Cool but not cold, clear. Or maybe not, but that is the reality of modeling a chaotic system. It never got very nice yesterday, but didn’t get worse either. Just an ordinary day. That would be fine for today and tomorrow as well.
I did mostly stuff around the house yesterday. Then D1 called for pickup about an hour and a half early. Good thing I was slacking at home and not an hour away doing a pickup.
Today I’ll be doing that one pickup, and getting ready for my mini-swapmeet for my non-prepping hobby meeting on Saturday. Probably do some more domestic bliss too, as the weekend approaches. There is always something to do.
In the wider world, lots of people are suddenly noticing that SloJoe is not the sharpest knife in the drawer. Never was really, cunning yeah, but not a towering intellect. Probably thinks he is, lots of habitual liars think they are a lot smarter than everyone around them… but when your own DOJ declines to prosecute you because you are a doddering old fool with memory and cognition issues, it might finally be coming to an end. It’s pretty ugly when you deny the issue, but then in practically the next breath make a huge mistake that sorta proves the point of the issue…
I’m happy to see him go, but what’s waiting in the wings is even more horrifying. Heck I’d have bet money that he wouldn’t have made it this long. The modern pharmacopeia must be incredible if you are one of the cloud people. Eventually that will trickle down to the rest of us, if we can hold a technological society together long enough. So we’ve got that to look forward to.
Times of rapid change are fraught with danger. Opportunity too, but mostly danger. Keeping one’s head down and avoiding notice is the first strategy that comes to mind and probably works for most people. Some people are going to have to hope they get famous and powerful enough, quickly enough, so they don’t end up road kill. And some are just going to be collateral damage as the new order sorts itself out.
History says we will get through it, whatever “it” is. It is certainly coming, and it is probably coming sooner rather than later.
Get your stuff in a row, and be ready to provide for your needs. Stack.
Yesterday was the day for computer problems. First, I embed videos of my lectures in my Moodle course pages. These have always worked fine, but suddenly they don’t work in Vivaldi, which is my browser of choice. Any other browser, no problem. An isolated test page with an embedded video, no problem. First the test page, then the real page, no problem. But going directly to the real page – no joy. Really weird. Anyway, I posted about this on the Vivaldi forum, and one of the moderators is being incredibly helpful with suggestions. Still, it’s such a weird problem that it is very difficult to diagnose. We will be continuing today…
As part of all that, I updated everything on my computer – there were quite a few pending updates. After which, many of my USB devices were no longer recognized: no headset, no webcam, no graphics tablet. But my USB mouse and keyboard were still fine. Roll back the kernel update to the previous version, and one of the monitors stopped working. I had to manually re-install an earlier version of the Nvidia graphics driver. I’m skipping over a couple of hours a pain here, figuring that all out. Anyway, ultimately everything works under the old kernel, but not under the new one. So I filed a bug with Ubuntu.
tl;dr: Yesterday was eaten by locusts. I hate days like that…
Louisiana requires a license to arrange flowers IIRC. Texas may be similar.
Credentialing at that level isn’t about protecting the public as much as someone’s soup bowl.
Cue the Benevolent Dictator.
I can’t say more, but I completely understand the sentiment after the last two years.
The Versa is a 100,000 mile vehicle with the weakness being the cr*p CVT.
We’ll see about the Leaf, but it is already on the way out in favor of another vehicle.
It isn’t as if the keep the White House physicians or what they do under wraps. My wife saw the current one speak at a conference in Orlando last year, and he wandered pretty far off the reservation in terms of sharing his opinion about Biden being too old to run much less serve.
Of course, the doctor heard the “Beau … Beau … Beau” schtick from Corn Pop rationalizing the decision.
As far as the pharmacopeia and access to the newest stuff, it is about money and willingness to take on certain risks by the patient, the family, and the doctor. The last two White House physicians have been Navy officers, and “Dr.” Jill Biden probably signs off on whatever is necessary to remain ensconced at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.
Of course, with the cutting edge dementia drugs, taking on the risk is voluntary … unlike the jabs.
Still part of the control.
Something I noticed just now is how Linus’ cadence is similar to Musk’s more recent quote publicly responding to Bob Iger cutting off ads on Twitter … or whatever they call it.
Great artists steal.
Or they both have the same underlying mental structures…
Elon’s entire public persona is schtick.
Actually kinda warm today. And finally the sun is peeking thru the clouds…
I’ve got stuff to do, W is working from home, so my normal daily routine of wild women and debauchery is on hold… I might as well do productive things.
Very warm here (for this location and time of year). May hit 50F, only 10% cloud cover. Rather breezy, though.
The chickens have been out for 6-8 hours a day recently. They know where home is and mostly stay in our yard and the forest behind it, with occasional excursions to one neighbor’s yard and to the trees and mulch between our yard and the other neighbor’s. They all find their way back to the run in the late afternoon, so now the only concern is that a dog would be running loose and come across them or that the chickens stumble across a raccoon or something in the forest. I sometimes sit with them, depending on what I need to be doing, and at least check on them every 30-60 minutes, but if they get into trouble, that amount of checking won’t do any good.
Evel lived in a condo in Florida when he passed, not far from where I grew up.
He was fond of taking his Mercedes out on the new-ish Westbound lanes of the Howard Franklin bridge to run at crazy high speeds late at night and was still doing it up until a couple of weeks before he passed.
Cops and FL Highway Patrol on both sides of Tampa Bay knew but looked the other way.
He’s Evel, just another local eccentric.
Tampa used to be fun until the Locust Class descended.
Sheesh, I spoke too soon. In the half hour since I wrote my last, temp has dropped sharply and we have about 98% cloud cover. Wind has not increased to gale force, not yet anyway, so it could be worse.
Difficult to type this, as the red hen is sitting on my foot and pecking at my shin whenever I’m not scratching her. Spoiled brat.
The Child has a cold again, picked up from a classmate. Again. I kept her home yesterday and today, not because she’d be unable to go to school and do the day’s work but to keep from spreading the germs. Radical concept, I realize.
Serious weather change coming here. Very windy.
Neighbor came over with a trivial laptop problem. Which would be OK, as he is very nontechnical. I was less thrilled by his coughing – turns out he’s pretty darned sick. That’s just not neighborly. Hope I don’t catch whatever crud he has…
>> I’ve got stuff to do, W is working from home, so my normal daily routine of wild women and debauchery is on hold… I might as well do productive things.
But if she’s WFH, then you could commandeer the minivan for some mobile fun…”Honey, while I was out I had your van detailed. Boy, was it a mess!”
Too incompetent to be held responsible for classified document mishandling ( and they seem to have forgotten theft) leads directly to the 25th Amendment without a off-ramp in sight.
So to refute the mental capacity claim, Biden and his incompetent team—doubtless with Jill in the loop— calls a presser and as one wag claimed “bathed him in kerosene, lit him on fire” and sent him out to confirm it.
Note the the 25th does not remove him, it puts The Kamel in charge “temporarily”. Does anyone doubt that she would immediately start measuring for new drapes in the Oval Office and announce her presidential campaign?
no wonder the stench of desperation is on the wind.
And Dan Goldman just revealed he hangs out with five year ols and most of them are retarded .
Stack popcorn
and lots of butter
Mayor Pete and his … husband … ? … have already been out to One Observatory Circle to measure for new drapes, but “Dr.” Jill Biden wouldn’t leave the residence area of the White House before January 2025 unless Corn Pop was dead.
Democrat insiders say it is now ‘PANIC TIME’ and party should DUMP Biden at its summer convention with Gavin Newsom ‘waiting in the wings’ after Justice Department said president had ‘diminished faculties’
ok, I usually don’t comment on the social climber, but can’t resist this time.
Did Vogue snub Meghan Markle? Royal fans question why Duchess of Sussex didn’t appear on one-time pal Edward Enninful’s final cover with 40 of world’s leading ladies
–Why? Because she’s NOT a leading lady. She’s the spare’s wife. The others are celebrities in their own right, or did something. Not that Dua Lipa is much of a leading lady, or Gigi Hadid, but one sells a lot of albums and tickets and the other strips down enough to sell clothes and makeup, presumably a lot of it, and has a famous daddy…
In fact is ranks her pretty low compared to some who make the cut. She and her husband are toxic. Don’t want to get any of that on you….
”Honey, while I was out I had your van detailed. Boy, was it a mess!”
– I’ll wash it if I’m washing mine, but that’s it. I offered her the use of my negative ion air cleaner to kill some of the stink, but so far she hasn’t taken me up on it. There is something nasty somewhere in there…
And she needs to have it here to load for the weekend activities while I’m out. Heck, I’m taking my Expy because the Ranger has stoves and stuff in the back…
Expy could use a good brush up too.
Nick, I think you’re missing the point. The idea was for you to take the minivan out, drop the seats or take them out, and convert it into a loooooove nest. Then get it hosed out afterward.
Now, far be it for me to suggest that you’re getting old, but missing the insinuation seems like something an old fart would do.
It is all part of the plan. We’re about 40 years out from the conclusion.
The Stone Balloon is no more as of the beginning of the year.
To be clear, the actual Stone Balloon [Bill’s legendary music venue with sticky floors and no door on the men’s room] was torn down in the mid-2000s (forget exactly when) to make way for fancy condos for the well-to-do kids that populate much of the UofD population. They made a space for a restaurant in the ground level, and that went by various “Stone Balloon” names – I think the last time I was in that part of the world and went there it was a noisy bistro run by a celebrity chef. The food was decent, but it was almost impossible to have a conversation at normal levels. No, there was no live music. It was easier to have a conversation down the street at the Deer Park with a live band playing.
“Trump likely won the 2020 election after all”
“After extensive analysis using raw survey data coupled with mail-in vote totals, we concluded that mail-in voter fraud almost certainly changed the 2020 election outcome in all six crucial swing states.”
The fraud is gonna be far worse for the 2024 federal election.
Hat tip to:
SideQuested: A Cool Picture
Just a neat looking sea castle with a huge dragon flying over it.
Over The Hedge: Winning The Battle But Not The War
Ok, the rocket launcher was a little extreme.
Yup. Look at the current DM headline oped “get rid of plugs”. The Dumbo’s, Deep State, and PLT’s don’t care. They know how to get plugs’ corpse re-elected. Why monkey with what works? If plugs croaks, they’ll get The Kamel elected, no problemo.
“Tucker Carlson Reflects on Historic Interview with Vladimir Putin: “If You Really Think a Condition of Peace is Putin’s Going to Give Up Crimea, Then You’re Like a Lunatic” (VIDEO)”
We have a weak leadership in the USA and it is desperately showing in our foreign misadventures, especially Ukraine. Putin is not going to back down, he showed that in a basically two hour plus speech to Tucker. Putin is very upset and Russia is very upset. They are not going to allow NATO in their backyard. Anyone who thinks that this can happen is a fool.
D1 is busy helping D2 get ready for the St. Valentine’s Day dance at school. Dang kids are growing up.
They tend to do that, and all too quickly. Enjoy them while you have them.
Watching Spongey’s reaction to the report from the special counsel is about what is expected from a person with dementia. The reaction almost mirrors my aunt’s reaction to the steps we took to protect her from herself and others. Denial, anger and confusion. The man is unfit for office and the democrats are afraid to admit, or are in complete denial, that Biden is currently unfit for office, let alone another term. It is sad to think that he is the best they have to offer. The Kamel, Cankles, Nikki, even the Mooch are completely unfit for such a high office.
I don’t like Trump. I think he is an egotistical jerk who twists the truth and manipulates others to get his way. He acts like a spoiled child. I would much rather have him in the office than what the democrats offer. But, surely, in this country of a couple hundred million eligible candidates, someone could be found that is better.
I fear this will be a unique election for me. I have always voted against someone in the past. This time I may be voting against everyone. I may write in my own name. It will waste a vote. I may write in Mr. Nick or Mr. Atoz but why should I punish them. But maybe if a majority said none of the above it would be interesting.
I don’t like Trump. I think he is an egotistical jerk who twists the truth and manipulates others to get his way. He acts like a spoiled child. I would much rather have him in the office than what the democrats offer. But, surely, in this country of a couple hundred million eligible candidates, someone could be found that is better.
Would you rather have Mitt Romney or Jeb ? That is what you will get if Trump does not run.
Trump is our egotistical jerk. You have to be one to run for prez. Especially now with the Deep State.
Jeb! never wanted to run for President. Winning would mean having to look at Columba every morning for four to eight years instead of his former Playboy Bunny girlfriend.
The girlfriend is an open secret in Florida. Up until the last year or so of his second term, Jeb! was an effective Governor.
Mittens may yet be VP, but President is not happening.
Sounds like tyranny to me.
Outrage as Biden administration admits surveilling Americans’ private financial transactions for words like ‘MAGA’ ‘Trump’ and ‘Kamala’ in wake of Jan. 6 riots…with people buying BIBLES on top of their watchlist
Stopped by the HEB to get my prescription and checked the meat aisle… yes you beauties, you are coming home with me…
prime Chuck roast, $5 /lb
choice NYStrip (which was tender and delicious) still $7
I passed on the brisket this trip but it was still $2.50
baby back pork ribs, $2.50
I had some vac sealing to do when I got home. Most of it will be going with me to the BOL.
Between the meat and 2 4 1 soda, my ticket was 160 with almost 70 in savings indicated.
Sweet. And I note that premium hamburger, 94/6 lean, was over $6.50 / lb. 80/20 was $4 something.
To vote for “None of the Above”, just stay home. The last time, the number of voting age citizens that didn’t show up was equal-ish to the claimed turnout for each of the major candidates. A low turnout de-legitimizes whoever the winner is, as well.
In the past, I have jokingly suggested that we try it for 4 years without a Prez. This Administration is close enough. The Federal inertia is nothing to write home about.
It is a fishing video.
Here is the original video:
I hope that was his old rod and reel, not the new $2,500 set.
A low turnout de-legitimizes whoever the winner is, as well.
– unfortunately a low turnout makes it easier to cheat too. And if you don’t vote for yourself, someone else might just harvest that vote and do it for you.
>> Nick, I think you’re missing the point. The idea was for you to take the minivan out, drop the seats or take them out, and convert it into a loooooove nest. Then get it hosed out afterward.
Now, far be it for me to suggest that you’re getting old, but missing the insinuation seems like something an old fart would do.
@SteveF, thanks for covering my “6” there…
>> I fear this will be a unique election for me. I have always voted against someone in the past. This time I may be voting against everyone. I may write in my own name. It will waste a vote. I may write in Mr. Nick or Mr. Atoz but why should I punish them. But maybe if a majority said none of the above it would be interesting.
Sorry Mr. Nick and Mr. Atoz, but in this scenario the obvious choice is @Steve F.
Just imagine his chicken coop on the WH south lawn!
Since SCOTUS likes hypotheticals, here’s one…
Pretend Plugs doesn’t have “diminished faculties and a faulty memory.” (I know, I know, but just play along.)
So that then negates the DOJ’s assumption that a jury wouldn’t convict the feeble old man.
At which point the DOJ should be looking to try him, convict him and lock him up.
>> I fear this will be a unique election for me. I have always voted against someone in the past. This time I may be voting against everyone. I may write in my own name. It will waste a vote. I may write in Mr. Nick or Mr. Atoz but why should I punish them. But maybe if a majority said none of the above it would be interesting.
Sorry Mr. Nick and Mr. Atoz, but in this scenario the obvious choice is @Steve F.
Just imagine his chicken coop on the WH south lawn!
Wouldn’t be the first time !