams says:


    arriving at 2am after hitting 95 mph going down Ranger hill on I-20 when the trailer brakes burned up.

    BTW, no safety chains on a fifth wheel.

    good times, good times…

  41. Nick Flandrey says:

    No hidden agenda in this headline, no….

    Sleazy rider: Trump flies on pedophile Jeffrey Epstein’s old private jet – now owned by a top California GOP donor


    Donald Trump as been spotted riding on Jeffrey Epstein’s old Gulfstream G550 jet. The plane, now owned by a top California GOP donor, has been painted blue with the slogan ‘Trump 2024’ emblazoned on it. Thee jet was put up for sale in June 2020, less thaan a year after Epstein’s suicide, listed for $16.9 million.

    – NOT epstein’s jet.   Epstein was murdered in jail, and doesn’t own jets anymore.   And BTW, WHERE IS EPSTEIN’S CLIENT LIST?


  42. Nick Flandrey says:

    More battlespace prep.

    Cancer deaths in men predicted to surge by terrifying 93 per cent by 2050, global study reveals – amid continued rise in younger people being hit by the disease


    Experts have warned the global burden of cancer in men is set to rapidly rise in the coming decades if nothing is done to address the causes in a study using data from 185 nations.


  43. Lynn says:

    “How often men should ejaculate to lower their risk of CANCER, according to major review”

    “Men who want to lower their risk of a common cancer should masturbate and have sex more, according to research.”

    “A new review of existing studies dating back 30 years found the more often men ejaculate, the less likely they are to develop prostate cancer.”

    “Researchers recommended climaxing 21 times per month because the literature suggested it lowered the risk of disease by one-third.”

    “Though the exact mechanism isn’t well understood, the experts believe increased blood flow to the prostate could help flush carcinogens out of semen and other fluids.”

    I have been telling my wife this for years and she ain’t buying it.

    One of my grandfathers died at 86 with prostate cancer (but no prostate anymore) and my other grandfather died at 63 of prostate cancer.

  44. Lynn says:

    HIGH ALERT – Deadlier Mpox threat makes troubling return to the US but experts warn Americans are in the dark about risks”

    “Experts are expected to meet this week to decide whether the outbreak constitutes a global public health emergency”

    And here we go.

  45. Lynn says:

    “BREAKING: Trump to Sue Joe Biden’s DOJ Over Unprecedented Mar-a-Lago Raid for $100 Million”

    “President Trump announced on Monday that his legal team will sue the Biden Department of Justice for $100 million over the unprecedented raid on his home in 2022.”

    “Last month, Judge Aileen Cannon dismissed the high-profile classified documents case, citing the unlawful appointment of Special Counsel Jack Smith.”

    “This decision comes as a significant blow to the Biden regime and the Department of Justice, raising questions about the integrity of the entire investigation.”

    “Attorney General Garland violated the Constitution by appointing Jack Smith to conduct this politically motivated persecution against President Trump.”

    The federal judge who gave the warrant needs to be investigated and censured also.

  46. Nick Flandrey says:

    Given the prostate’s role in all the male plumbing, I’m not super surprised that regular use would help maintain health…


  47. drwilliams says:

    “President Trump announced on Monday that his legal team will sue the Biden Department of Justice for $100 million over the unprecedented raid on his home in 2022.”

    January 2025: Trump’s DoJ admits to wrongdoing, settled case for $100 million, enters into consent decrees to never ever do such things again,  and sets aside $10 billion dollars to compensate the victims of the Biden DoJ run amuck. 

    Biden DoJ officials commit mass seppuku in shame, led by Merrick Garland who leaves video confession that shows hardly any evidence of AI enhancements. 

  48. Lynn says:

    Given the prostate’s role in all the male plumbing, I’m not super surprised that regular use would help maintain health…

    Several of my friends do not have their prostates anymore.   Over 30 of the men at my church.  Most of them keep it very quiet.  It is a hidden support group.

    I am trying to get my dad to get the roto rooter procedure. He has to get up to pee four times a night. I now get up at least once a night to pee and sometimes twice.

  49. Lynn says:

    “President Trump announced on Monday that his legal team will sue the Biden Department of Justice for $100 million over the unprecedented raid on his home in 2022.”

    January 2025: Trump’s DoJ admits to wrongdoing, settled case for $100 million, enters into consent decrees to never ever do such things again,  and sets aside $10 billion dollars to compensate the victims of the Biden DoJ run amuck. 

    Biden DoJ officials commit mass seppuku in shame, led by Merrick Garland who leaves video confession that shows hardly any evidence of AI enhancements. 

    You forgot the mass pardons of the Jan 6 crowd.

  50. Lynn says:

    My wife made us “build a taco” last night.  One lb of browned ground sirloin plus Ranch Style beans and Bush black beans.  Served on multigrain Tositos with diced tomatoes and lettuce.  I threw a healthy amount of chunky salsa on mine.  So good that I had it for supper again tonight.

  51. Lynn says:

    “Appeals Court Rules Physicians Can Assert Their First Amendment Rights”

    Why do so many people have problems with Freedom of Speech in the USA ?  Especially quasi governmental agencies.

  52. Alan says:

    >>I guess I’ll have to see what bulb the plate light takes, or if I can swap for LED.  

    @nick, are those LEDs street legal in TX (beyond Amazon saying they are OEM equivalents)? If the local po-po decide they’re too bright then you could wind up with another equipment ticket. Not to mention the possible hassles they can pile on if you’re ‘equipped.’ 

  53. Nick Flandrey says:

    @alan, that is a good point.   I wondered if they would be much brighter, but not from an “approved for on road use” pov.

    I’ll  have to put one on and see.


  54. Ken Mitchell says:

    The Daily Mail article makes perfect sense.   Sperm is a mutagen; it exists to cause genetic changes in a female’s egg.  Bottle it up in the testes, as a vasectomy does, can increase your chances of testicular cancer.  Keep it laying around in the prostate gland, and there’s your increase in prostate cancer risks. A man needs to “clean the pipes” occasionally! Just  basic maintenance!

    Women who have multiple sex partners, who get many DIFFERENT varieties of sperm, have increased chances of uterine cancers. Women with few different partners, or only one, have a lower risk.

    I now get up at least once a night to pee and sometimes twice.

    Ditto. I thought that was the definition of “old man” – somebody who has to get up every couple of hours to pee.

  55. Alan says:

    >> “Researchers recommended climaxing 21 times per month because the literature suggested it lowered the risk of disease by one-third.”

    Is it okay if you get all 21 on the same day?

    Asking for a friend…

  56. Alan says:

    >> “BREAKING: Trump to Sue Joe Biden’s DOJ Over Unprecedented Mar-a-Lago Raid for $100 Million”

    OHBM better focus on winning the battleground states and continuing to have rallies and attack The Kamel or it’s gonna be her DOJ going after him. The whining about the size of her crowds and the like isn’t going to put him back in the WH. Ugh.

  57. Alan says:

    >>My wife made us “build a taco” last night.  One lb of browned ground sirloin plus Ranch Style beans and Bush black beans.  Served on multigrain Tositos with diced tomatoes and lettuce.  I threw a healthy amount of chunky salsa on mine.  So good that I had it for supper again tonight.

    What, no guac?

  58. Nick Flandrey says:

    Yum, fresh made tableside quac…


  59. Lynn says:

    >> “Researchers recommended climaxing 21 times per month because the literature suggested it lowered the risk of disease by one-third.”

    Is it okay if you get all 21 on the same day?

    Asking for a friend…

    Nope, you have to spread them out over time.  0.7 per day should be just fine.

  60. JimB says:

    And, on a less giddy note, it’s Patch Tuesday.

    Once* a month for Windows, XX times a month for some Linux distros.

    *Windows has had a few emergency patches over the years, but almost always saves routine patches for the second Tuesday of the month.

    I  usually let the patches download on Patch Tuesday, then install and restart on the next day. One restart usually does it, but sometimes it takes more than one.

    When I ran different Linux distros, especially the Ubuntu derivatives like Mint, updates almost never requested or demanded a restart. Instead, if a restart was needed but not done, the system would freeze within 24 hours of the update. That was an impolite and painful reminder. There is no perfect OS.

  61. EdH says:

    When I ran different Linux distros, especially the Ubuntu derivatives like Mint, updates almost never requested or demanded a restart. Instead, if a restart was needed but not done, the system would freeze within 24 hours of the update. That was an impolite and painful reminder. There is no perfect OS.

    Huh.   I never noticed that. I like Mint but it seems it always ended up with disk recognition errors so I didn’t use it much.

    I was running a no-systemd version of Arch most recently, but haven’t turned the box on in months – took the office apart for reasons.  

    I hear rumors of AMD chip vulnerabilities recently, I wil have to check before reconnecting to the internet.

    There is no perfect chip.

    It was going to be my retirement keepxmy-brain-functioning “science” machine, linux, sage, octave, jupyter notebook, cuda training… I admit I have gotten lazy. Amateur astronomy seems to satisfy the itch now.

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