Thur. Jun. 27, 2024 – whew, finally here…

Hot and humid, but maybe less so at the BOL than in Houston. I’m hoping anyway, as I’ve got plenty of outdoor work to do. It was overcast yesterday, then partly cloudy, then it rained buckets, and then it was clear and beautiful for sunset. “What kind of weather did you have yesterday?” — ” all of it.”

It was very hot as well as humid, as one should expect in Houston as we slump toward July… which just meant everything took a little bit longer and was just that much more miserable. I spent about half the day indoors, and half out. In between putting away auction items, and loading the truck for the week, I cleared out several piles of stuff that had accumulated in parts of the house.

There is still a lot more to do, and my office looks like a hoarder house (sans rotten food, and urine in jars), but I did make progress and it should thrill my wife. I’ve done a lot of domestic bliss so far this week and some deferred maintenance too.

Now I get to do more here at the BOL. It’s a great life if you don’t falter, right?

BTW, I went to HEB mostly for cream, but checked the meat cooler and LO! Prime sirloin on sale for $4.99/pound with no limit, and the cap roast (picanha roast) for $5.99/pound. I bought most of it. That was one of the reasons I was late leaving for the BOL, I had to vac seal and freeze all that meat. I don’t want to fill the chest freezer up and then have no where to put the meat when I eventually switch back to an upright fridge/freezer, but dang, I’m not letting prime sirloin at the same price as hamburger go by.

Keep you eyes open for bargains, they are still out there. And it really helps you stack.

Which you should totally be doing anyway…
Today will be spent poking at various lists, but I think mainly working in the shed and garage. We’re having guests for the 4th, and having the garage as extra “play” space will be nice.

I’ll be doing some work in the dockhouse and possibly on the dock itself too. I’ve got fewer days up here than I first envisioned, but getting some of that stuff done at home was well worth it.

Not that I’m done at home, but a good burst of effort goes a long way. Now to do the same up here…


ps. Stack!

64 Comments and discussion on "Thur. Jun. 27, 2024 – whew, finally here…"

  1. Greg Norton says:

    As a coach, she cannot believe that, anyway, not if she cares about her players. She’s saying it to avoid getting crucified by the woke. People need to stop being cowards. Lots of credit to J.K. Rowling, because she is very outspoken on this issue.

    The last time we were at Universal, as the boycott against Rowling was starting to crank up, the loudest protest we saw from the LGBTQXYZ demographic was over the line to ride the new Hagrid roller coaster, two obviously gay women astonished at the four hour estimated wait.

    “What do you mean we should be here at ‘rope drop’?”

    We rode twice that morning. Universal exaggerates the wait time in the standby queue.

    The boycott didn’t work, but, that said, I think it is time Rowling gave it a rest. She made her point and risks losing the moral high ground.

    Plus, her physical safety is probably an issue at this point.

  2. Greg Norton says:

    As a coach, she cannot believe that, anyway, not if she cares about her players. She’s saying it to avoid getting crucified by the woke. People need to stop being cowards. Lots of credit to J.K. Rowling, because she is very outspoken on this issue.

    BTW, South Carolina coach. The coastal communities are very dependent on Wokester money continuing to flow into the state as a vacation destination so any deviation from agenda will be punished.

  3. drwilliams says:

    Eventually there will be five guys who decide to spend a year doing Lia’s Transition after they quietly transfer to a new school.  Then   in the fall one of the teams that has been at the bottom of UConn’s conference is going to have a new team .  Suddenly a group of very good female basketball players is going to find their futures erased as their conf championship prospects become zero and their new road to the final four is 10th seed in Las Vegas, if they are not relegated to NIT. 

    Then the WNBA is going to watch the clock ticking down  

  4. Nick Flandrey says:

    The audience for women’s sports is very limited.   Part of that audience is men who like watching fit young women, most of whom are ordinary looking or good looking (genetics of high performers are generally pretty good all around).

    It’s not titillating or sexy, it’s just that men like looking at women, especially attractive women.   Women’s sports acknowledges this with the uniforms they wear, basketball being an exception…

    If men have a genuine interest in the sport, they will want to watch the best of the best compete so as to see real talent do extraordinary things.  “Man, did you see the game when XXXXXX set the world record?? ”  “ yeah, I was at a friend’s house and the whole place was going nuts.”

    The women playing sports that men also play are not the best of the best.   They might be the best WOMEN playing, but they are not the best.  If they were, they’d be playing on mixed teams.

    Another part of the audience is in love with story.   They are the one’s who watch a comeback kid, or a rising star, or an underdog (or and underdog team.)  They watch the Bears because their family has always watched the Bears, or because the Bears are headed to the Superbowl.

    I think the only way to grow the audience for women’s sports in particular is to increase the part that is interested in the story.    I think it’s pretty plain that most of the recent increase in audience for WNBA is because of the story.  And she’s attractive.  

    Pro sports are ENTERTAINMENT.  They sell tickets and product, the sporting event is less important than the ability to make money for people.   That’s why I don’t have a problem with high salaries.   It’s not that so and so gets $23M to play a ball game, it’s that so and so brings an audience that someone will pay big money to reach.

    Women’s sports in general are not entertaining.   There aren’t any good stories.   The “bigger than life” players aren’t.   The biggest names are repulsive to fans, sour, entitled drug users, who have massive chips on their shoulders.

    Enter a bouncy white* attractive underdog with real skills who seems to love the game and the fans.

    Story.  It’s what was missing.


    *Important because it’s still the largest demographic by far, and because of the underdog story.

  5. Nick Flandrey says:

    Anyone think manslaughter charges are on the way or will the ‘only ones’ get a pass?    I remind you that legally the dog is a cop, and if you or I killed him we’d be charged as if we killed a cop.

    Beloved police K9 ‘Horus’ DIES in sweltering hot car amid 108F heatwave – after being left inside overnight by deputies


    NEW Local community members in a small Missouri town are outraged after a police K9 tragically died after being left in a hot car overnight by deputies. Chief David Vincent with the Savannah Police Department confirmed that the German shepherd, Horus, died on Thursday from health complications after being trapped in a car following an overnight shift.


  6. Nick Flandrey says:

    Hmm, how is it that Bill Gates has a daughter that looks like a photoshop merge of him and his wife, 

    And a daughter that looks like a Vogue model? 

    Something doesn’t add up.


  7. Nick Flandrey says:

    Yeah, I’m in “work avoidance” mode.    It’s overcast, and went from 83F to 86F while I ate breakfast.

    I am surprisingly sore and still a bit dehydrated from yesterday.   Had a leg cramp this morning so I’m taking it easy until I catch up.


  8. Ken Mitchell says:

    Anybody  who leaves an animal or a child in a hot car to die deserves to go to jail for a LONG, LONG time. The dog is a police dog? It was a cop who left the dog in the car?  Irrelevant; the same punishment should be imposed on the supposed-human who left the dog to die in a hot car. Because the “supposed-human” IS NOT really a human being, or he could not have abandoned his responsibilities so terribly. 

    And being a cop isn’t a license to kill by neglect.

  9. MrAtoz says:

    And being a cop isn’t a license to kill by neglect.

    I can’t even imagine one of my pups dying like that. It just makes you sick thinking about the suffering. I’m sure the worst thing for the cop will be being canned. Then just move to the next county and get hired.

  10. drwilliams says:


    Normal K9 unit has the dog in the custody of his handler when off-shift,  which is usually in the family home. 

    Nobody noticed? Something stinks. 

    Wasn’t it Dick Francis Smokescreen that featured a murder attempt where an actor was handcuffed to a steering wheel of a car in Africa?

    Reread. Take notes.   

  11. Greg Norton says:

    Hmm, how is it that Bill Gates has a daughter that looks like a photoshop merge of him and his wife, 

    The wife may have had a fling while Gates was away on a “reading week” or his yearly outing on the Carolina Coast with Ann Winblad.

  12. Nick Flandrey says:

    Girl, 6, died from extreme heat after she was left ‘locked inside the sweltering hot car of her mom’s boyfriend while he went to work’

    By Taryn Pedler For Dailymail.Com

    Published: 06:53 EDT, 27 June 2024 | Updated: 11:29 EDT, 27 June 2024 

    A young girl tragically died from extreme heat after she was left ‘locked inside the sweltering hot car of her mom’s boyfriend while we went to work’.

    Markise Outing, 24, from Florida, was arrested on June 25 and charged with aggravated manslaughter of a child after he allegedly left his girlfriend’s six-year-old daughter in a locked car for around three hours.

    This guy left her in the car on purpose.   


    This is also the unintended consequence of government meddling.

    CAFE and a file cabinet full of other regulations on the auto industry contribute to these deaths.

    Power door locks are part of the way the automakers met the rollover standards.  Power windows are part of response to mileage mandates (and the need to have the windows up and A/C on to remain aerodynamic), as well as keeping people inside the car in a crash.  Windows in second row doors don’t open all the way to keep kids from “falling out while moving.”

    Power window lockouts keep the kids from using their window controls because kids WILL use the window controls when they get bored.

    “Child safety” locks keep the back doors from opening.

    Anti-whiplash headrests keep the back seat occupants from flying into the front seat, and also keep a kid from climbing to the front to open a door.   

    Child car seat mandates mean even kids who could open doors or windows can’t because they are held in place by a 4 point harness with a latch designed so they can’t easily open it themselves.


    no kids died in hot cars when I was a kid, despite being routinely left in cars while parents ran errands.

    We could roll down the windows, open the doors, and we weren’t restrained by car seats.    We also weren’t conditioned into passivity in a car by the restraints.


    Accidents and lapses happen.   The current design of automobiles* almost guarantees that what would have been a “hey wait for me” moment when the kid got themselves out of a car, or acted to cool off by rolling the window down when it got too hot, turns into a tragedy.

    And instead of addressing the causes, the automakers layer another system on top, with nags about checking the back seat, cameras and occupancy sensors, and more intrusion and surveillance.


    *kid is restrained with limited range of motion by kid car seat.   Door latches don’t work in the back seat because of kid locks or no power for locks.   Windows don’t work without power, or controls are locked out.

    I can easily think of countermeasures that would be better than a nag. Disable the door and window lockouts when the internal temp hits 90F. Add a ventilation system to bring in outdoor air, so that it’s never warmer than ambient. Use the fancy occupancy tech to start the car and run the A/C if it gets too hot and someone is inside. Or even just roll the windows down.

  13. Lynn says:

    “SpaceX Lands $843 Million Contract to Make Space Station’s Deorbit Vehicle”

    “The International Space Station will be decommissioned starting in 2030. NASA confirms that SpaceX tech will help bring the ISS down to Earth.”

  14. Lynn says:

    “SpaceX: Here’s How Starlink Satellites Weathered May’s Major Solar Storm”

    “The average Starlink user experienced ‘less than one minute of disruption’ during May’s G5 solar storm, SpaceX tells the FCC.”

    Pretty good.  I do experience some rain fade occasionally during a very hard rain.

  15. Lynn says:

    “US Supreme Court Curbs SEC’s In-House Judges in Fraud Cases”

    “(Bloomberg) — The US Supreme Court curbed the Securities and Exchange Commission’s ability to press complaints before in-house judges, saying defendants have a constitutional right to make their case to a federal jury when the agency is seeking financial penalties.”

    “The 6-3 decision could reduce the commission’s leverage to extract high-dollar settlements. It deals a blow to an administrative system the SEC once used to adjudicate more than 100 cases a year before scaling back amid legal challenges.”

    “The ruling could ripple across the government, potentially affecting the Federal Trade Commission, Agriculture Department and Environmental Protection Agency. A Justice Department lawyer said during arguments that more than two dozen agencies now impose penalties through administrative proceedings and that only some of those bodies have the option to go to federal court instead.”

    This is HUGE.  This judgement will force all federal and state agencies to move ANY case that involves penalties to a civil or criminal court.

    “Dissenting Justice Sonia Sotomayor said the ruling will unleash “chaos” across the government.”

    Good.  The federal government needs some chaos.

  16. EdH says:

    “SpaceX Lands $843 Million Contract to Make Space Station’s Deorbit Vehicle”

    “The International Space Station will be decommissioned starting in 2030. NASA confirms that SpaceX tech will help bring the ISS down to Earth.”

    Well, it was de-orbit the station or buy new space suits to replace the failing 40 year old suits.

  17. Lynn says:

    “Faces made of living skin make robots smile”

    One more step towards lifelike Cylons and Terminators.

  18. Lynn says:

    ““They Worked Heroically”: Union Official Defends Taxpayer-Paid Bureaucrats Not Coming Into the Office”

    “(DCNF)—A top union official was quoted in a Washington Post op-ed vigorously defending federal workers who continue to work remotely after the COVID pandemic.”

    “Only 6% of federal workers are working in the office full time, 30% work fully remote and 64% were on a hybrid schedule, according to an April Federal News Network (FNN) survey that polled 6,338 federal workers. American Federation of Government Employees (AFGE) Policy Director Jacqueline Simon derided the idea of taxpayer-funded federal employees returning to the office while citing her disdain for the Biden administration’s push against remote work, she said in the Post op-ed.”

    “As of 2023, the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) estimates that there are 2.1 million civilians in the federal workforce.”

    I wish that I could get a paycheck for just breathing.

  19. Ken Mitchell says:


    I can easily think of countermeasures that would be better than a nag.

    Like Tesla’s “Dog Mode”, which keeps the AC running while displaying a message on the car’s screen that the dog is safe and the AC is on, so please don’t break the windows.

  20. Ken Mitchell says:

    “SpaceX Lands $843 Million Contract to Make Space Station’s Deorbit Vehicle”

    For that money, Musk could probably RAISE the ISS above the Van Allen belts into a stable orbit. Because mass – ANY mass – in space is VALUABLE, even if it’s not exactly what you need, because you can TURN IT INTO whatever you need. And the next space station, “Muskville”, could be set up as a manufacturing facility. Turn the ISS into new space probes and build new habitats from space junk. 

  21. Nick Flandrey says:

    Right, that’s the reason.   It’s not that he’s a racist cracker that disliked her husband…

    Why Michelle Obama hasn’t campaigned for Biden


    Michelle Obama has reportedly steered clear of campaigning for Joe Biden over her private frustration with how the family treated friend Kathleen Buhle during her messy divorce from Hunter Biden.

    This idea that being the ex-president’s wife somehow makes you special is pernicious and should be squashed.    Unless you’ve also distinguished yourself as an individual, you are just another person, who happened to be in the room.   The appointment secretary probably knows more than the wife.


  22. Nick Flandrey says:

    Just another reason why everyone should have a grab and go bag and a list…

    Authorities ordered residents within a mile to evacuate and prepare for a ‘long-term evacuation’, and to take medication and supplies with them. 

    Shortly after, the railway company said that the leak had been contained and the evacuation order was lifted except for properties immediately adjacent to the site.

    I grew up not too far from there, and had a friend who lived in Matteson.


  23. Nick Flandrey says:

    Taking a cool down break.    It’s sweat dripping from your nose hot today, with the humidity.   If you aren’t in the breeze, it’s stifling.   


  24. drwilliams says:

    Taxpayers deride the idea that union hacks should be working for the U.S. government after Jan 20. 

  25. crawdaddy says:

    Because mass – ANY mass – in space is VALUABLE, even if it’s not exactly what you need, because you can TURN IT INTO whatever you need. And the next space station, “Muskville”, could be set up as a manufacturing facility.

    “Delta-V” and “Critical Mass” by Daniel Suarez are both worthy reads on this topic. I would recommend pretty much anything he has written, though. Lots of good near-time science and ethics stuff…

    WRT to power windows, I keep mine in the child lockout mode. I have had two dogs figure out how they work and use that to their advantage. The first put the window down and jumped out of the pickup window when we pulled into the parking lot of the liquor store that always gave him SlimJims. The second put down the window as we were driving past a relative’s house. I caught him in the act, so he was not successful. And, yeah, dogs don’t really understand physics…

  26. Lynn says:

    Taking a cool down break.    It’s sweat dripping from your nose hot today, with the humidity.   If you aren’t in the breeze, it’s stifling.   


    My truck just said it was 100 F today.  But only 55% humidity (76 F dew point).

  27. CowboyStu says:

    “Delta-V” and “Critical Mass” by Daniel Suarez are both worthy reads on this topic. I would recommend pretty much anything he has written, though. Lots of good near-time science and ethics stuff…

    I was gone by the time that Delta V launches took place.  OTOH, I was on the Delta II launch team working in the propulsion group.

  28. crawdaddy says:

    @CowboyStu: In this case, the term references change in velocity, but I appreciate the Delta II and later designs. Pert cool stuff.

    I can see many of the Cape Canaveral launches from my neighborhood, and I find myself out on the dock late at night fairly often.

  29. paul says:

    102f today.  Down to 99f because of a few clouds.  No breeze to speak of.  I know it’s hot when my shins sweat.

    Day before yesterday I fed the bird late.  Yesterday I fed her early.  Before it got hot.  She still had a bit of feed left.  But I did feed her late.  She was sitting near the fence pecking at grass the way emu do so no problem.  I fed her early this morning and her food had not been touched.  Now she’s laying by the fence.

    Her legs went out.  She’s pretty bony feeling under all the feathers.  Just old age.  I found a battery for the chip reader and tested it.  Put a scratch pad in my pocket to write the number on and what do you know?  Her chip was where it was suppose to be.

    Put the reader away.  Changed the rat shot in the .22 pistol for regular .22 and shot her in the head a couple of times.  Wipe off the pistol with a clan dishtowel and put it away.  Come inside to cool off with a beer.

    I’ll put her in a wheelbarrow tomorrow morning to tote her out back.  When it’s “just” 80f and 90% humidity.

    Then I’ll see if the 486/66 or P90 or whatever it is with Wfw 3.11 will boot.  Then I’ll know which of many birds she is. Actually any one that would be mildly interested is dead.  But I want to know.  She’s not one of the first birds, she is one I hatched and raised.

    I’m guessing Spring of ‘94, so, 30 years old.  Maybe the PC will boot so I know for sure.

    I’m going to miss watching her strut around and drumming.  

  30. Greg Norton says:

    This idea that being the ex-president’s wife somehow makes you special is pernicious and should be squashed.    Unless you’ve also distinguished yourself as an individual, you are just another person, who happened to be in the room.   The appointment secretary probably knows more than the wife.

    Big Mike is coming and all of you Devils are scared.

    Seriously, if (I still belive it is an if) Corn Pop loses it tonight, the clock will start ticking.

    I doubt he will, however. Not at Techwood, in one of the original CNN studios, moderated by Tapper.

  31. Lynn says:

    Day before yesterday I fed the bird late.  Yesterday I fed her early.  Before it got hot.  She still had a bit of feed left.  But I did feed her late.  She was sitting near the fence pecking at grass the way emu do so no problem.  I fed her early this morning and her food had not been touched.  Now she’s laying by the fence.

    Her legs went out.  She’s pretty bony feeling under all the feathers.  Just old age.  I found a battery for the chip reader and tested it.  Put a scratch pad in my pocket to write the number on and what do you know?  Her chip was where it was suppose to be.

    So sorry that you had to put her down.  That sucks.

  32. Greg Norton says:

    “As of 2023, the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) estimates that there are 2.1 million civilians in the federal workforce.”

    I wish that I could get a paycheck for just breathing.

    The upside of the Work From Home Mommy (and more than a few Daddies) Mafia infiltrating the Federal Government is that the IRS is the agency getting the most pushback from employees about the return to the office mandates.

  33. Greg Norton says:

    I’m going to miss watching her strut around and drumming.  

    Sorry for your loss.

  34. paul says:

    I didn’t have to put her down.  She’d die on her own in a couple or three days.

    But yeah.  I had to do it. 

    She wasn’t quite a pet.  Not very friendly.  But she knew who fed her and she was cool with the dogs in the pen when I fed her.  She ignored the cats all together.  

  35. Lynn says:

    “Jury enters $4.096 billion verdict against NFL in Sunday Ticket class action”

    “After thirty years of gouging fans for Sunday Ticket in order to persuade plenty of them to watch whatever was made available on free, over-the-air TV, the reckoning has arrived in the form of a $4.096 billion verdict in a federal class action lawsuit.”

    We are turning into a nation of victims.

  36. paul says:

    I bought this from Big River:  “Universal 10-Film Sci-Fi Collection [DVD]”

    It may be junk.  I’ve heard of but not watched two of the movies.  But for $19, what the heck.  Is Redbox still a thing? And what did they charge?

    Every movie is on its own disc…. none of that two movies to a disc nonsense. 

    I have a couple more in my Wishlist.  and 

    I don’t recall seeing anything  on of either set of movies.  The price looks good.  So why not?

    Yeah, I’ll never catch up to Greg “has watched ALL the movies ever” but I won’t be as ignorant.  Homeschooling!!!! 

  37. Greg Norton says:

    I don’t recall seeing anything  on of either set of movies.  The price looks good.  So why not?

    Yeah, I’ll never catch up to Greg “has watched ALL the movies ever” but I won’t be as ignorant.  Homeschooling!!!! 

    I watched a lot of 80s cr*p movies.

    “12 Monkeys” is a solid piece of sci fi and probably justifies the price of that collection alone.

    Look for the BBC “Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy” TV/radio series references.

    The 80s comedy collection is an unbelievable deal and has two which are on my list to watch completely through again, “Uncle Buck” and “The Great Outdoors”. I have those as part of a two disc set.

    The first 20 minutes of “Dragnet”, featuring Aykroyd doing a dead on Jack Webb, is one of his best performances ever. The man never phoned in any impression – even the “Wild and Crazy” brother is dead on Czech from Bratislava.

    “Weird Science”. Members of my generation do a lot of revisionist history about Hughes. 90% acted like Robert Downey Jr.’s character but talk about being misunderstood “outcasts”.

    “Fast Times”. Mr. Hand. Ray Walston. Genius.

  38. Greg Norton says:

    “Weird Science”. Members of my generation do a lot of revisionist history about Hughes. 90% acted like Robert Downey Jr.’s character but talk about being misunderstood “outcasts”.

    And RIP Bill Paxton. You will be sorely missed this summer in the “Twister” sequel.

    One panel I missed in Dallas was Helen Hunt. Why is she not appearing in “Twisters”?

    Did Helen Hunt say someting about LBGTQXYZ?

  39. Alan says:

    >> That’s where the money is, fries and drinks, plus the newest super-duper whatever.

    There’s currently a “war” going on amongst many of the fast food joints to see who can offer the most value in a $5 bag of food with a drink. Wendy’s seems to be looking long-term while Micky D is quietly saying ‘for a limited time only,’ since any losses are presumably coming out of the franchisees’ pockets. Haven’t heard which route BK is taking. Maybe FJB will pull out a burger tonight from his podium to tout  Bidenomics.

  40. Greg Norton says:

    It may be junk.  I’ve heard of but not watched two of the movies.  But for $19, what the heck.  Is Redbox still a thing? And what did they charge?

    Redbox is still a thing around here, but Coinstar sold them off. The new owner is struggling to meet payroll.

  41. paul says:

    I was busy working in the ‘80s.  Usually 4 to Midnight,  Getting home from work to watch a movie at 2am really wasn’t on the to-to list.  Eat something and take a shower and go to bed.  Because Bicycle from 505 East 6th to Ohlen and Research (US183) took a while.  It’s all uphill man. 

    Then I got a job at U-Tote-M.  And got a car.  Pretty much the same hours with a double shift about once a week.  I finally got the boss to STFU about my overtime caused by someone calling in sick a couple of times a week… I’ll happily lock the front door and go home if you want.  That didn’t score many points on the scale of tactfulness.   

    Oh, and the few times I had FOUR shifts in a row really cranked his chain.  You know, start at 7am and the next two shifts call out and then I have my normal start at 7am to 3pm shift.  But yeah, I really had to go potty so I locked the front doors…. at 3am.  And someone called someone to complain.

    We moved out here in ‘92? and there is no cable TV.  DirecTV didn’t happen until 1999.   ←- very first thing I bought on eBay, a Sony system. 

    I missed a lot of stuff on TV and movies.   I guess.  I’ve had fun watching puppies being born and emu and chickens hatching.  Seems like a good trade off.  🙂  

  42. Ray Thompson says:

    Three minutes in and Spongey is mumbling like a senile old man. Oh, wait, he is. 

  43. Lynn says:

    Three minutes in and Spongey is mumbling like a senile old man. Oh, wait, he is. 

    Oh wow, they forgot the Ritalin.  He looks like he is 100.  And his voice sounds like an old cigarette smoker, husky and cracking a lot.

    Trump is nailing it as expected.

  44. Lynn says:

    I bought this from Big River:  “Universal 10-Film Sci-Fi Collection [DVD]”

    It may be junk.  I’ve heard of but not watched two of the movies.  But for $19, what the heck.  Is Redbox still a thing? And what did they charge?

    Every movie is on its own disc…. none of that two movies to a disc nonsense. 

    12 Monkeys: awesome, Bruce Willis at his prime !

    Hellboy II: ok

    Lucy: freaking awesome !

    Oblivion: Tom Cruise in a time loopback, good movie

    Pacific Rim Uprising: not seen

    Pitch Black: Vin Diesel is always great

    Repo Men: scary look at the future of prosthetics organs and pay by the month

    Serenity: Love this !

    Seventh Son: not seen

    Waterworld: I like it, many did not, Kevin Costner with gills and webbed feet

    So, at least seven good movies, good haul.

  45. MrAtoz says:

    The White House has already released plugs’ cover story for looking like a senile 100 year old man. He has a cold. He spent a week at Camp David, weather in the 80’s. Sure, he caught a cold which aged him 20 years. He can’t remember his talking points because his brain is mashed potatoes.

    Even Dumbocrat sychopants are saying tRump is crushing Corn Pop. Not a good night for spongey, but we know how the LSM and White House will spin it: POTATUS won the debate and decimated tRump.


  46. Lynn says:

    “Trump: “I Really Don’t Know What He Said At the End of That Sentence I Don’t Think He Knows Either””

    Biden looks like he is totally whacked out.

    Hat tip to:

  47. Nick Flandrey says:

    Argh, it’s killing me to not watch, but IDK where I can stream it, maybe cspan?


    @paul, even if not exactly  a pet, anything we care for for that long has to hurt, I’m sorry you had to face that.

    and there are several good movies on that disc set, 12 Monkeys is maybe Bruce Willis’ best performance ever, and Brad Pitt is pretty good too.

    I thought it was REPO MAN which was a cult classic with lots of great performers and quotes.   Dunno about Repo MEN.

    Pitch Black is one of a trilogy, and it’s pretty good.  I like Vin Diesel in all his kiddy movie roles, and while this is a movie for adults, I enjoyed it.

    Serenity won’t make much sense unless you already know the TV show, but the series and movie are on my favorites list.

    I’ve been trying to watch Hellboy so I can watch Hellboy II.  Along with The Thing, I think Hellboy might be the only comic book character that I actually like.

    I wouldn’t watch Waterworld again, but some people liked it.

    The rest I haven’t seen.

    Redbox is still here outside of McDonalds.  It may have to do with the SAP or second audio program on DVDs, is the spanish version present in a stream?


    Cut the grass, so that is done.   Fell asleep in the afternoon- too many carbs at lunch.

    Very hot in the sun.


  48. Lynn says:

    “The Border Patrol Just Fact-Checked Biden LIVE On Twitter”

    Oh, that is just perfect.

       “To be clear, we never have and never will endorse Biden.”

  49. Lynn says:

    and there are several good movies on that disc set, 12 Monkeys is maybe Bruce Willis’ best performance ever, and Brad Pitt is pretty good too.

    “12 Monkeys” is very close second best movie for Bruce Willis.  Bruce Willis’s best movie is “The Sixth Sense”.  Unfortunately it is only a watch once movie.

  50. Lynn says:

    “Walgreens planning to close significant number of US stores, CEO says”

    They are going to close a quarter of their 8,600 stores ?  Oh my !

    I noticed the other day that our Walgreens now has a bunch of lockboxes on the shelves for high dollar merchandise.

    My son still thinks that we are going to call this The Greater Depression. Looks like we are getting it cranked up. But we did close our first sale in three months yesterday.

  51. Nick Flandrey says:

    Caught just the closing statements.

    Biden scratchy weak, “debacle”,  REALLY ?  and “he’ll tax you”…

    Trump “that man’s a complainer”.    T looked strong.


  52. drwilliams says:


    “12 Monkeys” is very close second best movie for Bruce Willis.  Bruce Willis’s best movie is “The Sixth Sense”.  Unfortunately it is only a watch once movie.

    Very difficult to choose a single “best”. 

  53. drwilliams says:

    So was the pharmacopeia failure real or intentional?

    If it was sabotage to get FJB replaced it’s likely to run aground on the twin shoals of the giant ego’s of Joe and Jill. Joe is going to wake up tomorrow knowing that his huge intellect delivered crushing blows to his opponent, and there is nothing in the world that will keep Jill from pursuing another four year’s as America’s beloved First Lady.

    If there’s any realism left in either of that pair, it’s knowing that FJB out of office has a best buy date shorter than an egg salad sandwich left in a picnic basket in a park in Houston in July. 

    Joe out of office isn’t going to get millions of dollars in medical and pharmaceutical expertise to prop him up, and it’s likely that he will be actively un-propped, as the puppeteers are best served by severed strings and the “too far gone to stand trial, or even be deposed”.

    Big Mike ain’t coming–the DNA Project sent the results in a brown paper envelope.

  54. drwilliams says:

    After Trump fumigates the commies and Democrat operatives from the DOJ–but I repeat myself–and puts in a team of real pipe-hitters, one of the first things should be to interview Hunter and James Biden and offer them plea deals with no prison time in return for spilling their guts like they’ve chugged a 6-pack of ipecac.

  55. drwilliams says:

    In the Feeding our Fraud case: The bribery indictment

    In a dramatic press conference this morning, United States Attorney Andrew Luger announced indictments for the bribery of Juror 52 in the first of the Feeding Our Future fraud trials held in federal court here. On the evening of Jun3 2, as the case was set to conclude, a Somali woman dropped off a Hallmark gift package with $120,000 in cash at the home of Juror 52. When Juror 52 returned home, she called the authorities and turned over the bag of cash.

    A note with the cash delivered to Juror 52 read: “You alone can end the case.” She was picked out by defendants because she was the youngest member of the jury and nonwhite. The note played on her sympathies and set forth the arguments she was to use with the jurors to arrive at an acquittal in the course of deliberations — the defendants were being picked on because of their race and status as immigrants. “We are immigrants: they don’t respect and care about us…” etc.

    One of the powers not given the federal government is the power to force resettlement of immigrants on the states. 

    When the mass deportations begin, Somalis should be near the top.

  56. Nightraker says:

    Well, Die Hard is a fine Christmas movie, but not SF.  I’m fond of Fifth Element, but I love Brazil which is probably TMI. 🙂

  57. Alan says:

    >>Big Mike is coming and all of you Devils are scared.

    Seriously, if (I still belive it is an if) Corn Pop loses it tonight, the clock will start ticking.

    I doubt he will, however. Not at Techwood, in one of the original CNN studios, moderated by Tapper.

    Uhh…wrong. (Emphasis added.) 

  58. Ken Mitchell says:

    Steve Green at PJ Media was “drunkblogging” the debate.

    Biden is toast. Even Drudge is saying

  59. Alan says:

    A well-rehearsed Kamel was allowed out of the tent.

    Anderson tried his best but she wouldn’t divert from the script.

  60. Nick Flandrey says:

    Turned out to be a fine night to be out on the dock.   Tiny little fire.

    Clouds were low and occasional, so I did get a pretty good dark sky.   Scorpio filled the south, and I even saw two shooting stars.

    Radio was  a mixed bag, with Florida starting strong but fading.   New Zealand and Australia were coming in well, both commercial and ham around 20M.    Ham was noisy but readable.  Nothing like the other night though.

    For a change I could hear several cuban stations.

    Temp dropped from 80F to 78F and a very gentle breeze felt cool from 1230 on…

    It will be interesting to see the spinmeisters working tomorrow, but tonight I’m headed to shower and bed.


  61. Alan says:

    >> Argh, it’s killing me to not watch, but IDK where I can stream it, maybe cspan?

    @nick, here you go…but likeliness of another debate is kinda low…after all, FJB took the ten count tonight…

  62. Alan says:

    >>  Is Redbox still a thing? And what did they charge?

    Yeah, Redbox is still around…we have one inside our Albertson’s and another outside our CVS. They also offer streaming now…but Netflix isn’t worried.

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