Day: June 25, 2024

Tues. Jun. 25, 2024 – “Like private parts of the gods are we, they play with us for their sport.”

Hot again. Humid again. Just standing and talking in the sun will soak your shirt. It’s that hot. Definitely in the 90s. There were some scattered dark clouds, but no rain where I was. And I was all over the place.

I had pickups in NW, NE, SE, and then drove home through SW Houston. I was in Kingwood, and Dickenson. Probably did about 150 miles? I’d have to look at the log. Lots of driving in a really big loop. Good stuff though for good prices.

I got home and started putting the garage back together. I’m going to have to rethink my plan though as some of what I want to do won’t fit. I’m thinking I might take one of the cabinets, and possibly the drawers, to the BOL for the workshop there.

Today I’ve got a couple of pickups I didn’t get to yesterday, including the honda genny. I’ll bring that stuff home, sort it, reload the truck and head to the BOL, maybe. Maybe it will all go to sh!t and I won’t be ready to head out until Wednesday.

Dog is at the boarder, and it’s very quiet in the house…

But it does let me do things like not worry about leaving the door open every time I go through it. Or tripping on a black dog with my hands full. There are tradeoffs to everything.

Restacking the stuff has been helpful. Found some stuff I was looking for, and some I’d forgotten about. It’s a bit like “shopping your closet” when you feel the need for new clothes. Look for the stuff you already bought.

Reassess, and rebalance, and stack.


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