Wed. Aug. 7, 2024 – Still more driving around…

By on August 7th, 2024 in culture, decline and fall, march to war

Hot and humid. Really. Not kidding. If it’s not raining. Which it might be. Because it’s all guessing. We got a few fat drops around dinner time last night, but that was it. Hot and humid the rest of the day.

Spent most of the day driving back and forth for the kids. I did sneak one trip across town to do two pickups in in the mid afternoon. And when I got back I started working on some stuff for my hobby meeting, instead of picking up the house… The project involves sewing so I had to get that stuff out and set up. Which added to the clutter when W got home. Not a happy evening.

Today the cleaning crew comes so someone thinks the house should be cleaned FIRST. Not gonna happen, that sort of thing is crazy mom and crazy childhood. Stuff does need to be put away, and the floors should be clear, but that’s as far as I’ll go.

I’ve also got to run the kid back and forth to more sportsball stuff. I’m not getting anything done in the morning, and probably little in the afternoon either.

Maybe I’ll work outside. Hmm.

Stack something. Anything useful. And then stack some more.


70 Comments and discussion on "Wed. Aug. 7, 2024 – Still more driving around…"

  1. brad says:

    An electrician is replacing the hanging lamps in the kitchen and dining room. The old ones were once really nice lamps, but they use compact florescent bulbs with weird sockets, and the bulbs are no longer available. The manufacturer has plug-in LED replacements, but they flicker, and also only emit light from one side. So no choice – we have to replace the lamps.

    We looked a long time for replacements that look nice, that are dimmable, come in the sizes we want, etc. The electrician showed us a bunch of stuff from his catalogs as well. You can get lights for $100 bucks, but they either look crappy, or they aren’t dimmable, or they don’t come in the sizes we want, or… In the end, to get nice looking lights that do what we want? Including installation, we’ll be paying somewhere between $4k and $5k.

  2. Denis says:

    Brad, ouch! However, the kitchen is the heart of the home, so the lighting has got to be right. It always drives me nuts when I am in kitchens where I can’t see what I’m doing.

    Nick. I am with you on the not cleaning for the cleaners, but Mrs Denis would be on Mrs Nick’s side of that debate. We have to love them, not understand them…

    Whenever I get the evil eye because of hobby items “cluttering” the living space, I just drop a mention (in extreme cases, a photo) of my brother’s motorbike into the conversation, which shuts the discussion down right quick. He keeps it in the living room!

  3. Greg Norton says:

    Texas Children’s .. the one Greg thinks was gearing up to do more trans stuff…

    They are making big cuts, but some things don’t add up…

    Multiple factors, including lower patient volumes in Houston and a two week delay in opening a new campus in Austin contributed to the loss. 

    – lower patient volumes?  While Houston adds a couple hundred thousand people?

    Texas Children’s was definitely providing “gender affirming” care.

    I suspect that the new facilities which both Texas Children’s and that other pediatric hospital (cough) built near my house were intended to provide the surgical procedures in a nice, quiet environment out of the spotlight until the “Republicans” in Austin found a social issue which they could exploit as cover while they gave away the surplus to the local governments and schools last year.

    Whatever the motivations, Abbott signing the bill probably prevented a lot of mentally ill people from ruining kids lives.

    Of course, Texas Children’s doesn’t just dabble in pediatric transgender activism, but providing the surgeries would have filled a lot of soup bowls and enabled people like this putz to continue their antics.

    Whatever was going to take place at the hospitals, there sure are a lot of fancy new apartments and high end restaurant infrastructure which got built surrounding both complexes.

    *Something* potentially lucrative was happening … until it wasn’t.

  4. Greg Norton says:

    *Something* potentially lucrative was happening … until it wasn’t.

    And, as I’ve noted before, North Austin wasn’t the only place I’ve seen where a new children’s hospital get built in Texas in a place where the demographics didn’t make sense. Brownsville has a new complex which went up at around the same time and at a similar pace to the buildings near me in the last couple of years.

    I forget the name, but it is probably in the Googles.

    Mult-hundred million dollar hospital … just down the freeway from Brownsville’s shiny new Ollies.

  5. Greg Norton says:

    I suspect that the new facilities which both Texas Children’s and that other pediatric hospital (cough) built near my house …

    The moment I type the name, I gotta use disclaimers.

  6. Greg Norton says:

    Texas was definitely targeted by hospital chains all over the country looking to fill soup bowls providing gender “affirmation” care.

    The Issaquah Plateau has a Swedish hospital which most people don’t know exists if they don’t live there. The building was half empty when I lived across the street, but I imagine that the C-suite has put it to good use in the last few years.

    Nice, quiet, out of the spotlight, with easy access to transportation …

    Things that make you say “Hmmm…”: Microsoft developed the Plateau and owned most of the land which serves as the commercial district for the Highlands development nearby. Issaquah was supposed to be Campus 2.0 if the company had been split 25 years ago.

  7. dcp says:

    just down the freeway from Brownsville’s shiny new Ollies

    What is the significance?

  8. Greg Norton says:

    just down the freeway from Brownsville’s shiny new Ollies

    What is the significance?

    Ollie’s isn’t high end, but it is where Disney unloads its unsold toys.

    I was in the Kileen’s Ollie’s last Christmas and noted that they still had “Tomorrowland” toys on the shelf along with a solid cross section of “Star Wars” and “MCU”.

    Why does a children’s hospital need to be almost hidden?

    Drive into Memphis, and it isn’t any secret that St. Jude’s is there. Of course, St. Judes doesn’t do “affirmation” care … at least, not that I’m aware of; I could be wrong.

  9. EdH says:

    Today the cleaning crew comes so someone thinks the house should be cleaned FIRST. Not gonna happen, that sort of thing is crazy mom and crazy childhood. Stuff does need to be put away, and the floors should be clear, but that’s as far as I’ll go.

    That was always a noveaux rich (middle class, really) Irish thing when I was growing up.  Clean the house before the maid arrives.

    Associated is having a parlor with nice furnishings that NO ONE IN THE FAMILY is allowed to use.

  10. Nick Flandrey says:

    D1 brought a friend from school over for lunch between sportsball tryouts yesterday.   The girl was amazed we had a butter dish.   And had never seen a pepper or salt grinder.

    She’s working hard as a lifeguard to pay for her own orthodontia, and so that she and her sisters can move out of the mom’s apartment together.   Mom and boyfriend are useless.  

    D1 is learning that “it’s a different world, than where you come from.”

    Which is kinda the point.


  11. RickH says:

    Alex Pournelle posted this on FB today:

    Happy Birthday to my father, Jerry Pournelle. Few days pass without thinking of him, today especially.

  12. Rick H says:

    Regarding searches here that will include comments – there are plugins available with the functionality to index comments, but they are not free. Annual cost is $100+. Don’t think that annual cost is something to do here.  

    In addition, adding a more complex/complete search function would at least triple the size of the wp_posts database table (it contains the posts and comments). Which already is quite big due to the number of comments per day.  The number of comments here is approaching 235,000 (will probably hit that count later today). That makes for a very large data table which slows down response time of showing a post with it’s comments.  Indexing that size of data table would take a while; with continual updates/indexing needed.

    The current response time is acceptable here with that size of the data table because we don’t have a high volume of regular visitors.  Tripling the size of the data tables here would reduce response time. It might also make the hosting place mad – they might require a higher cost data plan here.

    The site is indexed by the main search engines, but they don’t update search results often, so ‘miss’ a bunch of results. 

    So, search here is about as effective as it gets. 

  13. nick flandrey says:

    Only 5 years.   She’s claiming cognitive impairment as well  as the physical effects of the beating.    And NOW mom wants to keep him at home…  but I bet she fought tooth and nail to get him in school and out of the house.


  14. Lynn says:

    “The Future Of The NRA”

    “For a number of years now, the mainstream media has been prophesying a perhaps gradual, but nevertheless very public and painful death for your beloved National Rifle Association.”

    The NRA is the USA’s oldest civil rights organization.  I hope that they can keep their act together.

  15. Lynn says:

    Only 5 years.   She’s claiming cognitive impairment as well  as the physical effects of the beating.    And NOW mom wants to keep him at home…  but I bet she fought tooth and nail to get him in school and out of the house.


    I doubt that he will make it in prison without a change in his attitude.  There is always someone bigger and meaner.

  16. Lynn says:

    I do have to admit that the solar power farms in Texas are nicely complementing the daily drop of the wind turbines during the day.

    There is still a serious problem at 6pm when the solar power starts dropping precipitously.  A lot of gas turbine peakers are being started to make up for that deficit every day.

  17. Greg Norton says:

    The company stock continued sliding today, and the managers are supposed to be on a call early tomorrow morning.

    Maybe we’ll find out if the AI monkey trick is out of gas soon.

  18. EdH says:

    There is still a serious problem at 6pm when the solar power starts dropping precipitously.  A lot of gas turbine peakers are being started to make up for that deficit every day.

    Add a condition to the solar permits for xx hours of battery reserve of faceplate power?

  19. nick flandrey says:

    Add a condition to the solar permits for xx hours of battery reserve of faceplate power?  

    – probably not enough lithium in the world…


  20. EdH says:

    Add a condition to the solar permits for xx hours of battery reserve of faceplate power?  

    – probably not enough lithium in the world…

    Doesn’t have to be Li.   Pb, or sulfur, or NiFe or depleted Uranium “gravity towers” or steam or flywheels…

    Let a thousands flowers fertilized by greed free enterprise  bloom!

    It is Texas after all, time to think BIG!

    Containership big!

  21. Lynn says:

    Today the cleaning crew comes so someone thinks the house should be cleaned FIRST. Not gonna happen, that sort of thing is crazy mom and crazy childhood. Stuff does need to be put away, and the floors should be clear, but that’s as far as I’ll go.

    Yup, our wives are sibs.  All of the dishes in sink must be washed and put in the dishwasher.  All floors picked up and maybe some light vacuuming.  All beds must be made even though the sheets are going to be changed.  A few minor things.

  22. Greg Norton says:

    Containership big!

    NIMBY big!

  23. Lynn says:

    There is still a serious problem at 6pm when the solar power starts dropping precipitously.  A lot of gas turbine peakers are being started to make up for that deficit every day.

    Add a condition to the solar permits for xx hours of battery reserve of faceplate power?

    You joke but that is happening also.  Texas now has 7,990 MW of battery power.  I am not sure how many hours that it can operate at full power but I know that it is between 1 hour and 4 hours. (power storage)

    California has about half of that (SWAG).

  24. Lynn says:

    “Texas LNG latest project to see FERC approval scrapped by federal appeals court”

    “The 4-million tpy LNG plant under development in Texas is the latest project approved by the US Federal Energy Regulatory Commission to see its certificate scrapped.”

    “In both cases, the court ruled that FERC failed to meet its obligations under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) when it reissued the Texas LNG and Rio Grande LNG certificates without undertaking a supplemental environmental review to address environmental justice and air quality issues identified by the court’s prior remand.  “Given the nature and severity of the flaws in the Commission’s second effort to properly assess the projects, we vacate the reauthorization orders and remand to the Commission for further consideration,” Judge Brad Garcia wrote for the three-judge panel.”

    This is the kind of crap that all new chemical or energy projects have to go though now in the USA.  The cost is horrendous.

  25. Ken Mitchell says:

    probably not enough lithium in the world…

    Doesn’t have to be Li

    Correct, Lithium is for PORTABLE devices, but we’re thinking of fixes stationary devices. ANY sort of power storage mechanism would work. 

  26. Lynn says:

    BTW, I understand that Tim Wallz is nicknamed Tampon Tim due to his efforts to put women’s menstrual products in boys and mens public bathrooms at schools and malls.

  27. Ray Thompson says:

    Tim Wallz is nicknamed Tampon Tim due to his efforts to put women’s menstrual products in boys and mens public bathrooms at schools and malls

    A better location would be his mouth.

  28. lpdbw says:

    The NRA is the USA’s oldest civil rights organization.  I hope that they can keep their act together.

    But first, they have to demonstrate that they have gotten their act together after Wayne LaPierre’s (spit) departure.  I’ve heard rumors it’s the same old cronies now, just without Wayne.

    It was a bunch of worthless Fudds when I got my life membership to put my thumb in Clinton’s eye, and even though the oldest civil rights org, not the best in my adult life.   GOA and others fought the good fight, and NRA just sort of tagged along, willing to compromise at every turning, so long as Wayne got his custom suits.

    I knew all this going in, but since the Dems/Commies feared the NRA, I supported them.

    At the time, I belonged to a local NRA affiliated gun club, and they were run by Fudd shotgunners.  Don’t rock the boat, make sure the legislators protect our shotguns and hunting rifles, and don’t give a fig for those 2A people who want to carry guns in public or own “military” guns.

    Greatest generation my a$$.  These particular old coots were perfectly happy living in the h*llhole of Illinois, so long as they could shoot trap and skeet and their annual deer.

    You can’t imagine the outrage when we set up a bowling pin range and started doing rapid fire action shooting.  “Why would you want to do that?” and “Scary stuff” and “That’s unsafe!”, followed by nanny rules changes.

  29. MrAtoz says:


    Suni Williams and Butch Wilmore, who have been trapped on the International Space Station (ISS) for more than two months, may not come back to Earth until February 2025.

  30. Lynn says:

    “Armed Migrant Gangs Stalk UK While Government Cracks Down On Native Brits”

    “It’s a story we’ve seen before.  In the US and Europe during the pandemic lockdowns, far-left rioting and looting in the name of BLM was widely celebrated by the corporate media and protected by government officials.  The lockdown mandates were not enforced when it came to progressive unrest.  Conservative anti-mandate protesters, on the other hand, were treated as terrorists and governments were quick to censor, suppress and intimidate.  A two tier policing system and legal system bubbled to the surface.”

    “Wherever conservative, nationalist or “right wing” protests arise in the west the full force of government power is applied to frighten the public into compliance.  It might be to enforce covid mandates or it might be to prevent the populace from questioning open border policies.  In the UK The mask has truly come off.  The message? You will accept mass immigration from the third world, or else…”

    “UK Prime Minister Keir Starmer’s recent announcement on the government response to British protests are highly revealing.  To summarize, indigenous and “right wing” Brits are not allowed to take to the streets (or online) because their ideology is “wrong.”  Armed Muslim migrant gangs and leftists are apparently free to do whatever they please.”

    There will not always be an England.

    Comment seen elsewhere:

    “Britain right now reminds me of Northern Ireland in 1968 and 1969 when the protests got going. It just takes one more misjudgement by the Labour Government and things will switch to 1970, the start of the Troubles, but on a far greater scale.”

  31. lpdbw says:

    I’m surprised the station has food/water/air for them.

    Are they getting flight pay?

  32. Lynn says:

    “Financially Inept”

    “Modern monetary theory, the idea that the government can print all of the money it needs, is the pet idea of the left. MMT theorists explain that debt is simply money that the government put into the economy and didn’t tax back. That’s how you get morons who can’t explain how the economy works running the country, for example the Biden administration’s chief financial advisor:”

    I’ll bet that guy gets paid $7 or $8 million per year.

  33. Lynn says:

    I’m surprised the station has food/water/air for them.

    Are they getting flight pay?

    SpaceX is sending up a out of sequence supply rocket soon, very soon to the ISS.

  34. Lynn says:

    “INSURRECTION: If Trump Wins, Democrats Plan to Invoke Section 3 of the 14th Amendment to Prevent Him From Taking Office”

    “(Natural News)—Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-Md.) just admitted that the Democrat plan should Donald Trump win a second term in the White House this fall is to basically remove him via the U.S. Constitution.”

    “The contingency plan involves the invocation of Section 3 of the 14th Amendment, also known as the “Insurrection Clause,” which disqualifies former government officials from holding office if they engaged in an “insurrection” after taking an oath to support the Constitution.”

    I doubt that this will fly but, if it happens, guaranteed Civil War.

  35. paul says:
    Tim Wallz is nicknamed Tampon Tim 

    Also SpeedRacer for being way drunk and hauling 96 MPH in a 45 or 55 MPH zone.  

    The tampons in boy’s restrooms would have been a HOOT when I was in high school.  Two sisters and mom, all synced.  Use one, take two.  Hide in various places and then when the box sitting on toilet tank was empty, they would ransack each other’s dresser drawers looking for a supply.  

    Next thing you know, they are out and arguing who is going to the grocery store a mile and half away to buy more.  It wasn’t the money, it was “going to the store”. 

    I helped.  I’d snag one once in a while and stash it in a weird place.  Like in the back of the silverware drawer or in a cook pot in the cupboard.  You’d think they had found gold.

    Dad clued in and sorta said “you aren’t helping” and I said “they are already crazy and they are making us guys crazy”.  Oh.

    Anyway.  Tampons in the boy’s room.  I’d snag them by the pockets full.  Although I’m sure they would be the wrong brand.  Because OF COURSE they would be the wrong brand.  But there would be LOTS of tampons at home.  Dresser drawers full. 

    Evil?  Moi?  Well…. maybe. 

  36. paul says:

    Firefox did some kind of “delete cookies” with the last update.   Odd. 

  37. Lynn says:

    “IRAN: From Hot War to Cold Feet?”

    “Iran’s mullahcracy might be made up of crazies, but they aren’t suicidal.”

    One wonders if the Israelis have a Jericho III targeted at the mullah’s valley of dachas and they sent the mullahs a targeting picture.

  38. Lynn says:

    “Hurricane Interruptions”

    “I was trying to get some solid data on the performance of my solar array, but we were interrupted by Hurricane Debbie. Still, negative data is still data.”

    • “When it’s a typical Florida sunny day with sunshine until the arrival of our typical afternoon thunderstorms, my 10 kWDC array generates about 58 kwhAC per day.
    • Two days before Debbie arrived, it was getting quite cloudy. We only generated 32 kwh.
    • As the rains began to arrive on Sunday, our output dropped to 18 kwh.
    • It rained all day on Monday, and we only generated 17 kwh. Still, generating that much power while simultaneously getting more than 3 inches of rain is a feat.”

    I just found out that one of my neighbors has a custom built solar power panels of 19 kW with two custom built battery panels capable of running everything in his 6,000 ft2 house with 4 generations of Indians for two days without grid power.  He paid $120,000 for the system.  His typical monthly electric bill is $30.

  39. paul says:

    The NRA sent me a “Final Notice”.  To join, I guess.  I haven’t opened the envelope.  But on the back of the envelope I get a FREE GIFT when I join.  The NRA’s Desert Storm Tactical Backpack!!!!  A $24.95 value!

    Yeah… I have enough junk already.

      I’m still waiting for Publisher’s Clearing House to deliver my check. 

  40. paul says:
    His typical monthly electric bill is $30.

    Wow.  PEC charges $22.50 just to have a meter.

  41. Lynn says:

    103 F outside with 45 % humidity (73 F dew point).  You gotta love it.

  42. paul says:

    101 F now, it was 103.  Humidity is 36%.  

    Buddy the Beagle’s afternoon potty walk didn’t take very long.  Penny is not wandering about, either.

  43. Ken Mitchell says:

    I doubt that this will fly but, if it happens, guaranteed Civil War.

    Yup. Guaranteed. 

  44. Lynn says:

    “Job Creators Network debuts ‘Kamala’s California’ Eagles parody”

    “The Job Creators Network on Wednesday debuted a parody of the Eagles’ hit song “Hotel California,” laden with lyrics outlining the record of Vice President Kamala Harris in the Golden State.”

    “”Democrat policies have killed California and are hurting American families and small businesses nationwide. Do we really want Kamala’s California everywhere?” the organization posted on X.”

    Ok, that is funny.  And true.

  45. paul says:

    Last night’s movie was Bruce Almighty.  A Jim Carry movie.  I liked it.

    Simple plot is Bruce is complaining about stuff and God, being God, decides to give Bruce God powers.  So God can go on vacation.  But, God powers with no training.  But I guess God himself had no training.  Everything worked out.  It was a nice movie. 

    I missed a lot of movies from the 80’s.  I had things to do.  4 to 11 shifts six days a week, well, you miss TV and going to movies.  Then moved out here in ‘93 and ain’t got no cable TV.

    It’s cool.  I’m sort of catching up.

  46. Greg Norton says:

    SpaceX is sending up a out of sequence supply rocket soon, very soon to the ISS.

    I thought Falcon 9 was grounded.

    I saw an article earlier where the NIMBYs have already started about the potential of dozens of Starship flights out of Kennedy every year.

  47. Lynn says:

    “Augason Farms Southwest Chili Mix Net wt. 3 lbs 10 oz (1.65 kg)”

    No freaking way do I want this in the bunker !

  48. Greg Norton says:

    It’s cool.  I’m sort of catching up

    Keep an eye out for “Summer School”. A run of DVDs happened in the last decade or so, before Carl Reiner passed.

    Reiner and male lead Mark Harmon do comnentary depending on the age of the release.

    ”Summer School” saved the careers of both leads, Harmon and Kirstie Alley, and is a mostly harmless comedy.

    Kirstie Alley foolishly walked away from “Star Trek“ to do what she thought was a serious Gloria Steinem bio pic.

    Alley ended up in “A Bunny’s Tale” and dropped off the map for a while afterwards.

    I also have that flick around somewhere. Wanna see Delta Burke looking hot?

    I am not kidding. She was Miss Florida in the 70s.

  49. Ken Mitchell says:

    I thought Falcon 9 was grounded.

    No longer.  SpaceX identified the problem with the 2nd stage booster, fixed it, and has launched 2 or 3 since the FAA cleared it. And the Dragon capsules don’t rely on second burn for the 2nd stage anyway, so it wouldn’t have been affected. LOTS of telemetry on EVERYTHING makes it easy to diagnose problems even without the failed hardware to work with. 

  50. Lynn says:

    Last night’s movie was Bruce Almighty.  A Jim Carry movie.  I liked it.

    Simple plot is Bruce is complaining about stuff and God, being God, decides to give Bruce God powers.  So God can go on vacation.  But, God powers with no training.  But I guess God himself had no training.  Everything worked out.  It was a nice movie. 

    The dog sitting on the pot reading the paper is the funniest thing ever.

    “Evan Almighty” is kind of a sequel.  The first time that I ever saw John Goodman as a bad guy.  

    The second time I saw John Goodman as a bad guy is “10 Cloverfield Lane”.  Scary as all get out, great movie.

  51. paul says:

    I’m having fun, sorta, catching up.  Someone’s ears were wonky and Surround with Rumble Rama was just all echos.   I don’t know what that sounded like, I would like to, just to know.  <shrug> 

    So, watch the news, Wheel of Fortune, and then whatever, Andy Griffith.  Meanwhile, I’m still buying DVDs.  I have a few years worth a a movie a night. 

  52. paul says:
    The dog sitting on the pot reading the paper is the funniest thing ever.

    That was funny.  

    I’d be very happy if my stupid beagle would just potty in the shower stall  when he has to go in the middle of the night.

  53. Lynn says:

    I saw an article earlier where the NIMBYs have already started about the potential of dozens of Starship flights out of Kennedy every year.

    Hundreds and thousands of Starship flights out of Kennedy each year are planned.  The daily parabolics to and from Frankfort, Tokyo, and Beijing.  Free barf bags for the fifteen minutes of zero gravity.  Houston and San Diego too.  Bring your big checkbook.

  54. lpdbw says:

    Peter Grant over at Bayou Renaissance Man is recommending  the movie “The Hallelujah Trail”.  Link is tohis post, which contains a lint to  YT of the whole (long) movie.

    Haven’t seen it myself, but I figure tomorrow night is a good tme, since I’ll be recovering from minor outpatient surgery this weekend.

  55. Greg Norton says:

    Hundreds and thousands of Starship flights out of Kennedy each year are planned.  The daily parabolics to and from Frankfort, Tokyo, and Beijing.  Free barf bags for the fifteen minutes of zero gravity.  Houston and San Diego too.  Bring your big checkbook.

    Brevard County isn’t Boca Chica, but a lot of infrastructure will need to be built, starting with a Brightline extension.

    Kennedy barely manages to serve the tourists now. 

    Dont book your ticket just yet. Figure 20 years. Maybe.

  56. Lynn says:

    I’d be very happy if my stupid beagle would just potty in the shower stall  when he has to go in the middle of the night.

    I buy these pads for my 35 lb Schnaupin, Lily.  I buy the XXL and she still misses occasionally.  I put two in our master bathroom and one in the study.  And I take her outside at least twice a day, so does the wife. 

  57. Ray Thompson says:

    LOTS of telemetry on EVERYTHING makes it easy to diagnose problems even without the failed hardware to work with

    I was informed by my mechanic that modern vehicles, at least from my 2014 cowboy Cadillac going forward, store 45 seconds of engine and vehicle information when a check engine light comes on. He said it makes it much easier to diagnose a problem. And to never go to Autozone, etc. and have the check engine light cleared if the person is planning to have the vehicle fixed.

    He also said there is about 10 seconds of data stored when a crash occurs. Throttle position, brake position, speed, wheel speed, seat belts, etc. That information can, and will, be obtained, by court order if necessary, by insurance company that has to pay for an accident. If the speed limit is 45, and the stored data says 48, insurance will find the individual partially at fault even if the police say the other driver was 100% at fault. The other individual’s insurance company is the entity that will extract the data.

  58. nick flandrey says:

    @ray, all the more reason to drive older vehicles…


    The other  Jim Carey I liked is the one where he’s the subject of a reality tv show but doesn’t know it.

    There were a lot of movies made, and “earned money”  and “kept people in the habit of going to the theater” were good enough reasons to make them.

    The stakes are a lot higher when the costs and egos get bigger.

    Blue Thunder – “How do you check your sanity?”

    I was thinking about “Earth girls are Easy” today, and IDK if I ever actually watched it.


  59. Lynn says:

    Hundreds and thousands of Starship flights out of Kennedy each year are planned.  The daily parabolics to and from Frankfort, Tokyo, and Beijing.  Free barf bags for the fifteen minutes of zero gravity.  Houston and San Diego too.  Bring your big checkbook.

    Brevard County isn’t Boca Chica, but a lot of infrastructure will need to be built, starting with a Brightline extension.

    Kennedy barely manages to serve the tourists now. 

    Dont book your ticket just yet. Figure 20 years. Maybe.

    I figure that the actual launch platform will be built out in the water, offshore.  For you know, six Raptor engines blowing out flames a quarter mile away.

  60. MrAtoz says:

    I doubt that this will fly but, if it happens, guaranteed Civil War.

    This is the whole reason Obola started the pussification of the military. Without the military, the Dumbocrats will get creamed in CWIII.

  61. drwilliams says:


    False claims so far:

    Walz continued claim of rank he didn’t retire with

    Walz claimed 25 years in the military–it was 24 (a useless exaggeration)

    Walz claim of carrying “weapons of war, that I carried in war”

    Walz claiming in 2006 (unchallenged at the time, and uninvestigated by the Minneapolis Star Tribune, the left-wing shill of the Twin Cities) that he was an Iraq war veteran

    And doubtless more to come.

    The “pride goeth before a fall” is not the likely failure of the Harris-Walz ticket, even though Timmy is looking kind of albatross-y after one day. The really interesting part is going to be when Walz has to make the decision about running for a third term. The publicity he is getting for his lies about his military service is going to make it impossible to run away from those lies, even with the help of the uber-Dem-friendly Minnesota press.

    This is the train wreck that criticized J.D. Vance for working his way into Yale, whereas he himself went to Chadron State College in Nebraska (open admissions).

  62. dkreck says:

    New quake 4,7 mag at 19:09. These are about 15 my south of my casa. Nice back and forth motion. Waves in the pool.

    Went to bed early last night and missed that one.

  63. nick flandrey says:

    I was sleeping on my sibling’s couch in San Diego, and early one morning, the couch started throwing me around…   Outside the patio doors, I could see the water from the neighbor’s pool flinging itself into the sky, again, and again, had to be a column 20ft high…

    And then it stopped.    

    Gotta love earthquakes…


  64. Greg Norton says:

    I figure that the actual launch platform will be built out in the water, offshore.  For you know, six Raptor engines blowing out flames a quarter mile away.

    The plan is to use LC 39A, which SpaceX leases from NASA, and LC 40, part of the Cape Canaveral Air Force property and currently the unmanned Falcon launch pad.

    NASA stripped 39B down to concrete for SLS, with the tower and vehicle brought out on a crawler like Apollo.

  65. Greg Norton says:

    I was sleeping on my sibling’s couch in San Diego, and early one morning, the couch started throwing me around…   Outside the patio doors, I could see the water from the neighbor’s pool flinging itself into the sky, again, and again, had to be a column 20ft high…

    And then it stopped.    

    Gotta love earthquakes…

    We experienced a minor earthquake in Vantucky one morning. The sensation was similar to the end of the Terminator 3D stunt show at Universal where the platform the audience sat on during the show would drop several inches, a jolt coordinated to the onscreen destruction of Skynet.

  66. drwilliams says:

    drip drip drip

    Chuck Ross at The Washington Beacon discovered that Walz’s Congressional office never corrected his claims that he served in combat during Operation Enduring Freedom, the name of the war in Afghanistan.

    Walz described hmself as an Operation Enduring Freedom veteran in 2006 when he first ran for Congress.

    We also learned from Jordan Schachtel that a 2006 profile of Walz in The Atlantic described him as someone who served in that war overseas.

    In 2004, Walz organized a protest against then-President George Bush. He carried a sign that said “Enduring Freedom Veterans for Kerry.”

    That title is only awarded to those who “served on the ground in Afghanistan during the Global War on Terrorism.”

    Several members of the unit that he abandoned have posted photos online showing themselves “without Walz in Afghanistan”

    So far the Dems have been unwilling to try to defend this shiite, and odds are being computed on whether he makes it to the convention, only 12 days away.

    tick, tick, tick

    btw, more examples of Walz’ “Running Away Strategy” are coming out. Seems he got drubbed by his opponent in the first debate of the 2022 Mn Governor’s race, so he simply refused to show up for the rest of the debates. Let’s see if he can run away this time. I’m going to predict that he does–he quits before he has to debate JD Vance, so that the video is not available for his opponent in the next fovernor’s race.

    final observation: Tina “I’m just going to serve out the term, not run for the office” Smith, Junior Doorknob Senator from MN, served up a weasel word salad today when she claimed that she was “unaware” of any military service by Vance.

    Yup. That was so egregious that Jim Acosta couldn’t let  it stand. What a maroon. 

  67. nick flandrey says:

    Hard to believe anyone vetted the guy with that much baggage coming to light.


  68. Alan says:

    >> Hard to believe anyone vetted the guy with that much baggage coming to light.

    Vetting was in good part done by…wait for it…Eric Holder (and his law firm – Covington & Burling yum, love those billable hours). This was topped with a quiet word from Miss Nancy and the die was cast.

    So the ‘tea leaves’ say that TPTB (shout out to Barry and Big Mike) already have the new set of reins well in hand.

  69. Lynn says:

    “Taylor Swift Cancels Eras Tour Concerts in Vienna After Terrorist Plot Thwarted and Arrests Made”

    “Three Taylor Swift shows have been canceled in Vienna after two men were arrested in an ISIS-connected terrorist plot against her upcoming concerts.”

    “In a post from Austrian concert promoter Barracuda Music, organizers wrote, “Taylor Swift | The Eras Tour Vienna Shows cancelled due to government officials confirmation of planned terrorist attack. With confirmation from government officials of a planned terrorist attack at Ernst Happel Stadium, we have no choice but to cancel the three scheduled shows for everyone’s safety.”

    It ain’t just the UK.  The muslims are causing trouble all over the place.

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