Day: July 27, 2024

Sat. July 27, 2024 – non-prepping hobby day, then auction stuff

Cooler, then warming later. Rain. No rain. Light rain. Who knows. We got all of them yesterday at some point. It is nice starting the day cooler, gotta admit that, even if it comes with the rain.

Did a bunch of driving around to pick up stuff. Did some kid chauffeuring too. DIDN’T do the prep I should have for my club. I’m supposed to be providing some laptops for powerpoint, and maybe signage. I’ve got ’em, just didn’t get them all loaded with PPT and ready. I’ve been busy with other things most days.

So I’ll do my meeting, run up north for a double pickup, then head home to do some stuff I should have done already.

Family is going to visit east coast relatives next week. I’ll be headed to the BOL for most of it. Nightraker, if you are still living in the same place, drop me a line? I think you are nearby…? I don’t like splitting the group, especially when air travel is involved, but we still have to live our lives, and seeing family is important.

Had a chat with D1 while we were driving. It was mostly about my prepping philosophy and timing. And how hard it is to get the timing right, vis Jews leaving Germany ahead of WWII. Better to be too early than too late, I think, and how that applies to our lives and what I expect to see in the next few years. Hopefully it made sense to her.

She’s growing up before my eyes, and it should be helpful to have her ‘on board’ with the why as well as the what.

Times are changing. The system has inertia, massive amounts in most areas, but enormous forces are being brought to bear. The critical decisions have already been made and when we look back, we’ll be able to see when we crossed the line and the bad things became inevitable. The stage is being set, pieces moved into place. Even me and my wife, with small roles to play, are being manipulated. The other day I learned a new phrase, “one drop theory” and I encountered it twice, once online vis Kamel, and then from my wife’s mouth on the same subject. Not a co-incidence. Programming. Battlespace prep. Memetic propagation . Very sophisticated forces are at work and their goals are not my goals.

Stack. It’s hard to influence the flow of history, but we can take steps to shape our own role, and our own experience.


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