Cool and damp again, but hopefully clear. It did clear up late in the day yesterday, and the sun felt really nice. Another day like that would be welcome before summer really kicks off. We’ll see…….
Spent most of the day indoors, doing sorting and cleaning. I’ve been moving stuff to and from the attic, poking at my office, and generally hoping to stack stuff for the auction. I’ve made some progress but it’s slow. That might be because I kept checking auctions all day too. I won something for the BOL that I’d tried for a couple of times so that was nice, but most of my auctions passed without me winning anything.
I did assemble a telescope I picked up at the goodwill outlet. It’s a 70’s Jason 323 “Comet Chaser” and is mostly complete and in pretty good shape. It’s incredibly well built with heavy duty materials, and lots of metal. It’s missing all but one eyepiece, but is usable as is. I’m debating whether to sell it for $50, clean the optics and use it as is, or use it as a spotting scope on one of the big scopes… I’m leaning toward list and sell as the easiest option. It’s a neat little scope.
Since I was in the attic, I installed a few new rat traps that I modified slightly. One of the rat trapping channels I watch on youtube features the guy’s own mods to the traditional snap trap. I didn’t 3d print a little cover like he does, but I did cut an arch from cardboard and staple that to the trap. It goes above the trigger mechanism, forcing the rats to approach from the end, and not lick the bait off the trigger from the side. I will see if they still avoid peanut butter, or if that acquired knowledge has vanished in several generations since they learned it. Nothing was in the live traps. I did find more ‘signs’ of where they travel and that they DO travel across the attic, but no further clues to how they’re getting in. FWIW I haven’t heard any skittering since I closed up the path I know about.
Today will probably be a continuation of the progress I’m making on cleaning and getting stuff organized and out of here. That’s the plan in any case. I might have a drop off and maybe one pickup, but I think most of the day is clear. I do have to hit Costco for paper towel… I forgot to grab a bale while I was at my secondary, and Costco is closer. No way was I going there on a Sunday.
I’ll point out that the world continues to slide toward war, and economic upheaval. Violence is definitely on the rise, domestically and internationally. Keep your awareness level elevated when out and about. Carry the means to defend yourself. Study and pay attention to what is ‘normal’ for your area, and what isn’t. Perhaps more importantly, get out of cities, start your victory garden, integrate with the local community by making yourself useful to them*, and stack- for your needs and the needs of those you love.
* you don’t want to be a carpetbagger or johnny come lately when SHTF. You don’t want to be in competition with them either, so figure out something to do that complements local businesses instead of competing with them. Start on the web of favors done and received, of mutual obligation, of test and counter test that establishes you as someone they WANT around. Like growing a garden, it takes time, and time might be short. Start.
Preloaded mags aside, a revolver can generally be loaded and fired with one hand much easier than a semi-auto.
re: musical instruments
I knew a flautist once who had some weird arthritis/joint or tendon issue/RSI and she switched to a new crossways mouthpiece, so she played it vertical instead of horizontal. That worked for her.
Read the history of Django Reinhart, who basically played guitar with only 2 working fingers on his left hand.
And there’s always Rick Allen from Def Leppard, the one-armed drummer.
Comcast/Universal (A24 parent) is 80% institution owned so they are part of the propaganda machine wanting to stir the pot of unrest.
Things that only interest a film geek but may mean more — Kirsten Dunst’s first big break was as Claudia in the Tom Cruise/Brad Pitt “Interview with the Vampire” film back in the day.
Its pedos all the way down in Hollywood, but the new screen adaptation of Rice’s books changes Claudia to be a teenager. “The Groomer Lestat”?
We went to Oak Alley while in New Orleans. The Cruise “Vampire” movie filmed there, and I believe the new adaptation used the location as well.
The house is spectacular albeit tinged with a lot of tragedy.
I enjoy shooting revolvers, especially the .32 S&W and .38 Special that were my father’s. I also have a pair of Charter Arms .38s that carry concealed well.
My problem is that BLM , Antifa, and other riots have shown us that you might end up in a situation where 5 or 6 shots is just not enough. No matter how quickly you can reload, it’s quicker to just have more capacity.
I’ve switched to a Sig P365XL with a Holosun red dot (only it’s green). I get about 12 shots. I have no issues racking it, but the red dot site offers an added benefit: It’s also a handle for racking, and could be used against my belt or a table or similar object to rack.
I’ve seen that trick mentioned before, but until I actually had one I didn’t really get it.
52F and clear this morning. Yep, that’s chilly.
A nice hot cuppa joe is waiting for me though…
I want a revolver like was used in the Wild West. According to the movies, each revolver gets around 200 shots without reloading. Also, one bullet can kill three people riding horses at a full gallop while the shooter is also a a full gallop. Why wasn’t that technology further developed?
So, what is the premise of the civil war movie? Or do I want to know?
Car service here, swapping to summer tires, plus whatever checks they do for an EV. Most likely an excuse to still do service, when there’s no longer any oil to change, but I don’t want to deal with the tires myself.
plus whatever checks they do for an EV. Most likely —-
checking your pockets for extra cash…
Yep. EVs drastically cut the amount of service work. The dealership is trustworthy, though, which is worth a lot. They can have their extra bit of money twice a year, for not doing very much.
Stunning and brave female photojournalist takes a road trip to interview a Trump-like President in DC during Civil War 2.0 in the US.
So, @Lynn, is Kirsten Dunst’s character gay?
Ostensibly, “Civil War” is an “independent” film, but A24 is a part of Comcast/NBC/Universal.
Sounds like a woke remake of a Kurt Russell script, but less credible.
I’m starting to look for Nehemiah Scudder, myself.
Sunday morning I went by a new Aldi’s in town. It was … OK.
Prices were generally higher than the now defunct 99 cent store, but lower than major chains, maybe a shade under Winco. The fresh vegetables were not really competitive, but generic paper goids and soda were OK.
I rather doubt a quarter deposit/refund is going to keep their carts safe, the homeless apoetite for carts seems insatiable.
The Critical Drinker (+others) review Civil War as shite.
I’ll watch the free version when I can get it.
I buy my goids at the goid store.
Ugh, 86F predicted, the “cooling trend” is put off another day. And winds gusting to 30mph to make it extra special.
I will throw some greenhouse cloth over the new plantings later this morning, and maybe dig a small window a/c unit out of storage.
Still dragging from the werkend tho.
Goids …
I am using a tablet with autocorrect turned off. It would be nice if the AC just highlighted, but all-or-nothing is the Apple way.
As an example of why the Dem machine is unfit to govern, they are JUST NOW figuring out that people don’t like Kammeltoe.
The fact that she’s a DEI choice, who has now been appointed “czar” of something like 15 different problems, and she’s done nothing wrt to any of those problems…
And they think that the cure is – wait for it – people need to see MORE of her.
That she’s an obnoxious hypocritical opportunist with a long history of doing nothing of substance never crosses their minds…
She’s got a uterus and a touch of the tar brush and that’s good enough for them.
@EdH, I love the neologism of “werkend” though…
– but I thought obammacare was going to save us? why is anyone worried about paying for healthcare?? The lightbringer SOLVED that problem, didn’t he??????????????
– thanks deepstate and puppet masters!!!1!! We love spending our money on your retirement.
and then the article throws this little nugget in at the end to pad out the column inch…
So about 30% of households don’t have enough money for basic living expenses, at $30k per year, and half the people at $100K per year can’t make it either…
So just who exactly IS making it?
Did I mention Scott Adams had some good advice?
Wild footage from spring break gathering on Savannah beach shows topless women fighting and mounds of trash being washed into the ocean as annual celebration spirals out of control
Obamacare, based on Romneycare in MA, was designed to fail and be replaced by Medicaid For All by now.
I believe that Medicaid For All will happen during the next Presidential term, regardless of who is in the White House.
Kamala Harris also speaks “Wine Mom”.
Or “Edibles Mom” if legalization has reached your state.
Here’s the thing. Trump. I’m jus’ sayin’.
I just watched a “bad cop” video on YouTube:
Cop SLAMS High School Girl at Traffic Stop – Her DAD Shows Up!
tl;dr – The cop was “eventually” fired.
This cop is why the term “pig” is used. Violent from the get-go. The girl was unharmed, fortunately. I followed up on the town news site: pigcop was fired from another town already, girl’s Dad set up a web site for people to decide for themselves, town replies they stand behind the pigcop on FaceCrack, Fox News starts reporting on the incident (with video), town’s FaceCrack site is suddenly locked.
The good news is the town had to save face and fired the pigcop due to “safey concerns”, ie, covering their asses. I hope the family pursues a lawsuit against the town and pigcop.
There are many videos on YT laying out what’s wrong with Law Enforcement these days. With Union backing, judges default to cop is right when in a gray area, and city support, it is almost like a conspiracy against us dirt people.
I’m now suspicious of any cop in my vicinity. If a cop comes to my door, I will talk thru the camera. Everybody should watch some of the “1st Amendment Audit” YT’rs to see the abuse pigcops use on people. Pigcops in these videos are not trained very well.
P.S. A police force just doesn’t show up in a city/town. They are hired and instated by the city council. Voting counts!
The Kamel also has a track record of putting away people for weed. I imagine most of them were Amish.
At a church lunch yesterday I recalled a story of “That was the first time I had a cop point a gun at my face.” The nice people were horrified, but not really surprised…
And will be hired in a third town shortly.
Cops need liability, and professional liability insurance. Bad cops won’t be able to afford it, and won’t be able to just move to the next town over.
Had a melanoma removed from my back a couple of weeks ago. Lab results indicate all removed with margin. Stage 1B designation. In addition to precautionary removal of more adjacent skin (WLE), they are also recommending a Sentinel Lymph Node biopsy; for diagnostic purposes. I am comfortable for the WLE; there are risks associated with the biopsy with no proven reduction in cancer risk from the biopsy. Does anyone have an informed opinion on undertaking the biopsy?
PS (I had a previous Stage 1A Melanoma on my leg 11 years ago.) (Also posted late on the Sunday post … oops)
You ask if they have a warrant. If not, tell them they are trespassing and to get off your property. If they do have a warrant, shut up.
>> Had a melanoma removed from my back a couple of weeks ago. Lab results indicate all removed with margin. Stage 1B designation. In addition to precautionary removal of more adjacent skin (WLE), they are also recommending a Sentinel Lymph Node biopsy; for diagnostic purposes. I am comfortable for the WLE; there are risks associated with the biopsy with no proven reduction in cancer risk from the biopsy. Does anyone have an informed opinion on undertaking the biopsy?
PS (I had a previous Stage 1A Melanoma on my leg 11 years ago.)
@Paul, are they indicating an increased “need” for the biopsy based on prior cancer? I had what turned out to be only a squamous cell tumor excised from my arm ten years ago and from what I learned about skin cancer I know that melanoma gets taken seriously. Have you asked the doctor what he would do in your situation? Some will answer, many won’t.
Had a melanoma removed from my back a couple of weeks ago. Lab results indicate all removed with margin. Stage 1B designation. In addition to precautionary removal of more adjacent skin (WLE), they are also recommending a Sentinel Lymph Node biopsy; for diagnostic purposes. I am comfortable for the WLE; there are risks associated with the biopsy with no proven reduction in cancer risk from the biopsy. Does anyone have an informed opinion on undertaking the biopsy?
PS (I had a previous Stage 1A Melanoma on my leg 11 years ago.)
My wife had stage 2b breast cancer, a stage 1 melanoma, and five polyps removed from her colon in 2005 when she was 47. Busy year. Plus a detached retina during one of the 16 chemo infusions caused by the chemo. The retina reattached with a special drug.
The stage 1 melanoma was removed by her skin doctor who called back the next day and sent her to a plastic surgeon to get clear / clean margins (½ inch in all directions including down). She now has a clean 1.5 vertical scar on her arm. No lymph node biopsy for the melanoma.
Lots of lymph node biopsies during the mastectomy for the breast cancer. Initially a dozen lymph nodes, found a secondary tumor in one lymph node, went back and removed all of the lymph nodes on the right side of her chest. She has enough scars to play tic tac toe now (35 inches of incisions). Which, I do not mention since that causes a breakdown.
Mon. Apr. 22, 2024 – justanothermanicMonday…
Sigh, you ain’t kidding. Got three customers with “gotta be fixed problems right now”. I was emailing with one of them yesterday while driving back to Rosenberg. Pull over, read the email, send a response, rinse and repeat.
And I have two “gotta be fixed right now” from last week that did not get fixed and validated because I took Friday off.
Christopher Rufo, Luke Rosiak
Academic Dishonesty at UCLA
Perry published her Ph.D. dissertation in 2014 at the University of Virginia:
Or both schools can wait until real PhD students sue them into oblivion or initiate proceedings to cancel their student debt.
I’ve had a productive day. Sort of.
I took the Pre Paid plan to the funeral home on Thursday. Get the ball rolling. I don’t know how this works so give the paperwork to the pros to give them time to figure it out.
The funeral home called today so I go tomorrow to sign some papers. Someone had an attack of dyslexia and had my phone number ending with 9488 and not 9448.
I got his ratty looking recliner out of the house. He liked it a lot but it looked like heck. The fake leather had all flaked off. So cover it with a couple of bath towels and call it good. I had to take the back off. Different latches than a La-z-boy. Then “rolled” it out the front door. I took it apart today. The wood “Mission style” arms are 4x4s for the leg posts and each side must weigh 60 pounds. Brush pile for them. The metal works are about 20 pounds more to my scrap metal pile. The cushions are going to be a pain though I suppose I can keep them dry until I light the brush pile. The back of the Cherokee seems like a good storage place. And I must be getting old because I didn’t save any of the bolts and screws…. all right into the trash.
I suspected the carpet will never fluff up from the weight of the chair and him. But I’ll take a fork or something to the carpet. If it really bothers me I’ll get an area rug.
I bought a bunch of boneless chicken thighs and vac sealed into one pound+ packages. For stir fry or curry or whatever, that’s a couple of meals for a couple of old guys. Now it’s one guy. I’m going to cut the meat up as I would normally. Season it and roll it in flour. Then oven fry it. The way my Mom oven fried chicken. In her personal Wearever pan.
If anything, the dogs will be very happy with snack nuggets.
The bluebonnets are suddenly done. Just seed pods now. Suddenly there are Indian Blankets all over. Plus a few thistles flowering. I hear kittens making noise in a few places and the momma cats are pretty scarce.
My problem is that BLM , Antifa, and other riots have shown us that you might end up in a situation where 5 or 6 shots is just not enough. No matter how quickly you can reload, it’s quicker to just have more capacity.
Josey Wales carried four revolvers. Two Colt SAA Army .44 cal and two Colt Navy .36 cal. All black powder with grease holding the ball and powder in. Spare cylinders for each gun, all guns had the top breakover for exchanging cylinders.
So, what is the premise of the civil war movie? Or do I want to know?
A very liberal President gave Alaska back to the Russians and let China take the west side of California away from the USA. And then the President declared himself to be President for life, taking a third term. The states of California (the unoccupied portion) and Texas formed the Western Forces (WF) and marched on Washington DC to depose the President.
Bluebonnets out by my client’s house in “rural” Hempstead were gone a couple of weeks ago. Up by the BOL, I didn’t see them, and my buddy says he didn’t either. Maybe they haven’t started yet…
marched on Washington DC
–and there is the fantasy part. Texas will just stay home unless forced. All Texas wants is Texas for Texans.
And allying with even the western part of Cali is not gonna happen. Besides what do AZ and NM do?
“Exclusive: Injury rates for Musk’s SpaceX exceed industry average for second year”
And they are attacking SpaceX too. This is a concerted attack on Musk.
So, what is the premise of the civil war movie? Or do I want to know?
A very liberal President gave Alaska back to the Russians and let China take the west side of California away from the USA. And then the President declared himself to be President for life, taking a third term. The states of California (the unoccupied portion) and Texas formed the Western Forces (WF) and marched on Washington DC to depose the President.
I don’t know where I read the above because the following article is very different. “What Caused The Civil War In A24’s New 2024 Movie?”
“The reasoning behind the seemingly bizarre alliance of Texas and California in the film is an indication that the war isn’t over Democrat and Republican politics but more about Offerman’s corrupt three-term Presidency. The United States federal government has disavowed its allegiance to the United States Constitution and is now held under the budding dictatorship of Offerman’s tyrannical President. Offerman’s President has disbanded the FBI, used military force against American citizens, and has refused to give up his executive power by disavowing the system of checks and balances that the United States has been built on since its inception.”
“The Western Forces of California and Texas likely seceded illegally in Garland’s Civil War to combine their strength against Offerman’s fascist President. They enlist the help of the Florida Alliance in their military efforts to storm the Capitol and overthrow Offerman’s reign. Although Civil War could have taken a more theoretical stance on the exact reasoning for the United States to become so divided, such as a crisis of resources or a political impasse, Garland offers very little rationale behind the origin of the war other than Offerman’s fascist character.”
Give Texas a decade. Walking into HEB today, I passed plates from Illinois, Washington, and California. This isn’t even the Memorial Day real estate silly season yet.
In the near term, Collin Allred is going to be tough for Ted Cruz to beat, and income tax will be on the ballot in November 2027.
Re Melanoma – thanks for the responses.
No, past cancer not referred to at all. Biopsy is recommended at UK level where depth of melanoma is >1mm (mine was 1.3mm). No pressure to undertake biopsy, just ‘normal’ for Stage 1B in UK. Had a long discussion with consultant on options and he was open and responsive to questions. Net is, there is no ‘right’ answer, but the UK clinical recommendation is for the biopsy.
TSLA reports earnings tomorrow.
marched on Washington DC
–and there is the fantasy part. Texas will just stay home unless forced. All Texas wants is Texas for Texans.
My uncle’s grandfather marched from Texarkana, Texas to Virginia in 1862 or 1863 as a muleskinner driving the mules towing one of the four artillery guns. They made it there in time for a few battles, left back to Texas, eating the mules and throwing away the guns on the way back.
Somebody will go if there is another civil war. Maybe a lot of somebodies.
Bad Daddy.
My guess is that you don’t have bluebonnets there. I /never/ saw them in the Edinburg McAllen area.
Kind of like I don’t have orange trees here.
So I bought a bunch of boneless thighs. Blah balh blah. Read up a few posts…..
I did the oven fry thing. A bit too much salt. And I knew it when I added the MSG. A couple of minutes too long. Very edible anyway.
Penny and Buddy greatly approved of their sample.
I made some lamb chops for dinner. Pulled from the freezer. One bag of 4, one bag of 2. Bag of two smelled bad when I finally opened it to put on the grill. Dig thru the freezer but only other lamb is packs of 6 which is how I usually pack them… so I pulled out two pork chops and quickly defrosted them.
Turned out good. Leftover brusselsprouts, canned peas, canned carrots, and the last of the bread from the bread machine experiment. First rusty can of carrots didn’t have a vacuum so that went in the trash with the bad lamb.
Ended up being a bit late, but it all got eaten. Last of D2’s first birthday cake for dessert.
Just bought 25.3 us gallons of regular gasoline for $80.00. $3.159/ US gallon.
Get ready, the price will zoom if Iran attacks Israel again.
“Ilhan Omar’s Daughter Whines About Losing Privileges at Her $90k College After Being Arrested at Anti-Israel Encampment”
Bless her heart !
Re: gas prices. All ‘regular’ grade (87 octane) – prices in the last 5 days (WA/OR/ID last Thurs/Fri; Utah current)
“Fusion will beat advanced fission to the grid: Type One Energy CEO”
““This is coming sooner than you think,” said Commonwealth Fusion Systems CEO Rick Needham, who spoke alongside Type One CEO Chris Mowry at the BNEF Summit in New York last week.”
So fusion is not 20 years away now ?
I am angry. Getting angrier by the minute. I’m POSITIVE our district is this dumb. And if they’re not, I’m still angry that this district in Washington was so callously stupid.
Here’s the part that has my blood boiling.
That’s right. Active shooter. And the policy is to take the kids OFF THE BUSSES and put them BACK INTO THE HOT ZONE. Instead of driving away from the killer. National policy is Run, Hide, Fight; or more lawyerly now Avoid, Deny, Defend. The kids were ON THE BUS. The shooter was AT THE SCHOOL. DRIVE THE FUCK AWAY.
Instead you’ve got Jobsworth going “oy, the school’s on lockdown, gotta get these kids back into the classrooms so we can lock them down.”
I’m so mad I’m shaking. They put the kids back into the kill zone instead of leaving.
Husband cooked really tasty dinner tonight. Those spirally pasta shapes, hamburger, onion, tomato (probably diced from a can) and something giving it that smooth dairy mouth feel. Oregano salt pepper garlic and something with a little heat.
I’m going back for seconds.
“Boeing aims to bring flying cars to Asia by 2030”
That is a scary looking beastie. I wonder if the software will be written in India for $5 / manhour ?
So fusion is not 20 years away now ?
– that CEO is a lying sack of sh!t, and he knows it. ANYTHING that needs permitting and an environmental impact study, and ESPECIALLY anything with the word “nuclear” attached to it to trigger the NIMBY crowd is 20 to 40 years away. Even if he had a working demo today, they’d never get a plant built in the US in less than 20 years.
I’m in no mood for liars at the moment.
smooth dairy mouth feel
– sour cream? Or regular cream… I put a squeeze of sour cream in my heat and eat curry to give it that little bit extra…
So fusion is not 20 years away now ?
– that CEO is a lying sack of sh!t, and he knows it. ANYTHING that needs permitting and an environmental impact study, and ESPECIALLY anything with the word “nuclear” attached to it to trigger the NIMBY crowd is 20 to 40 years away. Even if he had a working demo today, they’d never get a plant built in the US in less than 20 years.
I’m in no mood for liars at the moment.
I just want to see the umpteen million degree laser that runs for an hour … day … year … 24x7x365.
To my knowledge, none of the lasers have run for a solid minute to date.
The commercial auto insurance on my 2008 Highlander just jumped from $2,200 / year to $4,044 /year. You have got to be kidding me.
“Boeing aims to bring flying cars to Asia by 2030”
Are those the ones with the blow-off doors?
“The commercial auto insurance on my 2008 Highlander just jumped from $2,200 / year to $4,044 /year. You have got to be kidding me.”
Refresh my memory: Was the rational behind having a vehicle insured something about being able to cover an employee going to a conference?
If we had working fusion permitted tomorrow the delivered electricity cost under Biden and The Green Communist Weinies would be $2.00/kwh
“We’re All Just Free-Range Humans Living on a Tax Farm”
If we had working fusion permitted tomorrow the delivered electricity cost under Biden and The Green Communist Weinies would be $2.00/kwh
With 10% for the Big Guy.
“The commercial auto insurance on my 2008 Highlander just jumped from $2,200 / year to $4,044 /year. You have got to be kidding me.”
Refresh my memory: Was the rational behind having a vehicle insured something about being able to cover an employee going to a conference?
The commercial auto insurance covers anything in that vehicle and anything in a personal vehicle owned or rented by any named employee on the policy.
A wheelchair-bound girl is beaten, and we need to talk about it
By Andrea Widburg
The Democrats and their Klan ca. 1870 would applaud a plan come to fruition.
“The commercial auto insurance covers anything in that vehicle and anything in a personal vehicle owned or rented by any named employee on the policy.”
How many times per year does that get used?
FJB is an evil old man and Jill is right up there with him.
Let’s hope the Romanians will let us borrow the Ceaușescu Memorial Wall.
Meanwhile, in Minneapolis the Somali-washing of the criminals who stole nearly half a billion dollars of covid relief funds with brilliantly subtle and intricate plans like filling out a form that claimed they were feeding 5,000 children per day in a second-floor apartment continues.
NB: With one possible exception, none of the line of bureaucrats stretching from Minnesota to DC who rubber-stamped the thefts has been dismissed, demoted, or prosecuted.
“The commercial auto insurance covers anything in that vehicle and anything in a personal vehicle owned or rented by any named employee on the policy.”
How many times per year does that get used?
The vehicle ? Weekly. I drive it weekly to lunch to keep the battery up.
The insurance ? Never.
>> Oh jeez, good thing I looked at my calendar… my wedding anniversary is this week. I’ve done nothing yet. Completely forgot.
Not so fast there…better know how many years it’s been just in case it’s like 20 or 25 years.
As I intermittently work on my ripping DVD and CDs project, I have a couple of observations.
The folders with the sleeves inside so you can take your CD collection to your car absolutely SUX for preserving your CDs in good condition. The discs are usually badly scratched with fine scratches from grit in the sleeves rubbing on the discs as the car moves around…
There are big differences between cheap CDs and high quality CDs. The good ones are thicker, have a better coating on the shiny side and a better, thicker coating on the label side. Lots of disks fail from scratches or corroded holes in the label side which takes the reflective layer with it…
Writeable CDs don’t last. They are thin and easily damaged.
Because of the lower info density, badly scratched and scuffed CDs will probably play while a similar DVD won’t even mount.
If you want to keep them, keep them dry.
If you really want to rip a disc, you can polish them with something like a DiscDr or by hand, but is it worth it? Probably not.
Audiobooks are VERY sensitive to fingerprints along the outer edge. That last track will skip and fail to read if there is ANYTHING on the outer edge. Fortunately, audiobooks don’t get played a thousand times…
There is an astonishingly large library of movies and music out there. That I can recognize thousands of movie titles, and hundreds of artists is kinda incredible.
better know how many years it’s been just in case it’s like 20 or 25 years.
– I’ll admit I have to look at the framed invitation to be sure, but I think this is 19 years and my wife agreed with me at dinner…
I’m beginning to think I haven’t been able to easily remember dates since my motorcycle crash in ‘86. I just can’t seem to do it. Don’t know my mom’s birthday. Only remembered my dad’s because it WASN”T leap day, but close. Wife’s is same as sibling’s so that was one I didn’t have to learn. Had to look at my calendar to figure out when dad died.
My memory is pretty good for other things. Not names, but everything else. Of course there are gaps. TBI and heavy alcohol use both contributed to gaps…
Writing here has helped a lot, especially with the daily format.
– sour cream? Or regular cream…
Don’t know. His available options were whole milk plain vanilla, cream, or whole milk. We also have some shaved Parmesan and it may have been that, though I don’t think it was quite rich enough for that to be the case.
My guess is the cream as we just had a couple tablespoons of it and I’d mentioned it needed to be used.
Cream of mushroom soup.
That’ll give the thick earthy flavor for sure…
I finally got a cam working in the attic, and today pointed it down what I think is a major pathway. I’m looking at a couple of rats right this minute. They are moving around one of the traps and one of the live traps as if they weren’t there. The bait will need to be changed. And I’ll need to set some more traps.
At least I know it is rats or extra big mice, and not possums or squirrels. Boy their eyes light up under IR light… gross.
>> That she’s an obnoxious hypocritical opportunist with a long history of doing nothing of substance never crosses their minds.
Greg, does the Kamel survive the arrival of Big Mike?
Time to build a remote-controlled air rifle.
To the stacks!
Paul, your oven-fried chicken sounds intriguing and delicious. Do I understand correctly that is done in the oven using a pan with hot oil?
PaultheManc, best wishes for deciding on further treatment/ (or not), and a full all-clear.