Day: August 12, 2024

Mon. Aug. 12, 2024 – she’ll have fun fun fun ’til her daddy takes the …

Hot. Broken record time. hot hot hot. And humid. Because summer in Houston.Yesterday started nice and got hot. Ended nice, although it was a bit too hot. Even though it’s hot, it’s been cooling down at night, so I know Fall is coming.

I started slow, but did get some stuff done. The biggest thing was to swap out the washing machine and cut the grass. I moved and put some stuff away too. And I mounted shelf standards and put a couple of shelves in the bookcase. I’m moving a lot of the apocalypse library to the BOL. That is the most likely place to need it after all. That will have the side benefit of making some space in my office at home… which is also a good thing.

I got pulled over on my way home. It was a BS stop, one of my license plate lights was out and he “couldn’t read the plate from 50 feet.” I always have the cruise control locked at the speed limit, and I’ve taken care of my registration issues, so I wasn’t too worried, mostly just puzzled when he lit me up. Must have been a slow night for the Deputy. In any case, the plot thickened when he re-ran the plates and they came up for my other truck. He’d never seen Radio Operator plates, and had to “check” that I was telling the truth when I pointed out that you can have multiple vehicles with the same plate IF you’re a Radio Operator. Eventually he learned something, and I got a warning. I’m gonna say it was basically ‘stop and frisk’ and BS from the first question. “Where are you coming from?” and “Where are you going?” “What were you doing tonight?” All the BS questions. I was polite and helpful. I was an ambassador for ham radio after all. Still just bullshite though.

Today is a catch up day at home. I’ve got some auctions stuff to do, then errands, and a bit of moving kids around. School is starting soon, and then all of our schedules should firm up. Of course the demands of the school year will make their own issues, but that’s for later. For now, it will help.

I really need to be more scheduled, and actually knock out some of the stuff I’ve let linger too long. I need to take my own advice, and always be working to improve my situation.

The stacking part, I’ve got that down…


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