Mon. Jun. 3, 2024 – in which our hero does work over again, because he’s a procrastinator

Hot and humid. Houston summer. Probably. Like yesterday.

Spent yesterday NOT doing the work I needed to do. Maybe that was for the best, but probably not. I did find a spot on the laundry room ceiling (where the critter sometimes made noise) that has moisture bleeding through from the attic, staining the drywall. There is what looks like mold around the edges of the temporary patch too… Something either died up there, or there is a leak in the plumbing work that we had the ceiling open for originally. Either way, it was an unpleasant discovery and will be getting worse when I open it up to deal with it. Honestly might not happen today. It’s a full PPE and clear everything soft out of the room kinda thing, and I don’t have time.

Because I’ll be dealing with truck issues, trying to get registration taken care of. First I need to get inspected again. Both trucks. Then I need to actually do the standing in line and begging forgiveness, while paying the penalties. No, I don’t like it. I really get bothered when I am forced to interact with the machinery of “state” this way. They just keep glomming on and glomming on to more authority, and increasing the severity of not acknowledging their power grab, and it angers me on a very deep level. It’s a reminder that we aren’t free. That we don’t own our own property. And that they can and will use force to MAKE us do what they want. They start by requiring a yearly fee and a marker tag to use your own property, and they end telling you how to worship your God. Eventually they will insist you worship theirs under penalty of death.

Nothing is ever “enough” for the fanatic, and the fanatics are the ones who rise to power.

Avoid coming to their notice.


(and stack)

86 Comments and discussion on "Mon. Jun. 3, 2024 – in which our hero does work over again, because he’s a procrastinator"

  1. paul says:

    Why do smoke detectors always decide they need a new battery in the middle of the night? 

  2. Denis says:

    Why do smoke detectors always decide they need a new battery in the middle of the night? 

    Batteries are less effective at low temperatures. It is generally cooler at night than in the daytime, unless one is a profligate heater 🙂 The battery therefore usually drops below whatever the “too low” threshold is in the hours of darkness…

    Smoke Alarm: Sorry to have woken you.

    Me: no worries, I had to get up anyway to change this battery.

  3. drwilliams says:

    “Why do smoke detectors always decide they need a new battery in the middle of the night? “

    The universe acts to increase entropy and perversity every night  

  4. CowboyStu says:

    JimB & EdH:  SIL, David, and I plan on being at The Joint in Randsburg on Sat., June 29 at 11 AM.

  5. Nick Flandrey says:

    Sunny day, keepin’ the clouds away…

    Yep, I’m waiting for coffee.  D1 is still at an overnight with a friend, D2 hasn’t stirred from her den, and W is at work.  

    Slow start to the day.


  6. Chad says:

    Today is the day that Billie Joe McAllister jumped off the Tallahatchie Bridge.

    🎶 “It was the third of June,  another sleepy, dusty Delta day…” 🎶

  7. MrAtoz says:

    Ha, ha. Führer Zelensky wants to dump tRump because he knows the gravy train will stop:

    Donald Trump will be a ‘loser president’ and bring an end to the US as a global ‘player’ if he wins US election and tries to impose peace deal on Ukraine, Zelensky warns

    Another tRump benefit, no incessant wars.

    Beau, tho.

  8. Nick Flandrey says:

    It’s still the chinese that let it loose, but the US paid to develop it.    What do you think the rest of the world will do?   People gonna blame us, or the yellow devils?

    Fauci tears up as he makes shocking lab leak admission – as Republicans tear into him over COVID lies during wild hearing

     The pandemic patriarch Dr. Anthony Fauci sat before Congress Monday morning and submitted testimony that the research done in Wuhan using money from his agency did not constitute gain-of-function research because the pathogen they were engineering had not yet infected humans. His bombshell admission came before the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic that has been seeking for over a year now to determine the origins of the pandemic that killed over a million Americans and millions more globally.


  9. Nick Flandrey says:

    Suddenly all the recent articles about young people getting colon cancer make sense…

    America’s colon cancer fight back: Two wonder drugs that ‘melt away’ tumors in up to 100% of patients could help halt epidemic in young people


    An immunotherapy drug ‘melted’ away tumors in nearly six in 10 colorectal cancer patients without surgery, according to a study presented this weekend at the ASCO conference in Chicago.

    Kinda like alopecia…


  10. Nick Flandrey says:

    Turns out not doing any real maintenance on a vehicle for 150K miles, and 21 years will leave some things ready to break…

    This is going to be an expensive catchup day.


  11. Ray Thompson says:

    Why do smoke detectors always decide they need a new battery in the middle of the night?

    They don’t. They were made in China and it’s daylight in China.

  12. Greg Norton says:

    United Wholesale Mortgage just put a $500k floor under the housing market since Corn Pop didn’t get the job done.

    I wonder who buys their paper.

    Vanguard tops the list of major stock holders … of course! 3% in VTSMX alone … but a mortgage broker has to unload the loans somewhere.

  13. Lynn says:

    Today is the day that Billie Joe McAllister jumped off the Tallahatchie Bridge.

    “It was the third of June,  another sleepy, dusty Delta day…”

    There are six more verses somewhere.

    I had a 60 year old friend of 50+ years commit suicide last week. I have no idea what was wrong.

  14. Lynn says:

    Arlo and Janis: Arlo is Sedimentary

    Yeah, me too.

  15. Lynn says:

    “Alex Jones Repels Ambush Seizure Of Infowars, Sleeps In Studio As Monday Court Date Looms”

    “One day after Donald Trump was convicted of 34 felonies in his ‘hush money’ trial, a court-appointed officer overseeing the Infowars bankruptcy apparently went rogue on Friday and tried to seize and shut down Alex Jones’ studio without a court order, despite having a reported “path with the [bankruptcy] judge to continue on for years.””

    Another bogus court judgement.  And a Texas judge agreed with it.

  16. Lynn says:

    “Toyota apologizes for cheating on vehicle testing and halts production of three models”

    “TOKYO (AP) — Toyota Chairman Akio Toyoda apologized Monday for massive cheating on certification tests for seven vehicle models as the automaker suspended production of three of them.”

    “The wide-ranging fraudulent testing at Japan’s top automaker involved the use of inadequate or outdated data in collision tests, and incorrect testing of airbag inflation and rear-seat damage in crashes. Engine power tests were also found to have been falsified.”

    Looks like Japanese models.

  17. Greg Norton says:

    Another bogus court judgement.  And a Texas judge agreed with it.

    An Austin Judge agreed with it.

    Kids, stay out of the Federal court district which includes Austin/Travis County if you want to run something like Infowars.

    Austin has the party but a lot of liberals, including the “Republicans” who are nominally in charge of things in Texas at the state level.

    The other Texas districts are only marginally better. I can speak first hand about the Dallas Federal Court jury pool.

  18. MrAtoz says:

    Another bogus court judgement.  And a Texas judge agreed with it.

    Megan Kelley had a panel on tRump’s conviction a day or so ago. One of the panelists was Alan Dershowitz. After going over the Doosh-Nozzle judges’ many irregularities, gas-bag “Dersh” proclaimed his ethics and upbringing prevents him from fighting back just like the PLTs and Dumbos. Kelley was kind of flabbergasted at that.

    This all feeds into why I don’t think CWII will be based on tRump. The PLTs and Dumbos have been doing this forever. Dirty tactical lawfare. They won’t stop and CWII will be lit by the Dumbo’s themselves. The sheeple can only take so much. Thank God for the 2nd.

    Mr. Lynn references the “GET HIM” mentality of the legal/law enforcement system.

    Then there is FauXi reference by Mr. Nick above. This guy should be on trial based on what we heard today.


    plugs, “I’m the President, I don’t comment on pending federal cases…” Didn’t he do just that:

    Joe Biden Statement on Hunter’s Trial Contains a Huge Lie (and Also a Reminder for Judge and Jury)

    Kankles was fined by the FEC for doing exactly what tRump did, but tRump may go to prison by a State judge (btw remember judge Doosh-Nozzle would not let the former FEC chief testify, I wonder why.)

    Matt Taibbi Calls Hillary Clinton Out for ‘Far More Serious Offense’ Than Trump’s and Lefties Can’t DEAL

    DC judge not only sentences a lady to two years in jail for a non-violent crime, but openly mocks her religion:

    What Judge Said to Elderly Pro-Lifer She Sentenced to 2 Years for PRAYING Outside Abortion Clinic Is Vile

    DC judges are giving decades-long sentences to J6 defendants for a nonviolent protest. Remember, no cops were killed on J6 no matter what the Dumbos keep repeating.

    Our Constitution was written specifically to prevent the goobermint from taking our liberties. It doesn’t grant anything, they are natural rights. Our Fore Fathers were smart enough to predict we, the sheeple, would need gubs in the future.

    When the PLTs and Dumbos light CWII, it will be bloody. It won’t be tRump that sets it off.

  19. paul says:

    I replaced the old smoke detector.  I bought three a couple of years ago and replaced the other two when they needed a new battery.

    Another bit of clutter off of my desk. 

  20. Greg Norton says:

    When the PLTs and Dumbos light CWII, it will be bloody. It won’t be tRump that sets it off.

    After Big Mike settles the score with their Orange King, he’s going after the rest of the White Devils.

    And that category includes about half of the country.

    That’s what will set things off … assuming things get that far.

    The outrages continue to build.

  21. paul says:

    I liked Jumper but the movie didn’t finish.  Another twenty minutes perhaps.  

  22. Greg Norton says:


    To paraphrase a bit of Bill Murray improvised genius, “Martina’s not white. She’s clear.”

  23. paul says:

    I keep forgetting what PLT means.  Petty Liberal Turds works for me.

  24. RickH says:

    I note that smoke detectors only have a 10 year life because the sensors wear out.

    If any detector is older than 10 years, all in the house probably should be replaced (as they are probably the same age). There is usually a sticker for the smoke detector where you can write the install date. Should also be a date code on the detector itself.

    Replace batteries once a year, even if they haven’t “chirped”. Even in those that are also AC-powered. If one ‘chirps’, replace batteries on all detectors.

    Because alarm sensors wear out, replace each alarm at least every 10 years. Also, alarms have labels showing when they were made. If you don’t see a label, the alarm is old and must be replaced.  (link)

  25. Ray Thompson says:

    I note that smoke detectors only have a 10 year life because the sensors wear out.

    I have a couple of detectors with Lithium batteries and are sealed. When the pull tab is pulled there is a count down clock internally. Once 10 years is reached the detectors must be replaced. There is no need to change the battery each year.

  26. RickH says:

    Looks like it is true that “Everything is bigger in Texas” – (insert your joke here)

    An extreme rotating thunderstorm dropped cantaloupe-size hail and produced a tornado in the Texas Panhandle on Sunday, part of a larger severe weather episode that took storms all the way to North Dakota. One of the hailstones was at least six inches in diameter, if not larger, and could be declared a Texas state record. (link) (another link)

  27. Nick Flandrey says:

    After Berkshire Crashes To 0, NYSE Says “Technical Issue Has Been Resolved” And All Systems Operational 

    How does something like that even happen?   Guess some people will find out.   I’m also guessing any trades will be rolled back?


  28. paul says:

    USAA just sent an e-mail with new insurance cards for the cars.   I need to call tomorrow and drop someone.  I may not have insurance with them anymore..  I didn’t go into the military.  Pins in thighbone and all that.

    Who knows.  Just more unwinding. 

    I need to go to the county and change the name on the house.  I expect that will raise property taxes a large amount.  He turned 65 about 15 years ago…. I don’t know if that will transfer.  It sort of did with Mom’s house, the taxes went up $100 a year.   Just more stuff to do. 

  29. Ken Mitchell says:

    @Paul;  Thanks.  Received. 

    I’m pretty sure that “PLT” stands for “Progressive Liberal Thugs”.

    And if you were insured with USAA, I don’t believe that they’re going to take that away.

  30. Alan says:

    >>I  do think it would be cool to teleport.   Not for the go into bank vaults to swipe cash, but for the “from here to the grocery store”  in an instant.  Like, in Bewitched.  

    “Beam me up… Darren??” 

  31. Lynn says:

    “Ticketmaster confirms customer data breach”

    “Live Nation Entertainment has confirmed what everyone has been speculating on for the last week: Ticketmaster has suffered a data breach.”

    “In a filing with the SEC, Live Nation said on May 20th it identified “unauthorized activity within a third-party cloud database environment containing Company data (primarily from its Ticketmaster L.L.C. subsidiary)” and launched an investigation.”

    “The third party it refers to is likely Snowflake, a cloud company used by thousands of companies to store, manage, and analyze large volumes of data. Yesterday, May 31st, Snowflake said it had “recently observed and are investigating an increase in cyber threat activity” targeting some of its customers’ accounts. It didn’t mention which customers.”

    “The user data likely refers to the sales ad for 560 million customers’ data that was posted online earlier this week by a group calling themselves ShinyHunters. The data was advertised for $500,000 and says it includes customer names, addresses, emails, credit card details, order information, and more.”

    Somehow, the FBI should be all over this.  But, they are too busy chasing Trump around the place about imaginary stuff or placing stuff in his homes.

  32. Lynn says:

    I need to go to the county and change the name on the house.  I expect that will raise property taxes a large amount.  He turned 65 about 15 years ago…. I don’t know if that will transfer.  It sort of did with Mom’s house, the taxes went up $100 a year.   Just more stuff to do. 

    You should be a surviving spouse and get his benefits as a survivor.  Of course, you are 70 ??? yourself, well over the 65 frozen tax age.

  33. paul says:
    “Beam me up… Darren??”

    Although me being me, I would teleport like Aunt Clara and end up tangled up in coat hangers in some bedroom closet.   Heh. 

  34. paul says:

    Nope, not 70 yet.  67? in October.

    He was 13 years older. Hence “The Cradle Robber”. It’s a joke we had.

  35. Lynn says:

    “Bill Gates-Connected Firm Plans to Release ‘Climate Change VACCINE’”

    The Bill Gates-connected startup ArkeaBio issued a press release in May detailing the firm’s acquisition of $26.5 million for development of a ‘methane vaccine’ for cows.”

    “The firm alleges that the world is gripped by a climate change crisis and that methane from cows is at least partially to blame. They are hoping that injecting the animals with exotic technology to alter their bodies will reduce methane production.”

    ““Reducing methane emissions from the agricultural sector is one of the most pressing challenges in today’s fight against climate change,” Chris Rivest, Chairman of the Board at ArkeaBio said, according to the press release.”

    Why do I get the feeling that cows are going away ?

    No more weird vaccines for me and mine.

  36. paul says:

    I’m really starting to think Bill Gates should be decorating a lamp post.

    I mean, with his money why isn’t on a yacht in Tahiti or wherever with scantily clad women feeding him peeled grapes?

    He’s a weirdo.

  37. MrAtoz says:

    I’m pretty sure that “PLT” stands for “Progressive Liberal Thugs Turds”.


  38. Lynn says:

    “Vistra, ENGIE and other developers move to tap $5B Texas Energy Fund for 41 GW of gas-fired projects”

    “The fund will provide low-interest loans for new generation. “Our plan is to expand this program in the upcoming legislative session,” said Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick.”

    “Friday was the deadline for projects to submit a required notice of intent to apply for loans, and more than 150 filings have been entered into the Public Utility Commission of Texas docket. Full applications are due July 27.”

    That is a lot of gas turbines, 841 of them at 48 MW each for 41,000 MW.  GE will be excited but their backlog is about 18 months at the moment.,-95.622871,175a,35y,84.52h,44.97t/data=!3m1!1e3?entry=ttu

  39. drwilliams says:


    Fauci admits…

    Proves the fix is in. 

    Fauci gets a pardon from FJB for all crimes, including the illegal destruction of records to make a civil trial difficult.

  40. Alan says:

    >>They start by requiring a yearly fee and a marker tag to use your own property, and they end telling you how to worship your God.

    Aren’t the tags required only if you want to use your vehicle on “their public roads?” 

  41. Lynn says:

    Michael Crichton and James Patterson have a new book out, Eruption.

    Yes, Michael Crichton died in 2008 , why do you ask ?

    “Michael Crichton, creator of Jurassic Park, ER, Twister, and Westworld, had a passion project he’d been pursuing for years, ahead of his untimely passing in 2008. Knowing how special it was, his wife, Sherri Crichton, held back his notes and the partial manuscript until she found the right author to complete it: James Patterson, the world’s most popular storyteller.”

  42. CowboyStu says:

    Michael Crichton and James Patterson have a new book out, Eruption.

    Yes, I saw that several days ago and put it on my list.

  43. drwilliams says:

    Bad News for BART Feels a Bit Doom Loopy

    The underlying problem is that BART ridership is still at about 45% of what it was prior to the pandemic. And since 70% of BART funding was paid by people’s fares, the decline in ridership has blown a huge hole in the system’s budget. 

    …tax idea which was designed to bring in about $1.5 billion per year to prop up the BART train system and other public transportation in the Bay Area.

    The math says the hole is about 38% if those figures are correct.

    If $1.5 billion fills that hole, the implication is a $4 billion budget.

    Strange that Santa Clara county has figured out that they were in for a good hard shagging.

    The article does not discuss why ridership remains low. The death spiral in progress downtown continues, with high vacancy rates, store closures, less need for store employees and fewer people shopping. Wholesale real estate devaluations haven’t taken place yet, but they are coming, and if the source of the 30% funding that is not ridership is partly real estate taxes…

    The other factor is BART’s decision to quit making public video of crimes because they want to deny that Scott Adams has a point.

    Most things that are claimed to be approaching a tipping point are not. This one is, but they don’t want to admit it.

  44. Ray Thompson says:

    They are hoping that injecting the animals with exotic technology to alter their bodies will reduce methane production.”

    Should I be concerned?

  45. SteveF says:

    PLT = Paedo Libtards

    And many other expansions.

  46. paul says:
    Aren’t the tags required only if you want to use your vehicle on “their public roads?” 

    That’s how it here in my part of Texas.  What bugs me is the entire thing.  Issue ID plates to a vehicle when it is bought and then FO.  Pop-rivet them suckers on to deter theft.  

    But no.  You have get an inspection before you can renew your plates.  It’s never a 15 minute chore, more like an hour or more.  
    The inspection place always manages to need to adjust your headlights for an extra fee.  Never mind at all the headlights have not been touched since last year.  At the same inspection place.  So you learn to adjust your own headlights because it goes from high beams looking like low beams one year to  low beams lighting up overpasses.  Sometimes you get both at the same time. 

    Then there is a Bridge fee tacked on.  Along with a few more.  And really really really why is none of this nonsense not being paid by fuel taxes?  

    It’s easy.  If you are too stupid to walk around your vehicle to check all of lights are working, you deserve a traffic ticket.  Having to get inspected, really, what the heck does the cabin air filter have to do with anything?

    All that said, the plates on my truck are expired.  I don’t care.   I go to the HEB four miles away every couple of weeks and to Marble Falls to hit Wal-Mart and Tractor Supply about every three months.  Inspection is going away, I’ll renew then.   

  47. Nick Flandrey says:

    There are very few places with population density high enough in the US to make public transportation pay for itself.   There are a couple of places that might have enough people who want to get from one population center to another, like LA to Vegas or LA to SD… but not if it’s as obnoxious as flying, and what do you do without a car when you get there?

    As far as I know the only public transportation system in the world that makes money is a train taking gamblers to Macao.   


  48. paul says:
    The other factor is BART’s decision to quit making public video of crimes because they want to deny that Scott Adams has a point.

    There you go.  

  49. Nick Flandrey says:

    All that said, the plates on my truck are expired.  

    – I did a stupid and a cop saw me and pulled me over.   My plates are 4 years out of date.   He gave me a warning.    Then some gungho young kid with a number plate reader got me when I passed him on the freeway.   I was doing the limit, but passed his marked truck.   He wrote the ticket that prompted me to try and get back into compliance.   He might have been able to see that I’d been warned about it in the previous weeks.  Or he might have just been a jackass. 

    And yes, enforcing that way is jackassical.   There are thousands of street racers and criminals with fictitious paper plates on the streets, and they NEVER go after them.  Stop anyone with a paper plate that is the least bit worn or battered and you probably could impound the vehicle 80% of the time… but most of those people have a very visible shared characteristic…

    Still gotta make those quota numbers so ticket the guys least likely to shoot you in the face or sue the department….


  50. Greg Norton says:

    How does something like that even happen?   Guess some people will find out.   I’m also guessing any trades will be rolled back?

    No. NYSE has Specialists on the floor, and Berkshire’s wouldn’t do the deal for 99% off, especially BRK-A which doesn’t trade nearly as frequently as the ‘B’ shares.

    NASDAQ has market makers, but they aren’t as powerful.

    The Specialist is the only person authorized to trade on inside information. They are inherited positions. Old money, sometimes going back to the 1600s.

    Whoever is in charge of BRK-A probably also knows the intrinsic number the Gecko claims to keep to himself.

  51. Greg Norton says:

    I’m really starting to think Bill Gates should be decorating a lamp post.

    I mean, with his money why isn’t on a yacht in Tahiti or wherever with scantily clad women feeding him peeled grapes?

    He’s a weirdo.

    Bill Gates wants to go down in history as a Richard Feynman or Freeman Dyson.

    He’d settle for Bob Metcalfe, who laid out Ethernet in a seminal paper which still is still studied by every undergraduate.

    “Ethernet” isn’t truly Ethernet anymore since the speeds reached the point that half duplex hubs aren’t practical, but WiFi is definitely Ethernet as defined by Metcalfe’s paper.

    The Microsoft Visual C++ rand()/srand() functions creep me out. If the legends are true and Gates cookbooked those out of Knuth (another notable figure BillG aspires to be like), then that algorithm may be the worst crime against computing he ever committed.

    Well, except for “Bob”.

  52. paul says:

    Austin had busses 30+ years ago.  IF the bus arrived on time, I could get dropped off at 6th and Lamar and then hike it to 505 East 6th.  About an hour and a half on the bus.  An empty bus but it had to stop at every stop for reasons. 

    But no busses are running when I got off of work at 11PM.

    My bicycle was faster.  I’d get to work in 40 minutes.   From near the Cadillac dealer on Research Blvd.  Narrow it to 183 and Ohlen Rd.   Sure, sometimes I’d get soaked by rain.  In the summer, get soaked with sweat.  No biggie, pack a change of clothes. 

    I tried to use the busses.  They sucked. 

  53. Greg Norton says:

    There are very few places with population density high enough in the US to make public transportation pay for itself.   There are a couple of places that might have enough people who want to get from one population center to another, like LA to Vegas or LA to SD… but not if it’s as obnoxious as flying, and what do you do without a car when you get there?

    As far as I know the only public transportation system in the world that makes money is a train taking gamblers to Macao.   

    Brightline in Florida is a private interest with a long term vision to link the five major airports in Tampa, Orlando, and Miami, which would make a lot of sense but something I doubt I will see in my lifetime.

    The hurdles aren’t logistical or financial nearly as much as political, and The Mouse is only a small obstacle compared to the special interests protecting their real estate values and various government-provided soup bowls in Central and South Florida.

  54. paul says:
     My plates are 4 years out of date.

    Wow.  OUTLAW!!!!

    I sold my ’86 Stratus.  It seemed logical at the time.  I still miss Goldie.  Best car ever, better than the ’75 Cordoba.  But I learned a thing.  TAKE THE PLATES OFF. 

    Bitch never registered the car.  So I’m dealing with TxTag a couple of times a year.  For tolls on the far side of Pflugerville.   And then for some reason the car was on a flatbed truck going somewhere, I got a bill for that.

    Take the plates off.  

  55. Nick Flandrey says:

    When I was in college I sold a 50cc yamaha scooter to someone I knew.   He turned out to be a fuxkup and failed out of school, but the kicker was, he never changed the registration.

    So I got a notice about parking violations and an impounded scooter…   I had a bill of sale, so I wasn’t on the hook for the tickets, and I could even get the scooter back if I wanted to pay the impound…   which exceeded the value of the scooter.

    Don’t just remove the plates, file the paperwork that it’s not yours anymore….


  56. MrAtoz says:

    Wow.  OUTLAW!!!!

    LOL, just like The Outlaw Donald Trump.

  57. Lynn says:

    “Magic Tides (Kate Daniels: Wilmington Years)” by Ilona Andrews

    Book number one of a two book paranormal romance dark fantasy series. There are predecessor books, short stories, and successive books to the series also that is over twenty books long. I read the well printed and well bound POD (print on demand) trade paperback published by the Nancy Yost Literary Agency in 2023 that I bought new on Amazon recently. Note that “Ilona Andrews” is the pseudonym for a husband and wife writing team. I have purchased the successor book for later reading.

    Kate Daniels is a mercenary in Wilmington, North Carolina and married to the former Beast Lord with an eight year old half beast half magic son. As the former owner of the city of Atlanta, Georgia, she is in hiding from her fame and just wants to live a quiet life with her family. All of her life, she has been running from her father, a 5,000+ year old all powerful mage currently known as Roland. In the Bible, he is known by another name. Now her father visits with his grandson constantly and trying to installing his family values, to rule the world ruthlessly.

    Kate Daniels’s universe sucks. Fifty years ago, the tech world crashed over the entire Earth and was replaced by the magic world in the form of a magic flare. Guns don’t work, cars don’t work, electricity and phones do not work. But magic works. Good magic and bad magic. After a week, the tech world came back to a drastically changed world. And radically fewer humans. And the magic world came back after a while. And the tech world came back after that. And so on and so forth. Each world can last a few weeks or a few hours.

    I liked everything about the story. I especially liked the very clear distinction between the tech time and the magic time. I had never thought about it that way. The series may be inspired by “Ariel” by Steven Boyett and “Dies The Fire” by S. M. Stirling except those never interchange the tech time and the magic time, they just transitioned to the magic time.

    The authors have a website at:

    My rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Amazon rating: 4.8 out of 5 stars (9,982 reviews)


  58. Ray Thompson says:

    Don’t just remove the plates, file the paperwork that it’s not yours anymore….

    In TN the plates belong to the owner, not the vehicle. Buy a new car with trade and the dealer transfers the plates. Sell a car outright and the plates are removed and destroyed. When I sold my 1980 F-100 the buyer wanted to keep the plates to drive the vehicle home. I said no. He gave me 22 $100.00 bills for which I wrote on the title transfer $800.00.

  59. Alan says:

    >>Aren’t the tags required only if you want to use your vehicle on “their public roads?”

    There’s always this option…

  60. Alan says:

    >>Well, except for “Bob”. 

    Don’t forget Clippy! 

  61. Bob Sprowl says:

    RE USAA, Paul:

    USAA has a member savings account tied to their insurance policies.  With your husbands passing that money should be sent to you – check his statements for the balance.  Also note that as long as there is one current policy in his name the balance very likely will not be paid. 

    When I closed all of my insurance policies with USAA a couple of years ago, I got over $10,000 – I’d been using them since 1973. 

    Open your own account if your wish to have USAA insurance.  You probably qualify as a “Family” member.  However I am saving $1200 a year on car insurance by switching to State Farm. (I got current quotes a couple of weeks ago.)

  62. Nick Flandrey says:

    There is something very wrong with this story. 

    Both her kids drown in minutes while simply “playing” in the pool?  IDK what went on but it was more than the article says.


  63. Nick Flandrey says:

    So they’re just flat out saying it now.

    Maxine Waters claims Trump supporters are ‘domestic terrorists’ who are ‘preparing for civil war against the US’


    California Democrat Maxine Waters raised the alarm about former President Donald Trump and his supporters on Saturday, after a New York jury found Trump guilty in the ‘hush money’ trial.

  64. Greg Norton says:

    So they’re just flat out saying it now.

    The White Devils and their Orange King. All of ’em are gonna pay.

  65. Greg Norton says:

    Open your own account if your wish to have USAA insurance.  You probably qualify as a “Family” member.  However I am saving $1200 a year on car insurance by switching to State Farm. (I got current quotes a couple of weeks ago.)

    You don’t live in Texas.

  66. drwilliams says:

    “Bill Gates wants to go down in history as a Richard Feynman or Freeman Dyson.”

    Instead he’s doomed to Billigan on Pedo Island.

  67. drwilliams says:


    I’m pretty sure that “PLT” stands for “Progressive Liberal Thugs Turds”.


    Thought it was “turdsuckers”, although sometimes I’ve sounded it as “turdsifters”

    You sure?

    You know how I hesitate to insult honest feces…

  68. drwilliams says:

    Dear, sweet Maxine . . .

    can’t hide–the noise gives her away.

  69. drwilliams says:

    Newly released emails show Fauci’s NIAID deliberately used typos to evade FOIA requests

    Pith them like frogs and hang them on a barbed wire fence…

    or give in and go for cruel and unusual.

    Take video and make it part of FOIA training at NIH, complete and at normal speed.

  70. Nick Flandrey says:

    Treat them the way they treated puppies.


  71. Nick Flandrey says:

    Haven’t been feeling super all day, so I’m headed to bed early.


  72. drwilliams says:

    I used to use Photobucket to host images.

    They suddenly did away with free accounts in 2017, made their cheapest option $99 a year, and charged $399 for an account with real functionality, and made it very, very, difficult to download more than a handful of images at a time. I walked away like millions of other users. I sincerely hope that the new owners lost every dime and had to fight over cardboard to build shelters under a train bridge.

    Suddenly I’m getting emails from them for the first time since 2020. I checked the wiki entry, which includes:

    Even years after abandoning free accounts, Photobucket keeps sending email “offers” that variously attempt to cajole or threaten users to switch to the paid plan.

    At its peak, Photobucket employed 120 people and accounted for 2% of American internet traffic. In 2019, the company employed 10 and ranked approx. 1,500th according to Alexa

    Hopefully it’s their last effort to keep the lights on, and it fails. phhhht!

  73. drwilliams says:

    Two New York City police officers were shot early Monday while chasing a suspect, who authorities say is an illegal immigrant from Venezuela, while investigating a pattern of robberies involving suspects on scooters.

    When you can’t tell NTFC from a third-world country…

  74. Nick Flandrey says:

    I still occasionally get an email from photobucket after years of “we’ll delete your account now” emails.   I was like “ok, do it.”

    I only used them for hosting pics for forum posts anyway, and very infrequently at that.

    They used to be kings before they screwed it up.


  75. drwilliams says:

    Is This Really The Ultimate Carry J-Frame?

    also making the case for .32 H&R Magnum.

    (h/t to AoSHQ Sunday Morning Gub Thread

  76. drwilliams says:

    “They used to be kings before they screwed it up.”

    from wiki:

    “Photobucket once hosted more than 10 billion images from 100 million registered members.”

    IIRC the first paid tier was $4.95 per month, which a lot of folks used to host images for eBay.  The jump to $99 would not have been that bad for the same functionality, but it wasn’t, and people looked at the $399 and said “Not just no, but FN!”

  77. Jenny says:

    I don’t typically engage in stereotypical lawn worship activities. I confess to feeling the social pressure of my neighbors immaculate lush green lawn. And vague shame at our proliferation of (very pretty) dandelions.

    I spotted one of those wheeled spreader doohickeys under the deck, from the previous owner. Equal parts providence and guilt. I bought fertilizer (why when I have rabbits? Good question…). I bought grass seed. They sat on the deck for a couple weeks. Lurking. Taunting.

    Last night I did the things with them.

    The wheeled spreader doohickey kept jamming. I kept applying undue force to secure mechanical compliance. As one does.

    I speared a cotter pin into my left forearm. I don’t know how. Probably by the same bewildering mechanism that laid my right hand open in 2013 during the sponge incident.

    I finished the things and let it bleed for a bit. Washed well, but puncture wound, so, ya know.

    I stopped at the urgent care on the way home tonight for my tetanus booster. They put me on antibiotics. Because puncture wound. And I don’t know how deep it entered.

    I’m sticking with dandelions. They’re pretty. Plus you can make wine and stuff with them.

  78. Jenny says:

    Re selling vehicles. 

    When we sell or buy a vehicle we make it part of the deal that it occur at the DMV. 

    It’s a hassle and we’ve lost sales. 

    However it’s done and we know the registration is taken care of. Took several times getting burnt by lying liars who didn’t change registration and we got their tickets. 

  79. Alan says:

    @Jenny, do you have full electronic titles? Transferring one of those in a private sale usually takes place at the DMV. 

  80. JimB says:

    I like California’s system of handling private used car sales. When I sell, I simply file a form online that releases me from all liability. The system eventually catches up with buyers who don’t apply for a new title in their name. Not my problem.

    When I buy a car in a private sale, I simply take the seller’s signed title to the DMV. I am done in minutes with a temporary title, and a new registration. The permanent title arrives in the mail in a few days.

    Buying a used car through a dealer is much more of a hassle. They put a temporary plastic plate over the regular plate, which stays with the car. Whatever they do takes weeks before it is done. Not sure why. I avoid dealers whenever possible.

  81. paul says:

    If he has a USAA savings account I would be very surprised.  I  usually get the mail from the mailbox.  It he gets the mail he leaves it on the dining room table.  I think the only things he ever opened was Christmas cards. 

    He has a couple of credit cards.  I have a couple of credit cards.  I pay the bills.  I don’t know why, it just worked out that way.  He said more than once that he’d be in a mess if something happened to me because he doesn’t know about any of it.  Hey, don’t worry, I have the passwords and such printed out and taped to the bottom of my keyboard.

    I’ll call USAA this morning and what happens, happens. 

  82. paul says:
    Don’t just remove the plates, file the paperwork that it’s not yours anymore…

    I did the paperwork.  On-line.  I still had to deal with TX Tag.

  83. Jenny says:


    Title is paper, everybody signs, buyer takes with and is supposed to mail it in. Seller has a form to fill out online that’s supposed to release liability. Been that way as long as I can remember. Reality is the seller gets all the “you’ve been naughty” mail and it’s a hassle. 
    So in person at the DMV to exchange the stretched out hassle for a brief point in time hassle. 

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