Wed. Jun. 26, 2024 – barreling right thru June and into July…

Hot and humid once more with no chance of rain according to the national forecast. I continue to hope not, but we will need some sooner or later. It was well over 105F in my driveway when the sun was not behind a cloud. In the late afternoon, it was still 95F when the sun hid for a few minutes. You really didn’t want to be in the sun without a hat.

I did my pickups but the main one took hours. In their defense, they had to pull 66 items. The automated “appointment” app wouldn’t give me a time on Mon, or Tues, so they didn’t have a ticket pulled and ready for me. I did stop in on Monday and let them know I had to pickup on Tuesday, and the girl thought they’d be able to pull it, but they didn’t. Waiting sux, but I read on my phone and tried not to faint from the heat. I could have sat in the A/C in the truck, but I was trying to appear sympathetic by sharing their pain. Maybe didn’t help, but probably didn’t hurt. A personal relationship with the staff where you do business is a good thing.

After I got home I had a stack of stuff to do to get ready to leave, and it took a while. I still have stuff I should do. Which is what I’ll do today before heading out. I’ve got two or three things I can do that will make a big visual impact, so they are worth doing. And I’ve still got to finish loading the truck. I’ll be busy until I leave.

W wants me to look at a couple of things in a marina on my way through Conroe. I will if I get up there on time. More stuff to do in my day though. Hear me whine…

Thought for the day is working on your relationship with the people that you interact with “out in the world”. Does the clerk know you? Will they help you resolve an issue or cut you some slack? Are you cordial? Friendly but not creepy? Do they recognize you when you show up? Do they seem glad to see you when you do business with them? Small businesses are the lifeblood of our economy, and local means something. It’ll mean a lot more as things get worse.

Being a good customer who accepts mistakes with good grace, or helps make their day a little easier in some way could be the difference between getting something you need, and not. Besides, it makes the world a little brighter and we can sure use that at the moment. Be someone people are glad to see.

It WILL help you stack.


68 Comments and discussion on "Wed. Jun. 26, 2024 – barreling right thru June and into July…"

  1. Greg Norton says:

    I CHOOSE the words I use, most of the time very carefully, and I don’t like to be TOLD which ones are allowed.

    Operation Wetback

    That was a real deportation action in the 50s. The government even set up Ze Kampfs.

    Republicans wouldn’t last long under the wilting media fire of Kampf footage on the nightly news if they tried it today.

  2. Greg Norton says:

    W wants me to look at a couple of things in a marina on my way through Conroe. I will if I get up there on time. More stuff to do in my day though. Hear me whine…

    Just Conroe or do you have to go all the way out to Cut n Shoot?

    We escaped Vantucky 10 years ago this week. I can still hear the idiot husband of my wife’s associate, “I come from a town called Cut n Shoot”.

    I couldn’t decide whether his schtick was an act or part of the deception pulled on clinic management to cover that he did something awful running for public office as a fringe candidate in 2010 in Fredericksburg, forcing them to not only flee town but leave the state, despite being native Texans.

    Extremely left wing. Don’t make any assumptions about the neighbors if you decide to go live out that way.

  3. drwilliams says:

    “Republicans wouldn’t last long under the wilting media fire of Kampf footage on the nightly news if they tried it today.”

    only because the video gatekeepers are propagandists for the Democrat Party. 

    Put video of the crime scene of the little girl who was raped and murdered by two illegal alien invader immigrants on the nightly news and make a few folks throw up on their dinner plates as they contemplate their children being found that way. 

  4. drwilliams says:

    Remember when the nightly news had the daily death counts from Vietnam? We lose nearly twice as many as we lost in the entire Vietnam war  to Mexican fentanyl made with Chinese chemicals ever year. 

    Put that on the news. Every night. It should be more important than the latest song written by a vacuous blonde bimbo who just tossed another boyfriend to the curb. 

  5. Ray Thompson says:

    Put video of the crime scene of the little girl who was raped and murdered by two illegal alien invader immigrants criminals on the nightly news and make a few folks throw up on their dinner plates as they contemplate their children being found that way.

    Fixed it for you.

    video gatekeepers are propagandists for the Democrat Party

    The mainstream media hates Trump, with a passion. They are doing everything they can to make Trump look bad and Biden look good. Trump has never been kind to the media, or most people, and the media absolutely despises when someone calls out their failings.

    The debate this Thursday will be interesting. Biden will be heavily medicated to attempt to keep him coherent. He will be wearing his adult diapers in case he takes a dump. I would not be surprised that a hidden earpiece is being involved. Easily done as no one would be allowed to search the standing president. Democrats will do anything they can do to cheat in the debate.

    I personally despise both front running candidates. I will be voting against someone, again for the third time, instead of voting for someone. The choice is senility or egotism. 

  6. JimB says:

    The mainstream media hates Trump, with a passion.

    And yet they made a lot of money when he was pres. I resist the temptation to call this altruism.

  7. Greg Norton says:

    I would not be surprised that a hidden earpiece is being involved. Easily done as no one would be allowed to search the standing president. Democrats will do anything they can do to cheat in the debate.

    Some skill and cognitive ability is necessary to be on the receiving end of an earpiece.

    Watch “Broadcast News” ..: if you can find a copy. 

    Maybe the flick will resurface now that Holly Hunter is set to headline the next Kurtzmantrek project.

    That is if the project survives the carnage at Paramount.

  8. JimB says:

    Today is our 53rd wedding anniversary. As usual, we will have a nice quiet dinner at our local French restaurant. Life is good, with someone great to share it.

  9. drwilliams says:

    Congratulations, @JimB

  10. drwilliams says:

    Fire the Secretary of the Navy. 

    Thin the officers by 20% to start. 

    New rule: in years where readiness is not 100% or recruiting goals are not nmet, there are no promotions passed by congress, no pay raises at Captain ir above, and pensions do not acrue. 

    Eff these miserable RDB’s. 

  11. Darryl Hoar says:

    Congrats JimB! 

  12. Greg Norton says:

    And yet they made a lot of money when he was pres. I resist the temptation to call this altruism.

    AT&T lost interest in continuing to own Warner Media, including CNN, when Trump left office.

    CNN went back to the Old Plantation, Techwood, where the network began, no longer able to financially justify operations in the CNN Center, the former Sid and Marty Kroft production facility/amusement park in the 70s.

  13. Nick Flandrey says:

    Mid 80s, overcast and moist this morning.

    I have broken my fast, brewed my bean broth, and started my day.    

    Soon it will be time to sweat.   Gotta make sure the intarwebs are correct first…


  14. Nick Flandrey says: 

    Increased Risk of Dengue Virus Infections in the United States



  15. lpdbw says:

    Increased Risk of Dengue Virus Infections in the United States

    We’re all gonna die!

    Unless we mask up, take shots, and allow mail-in voting.

  16. Chad says:

    I just got back from a week in NYC. It’s one of those places featured in so much TV and cinema that it’s nice to take a place that’s sort of fictionalized in  your head and make it real. We did all of the cliché NYC tourist stuff (Statue of Liberty, Empire State Building, Grand Central Station, Times Square, Central Park, 9/11 Memorial, etc.).

    It’s what you’d expect of a city of that size and density. Crowded. Expensive. Takes forever to get anywhere. All sorts of personality types on display. The secondhand weed smoke EVERYWHERE was crazy. It’s like you’re following a skunk around the city. 

    As the saying goes, “It’s a nice place to visit, but I wouldn’t want to live there.”

    I will miss the pizza. It was just so damn good.

  17. Greg Norton says:

    Inflation report:

    I usually only get the sandwich and a drink at Chick-fil-A so when I ended up with a bill for $11 for that order today, I assumed Biden Bux at work and handed over the card instead of the $10 in my wallet.

    When the bag came out, however, I saw that they assumed I meant the meal, included fries, and charged accordingly.

    I pushed back on the window crew and asked for a refund on the fries. $3.00 with tax.

    It wasn’t that long ago when that was the price on the sandwich.

    And, seriously, for fries?

  18. Greg Norton says:

    Increased Risk of Dengue Virus Infections in the United States

    We’re all gonna die!

    Unless we mask up, take shots, and allow mail-in voting.

    Gotta eliminate control. We are still roughly 15% of the population in the US.

    Next time, Ze Kampfs will await for Ze Skippy.

    Baillie Gifford’s clients will not be denied their windfall.

  19. Lynn says:

    I bought a sign for my gate:

    Because why not? 

    Dude, you live north of Austin.  That is an attraction for them, not a go away sign.

    If you have a creek or a pond on your property, that will bring even more.  Even if they are filled with water moccasins.

  20. Greg Norton says:

    Dude, you live north of Austin.  That is an attraction for them, not a go away sign.

    If you have a creek or a pond on your property, that will bring even more.  Even if they are filled with water moccasins.

    Not as much as Tampa. Plus, there, you get the swinging scene centered on the freak show commands at MacDill, CentCom and SpecOps.

  21. Nick Flandrey says:

    I need some brain bleach. 


    Working down the list.    One of the things I’ve been putting off was pesticide on the foundation, since I don’t want the dog in it.   Done.

    Still moving stuff out of  the house where it gradually piled up.

    It’s 95F in the shade.   Still mostly overcast but the sun is radiating thru.


  22. Nick Flandrey says:

    BTW, WTF does it say about our culture that this headline makes sense to people?

    Would you ever ‘rawdog’ a flight? Passengers leave people horrified after bragging about bizarre act on long-haul trips


    The article is safe enough, but don’t google the term unless you like pron.

    Raw dog

    (V.) To perform any act recklessly or without preparation. A semantic broadening of the original sense of unprotected intercourse based on connotations of risk


  23. Nick Flandrey says:

    Supreme Court poised to ALLOW emergency abortions in Idaho after opinion was accidentally posted on website and quickly taken down

    The case is the first time the country’s highest court has weighed the scope of a state abortion ban after it overturned Roe v Wade in 2022, returning the issue of abortion to states to decide.

    Idaho’s law bans nearly all abortions with limited exceptions in cases of rape, incest or to save the life of the mother.

    The development on Wednesday marked the second time in two years that a major Supreme Court ruling on abortion has been disclosed before being formally issued by the justices.

    Three times is enemy action.


  24. Lynn says:

    Operation Wetback

    That was a real deportation action in the 50s. The government even set up Ze Kampfs.

    Republicans wouldn’t last long under the wilting media fire of Kampf footage on the nightly news if they tried it today.

    The deportation back in the 1920s / 1930s was much more serious.  No records were kept so no one knows how many and who were deported to Mexico.  No camps, the authorities lined up the box cars and cattle cars and just sent them south.  Some “experts” say it was ten million people of whom many were born here in the USA.

  25. Lynn says:

    Today is our 53rd wedding anniversary. As usual, we will have a nice quiet dinner at our local French restaurant. Life is good, with someone great to share it.

    Congratulations !

    My parents will have their 65th wedding anniversary in a couple of weeks.  Dad was 20, Mom was 17.  My grandparents had delayed the wedding for over a year, they could not delay it any more.

  26. Lynn says:

    Fire the Secretary of the Navy. 

    Thin the officers by 20% to start. 

    You used to have to be skinny to fly in a Navy plane, my uncle was 150 lbs, 6’2″, and was scared to eject from his fighter jet since he was 4 inches wider than the cockpit. He tried to decide which shoulder he liked more.

  27. Lynn says: 

    Increased Risk of Dengue Virus Infections in the United States



    So they are going to hit us with Dengue Fever and Bird Flu in September.  I wonder what else they are going to throw in there ?

  28. Lynn says:

    Freefall: Frisbee

    Once a wolf, always a dog.

  29. Greg Norton says:

    You used to have to be skinny to fly in a Navy plane, my uncle was 150 lbs, 6’2″, and was scared to eject from his fighter jet since he was 4 inches wider than the cockpit. He tried to decide which shoulder he liked more.

    The Museum of Flight in Seattle has an SR71 cockpit section which accomodates guests climbing into and out of the seat for pictures.

    If the original October Surprise is a true story, Bush 41 must have been in incredible shape climbing into that plane at 56 for the fast trip to Paris and back for negotiations.

  30. Lynn says:

    “A.F. Branco Cartoon – Juiced and Ready”

    “A.F. Branco Cartoon – Joe Biden has been preparing for the debate for the past week, so who is running the country? Probably the same people who have been running it for the past 3-1/2 years: Obama and his puppet master Soros.”

    I suspect that they are going to give Bite Me about a dozen Ritalin.

  31. Nick Flandrey says:

    The Dengue is probably legit, it is being brought in by illegals and their enablers.


  32. Lynn says:

    “Supreme Court Strikes Down Injunction Preventing Government From Pressuring Big Tech to Suppress Free Speech”

    “(The Daily Signal)—The Supreme Court struck down a lower court’s injunction preventing the federal government from pressuring Big Tech companies to suppress free speech in a pivotal ruling Wednesday.”

    “The court did not rule on the question of whether the government may pressure social media companies to suppress speech in a way that would be illegal for the government to do itself. Instead, the court ruled that the plaintiffs failed to establish Article III standing to bring the case.”

    ““We begin—and end—with standing,” Justice Amy Coney Barrett wrote in the majority opinion for Murthy v. Missouri. “At this stage, neither the individual nor the state plaintiffs have established standing to seek an injunction against any defendant. We therefore lack jurisdiction to reach the merits of the dispute.””

    “Barrett delivered the majority opinion, in which Chief Justice John Roberts joined, along with Justices Sonia Sotomayor, Elena Kagan, Brett Kavanaugh, and Ketanji Brown Jackson. Justice Samuel Alito wrote a dissenting opinion, in which Justices Clarence Thomas and Neil Gorsuch joined.”

    Really ?  Everyone in the USA has standing for this one.

  33. Nick Flandrey says:

    about a dozen Ritalin. 

    – I am sure it’s more than that.   Dialysis?  Transfusion?  Platelet packing?  Flush and scrub, then power up.

    How long is the debate?   In pretty much every previous appearance he starts to slur at around 20 minutes, and it goes downhill from there.

    Of course, if there is really a body double, with different earlobes, as some pictures and people have suggested, then it’s possible they’ll use him.   If there are no closeups, if the focus is soft, look hard.

    I’m expecting every dirty trick from audio issues to bad lighting and unflattering camera angles.


  34. Lynn says:

    “Is this the Tesla robotaxi killer? Meet the ‘Verne.’”

    I still favor Johnny Cab.

  35. Lynn says:

    “Why NASA astronauts are delayed at the space station after Boeing Starliner launch”

    Sometimes, people just won’t leave.

  36. EdH says:

    @ EdH & JimB, my SIL was planing on bringing us up in my daughter’s car.  However, he thinks that the AC unit in his car is much  better, so we will be coming up in it.

    It is going to be warm! 

  37. Greg Norton says:

    Really ?  Everyone in the USA has standing for this one.

    Barrett is a sticker for standing, but The Old School Marm and his ward, The Boy Wonder, voting with the liberals established the majority.

    You only got one real conservative Justice out of Trump’s first term. 

  38. Lynn says:

    “When the Wind Blows” by James Patterson

    Book number one of a two book science fiction series. I reread the well printed and well bound MMPB published by Warner Books in 1999 that I bought new over 20 years ago, this is my third reading of the book. I will be reading the sequel next.

    This book series was rebooted by James Patterson into an nine book Maximum Ride series aimed at preteens. Those books are not quite as hard science but they are still quite entertaining also.

    Dr. Frannie O’Neill is a young veterinarian in the Colorado Rockies, still mourning the murder of her husband a year ago. One night while returning home to her home, she sees a young girl running next to the lightly traveled road to her house. But, the young girl is not just any girl, the young girl has wings. Thus starts a dangerous and wild adventure for the vet and the young girl. 

    My rating: 6 out of 5 stars
    Amazon rating: 4.3 out of 5 stars (4,774 ratings)


  39. Lynn says:

    Barrett is a sticker for standing, but The Old School Marm and his ward, The Boy Wonder, voting with the liberals established the majority.

    You only got one real conservative Justice out of Trump’s first term. 

    Nah, I got three conservative justices from Trump’s first term.  But one of them is an ultra conservative, Neil Gorsuch.  The other two justices and John Roberts punted using their old “you ain’t got standing” argument.  

    In reality, SCOTUS has got too many hills to die on right now.  And it ain’t getting any better.  The Trump immunity is coming up plus the reputed repudiation of gay marriage.

  40. MrAtoz says:

    Definition of a lyin’ fcuk:

    Illegal Alien Was Wearing ICE Ankle Monitor During Murder of Houston Girl

    Mayorkass could have a video drone on a crimmigrant’s azz and not care.

  41. Alan says:

    >> I CHOOSE the words I use, most of the time very carefully, and I don’t like to be TOLD which ones are allowed.

    Where the heck is George Carlin when we need him…

  42. Greg Norton says:

    In reality, SCOTUS has got too many hills to die on right now.  And it ain’t getting any better. The Trump immunity is coming up plus the reputed repudiation of gay marriage.

    I thought that WA State’s “exit tax” was also up for ruling in the next few days.

    Friday will probably be it for the term. Late Friday will be the stinky stuff.

  43. Alan says:

    >> Democrats will do anything they can do to cheat in the debate.

    Like having card-carrying members of the far-left LSM as the moderators?

    And providing FJB with a copy of the questions in advance?

    And having the second debate in September being hosted by ABC?

  44. Greg Norton says:

    “Is this the Tesla robotaxi killer? Meet the ‘Verne.’”

    I still favor Johnny Cab.

    Johnny Cab still works for Starfleet Medical. 

    The EMH is credited to appear in the second season of “Prodigy”, whenever that airs.

  45. Greg Norton says:

    And having the second debate in September being hosted by ABC?

    ABC may belong to someone other than Disney come September.

  46. Alan says:

    >> I will miss the pizza. It was just so damn good.

    The pizza, the Jewish delis and the bagels.

    NYFC was a bit more tolerable ~25 years ago. We departed 12 years ago.

  47. Alan says:

    >> When the bag came out, however, I saw that they assumed I meant the meal, included fries, and charged accordingly.

    I pushed back on the window crew and asked for a refund on the fries. $3.00 with tax.

    And that probably wasn’t even the AI order-taker.

    @Greg, so did they let you keep the fries?

  48. Lynn says:

    “Democrat TX Judge Hidalgo Blames Trump For Illegal Alien Rape & Murder Of Teen Girl”

    I guess that Trump is responsible for all of Biden’s screwups now.

  49. Greg Norton says:

    @Greg, so did they let you keep the fries?

    I handed them the fries. I don’t order the meal for a reason.

  50. Lynn says:

    “Sports Should Unify, Not Divide Us” by Clay Travis

    “On April 6 this year, as the University of South Carolina and University of Iowa women’s basketball teams were preparing to play in the NCAA National Championship game, two press conferences were held featuring the two head coaches: South Carolina’s Dawn Staley and Iowa’s Lisa Bluder.”

    “An OutKick reporter asked Coach Staley a question regarding an issue that needs to be answered honestly and realistically if women’s sports is going to survive—he asked if she supported the idea that biological men can legitimately compete in women’s athletics. And Staley failed the test.”

    “To be fair, it was clear from Staley’s reaction that she didn’t appreciate the question and would rather not have answered it. “Damn, you got deep on me,” she said. But after some uncomfortable hesitation, she came around to admitting that she was “under the opinion [that] if you’re a woman, you should play. If you consider yourself a woman and you want to play sports or vice versa, you should be able to play.” Asked again to clarify whether she thought transgender women should be able to play women’s sports, she said simply, “Yes.””

    Well, that is disappointing.  I foresee an all male women’s basketball team in the near future, pretending to be women. After all, win at any cost.

  51. Greg Norton says:

    Well, that is disappointing.  I foresee an all male women’s basketball team in the near future, pretending to be women. After all, win at any cost.

    Maybe at UT Austin.

    The coach of another major sport lost their job on the 40 Acres this week. Baseball.

    Go National Championship or go home.

  52. Lynn says:

    Speaking of win at all cost, The University Of Texas just stole the entire baseball coaching staff from my alma mater, Texas A&M University.  Apparently tu cranked the head coach salary from $1.2 million to $3 million.  Amazing.

  53. Nick Flandrey says:

    Picked up the stuff I needed at Lowe’s, except the pink insulation rolls.  No room on the truck.   

    Started pouring down buckets while I was inside so everything in the back of the truck got wet.   Then I got home, sorted, and finished the load.  Some stuff will have to ride up next week – like TP and paper towels.   Those don’t do well in the wet.

    Have to clean the kitchen, and then I’m off.   Of course the rain stopped and the sun came out.

    Julian Assange was released for “time served.”

    We still have political prisoners on their 1001 day of incarceration.   


  54. paul says:

    It hit 100f here today.    You know it’s hot when the cats are in the shade and panting.  Summer.  Better than Winter. 

  55. Greg Norton says:

    It hit 100f here today.    You know it’s hot when the cats are in the shade and panting.  Summer.  Better than Winter. 

    We keep two water bowls constantly filled, but our new kitten prefers the drain pain for the refrigerator. 

    I have to stop procrastinating replacing that cardboard access panel. I had it taped up after the piece ripped in the last move, but we had a larger cat back then.

  56. drwilliams says:

    “How long is the debate?   In pretty much every previous appearance he starts to slur at around 20 minutes, and it goes downhill from there.”

    Best strategy would be for every conservative within 50 miles suddenly gets the need to go for a drive a few hours before. A traffic jam with a  net tesult of delaying the start by 60 minutes would be no problem fir normal folks, but a disaster for Jacked Up Joe. 

  57. Greg Norton says:

    Speaking of win at all cost, The University Of Texas just stole the entire baseball coaching staff from my alma mater, Texas A&M University.  Apparently tu cranked the head coach salary from $1.2 million to $3 million.  Amazing.

    Yeah, I saw pieces of that press conference on the local Faux News last night.

    They also showed the press conference from 24 hours earlier where the coach promised A&M fans that he wasn’t going anywhere and the rumors were not true.

    Oh Christmas tree … Oh Christmas Tree …

  58. drwilliams says:

    Bit more than 200 years ago 13 colonies came together and formed the United States of America. The colonies became the first states, voting to accept the constitution that established our three branches of government. One of those branches is headed by the Supreme Court  

    Now SCOTUS  is claiming that the states do not have standing to appear before them and settle grievances they deem important for their citizens?  Barrett snd the rest need a civics lesson  

    If it were up to me, I woyld give it to them good and hard: A list of the powers   expressly ceded to the federal government  , a list of the powers claimed by fedgov usurping 

  59. drwilliams says:

    “They also showed the press conference from 24 hours earlier where the coach promised A&M fans that he wasn’t going anywhere and the rumors were not true.”

    Coach has a contract. File suit. Specific performance. 

  60. Greg Norton says:

    Best strategy would be for every conservative within 50 miles suddenly gets the need to go for a drive a few hours before. A traffic jam with a  net tesult of delaying the start by 60 minutes would be no problem fir normal folks, but a disaster for Jacked Up Joe. 

    They’re at Techwood tomorrow. The Old Plantation House.

    The Secret Service probably has Corn Pop stashed in a nearby hotel tonight.

  61. MrAtoz says:

    Julian Assange was released for “time served.”

    Bradley Manning was sentenced to 35 years in prison for this espionage/treason. Ofukstik commuted his sentence at 7 years. He should have been hung by the neck until dead. Assange should watch with electrodes connected to his testicles. I hope the Aussies make his life miserable. People are getting longer sentences for J6 without any “insurrection” even being proven. tRump should pardon most of these sentences and cummute many of the remaining.

  62. dcp says:

    the second season of “Prodigy”, whenever that airs.

    Announced for July 1st.

  63. R Paul Hampson says:

    And, seriously, for fries?

    That’s where the money is, fries and drinks, plus the newest super-duper whatever.

  64. Lynn says:

    It hit 100f here today.    You know it’s hot when the cats are in the shade and panting.  Summer.  Better than Winter. 

    We hit 101 F today then it started pouring down rain.  My a/c never turned off at the house and office building, super humid before and after.

  65. Lynn says:

    “They also showed the press conference from 24 hours earlier where the coach promised A&M fans that he wasn’t going anywhere and the rumors were not true.”

    Coach has a contract. File suit. Specific performance. 

    $1.2 million to get out of his contract for any other state.  $2.4 million to get out for Texas.

  66. nick flandrey says:

    Arrived at the BOL.    I would have been fine throwing the TP and paper towels in the truck bed, it never rained another drop after the downpour.   Really nice night. 

    75F here with a black sky.   

    I feel like reading and going to bed, but I should look at some stars…


  67. Alan says:

    >>I handed them the fries. I don’t order the meal for a reason. 

    Oh right, waffle “fries.” Best fries, imho, are from Nathan’s in Coney Island.

    Best mid-week when the oil in the deep fryers is ‘well seasoned.’  Same for the flat-tops…ask for the well done (hot) dog. 

  68. brad says:

    Put video of the crime scene of the little girl who was raped and murdered by two illegal alien invader immigrants criminals on the nightly news

    Somehow, on X, I keep getting posts of similar crimes happening in Europe. Rapists are always Middle Eastern or African. Someone posted data from the German government, showing the per capita number of rapists by country of origin. The Middle East and Africa were something like 50x higher than Europeans.

    For the US, the problematic countries are likely different. Doesn’t matter, the problem is the same: letting literally just anyone into the country. A country should pick and choose who is allowed to immigrate. Anything else is idiocy.

    Asked again to clarify whether she thought transgender women should be able to play women’s sports, she said simply, “Yes.”

    As a coach, she cannot believe that, anyway, not if she cares about her players. She’s saying it to avoid getting crucified by the woke. People need to stop being cowards. Lots of credit to J.K. Rowling, because she is very outspoken on this issue.

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