Day: June 11, 2024

Tues. Jun. 11, 2024 – more rats? Or just more work?

Hot again. And damp. Maybe even raining. It was hot all day until late, when it cooled down and rained in the area. My house didn’t get rain, but streets in the neighborhood flooded, so people around me got soaked. Today could be similar.

Yesterday I was on the hunt for dead things, and I found one. I did a small amount of cleaning and sorting in the attic while I was up there, but it was really too hot for much work. I’ve got a ton of stuff to do up there… but getting rid of the rats is pretty top of the list.

The rest of the day was auction stuff and kid duties. Not super productive for me. I did pay the ticket I got for my out of date registration, so I’m completely clear of that now. Should not have let that go so long. Don’t give them a handle to grab you with.

Today I’ve got kid chauffeur duties in the morning and afternoon, with a pickup in between. I’ll also try to work my list, now that I think I’ve gotten the dead stuff out of the attic…

It’s always something, isn’t it?

Yeah, I’m prepared. I’ve got bait boxes and poison. I’ve got traps. I’ve got homemade traps. But I’ve got a colony of rats that won’t touch peanut butter… they learn, and they pass it down.

Be as smart as my rats. Learn, and pass it down.

Stack too.


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