Warm and moist at the BOL today, maybe even stormy. Or it could be we end up missing it all. Sometimes the stuff swirls right past us here. Weather prediction seems to be one of two jobs where you can be wrong every day and people will still keep asking for your opinion. Stock picker/financial pundit being the other…
Yesterday started grey and warm, but cleared later. I even ran the A/C in the evening to cool the house and dry it out. Humidity was more uncomfortable than the heat. We’ve managed with screens and fans so far this week, but I like it a bit dryer.
I did get a couple of things done. I put the trim around the entry door, added a deadbolt, and that project would be done if I could have installed the threshold. Couldn’t find the right fasteners, which I KNOW I have somewhere. I’ll look one last place today, then install it anyway with some less appropriate screws. Gotta make due if you want to make progress, when a hardware store run is a 2 hours round trip. Being well stacked helps minimize that of course. Being able to FIND what you stacked, priceless.
I started laying out this year’s temporary sprinkler system. There was a bit more freeze damage than I thought. One of the hose connections split. I didn’t think to drain them, I just disconnected them from the feed. There must have been a loop trapping some water. I found another spot where the splice in the 1 1/2″ “trunk” line popped apart too. There might be more when I reconnect the pump and fire it up. I’ll continue working on that today if it’s not raining.
I did some sorting and organizing and putting away too. There will be a lot more of that today if it’s stormy.
I can find something to do, I’m sure.
Post title refers to my best friend from high school and college. I got caught in the middle of his marriage drama and lost him, and his wife, as good friends. It’s been a couple decades, and I’ve reached out several times (they resolved their differences and have a son together and are still married). They have not resolved their issues with me, much to my regret.
Stacking doesn’t replace friendship, and new relationships don’t heal the broken ones, but life goes on.
Get out in your neighborhood and meet some people. Inventory your existing relationships and spend some time on maintaining them. Stuff will be very helpful, but the right people will be critical for what’s coming.
Stack the right kind of friends.