Thur. Aug. 1, 2024 – time marches on, gonna be school starting up soon…

Hot and humid, but first merely warm and humid. Supposed to be clear for a few more days, so the sun will heat it up soon enough.

I spent yesterday fixing my mower, and cutting the grass. I did my yard, and the HOA park next door. Took a long time as I had to go slow and take less than full swaths so I didn’t bog down the mower. Grass was really tall and thick.

Today I’ll probably trim and blow to finish the yardwork. Might try to burn some of the slash pile. Will find some projects that don’t involve baking my brain later in the day…

The world continues to get weirder, and march to war. Anyone got a good article about increased export controls? Heard someone mention it in passing as part of the difficulty for their business in this economy. Depending one what’s restricted, I’ll add it to my list of indicators that war is coming.

War or not, preps are a good thing.


84 Comments and discussion on "Thur. Aug. 1, 2024 – time marches on, gonna be school starting up soon…"

  1. Denis says:

    From yesterday…

    Sympathies. I feel your pain. Now go schedule a VD screen to make sure you won’t be feeling any pain that you can avoid.

    SteveF, you’re a gentleman. Thanks, but I think my attempt at humour went over your head there – I was just riffing on the similarity between my wife and Mrs Nick: liable to murder one if the house is not orderly when she gets home…

  2. Denis says:

    Just made it through yesterday’s comments.

    Lynn, you are a gentleman too, but you should have paid more attention in Greek class at school: bigamy is for plural wives, polyandry for plural husbands. I am surprised that the nuance has been forgotten, but them, marriage in general seems to have gone out of fashion…

    Nick, sincere apologies. Apparently, my attempt at humour was unfunny enough to have passed as serious. I obviously did not mean to cast aspersions on your good lady, and I am sorry if anybody really thought she was an intercontinental polyandrist.

     However, I think you might have made a decent co-husband. We have gubs and prepping in common, at least. Not sure what I would do about your bodhrán, though.

  3. Greg Norton says:

    I’m shocked. Shocked!

    Actually I’m surprised it took this long.

    Of course all traditional media which actually does reach advertisers and the FANGs destroyed will have to be rebuilt as the US relearns retailing. What’s 100 years or so down the drain?

  4. drwilliams says:

    Then there is polyamory, making it wise to lock up the rolling donuts. 

  5. Ray Thompson says:

    making the effective circumference larger as the belt doesn’t sit so far down in the groove

    It has to do with belt traction. Keeping the belt from bottoming out in the pulley is essential for proper operation. And making the belt an odd size that can only be found at CUB dealers.

    My plan wrt SS is take it as soon as I can.

    I personally think that is the least desirable option. That severely restricts your income before SS starts removing dollars. Work enough, earn enough, and your SS could be cut in half. And you have to pay tax on the half that you do get.

    To each their own. Everyone has to what they feel is best for their situation. So go for it.

    Then there is polyamory

    Stop using big words and turning this place into a word salad. Keep to 3 syllables or less. 😉

  6. drwilliams says:

    Anti-sylanlist snob

  7. drwilliams says:



  8. crawdaddy says:

    @Denis: I thought your comment yesterday was pretty funny. I read it and first thought, “And now he’s going to make sure the wife’s car is safe to drive? Hmm… I would probably do the opposite.”

    About a minute later, the reference to Nick’s survivability kicked in, and I actually laughed.

  9. MrAtoz says:

    Stop using big words and turning this place into a word Kacklin” Kamel Humper salad. Keep to 3 syllables or less.


  10. MrAtoz says:

    I personally think that is the least desirable option.

    The SS/Medicare class I attended recommended waiting until you get “full” retirement benefits. That was 66.XX years for me @ $3,093/mo before deductions.

  11. EdH says:

    Then there is polyamory, making it wise to lock up the rolling donuts. 

    Well, when it comes to donuts I am serially monogamous myself.  Until the box is empty.

    (Or is that cereally? Ze engrish, she so hard….)

  12. EdH says:

    @Nick: Well, you could add a tensioner pulley.  

    OEM manufacturers hate them because they add to the part count and upfront cost, but it means you would have some flexibility in belt size and in theory the belt tension would always be correct.

  13. lpdbw says:

    I am a confirmed sesquipedalianist, and you can’t stop me.

    re: SS

    It may ultimately be picking nits, but another argument for delaying it is (assuming no major reforms) compound interest on COLAs.

    That is, waiting a year gets you 8% bigger checks, up to age 70.

    But once you take the SS, you will get COLAs in any year when the phoney-boloney stats actually notice inflation.  Those COLAs are compounding on the base amount year-over-year.

    So taking it a year early not only bypasses the 8% boost you’d get, but the next year’s COLA on that 8%, and the next year’s COLA on that 8% plus the prior year’s COLA, and so forth.

  14. EdH says:

    Re: Google (Adsense) lying. 

    There are a lot of numbers about the size of bot populations floating around. 

    I seem to recall way back when that for Twitter the number varied from 5% (the sellers laughable number) to over 70%, with a lot of the estimates coming in around the 25 to 35% range, with a huge variability from day to day.

    Then there is the “dead internet” theory.

  15. lpdbw says:

    We have gubs and prepping in common, at least.

    So, polyarmory?

  16. Gavin says:

    I’m going to call this a conditional prepper win… dragged out my biggest genny, no start. Check the big three, air, fuel, spark. Oops, last time it had a plug replaced (before I inherited it) the plug was cross threaded. Cue 30ish minutes chasing the plug thread with a needle file. Ok, assume spark. No fuel coming out of the tank, but about a gallon in. Blow air back through fuel line, now flowing freely. Three pulls, remember to switch to run, and it goes. And the generator works… fridge is now cooling down, hopefully in time.

  17. Gavin says:

    And of course, 5 minutes ago, power is restored… Oh well, I now know I have it if I need it!

  18. EdH says:

    And of course, 5 minutes ago, power is restored… Oh well, I now know I have it if I need it!

    My advice: Let it run.  At least for 2 hours with a reasonable load.

    I have seen a lot of “it ran for 5m and stopped” and “it ran for an hour then stopped” reports.  

    So let it heat up and boil the water out of the oil, for debris to have a chance to foul the lines again, and generally give a chance for things to fail that might fail.

  19. Denis says:

    @Denis: I thought your comment yesterday was pretty funny.

    crawdaddy, I ought to clone you!

  20. Denis says:

    So, polyarmory?

    lpdbw, you win the internets today. 🙂

  21. Nick Flandrey says:

    @brad, I missed a chance to get butthurt?   I’ll have to turn in my internet card !  And no international incident??  Whatever will the State Dept flunkies do for the next three years??

    I missed it completely, but it FELT like I missed something… so there was that.

    I woke up yesterday from a dream that I was on stage doing stand up comedy, and the club was loving it.   “So I was at the dollar store yesterday, you know the one where every item for sale is $1,  to buy some meat.  Yeah, they were selling steak by the bite.”     

    That was the last joke I remember from the dream, mainly because I thought it thru while I was half  asleep, and waking up.  I’m not sure my sense of humor would actually get laughs.


    @gavin, I say  run it for a while with a pure resistive load, like a hairdryer,* or two, just to see how it runs.   Check the condition of the oil too.    Treat any gas you leave in it of course.   Since it started you must be doing it right…

    * I don’t recommend using the Missus’ hairdryer for this.   This is a perfect time to pull out your backup from the thrift store, the one you bought for  a $ (or pound).  You do have a backup stashed for the Missus, right??

    — slight digression about hair dryers…  they almost always fail when the element gets too hot.  This is caused by not enough airflow, which is caused by hair or lint or hairspray clogging the filter screen.    If you use an old toothbrush or similar to periodically clean that inlet screen (some are removable) the hairdryer will last much longer, and the people using it will get a better result from the better airflow.  This is an example of a very simple way to save money, just a bit of maintenance and it saves the cost of replacement.


    It’s 85F and light overcast, which is burning off as I sit here.  Nice breeze, and another beautiful day at the lake.   Which I’ll spend sweating my butt off working.  But that is the price of admission…


    (polyarmory, oh my)

  22. Nick Flandrey says:

    Added to the generator troubleshooting list, most of the failures to start I’ve seen, after messed up carbs, were from low oil.  Most modern gennies won’t start or run if the oil is low.

    Most are fine with xx-30 oil so you probably already have some in the shed or garage.  


  23. MrAtoz says:

    Think twice about going to Russia:

    Wall Street Journal breaks its silence as reporter Evan Gershkovich is finally RELEASED by Russia in biggest prisoner swap since the Cold War

    I have sympathy for our peeps, but one wrong turn in Russia, and you are on the way to a gulag. I guess plugs’ Puppeteers decided they were rotted enough. Not Griner, tho. Amish, female (I think),dope-smoking mofo, gets a Get-Out-Of-Jail-Free card.

  24. drwilliams says:

    … just in time to get named to the Olympic team by the u.s.society of butch dyke coaches (even though she is out of condition and hadn’t played for months) so the team can link arms and do the rainbow parade down main street in disnywrld. 

  25. Gavin says:

    @EdH @Nick

    I appreciate the suggestions; this is the first extended outage I’ve had living here, and they Just Make Sense. I did run the genny for about 40 minutes with the fridge still on it after the power came back, but since I’m planning the maintenance on this one, and repair and sale for the others, I wasn’t too concerned about the shutdown. With luck, oil, gas and any filters will be changed out by tomorrow.

    On the prisoner swap, I wonder if Putin wants his people back while the gettin’s good, and expects that there won’t be much if any cooperation down the road.

  26. Lynn says:

    “Female boxer yells ‘this is unjust’ and falls to her knees in tears as she quits fight against ‘biologically male’ Olympic opponent Imane Khelif after just 46 SECONDS following two powerful punches”

    “A boxer deemed a ‘biological male’ today won against an Italian woman in one of the most controversial Olympic bouts ever.:

    This is wrong.  This is a guy masquerading as a woman.  This needs to stop.

    I do not blame the real woman for quitting.  He was going to hurt her, probably permanently.

  27. Greg Norton says:

    “A boxer deemed a ‘biological male’ today won against an Italian woman in one of the most controversial Olympic bouts ever.:

    This is wrong.  This is a guy masquerading as a woman.  This needs to stop.

    African. They know and they are f*cking with the Westerners.

  28. Greg Norton says:

    I have sympathy for our peeps, but one wrong turn in Russia, and you are on the way to a gulag. I guess plugs’ Puppeteers decided they were rotted enough. Not Griner, tho. Amish, female (I think),dope-smoking mofo, gets a Get-Out-Of-Jail-Free card.

    Remember, Griner’s swap was for the arms dealer who inspired “Lord of War”.

    The opening lines of that film get right to the point about him.

  29. Greg Norton says:

    TSLA. Buy the dip!!!

    Last month of the season in the Hamptons. Lobster salad isn’t cheap down at the Red Horse ya know.

  30. drwilliams says:

    “African. They know and they are f*cking with the Westerners.”

    The other one is Taiwanese. Same idea. 

    Wait until one of the East Bloc “female” basketball teams fields five freaks collecting stipends from Vlad for every American player they pound to the ground. 

  31. EdH says:

    “Female boxer yells ‘this is unjust’ and falls to her knees in tears as she quits fight against ‘biologically male’ Olympic opponent Imane Khelif after just 46 SECONDS following two powerful punches”

    No surprise. A similar thing happened a year or two ago in the US (college boxing?), as I recall the female boxer said something like “she never been hit so hard in her life“.

    Basically women have to start refusing to fight with trans. Or fake trans. 

    There will be some pushback from the woke, but money talks: small as the market is for women’s sports advertising it is still larger than that for the woke.

  32. Ray Thompson says:

    Basically women have to start refusing to fight with trans

    Basically women need to refuse to participate in ANY sport where a queer fag male is participating.

  33. Greg Norton says:

    The other one is Taiwanese. Same idea. 

    The Chinese relations are from Taiwan. I know all about that.

    I don’t let them in the house beyond my mother-in-law because they weaponize the host/guest relationship against Round Eye every time.

  34. Lynn says:

    “Female boxer yells ‘this is unjust’ and falls to her knees in tears as she quits fight against ‘biologically male’ Olympic opponent Imane Khelif after just 46 SECONDS following two powerful punches”

    “A boxer deemed a ‘biological male’ today won against an Italian woman in one of the most controversial Olympic bouts ever.:

    This is wrong.  This is a guy masquerading as a woman.  This needs to stop.

    I do not blame the real woman for quitting.  He was going to hurt her, probably permanently.

    The guy is even wearing a sports bra.  That is just nuts.  Of which, he obviously still has his with his zero fat body.

  35. paul says:

    I had my phone call from SS this morning.  She seemed nice.  Mostly just confirmed what they already know.  “Do you want the funds going into your existing account we have on file?  That is Savings?”  Please.  Turns out all she wanted was a certified copy of the marriage license.  An original, not a scanned copy.  They’ll send it back after they make a copy.

    Okie dokie.  I have it scanned and on my PC, I could e-mail it to them.  But gotta cross the T’s and dot the I’s.  I should get a letter from them “in about a month”.   I think I’m suppose to die before they pay an extra dime. 

    So I mailed the one and only original copy we ever had.  Embossed seal and all.  If they lose it, well, I have my scanned copy if I want to look at it. 

    On the movie watching front, I watched Purple Rain last night.  It was an ok movie.  I’m not much of a Prince fan and this movie didn’t improve my view of him.  What a jerk.

    Next up is The Shining.  I’ve seen it and I’m not going to see it again.  I don’t need to wake up in the middle of the night thinking “redruM” when the cats are galloping on the deck.

    Friday the 13th and ilk will also be skipped. 

  36. Ray Thompson says:

    One thing that surprised me about Texas probate when the MIL died was the will. The probate court demanded the original, and kept the will. I had the foresight to have a couple of copies made before I sent it to the probate lawyer. Sent FedEx with delivery confirmation.

  37. Greg Norton says:

    One thing that surprised me about Texas probate when the MIL died was the will. The probate court demanded the original, and kept the will. I had the foresight to have a couple of copies made before I sent it to the probate lawyer. Sent FedEx with delivery confirmation.

    The Texas probate process is beyond weird. 

    I’ve noticed that there seem to be a lot of courthouse fires which erase paper trails.

  38. Lynn says:

    On the movie watching front, I watched Purple Rain last night.  It was an ok movie.  I’m not much of a Prince fan and this movie didn’t improve my view of him.  What a jerk.

    Definitely.  Still a great movie.  Fairly close to autobiographical from what I understand, his father was a real asshole.  The guy had such stage fright that he had to take drugs to go on stage.  Towards the end of his life, his hips and knees were totally messed up from jumping off the 10 foot tall speakers on stage but he refused to get them replaced.

    Prince was the Taylor Swift of our generation (incredibly prolific singer – song writer).  Wrote hundreds of songs of which about a hundred went commercial.  Supposedly his inheritors have a couple of hundred songs that they are shopping around.  I suspect that ship has sailed though.

  39. PaultheManc says:

    As a primary Linux user, how I hate how Msoft tries to ‘protect’ me.  Just had an alert to advise me that my recently initiated Virtualbox W11 VM user password was imminently going to need changing.  Logically, to me, go to Settings, Accounts??? No, I have to enter a cmd lusrmgr.msc, which takes me to what looks like a W2000 or maybe W7 window, where I can change the appropriate setting to not force password changes!!

    There is a lot of history behind the painted front end of W11…

  40. Lynn says:

    Next up is The Shining.  I’ve seen it and I’m not going to see it again.  I don’t need to wake up in the middle of the night thinking “redruM” when the cats are galloping on the deck.

    Are you going to redrum the cats or are you worried that the cats are going to redrum you ?

  41. drwilliams says:

    “the painted front end of W11…”

    lipstick on a …

  42. Lynn says:

    Fort Bend County / FEMA came through my neighborhood yesterday and removed the rest of the tree debris.   Nice !

  43. Lynn says:

    “Hamas Leader Haniyeh Assassinated In Iran By Israeli Strike”

    The canned sunshine days are getting closer and closer.  I bought a cheap radiation detector but I have no idea if it is any good other than the comments.

  44. Lynn says:

    “New York Appeals Court Rejects Trump’s Gag Order Challenge”

    Are all of the courts in New York State corrupt ?

  45. Lynn says:

    “Welcome to August, by far the worst month of the year. Just 31 days to go.”

    “This month is named after the Roman emperor Augustus, who is considered by some historians to be Rome’s greatest ruler, and by others a tyrannical usurper. His greatest crime, however, is renaming this month after himself. Prior to that little matter of self-aggrandizement, the month was called Sextilis. That would have made an interesting naming choice for our hottest and steamiest month.”

    My former USMC son says that the Iraqi name for August is translated as “Flame”. One of his two eight month trips to Iraq included the month of August.

  46. Greg Norton says:

    The guy is even wearing a sports bra.  That is just nuts.  Of which, he obviously still has his with his zero fat body.

    The brand which is one of Oprah’s “Favorite Things”?

    F*cking with you.

  47. lpdbw says:

    I bought a cheap radiation detector

    I bought one of those, too.  I charged it up and turned it on once, but I haven’t learned how to use it yet.

    On my list of projects.

    The electroscope thing is a backup, but I haven’t built one of those yet, either. and the election are weighing heavy on my brain.  I may need to unplug if I want to get anything done.

  48. Greg Norton says:

    On the movie watching front, I watched Purple Rain last night.  It was an ok movie.  I’m not much of a Prince fan and this movie didn’t improve my view of him.  What a jerk.

    Definitely.  Still a great movie.

    We all know who is the real star of “Purple Rain”.

    Prince initially agreed to do the end credits of what was supposed to be Kevin Smith’s last “Jersey” film, but he backed out at the last minute.

    I couldn’t imagine “Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back” ending with a Prince song. It just isn’t that kind of movie.

    Twenty five years ago. And, yeah, we’ve lost something.

  49. Greg Norton says:

    Next up is The Shining.  I’ve seen it and I’m not going to see it again.  I don’t need to wake up in the middle of the night thinking “redruM” when the cats are galloping on the deck.

    The Beard put a very faithful recreation of the “Ballroom” scene from “The Shining” into the film version of “Ready Player One”, replacing “Zork” as the initial puzzle to solve.

    Sigh. I really like the games from Infocom glory days, but even the book’s author had to concede that no one under 50 would understand the significance of “You are standing in an open field west of a white house, with a boarded front door …”

    IIRC, the games sold hundreds of thousands of copies. And that is just retail sales. The piracy was probably in the millions.

  50. Lynn says:

    I bought a cheap radiation detector

    I bought one of those, too.  I charged it up and turned it on once, but I haven’t learned how to use it yet.

    On my list of projects.

    The electroscope thing is a backup, but I haven’t built one of those yet, either. and the election are weighing heavy on my brain.  I may need to unplug if I want to get anything done.

    Yeah, I have major Code Block right now.  I haven’t written any code in two weeks.

  51. Greg Norton says: and the election are weighing heavy on my brain.  I may need to unplug if I want to get anything done.

    X (aka Twitter) is all about the dopamine hit.

    The app was something the company bought in 2009 and then put their staff psychologists to work on making it more addictive.

  52. Lynn says:

    We all know who is the real star of “Purple Rain”.

    Morris Day was Prince’s best buddy.  Morris Day and The Time used to open for Prince and the Revolution when they were touring back in the 1980s.  

  53. Lynn says:

    I couldn’t imagine “Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back” ending with a Prince song. It just isn’t that kind of movie.

    Twenty five years ago. And, yeah, we’ve lost something.

    Prince wrote Morris Day’s songs.

  54. Nick Flandrey says:

    You are in a dark room.   There is a lamp.


  55. Nick Flandrey says:

    Ha, spent all afternoon jawboning with my buddy.    Did no work.   

    Now it’s dinner time because I even skipped lunch.    It’s too damm hot.


  56. Greg Norton says:

    Yeah, I have major Code Block right now.  I haven’t written any code in two weeks.

    I’m burned out after flow charting the core of our firmware update code to fix a mess sent from India, but I have to be “on” tomorrow afternoon for an … extracirricular activlty.

  57. Greg Norton says:

    Prince wrote Morris Day’s songs.

    Before the Interwebz, there were lots of rumors forever that Prince was Morris Day.

    This was the era of $80 VHS tapes and tight control of set pics from the studios.

  58. Ray Thompson says:

    I have no idea if it is any good other than the comments

    Send it to me. I live near Oak Ridge, TN.

    I went outside to mow the grass. It has not been mowed in six weeks because of no rain. I went about 11:00 to beat the rain that was predicted (weather liars, it never rained). The mower would not start, just a click from the starter. The battery is probably four years old. Off to the local hardware store, no battery that size, off to Home Depot, same problem, wound up at Advanced Auto for a 160CCA rather than a 300CCA. Installed the battery and the mower starts. There is no way to hand start a 22 HP two-cylinder motor.

    I got a late start mowing. It was getting hotter. I needed to weed eat the drainage ditch on the edge of the road and in front of the house. I had to stop to pick up several pieces of trash tossed by the local trash. There was a lot of high, thick grass in the ditch because that is where water collects. That took me much longer than I thought and was more difficult than in the past. EGO weed trimmer with auto line feed.

    Except the line ran half way through out. Back to the mower shed to install new line. Fortunately the EGO machine will auto feed the new line onto the spool. But it was another delay. Finished the weed eating.

    Then use the EGO blower to blow off the driveway and guide the stuff into the ditch. The next big rain will wash it all away, to somewhere.

    I had failed to drink enough water until it was too late. About the last 5 minutes I was really feeling the heat, sweating profusely in a high humidity environment and slowing down. I could really feel I needed to finish quickly. Put everything way (I have to back the mower up a ramp into the mower shed) and went into the house. I stripped and got in the shower and ran cold water over my neck and head for five minutes before I started feeling better. Soap, shampoo, dry off, laid on the bed and turned the ceiling fan on high. I zonked out for several minutes.

    I knew better but the distraction of the dead battery and weed eater line kept me from remembering to drink water. Yes, the mower has two cup holders for drinks.

  59. EdH says:

    I bought a cheap radiation detector

    I want the kind that doesn’t care if it’s radiation from Arlington or Watts…

  60. Greg Norton says:

    I knew better but the distraction of the dead battery and weed eater line kept me from remembering to drink water. Yes, the mower has two cup holders for drinks.

    That’s more than a new Miata, and the cup holder is actually imposing on the passenger’s leg room.

  61. Lynn says:

    I have no idea if it is any good other than the comments

    Send it to me. I live near Oak Ridge, TN.

    You should have one already !  I’ll bet that your ground water glows in the dark.

  62. Lynn says:

    “Wildfire: A Hidden Legacy Novel (Hidden Legacy, 3)” by Ilona Andrews

    Book number three of a six book and one novella paranormal romance fantasy series. I read the well printed and well bound MMPB published by Avon in 2017 that I just bought new from Amazon. I have the other three books and the novella in the series and will read those soon.

    Totally cool series for me. This makes the fourth series that I have read from Ilona Andrews, a husband and wife writing team based here in Texas. The Innkeeper, Kate Daniels, and The Edge are the other series of books.

    The Hidden Legacy Universe is a complex place. The Osiris serum that induced magical powers in humans was released to the general public in 1863 and the world was never the same. The serum was banned after a while but the world was irreparably changed. Families starting breeding children for strength in magical powers with breathtaking results. Magic users are segregated into five ranks: Minor, Average, Notable, Significant, and Prime. The Prime families operate mostly outside the law since they are so powerful and incredibly dangerous.

    Nevada Baylor runs a very small detective agency in Houston, Texas ( ! ) that usually works on scammers and divorce cases. She is a 25 year old hidden Prime Truthseeker, she can unerringly tell lies from truths and can sometimes force people to emit truths. Her mother and father started the detective agency but there is a huge mortgage to a Prime Family that funded the effort to try to save her father from cancer. The effort failed and left them with a huge mortgage when Nevada was 17.

    Connor “Mad” Rogan is a Prime Telekinetic and a noted combat veteran, famous and feared for leveling a village in the Mexican-Belize war. He is a billionaire with a private army and wants Nevada Baylor very badly. So badly that he bought all of the property around the Baylor household in a one mile radius so he can protect Nevada and her family.

    Nevada and Connor’s first meeting was when he kidnapped her and chained her to the floor in his house basement. Things have gotten better since then. Mostly. Now that Nevada is filing to create her own house, she is being listed as a Prime too. So is her middle sister Catalina, a siren. But, several people want to stop the creation of the House of Baylor, including her very estranged grandmother that Nevada has never met.

    The authors have a very active website at:

    My rating: 5 out of 5 stars (I am starting to think 6 stars)
    Amazon rating: 4.8 out of 5 stars (12,261 reviews)


  63. Greg Norton says:

    Gas shortages at Disney World for Labor Day!

    Central Florida receives gasoline shipments three times a week via barges from New Orleans which dock in Tampa on the Interbay Peninsula, not far from the MacDill Freak Show.

    Sure, gas could be trucked in from Texas/Louisiana, but, thanks to Florida’s asinine anti-gouging laws, anyone doing so would lose money on the deal.

  64. Greg Norton says:

    Morris Day was Prince’s best buddy.  Morris Day and The Time used to open for Prince and the Revolution when they were touring back in the 1980s.

    Morris Day and The Time played one of the Bacchanalia fests downtown since we’ve lived here.

    Oh, jeesh, last year, at the brand new UT basketball arena/concert venue. I don’t keep up.

    This is the 40th anniversary year of “Purple Rain”, but Warner is too broke to do something like A24 did for “Stop Making Sense” last year, complete with IMAX prints.

  65. Ray Thompson says:

    I’ll bet that your ground water glows in the dark.

    Actually I think Oak Ridge is quite safe. Knowing what goes on in the plants, people in the area are very sensitive to any radiological event.

    Many years ago a truck was hauling very low level radioactive waste on a road with many curves. Some valve was not sealing properly and the sloshing in the truck would leak stuff out the rear pipe. When it was discovered the road was closed, big sections tore up, and the entire road repaved.

    The biggest danger is the sloppy and careless work from the union workers. There have been a few stupid mistakes inside the plant. One involved a machine that suffered a fault and the malfunction was trashing the machine. The workers stood around and watched because to power off the machine required a union electrician. It took several minutes to find one. Rather than a minor repair to multi-million dollar machine, the entire machine had to be replaced.

    Several times the incidents have been minor and could have been prevented if the union trades were not present that refused to cross the union trade boundaries.

    I have often thought about acquiring about 50 small boxes, place some sand in the boxes, seal the boxes and put a radioactive sticker on the box. Then about 2:00 AM in the darkness drive around Oak Ridge and toss the boxes in random locations. The panic, the shut down of Oak Ridge, the hundreds of responders running around, the local news stations having a field day with on-site live reporting, it would be hilarious. But someone, somewhere, would have me on video doing the deed.

  66. Ken Mitchell says:

    I bought a cheap radiation detector

    At my age, I don’t really care. If there is a nuclear attack or “incident”, it will either kill me or it won’t – because at my age, I wouldn’t live long enough to get cancer from it. 

  67. paul says:

    Mom didn’t mess with probate when Dad died.  He had a will and it all went to her.  Or me, for some reason, if she died first.

    When Mom moved up here, we three went and had wills made.  Pretty much a “last one standing gets everything”.  So far, it’s worked. 

    Not exactly enthused about being the last one….. but….

    Once the SS and a couple of other things are sorted I need to mess with the title on the house and on the land.

    Yep.  More indigestion acid burps and Tums to calm that down.  My goal is to change the titles to the boys.  They get it all anyway when I croak.

    Plans.  I have them.  Might not be perfect plans but I have plans.  

  68. Greg Norton says:

    Here come the fuzz.

    The reference.

    I missed tickets going on sale for a “Hot Fuzz” watch party at Alamo this month. Grrr.

    Best of the “Three Flavors Cornetto” trilogy.

  69. paul says:
    Warren, a U.S. (fake Indian) senator from Massachusetts, expressed concerns about Nvidia's control of the market in a statement to Reuters.
    "Allowing a single company to effectively be the gatekeeper for the world's AI future is dangerous and poses dire economic risks. The DOJ is right to investigate Nvidia's anticompetitive practices," she said.

    Oh… let’s do Apple and Intel and Microsoft now.  

    Someone didn’t get enough tips of when to buy Nvidia stock, right?  

  70. Greg Norton says:

    Oh… let’s do Apple and Intel and Microsoft now.  

    All of our AI servers use Intel CPUs and PCI-E chipsets, even the systems with AMD GPUs.

    Arm? Take a look at what the stock did today.

    The analysts say that it is a “buying opportunity”.

  71. Lynn says:

    I bought a cheap radiation detector

    At my age, I don’t really care. If there is a nuclear attack or “incident”, it will either kill me or it won’t – because at my age, I wouldn’t live long enough to get cancer from it. 

    One should really minimize radiation if possible.  The real problem is water, food, gasoline, and air.  The everyday things.

    I read a scifi book a long time where they were checking gas pumps with a Geiger Counter and passing when it started clicking for them.  I wonder if it was “On The Beach”.

  72. Lynn says:

    2025 Page-A-Day Dilbert Calendar $22.00

    “By popular demand, the Dilbert calendar is back, and this time, it has been created entirely in America.”

  73. Lynn says:

    I have often thought about acquiring about 50 small boxes, place some sand in the boxes, seal the boxes and put a radioactive sticker on the box. Then about 2:00 AM in the darkness drive around Oak Ridge and toss the boxes in random locations. The panic, the shut down of Oak Ridge, the hundreds of responders running around, the local news stations having a field day with on-site live reporting, it would be hilarious. But someone, somewhere, would have me on video doing the deed.

    You would probably leave a fingerprint inside one of the boxes somewhere.

    Saw that on “The Closer” the other day.

  74. Lynn says:

    “Selco makes a valid point”

    “We’ve met Selco Begovic in these pages on several previous occasions.  He survived the Bosnian war in the 1990’s, and has published three books about his experiences during that time.  (I own all three, and recommend them highly.)  He teaches and writes about survival skills in extreme situations.”

    “He had these thoughts about the assassination attempt on President Trump.”

  75. Lynn says:

    Oh… let’s do Apple and Intel and Microsoft now.  

    All of our AI servers use Intel CPUs and PCI-E chipsets, even the systems with AMD GPUs.

    Arm? Take a look at what the stock did today.

    The analysts say that it is a “buying opportunity”.

    Somebody HUGE may be cashing out.  I have been thinking about reducing my stock market positions and going to cash.  The problem is, cash is a hard thing to stash away.

  76. Greg Norton says:

    Somebody HUGE may be cashing out.  I have been thinking about reducing my stock market positions and going to cash.  The problem is, cash is a hard thing to stash away.

    Arm is not a big play for the usual suspects. Only 8% of the stock is held by institutions.

    The company designs CPU cores and licenses the designs to the manufacturers.

    All of tech got hit today except, strangely, Facebook. Meta. Whatever.

  77. Greg Norton says:

    “He had these thoughts about the assassination attempt on President Trump.”

    A clear video of the shooter aiming and pulling the trigger would be Interwebz gold.

    Everyone wants a piece of that fat YouTube monetization.

  78. Greg Norton says:

    Everyone wants a piece of that fat YouTube monetization.

    A friend’s son graduated from the Unversity of Florida’s Digital Arts program without employment and then stuck around another year for a Masters.

    He finally landed a job editing videos for a YouTube “influencer” at $20/Hr, no benefits.

    I had to bite my tongue when, waiting in line to talk to the UF rep about my FL Prepaid College plans’ validity at college night last fall, the woman was talking up the same Digital Arts program to a parent.

    My friends got clipped for in-state tuition with their kid. God only knows what out-of-state would cost.

    *Everyone* wants a piece.

  79. Alan says:

    >> “”

    “You probably know that Netflix is using a really strange system to categorize it films and tv shows. Indeed, there isn’t any categories tab… We have the solution, with this site, you will be able to find categories by a little code.”

    “How does it work ?”

    “Once you’ve found the code for the category that you’re searching, you just have to put the code in the search bar or you can replace the xx in this link with the code or simply click on the CODE.”

    Useful to an extent…what would really be useful would be listing the category code for each film/show. That would allow you to then browse that category for very similar content. But, afaik, not available.

  80. EdH says:

    A friend’s son graduated from the Unversity of Florida’s Digital Arts program without employment and then stuck around another year for a Masters.

    Yep.   I once worked for a company that had a very smart Puerto Rican girl for secretary and general dogsbody whose boyfriend was going through Brookings (I think), and did exactly the same thing. 

    We could never understand what she saw in the guy, kind of a tattooed  freak.  Close to $150000 she said, around 2010 when that was still real money. 

  81. Nick Flandrey says:

    Or DNA.   Someone’s ring cam would get you driving by.   They may not care about someone stealing from cars, but they will CRUCIFY someone that makes them look bad.


    We used to put NFG stickers on gear that was, well, NFG.   Turned out the stickers came from the airport and mean Next Flight Goes.   Which could have sent some flight cases off in the wrong direction…

    The band and crew quit putting biohazard stickers on their gear after 9-11 when the airports got touchy about stuff marked with the international symbol, even if it was just in reference to a band…


    After dinner I decided to go ahead and do the string trimming in the hour and a half of daylight I had left.   I figured it was cool as it was gonna be, and no direct sunlight.   Still ended up completely soaked to the skin.   I could wring out my shirt.   It is HUMID today.   My safety glasses were fogged over.


    As much as I’d like a tiny fire and some radio tonight, I might just stay in and read in the A/C.

    I’ll give it another hour before I decide for sure.    I’m still damp from the shower, and it’s been a half hour after I got as dry as I could with a towel and the hairdryer.

    And that’s WITH a/c.


  82. Nick Flandrey says:

    Ah that should have posted further up thread,but I fat fingered it.

    Decided to read in the cool dry air, and skip the dock time tonight.

    Read the second of the Innkeeper series, and immediately started the next one.   They are fun, there is a bit more wordplay, a bit less “seriousness” to the writing.   And engineer named “Hardwir”   and another character named “Nuancee”…  


    I spilled some deer repellent in the driveway, and then walked in it in my favorite pair of slides (like crocs without the hot sweaty feet.)  Now they stink like rotten potatoes and I can’t bring them back into the house.    So far cleaner with bleach hasn’t helped much.   I’ve sprayed them again, and I’ll try an actual odor eliminating wash tomorrow.     That stuff is STINKY.


  83. Alan says:

    @nick, tried Pooph?

  84. nick flandrey says:

    @alan, no, didn’t know about that stuff, but I do have a different “pet odor” product, and I’ll give it a try.  Thanks for the reminder.


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