Day: August 7, 2024

Wed. Aug. 7, 2024 – Still more driving around…

Hot and humid. Really. Not kidding. If it’s not raining. Which it might be. Because it’s all guessing. We got a few fat drops around dinner time last night, but that was it. Hot and humid the rest of the day.

Spent most of the day driving back and forth for the kids. I did sneak one trip across town to do two pickups in in the mid afternoon. And when I got back I started working on some stuff for my hobby meeting, instead of picking up the house… The project involves sewing so I had to get that stuff out and set up. Which added to the clutter when W got home. Not a happy evening.

Today the cleaning crew comes so someone thinks the house should be cleaned FIRST. Not gonna happen, that sort of thing is crazy mom and crazy childhood. Stuff does need to be put away, and the floors should be clear, but that’s as far as I’ll go.

I’ve also got to run the kid back and forth to more sportsball stuff. I’m not getting anything done in the morning, and probably little in the afternoon either.

Maybe I’ll work outside. Hmm.

Stack something. Anything useful. And then stack some more.


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