Day: August 10, 2024

Sat. Aug. 10, 2024 – non-prepping hobby day, then BOL

HOt and humid. Some clouds possible. But certainly hot and humid. Like yesterday. I could see in the distance that someone to the west of Houston did get rain, but I didn’t.

I could see it while I was driving around doing pickups. I spent the morning doing auction stuff, and domestic bliss, then headed out. Traffic was light, and I made good time. I still got to my last stop 40 minutes too late. I didn’t realize they closed at 4pm. Oh well, they will hold my items until I can come back next week. Hit the goodwill bins store on that side of town, but other than a small limoges trinket box for resale, basically came up empty. That rarely happens. Then on the way out, I noticed a smaller coleman lantern, with the bubble glass shade, and LO! it was also a kerosene fuel type! $3, and I couldn’t get the money out fast enough. I am collecting a full set of kerosene fueled appliances for the BOL, since I’ve got kerosene up there for supplemental heat.

I picked up a couple more gallons of 80% alcohol hand sanitizer for $2 each at the Habitat reStore on Thursday. It’s alcohol, a little hydrogen peroxide, and water, no glycerin or fragrance. I don’t know if I’ll keep them here as cleaners, or fuel, or take them to the BOL. I might even try to sell them as cleaners at my regional show… I sold several gallons of naptha and alcohol last year. It will burn, and $2/ gallon is crazy cheap. I am even thinking about buying more…

There are lots of preps out there, you just have to look.

And then add the stuff to your stacks.

Today I’ve got my meeting, then I have to load the truck and head north. I’ve got a pickup on the way- a basic clothes washing machine. The samsung that came with the house at the BOL is a broken POS. The display is NFG and there aren’t replacements available. It runs, you just don’t know for sure what cycle it’s running. Plus it’s got tons of sensors and other stuff to go wrong, and takes forever to run a cycle. The basic Kenmore, GE, or Maytag from 20 years ago is usually still going strong, can be repaired, and is quick and does a good job. We’ve wanted to replace the samsung since we bought the place… and I finally got one at the right price.

More stuff to stack, and improvements to make… but worth it.

Do both, while you can.


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