Day: June 3, 2024

Mon. Jun. 3, 2024 – in which our hero does work over again, because he’s a procrastinator

Hot and humid. Houston summer. Probably. Like yesterday.

Spent yesterday NOT doing the work I needed to do. Maybe that was for the best, but probably not. I did find a spot on the laundry room ceiling (where the critter sometimes made noise) that has moisture bleeding through from the attic, staining the drywall. There is what looks like mold around the edges of the temporary patch too… Something either died up there, or there is a leak in the plumbing work that we had the ceiling open for originally. Either way, it was an unpleasant discovery and will be getting worse when I open it up to deal with it. Honestly might not happen today. It’s a full PPE and clear everything soft out of the room kinda thing, and I don’t have time.

Because I’ll be dealing with truck issues, trying to get registration taken care of. First I need to get inspected again. Both trucks. Then I need to actually do the standing in line and begging forgiveness, while paying the penalties. No, I don’t like it. I really get bothered when I am forced to interact with the machinery of “state” this way. They just keep glomming on and glomming on to more authority, and increasing the severity of not acknowledging their power grab, and it angers me on a very deep level. It’s a reminder that we aren’t free. That we don’t own our own property. And that they can and will use force to MAKE us do what they want. They start by requiring a yearly fee and a marker tag to use your own property, and they end telling you how to worship your God. Eventually they will insist you worship theirs under penalty of death.

Nothing is ever “enough” for the fanatic, and the fanatics are the ones who rise to power.

Avoid coming to their notice.


(and stack)

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