Day: July 1, 2024

Mon. July 1, 2024 – still working… still hot

And I do mean HOT. RH in the mid 80s too, which makes it all miserable. Still gotta keep working though, just need a fan and to stay out of the sun.

I got a bunch of stuff done yesterday. The wall of the garage that I had open to do all the utility work is now closed up. I did an another circuit and a quad box to that wall for the A/C unit.

I built a tall cabinet for the wine/beverage fridge and the “garage” oven. Made mistakes 3 times working on the opening for the oven, so I took that as a sign it was too late and my brain was fried, and called it a day. Long day, but I feel good about getting stuff done.

Today I’ll finish and get the garage back together. I will probably run out of time and leave the shed a mess. Didn’t get to un-stacking the collapsing retaining wall. Probably for the better given the high temps. Still need to clean and blow out the house. Didn’t do any tree work other than moving some previously cut limbs to the burn pile.

I’ll run the mower one more time before I leave, and get the part of the park I missed earlier in the week. I want it to be nice for the holiday crowd. It’s my contribution to our little community.

In my garage cleanup I found two jars of mint jelly. I thought I had brought some up, but I never moved it from the pile of stuff dumped out of the wife’s car to the proper stack. Would never have looked for it in a tool bag, but there it was… If you can’t find it, you don’t have it.

Lots to do today, we’ll see how much I get done. Need to head home tonight to take the kids for their fang cleaning on Tuesday. And I’m sure I’ve got other stuff waiting for my attention too.

Stacks are a good thing. Make sure you go through them occasionally though to refresh your memory of what you have and where it is. And then stack some more.


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