Cool and damp, with rain possible later. We certainly got a bunch of weather yesterday. Thunder, lightning, wind, rain, more wind, and some places got a LOT of rain. The result when it cleared later in the day was a very pleasant cool sunny evening. With squishy ground.
I did a bit of auction stuff in the morning then headed over to help my buddy. We ended up working by skylight and headlamp after the storm knocked out power for about 4-5 hours. We did make progress on the task at hand. I’m headed back today to do some more.
Later in the day I’ve got a pickup to do, and the kids will need their after school chauffeur. Normal domestic life.
One interesting thing from the storm is that the main road to my BOL was under water for a while. I don’t know yet how long, but it was completely shut down. There are other paths there, especially if you knew ahead of time about the closure, but everything else is pretty far out of the way. The road network ‘mesh’ in rural Texas has nodes that are about 15 minutes apart at 75MPH. Any indirect path adds 20 minutes or more to the trip, and backtracking to go around adds a lot more than that. Of course, floating your vehicle or hydrolocking your engine takes a bit longer still….
It feels weird to not be part of the worst of what’s going on. If you’re affected, let us know how you are making out and any lessons learned.
I continue to be convinced that things are objectively worse now than they were a year ago, two years ago, or four. I don’t see them getting better. At the risk of wearing out everyone’s patience with the repetitive banging of the drum– get yourself prepared for some hard times coming. There will be medical, social, and economic issues and problems. There will be war, either limited and elsewhere or here. If that sounds extreme, it is, but all the signs from history point to it.
Stack up stuff you need. Having is always better than not having, and you can always give it away later if I’m wrong. If I’m right, then no matter what you have it’s not likely to be enough,but it will help and it will give you options.
Options are good. Stack.
I’m waiting for the day that the Brennan family puts ze bugs on the menu at the flagship restaurant.
Or Antoines. That place is serious old school.
While in New Orleans a few weeks ago we sat on the balcony of Royal House – very cool dining experience – and people watched the customers going in and out of Antoines.
Can a tourist in jean shorts get into Antoine’s main dining room? … No they cannot.
Jackets suggested, but post-Covid that means nice pants on guys and no sneakers.
We still don’t have new gutters on the house so parts of the yard were under a couple of inches of water. Nothing significant, however.
After thinking about it, I realized that you may have meant “Internet radio” as in the line of sight broadband service which I believe @Paul has installed.
We stayed not far from the Audubon Society Aquarium/Insectarium in New Orleans and walked by it a couple of times. Other than the weekend days, you could probably hear crickets chirping in that place.
Thank you. I’ll be here all week. Tip the waitress.
Seriously, though, the area with the Aquarium was under heavy renovation to add a Caesar’s hotel to the casino the company runs nearby. The streets around the Aquarium were all torn up, and just walking to the facility from parking was an obstacle course.
Plus, everyone walking around outside the casinos seemed to be smoking weed.
What a wonderful family environment. Of course, as my grandmother always said, “You don’t go down to Nawlins unless are up to no good.”
Grandma should know. She cheated on my grandfather at least once.
When I was testing and fixing the ones I picked up at goodwill, I was enjoying a station that only plays ‘electroswing’ which is modern remixes or mash ups of swing and electronic music. I like the genre a lot.
D5 introduced me to electroswing. It is a cool genre. Imagine singing you can actually understand.
I wish the LSM would stop trying to make eating bugs a cool thing. The only way you can get them down is super hot seasoning or grinding them up and add to other foods. I bet the next Dempanic comes from a disease carried by bugs. I mean, there are trillions of bugs crawling all over who knows what.
Gee, I wonder who brought this back:
Tuberculosis outbreak: At least one dead, nine hospitalized, as health officials declare public health emergency California
I wonder if the person who died was because doctors have become lackadaisical about TB. Measles, TB, and whatever else crimmigrants bring with them hurts everybody.
70F and raining. Distant thunder. Fun.
Today, D3 is coming over to the Dark Side. Her Windows laptop keeps rebooting, so she said “I want a Mac Book, Daddy.” Since it is for company work, the biz is paying for it. I used my Vet discount on the Apple site for 10% off. We pick it up today at NorthStar mall.
I have one of these devices and would highly recommended it. TechniSat make good stuff that just works (they are based not very far from the BOL).
The DigitRadio plays CDs, works as an ordinary FM and DAB+ radio, can accept input via BlueTooth etc. etc. I mostly use it to listen in bed to BR Klassik streaming, as I haven’t got around to hooking up the satellite dish cables to the master bedroom at the BOL yet. MiL and SiL have one each and love them. I also have a portable TechniSat radio, the Viola. Good stuff.
The only thing I would have liked to change about it is that it lacks an RJ45 port for a network cable, so it needs decent WI-Fi reception. I ended up putting an Asus mesh repeater next to it. Rock solid.
It’s funny how things fail. Last night we noticed a little water on the kitchen tile. I thought it was from the dogs water bowl. Then my wife noticed it was coming from the refrigerator. I had just replaced the water line for the ice maker and water a couple months ago, as it was leaking at the connection to the valve. Nope, one of the plastic tubes feeding the water filter has 2 pinhole leaks. It’s a 13 yo Kenmore (LG). New hoses are 15 bucks each (3 of them) off Amazon. They shouldn’t be too bad to replace. Of course, this repair will probably make the compressor die next month.
Boo! I thought you would say she got a Linux machine.
The HDD on my main PC at the BOL threw a disk error yesterday, so I loaded Linux Mint xfce onto the machine that was earmarked to be a pie-hole (another of my round tuit projects), so that I would have something to use other than a laptop until Big River brings a replacement disk. It took longer to download the .iso file than to install the whole OS. Really liking it so far, even running on the very low-spec hardware.
Well wear, D3’s new laptop!
Do you have anything formal in place for your preps if you are incapacitated? By that I mean, does your family know what you have and where it is ?
I think this is an interesting aspect of stacking.
Erik Prince: Neocons Almost Killed America
LOL! I’m sure the first words out of her Gen Y mouth would be “Wut Linux, Daddy?”
Plus, she just got a side gig with one of our consultants, and they use, sniff, Macs.
At least I can fully support training her, getting software, etc. Still, switching from Window to macOS, or any other OS is always a learning curve.
Get Parallels for MAC. Run W11 Arm on Parallels. It works really well.
What did you get?
The most annoying aspect is that CTL is replaced by CMD when doing copy, cut and paste. I find it awkward using the thumb.
When an app is closed by clicking on the red dot, the app just goes away on the screen, it is still running in the background. An app has to be specifically QUIT before it really shuts down.
App windows don’t have menus, instead the menu at the top of the screen changes.
Selecting groups of files is just strange.
Some applications appear on the app screen, others only appear under the Applications sub-menu.
Installing an is not consistent. Some an icon is dragged to another icon, others just install clicking on their installation icon.
Uninstalling an app is just dragging to the trash, expect, many apps leave folders and dozens of files behind that are difficult to locate.
Apple creates a “.” dot file for any file created or accessed on external media. These can get to be quite numerous.
No real word from my friend recently diagnosed with Guillain-Barré Syndrome. She posts her Wordle results once a day, and will make occasional short comments on posts. We’ve been sending cards and flowers.
love been following a GBS FB page that shares info about coping, diagnosis, progression and recovery. I wouldn’t wish this on my worst enemy.
When I first read about the disease the rarity said something like 2 per 100,000. Acknowledging that FB is no place to judge rarity or not, the GBS group is far more active than I would have expected.
One of the members posted this Telegraph article. I think we’ve read similar information here before however I found it interesting.
Our local Assembly flirted with making vaccination mandatory. Both my employer and my husbands employer said it was mandatory but didn’t enforce or push it, and backed off eventually. We were able to avoid the demand by keeping our heads low.
Windows 10 EOLs on October 14, 2025, and that will be the end of that trend.
He thinks it is the recirculating damper. The cost to repair is $1,500.00 which includes the part and labor. The part cannot be purchased instead requiring the entire manifold assembly.
Sounds somewhat similar to the “blend door” drama with the early Explorer/Expeditions. Just a simple design error that cost $$$ for the owners.
Yeah, I had this fixed in my 2005 Expedition for about $1,500. Anything that starts with “remove the dash” is gonna be expensive. The blend doors (2) on my Expedition were cardboard and the motorized actuator totally ripped off one of them. They replaced both cardboard doors and tape. Crap engineering but it saved weight.
We are still living in The Good Old Days. You will know when this changes. It may be as simple as 30 % inflation per year for five to seven years. Or, a group of people may come to your door demanding money for Gaza.
Hear, hear! My half ton Sierra had no defrost when purchased (used). I lived with it because the quote to diagnose was $1000 for remove / replace, then add diagnostic time, parts, labor, and downtime to that. It fixed itself, which doesn’t happen often, by inadvertently forcing the Body Control Module to recycle and relearn the mode door position. The inadvertent event was disconnecting the battery to replace the ignition lock cylinder after an attempted theft, so I started to tell the story of how a car thief fixed the defrost when the dealer couldn’t.
More likely the latter. And soon.
Corn Pop will restart the draft for Ukraine first, however.
Kill. Convert. Extract tribute.
Don’t think it won’t happen in Texas.
I wish the LSM would stop trying to make eating bugs a cool thing. The only way you can get them down is super hot seasoning or grinding them up and add to other foods. I bet the next Dempanic comes from a disease carried by bugs. I mean, there are trillions of bugs crawling all over who knows what.
When it comes to sheer mass, there are 100X more pounds of bugs on the planet than human beings. Spiders and ants mostly. Quadrillions and quintillions of them.
Termites alone are a significant source of CO2 emissions.
The ISP says their hours are from 9am to 4pm. I think I’ll take the pieces of my radio to town tomorrow. Get there about 9am. Might even get a BoB from What-a-burger.
I’m had zero response to a trouble ticket, or in the chat room, or to a phone call. Nothing. I’m really annoyed.
Here, here is your radio. What I can find. Complete with scorch marks. So don’t tell me to re-boot everything. Thank you for not burning my building down. And by the way, don’t charge my account until you replace the radio.
Hey Paul, there is always Starlink. $600 for the antenna (used is cheaper) and $120/month. All the bandwidth you can stand.
“Study Finds That the More Covid “Vaccine” Doses You Have, the More Likely You Are to Get Covid”
Well, I have had two vaccine doses (no boosters) and I got the Koof twice, so, my experimental data is one infection for one vaccination. I feel for anyone who got the two initial vaccines and the five boosters.
That is my data and I stand by it.
>> Do you have anything formal in place for your preps if you are incapacitated? By that I mean, does your family know what you have and where it is ?
We’ve heard here on occasion that even @nick is surprised by what he finds in his ‘deep stacks.’
I’ve mentioned this before, but I got a ‘NOK Box” (Next Of Kin Box). It has stuff to help you organize information and documents that will be needed afterwards. There’s a bit of effort involved to get all the stuff together, but there are instructions to help out. (There’s also getting past the mindset of “I won’t be here”, which is a bit harder.) Link here.
And we have created wills and other documents (using the “Quicken Will Maker” software). Although we haven’t fully completed that task. Wills take two witnesses and a notary (recommended) to make them legal. And there are other documents (medical, etc) that also require witnesses and notary. But the software makes it fairly easy to create basic documents that are needed.
As evidenced by other experiences here, the need for that preparation often comes up suddenly and unexpectedly. Even though it is difficult to get started.
I’m still part of the Control, but I had one bout of Covid.
The early rationalization for employers mandating the jab was health insurance expenses.
My total outlay for Covid was a bottle of Afrin and the friggin’ test. Both came out of my pocket.
“Can the Current Universities Be Saved? Should They Be?”
“Elite higher education in America—long unquestioned as globally preeminent—is facing a perfect storm. Fewer applicants, higher costs, impoverished students, collapsing standards, and increasingly politicized and mediocre faculty reflect a collapse of the university system.”
“The country is waking up to the reality that a bachelor’s degree no longer equates with graduates being broadly educated and analytical. Just as often, they are stereotyped as pampered, largely ignorant, and gratuitously opinionated. No wonder polls show a drastic loss of public respect for higher education and, specifically, a growing lack of confidence in the professoriate.”
I cannot imagine going to a university where the professors daily told me what a horrible place that the USA is.
>> Wills take two witnesses and a notary (recommended) to make them legal. And there are other documents (medical, etc) that also require witnesses and notary.
Best practice (varies by state) is to add a notarized “Self-Proving Affidavit” to your will. Without it there’s a chance your Executor would need the original witnesses to appear in Probate Court. (IANAL)
>> It’s funny how things fail. Last night we noticed a little water on the kitchen tile. I thought it was from the dogs water bowl. Then my wife noticed it was coming from the refrigerator. I had just replaced the water line for the ice maker and water a couple months ago, as it was leaking at the connection to the valve. Nope, one of the plastic tubes feeding the water filter has 2 pinhole leaks. It’s a 13 yo Kenmore (LG). New hoses are 15 bucks each (3 of them) off Amazon. They shouldn’t be too bad to replace. Of course, this repair will probably make the compressor die next month.
I prefer copper tubing with brass compression fittings over plastic tubing.
>> The DigitRadio plays CDs, works as an ordinary FM and DAB+ radio, can accept input via BlueTooth etc. etc. I mostly use it to listen in bed to BR Klassik streaming, as I haven’t got around to hooking up the satellite dish cables to the master bedroom at the BOL yet. MiL and SiL have one each and love them.
Cool beans (too lazy to look up the origin of that phrase – lol) but overkill for me. The ‘Zon’s Alexa provides sufficent audio selections from live radio feeds to podcasts to pre-recorded music. There are more than a few Alexa devices scattered about the house
continually spying on uswaiting for a request.If significant student loan forgiveness does not happen soon, Borrower Defense will eventually gain popularity and gut the “good” schools as well as a significant percentage of the state universities which have drifted from their original mission.
The Harvards, Yales, etc. know this is coming so they support Corn Pop.
Though, disturbingly, insect populations are crashing (mostly flying insects, IIRC). Too much widespread use of broad-spectrum pesticides combined with pansies calling the exterminator to treat the entire property every time they see a single insect indoors. Add to that the pervasiveness of artificial lighting f’ing with their navigation (is it daytime and that’s the sun, or is it nighttime and that’s a streetlight?) and the miles of roads with insect-smashing vehicles flying down them 24/7 and it’s turning into quite the insect apocalypse out there. The left would probably also scream climate change, but I think other man-made factors are more to blame than debatable changes in temps. What ultimate effect will it have? Who knows?
Xena is on Prime. I am very happy to discover this. Cue bingeing…
And my GBS friend is currently in a rehab facility, goes home Monday, and has graduated to drinking from a straw without using her fingers to hold her lips closed around the straw. Dang.
“Magic Breaks (Kate Daniels)” by Ilona Andrews
Book number seven of a ten book paranormal romance dark fantasy series. There are short stories and successive books to the series also. I read the well printed and well bound MMPB published by Ace in 2014 that I bought new on Amazon recently. Note that “Ilona Andrews” is the pseudonym for a husband and wife writing team. I have all ten books now and will read book number eight later.
Kate Daniels is a mercenary in Atlanta, Georgia and the consort to the Beast Lord. All of her life, she has been running from her father, a 5,000+ year old all powerful mage currently known as Roland. In the Bible, he is known by another name. Roland has killed all of her brothers and sisters so she expects the same treatment when he finds her. BTW, there is an excellent short story at the end of the book.
I liked everything about the story. I especially liked the very clear distinction between the tech time and the magic time. I had never thought about it that way. The series may be inspired by “Ariel” by Steven Boyett and “Dies The Fire” by S. M. Stirling except those never interchange the tech time and the magic time, they just transitioned to the magic time.
Kate Daniels’s universe sucks. Forty years ago, the tech world crashed over the entire Earth and was replaced by the magic world in the form of a magic flare. Guns don’t work, cars don’t work, electricity and phones do not work. But magic works. Good magic and bad magic.
After a week, the tech world came back to a drastically changed world. And radically fewer humans. And the magic world came back after a while. And the tech world came back after that. And so on and so forth. Each world can last a few weeks or a few hours.
The authors have a website at:
My rating: 5 out of 5 stars
Amazon rating: 4.7 out of 5 stars (9,571 reviews)
“NEW POLL: Surging Trump Enters ‘Blowout Territory’ As He Increases Lead Over Embattled Biden”
It is a long time until November.
“This Video of Biden’s Chief Economic Adviser Is Making the Rounds (Yeah, It Explains a LOT)”
“Jared Bernstein is the chair of the Biden White House’s Council of Economic Advisers, where one of his chief duties is to put frosting on crappy news with regular somewhat laughable attempts to put a positive spin on what “Bidenomics” has brought. Bernstein often takes the Paul Krugman approach by claiming that the economy is doing great if you don’t count all the bad stuff:”
I’ve been wondering where Baghdad Bob went to. Good to hear that he found a job in the White House under a new name.
I agree in principle, but for the back of the fridge, I think plastic is better. Plastic is much more forgiving with movement. I actually pull my fridge out every so often to clean the coils. And copper is not immune to pinhole leaks.
Do you have anything formal in place for your preps if you are incapacitated?
— I’ve got all the passwords either written down in a notebook, or in passkeeper. Other than that, I’ve started passing stuff and pointing out stuff to D1. W isn’t really interested until the need arises. Some people make three ring binders but I never have. The closest thing to that is my 5-15-30 minute lists on neck lanyards. They detail what to grab in those time frames.
It’s definitely a weak point in my preps.
Apparently we did get ½ inch hail today. I missed it because I was in a different part of town.It’s clear and sunny at the moment.
More than enough time for Democrats to print pre-filled ballots, register illegal aliens, import more illegals if necessary, stage trays of ballots in hidden locations in each democratic stronghold vote counting locations, attempt to get Trump tossed from the ballot, and find more trumped-up charges to attempt to convict Trump. Lopsided poll numbers are not enough to keep any good democrat from scamming the system.
I am under no illusions that any election is fair and without fraud. I just don’t know the amount of fraud that takes place. I don’t think there has been a fair election for the last several elections. Hillary lost to Trump because Hillary was over confident and did not get her political mafia machine operating in time. That is a mistake that will not be repeated by the DNC.
Wowsers! How can they send someone home that is that incapacitated? Probably the insurance company, who have never seen the individual, making decisions solely on the cost. Medical necessity and need be damned.
Though, disturbingly, insect populations are crashing (mostly flying insects, IIRC). Too much widespread use of broad-spectrum pesticides combined with pansies calling the exterminator to treat the entire property every time they see a single insect indoors. Add to that the pervasiveness of artificial lighting f’ing with their navigation (is it daytime and that’s the sun, or is it nighttime and that’s a streetlight?) and the miles of roads with insect-smashing vehicles flying down them 24/7 and it’s turning into quite the insect apocalypse out there. The left would probably also scream climate change, but I think other man-made factors are more to blame than debatable changes in temps. What ultimate effect will it have? Who knows?
Do you have any data on the insect populations crashing that you and I can believe ?
I know that DDT is still used extensively outside the USA. Most of the pesticide and biologicals used in the UAS are water soluble so they do not last long. I feel like I have poured a ton of Amdro into my yard and the fire ants still pop up daily.
Once you get outside the cities, it is incredibly dark. I live 30 miles from downtown Houston, Texas (eight million people across nine counties, 9,000+ square miles) and my neighborhood does not have street lights. On a clear night, it is amazing outside, you can see thousands of stars in the sky unless the Moon is full on that night. When the Moon is dark, the stars are so many and bright that it is unreal.
I have my phone tethered to get here.
I filled a trouble ticket. I called the wISP and left a message. Left a message in the Discord room. Nothing. Not a peep.
With two phones to use I experimented. If the phone is tethered it does not receive calls. I don’t know how much data the other phone has left. I have 5.5GB and it renews on the 10th. But they are going to call me….. see?
Oh, the white man’s burden. So heavy. /s
Internet radio. A multi function phrase. In my case, it’s the Ubiquity radio on a push-up mast that connects to the wISP. Well, was. It blew up the other night. No sign of the electronics, just bits of sooty plastic and the dish. The power supply smoked, too. Bit of soot out of the pinhole on the underside. Otherwise, for me, “internet radio” equals “Squeezebox”.
The company was called Slimdevices. Their first product was called Slimp. I read about it in Audio magazine waaay back when a 386 PC was “server class” and CDs were still fairly new tech. Very cool stuff. Then they released the Squeezebox. Basically the Slimp in a nicer package. I have a Squeezebox 2 (and a spare). I don’t recall if there was a Squeezebox 1. I think it started to be called Squeezebox 2 after they released Squeezebox 3. That was my first. (I have a spare for it, too.) It’s connected to the stereo in the living room.
Then they released the Boom. Self contained and it sounds awesome. Then the Radio. A Boom with just one speaker but it can have a battery pack. (I have spares for both. eBay. What can I say.) They all do Ethernet or wi-fi.
That’s the hardware. On a pc on your LAN you run SlimServer. Tell SS where your music is stored. All of the Squeezebox varieties talk to the server. You can have the players playing independently or synced together. I usually play my tunes in random shuffle mode.
To make it crazier, I have an app on my phone called Squeeze Player. Grin.
The other Internet Radio is that Slimserver can connect to internet radio stations. I like Triple M in Sydney. So yeah, you can listen to drive time radio from Sydney Australia.
Since the players do almost everything via the server, with the Router fried, nothing works. They want that DHCP address. Never mind Moa is sitting right there at and they have that address. A couple of players have assigned addresses. A couple get an address from the router. I don’t think it’s config problem by me.
With no router, the Boom has all of its buttons dimly lit. The SB2 went to sleep. The SB3 flashes a message once in a while.
Tangent change: The Ubiquiti Unifi flying saucer looking thing that gives wi-fi is slowly blinking its light.
I have to replace a GFCI. It’s in the boat shed in a box like you see in RV parks. The 30a breaker is fine. The 20a breaker with the GFCI was tripped. I can reset the GFCI and it pops in about 10 seconds. I thought it might be the LED Xmas lights but unplugging the lights changes nothing. It’s going to have to wait until the rains let up.
In other boring news, I’ve got almost all of the laundry done. And amazingly put away. Bed sheets tomorrow. I ran socks and underwear and a bathtowel together. Last load. Of course it didn’t tumble well to dry. So I spread socks and underwear out on the bed. I don’t know why but I laid the socks out in pairs. I guess because I have two hands? I had an extra sock. Not left behind the laundry basket. Or stuck in the washer or on the floor in either direction from the bedroom to the washing machine. It will turn up. I’m not re-folding all of my clothes in hopes of finding it.
Time for bedtime potty walk. It smells like rain.
It [sock] will turn up.
“Sweet summer child.”
A friend gave up on Amdro. He would glug about a cup or so of gasoline onto an undisturbed ant bed. Yeah, so what if it killed the grass for a month? Sure killed the ants.
Hims CEO is “Eager” to Hire Pro-Hamas College Demonstrators
Another grifter with phony reviews and/or disappearing negative reviews on his website.
Just a coincidence that he’s a Hamashole.
Temp Injunction Issued for West Virginia Girls Barred From Competition After Refusing to Compete Against Male in Track
The article, as noted in the comments, needs to be edited to correct the mixed-up use of plaintiffs/defendants.
Comments, by the way,make some potentially important points about the difference between “scratch”and “foul”.
Couple of mothers ought to grab the coach and principal and explain their “unwritten rules”. If it happened on a night when some of the fathers identified as mothers it might be educational about physical differences.
CMIP6 Runs Running Wild
As Dr. Pournelle pointed out many times, the validity of expressing the temperature of the earth as a single known quantity at any given time is questionable.
But put that aside for the moment, and look at Figure 2:
The Berkeley Earth historical record from 1850-1975 has a range of about 0.5 °C (-0.8 to -0.3).
The hindcast for these three runs of CMIP6 from 1850-1975 averages about 0.25 °C higher . This does not indicate that the physical understanding of earth temperature used in the models has any basis in reality. Instead it indicates a fundamental lack of understanding of what determines the temperature of the earth.
add to the above:
AND/OR it may point up a fundamental problem in measuring the temperature of the earth to the claimed degree of accuracy.
AND/OR it may point up a fundamental problem in measuring the temperature of the earth to the claimed degree of accuracy.
What, you don’t think that these idiots can measure the “average” temperature of the Earth to FIVE significant digits ?
I question their measuring the “average” temperature of the Earth to TWO significant digits. Yeah, the first two digits before the period. Nothing past the period whatsoever. After all, the minimum error bar on the ones digit is +- 0.5 C on a good day. And these idiots rarely have a good day.
Section the earth through the center and plot the temperature from surface (20°C) to core (6000°C).
What is the temperature of the earth to two significant figures? One?
Some of the interior heat is billions of years old, left over as the gravitational potential energy changed to heat as the planet condensed, a process that continues as heavy elements are still sinking. There are several other recognized sources of heat generation, and perhaps others not recognized, but the largest factor (h/t to JEP again*) is radioactive decay, generates about as much energy as the earth radiates.
So when they talk about “earth temperature” being a few °C, it is obviously some sort of surface temperature, but includes part of the atmosphere , and part of the surface water, and, and, and
Put aside temperature for a moment and just consider heat. Is it possible to define a static shell of the earth’s surface and measure the heat content? And can the heat content be monitored as it changes, with heat in and out of both sides of the shell, plus generation due to chemical and nuclear reactions?
If you can’t measure the heat contained by the shell, how can you measure temperature, as the heat content not only changes as above, but you have adiabatic and phase changes that affect temperature but not heat?
*Who observed that absent the heating of radioactive decay the Earth’s temperature would be pretty close to that of the moon
Here’s a thought experiment for you:
The supposed temperature of the earth is determined from taking many measurements of temperature and mathematically combining them. (Ignore, for the moment, that some of these temperatures are “estimated” in one way or another.)
This dataset is not instantaneous, but is processed as though it were to yield a single value for “earth temperature” at a particular time.
The nature of the data is such that we not only have one single temperature measurement that will be identical to the computed average, but many such measurements, some of them forming isotherms along the planet’s surface.
If we examine the locations of the points and the shape of the equal temperature lines, what will we see in a time plot? Can the changes be predicted from one day to another? If anomalies are plotted can seasonal variation be removed?
Final thought of the posting day:
Variation on the Solar Power Satellite
Boost one SPS into orbit, long with enough computational hardware to use all of the power to mine bitcoin. Beam the bitcoin back to earth and buy more launches for more SPS and computational hardware. Rinse and repeat.
End result: Dyson Sphere
>> It [sock] will turn up.
“Sweet summer child.”
That reminds me, when I have a few minutes I’ll share a story about one of our dogs and a missing sock.
Anyone here impacted?
Oh, just another TSLA distraction…
Yeah, it seems premature to send her home. Doc predicts she’ll be at 70%. An aide will assist part time and in home pt. If I lived within 500 miles I’d take a couple weeks off to help, but she’s just too far away.
This is probably more important that any other climate issue. Darned near everything depends on insects, directly or indirectly.
Just anecdotally, take a long trip through West Texas. When I was a kid, the car was plastered with insects. When I was in college, it was already noticeably less. Last time I did a trip like that – say, 20 years ago – only a few bug-splats.
– – – – –
Funny bump, doesn’t bother me at all. Doc says it’s a hernia and needs patched sooner rather than later. Does not fit with my summar plans
Can some of the reduction in splats be due to better aerodynamics on vehicles? The better airflow may also be moving the insects out of the path of the vehicle. My Highlander gets fewer bug splats than my truck. Of course they are not operated exactly the same so a large margin for error.
The last thing that goes through a bug’s mind when it hits the windshield, is his ass.