Tues. Nov. 21, 2023 – kids are at home for break, so I’m not working…

By on November 21st, 2023 in culture, decline and fall, lakehouse

Cool, and damp. Partly cloudy, but not raining? We’ll see about that. Had a day with all the weather at the BOL. Sun, overcast, rain, wind, calm, and clear. All in about 14 hours. And it was mostly 65F through all that.

I got up early for the second day in a row, ate a hearty breakfast, and got to work… no, not really. I got to playing games with D2 and my wife. Played a few rounds of Rumikub and THEN went to work. Finished the trim on the twice danged garage entry door. (“danged” didn’t get a spell check wavy line, who knew??) Then in between periods of rain and clear and rain, I got a few things done. Sorted and put away stuff that had piled up. Cleared some debris. Got the pole saw out and did some limb trimming. Trees, not mine.

I was stacking the firewood when the rain came back, again. Then it stopped and I decided to fish. It was a beautiful dusk and sunset, after the grey dreary day. And I caught a bass. It’s possible, I’ve done it. Now to catch something I can eat…

Hey it was a great weekend from a prepper point of view. I ate venison, and the kids liked it too, and I caught a fish. My drainage changes around the house work, and just need a bit of refining (I didn’t go big enough with the execution of some of it.) I improved the safety and security of the house, a little bit anyway, and stacked a little bit more firewood. Baby steps are still steps, amiright?

So keep stacking, and keep plugging away at whatever you need to do to improve. Every little bit helps.


56 Comments and discussion on "Tues. Nov. 21, 2023 – kids are at home for break, so I’m not working…"

  1. SteveF says:

    the scroll wheel on my mouse worked when I left home, but doesn’t work now

    Probably got lint around the LED, the sensor, or the vanes of the wheel. Take the bottom off and remove the lint with long, fine tweezers. You shouldn’t need to pop out the wheel to clean it. It’s also possible that the sensor or LED got knocked out of place from dropping but that’s less likely.

    Funny how there comes a point where “no drama” is much more desirable than “exciting”.

    Same thing happens with women, if you make it past the desire to ‘stick your stick in crazy’.

    Beat me to the second sentence. Sooner or later, usually sooner, most men just want peace when they get home rather than a continuation of the stress and striving and conflict that they have at work. I’ve been advising young women – my daughter’s older acquaintances, one of my nieces and a few of her friends at her sister’s wedding – for a while that, if they want to get married and stay married, they should cultivate peaceful, supportive traits in themselves. I don’t know if any followed the advice but they all looked thoughtful and none ran away screaming “misogyny!” so maybe it did some good.

  2. brad says:

    When it rains, it pours. So I “fixed” our little home server, by removing and replacing the disk.

    Woke up this morning to an email from our NAS (holds all our media libraries): “abnormal system files. Contact QNAP support immediately.” Oh frabjous joy. The file-sharing is still working. I can log in with the command line (and I did do a restart), but the web interface isn’t working correctly. So something really is wrong.

    While mucking about, I came across our original purchase – it was in 2010, so the beastie has had a good life. We’ll see what Qnap support says, but I expect a replacement will be needed. The newer ones allow you to run containers, which can contain whatever services you want. Since that’s what our home server does (PiHole, OpenHab, and couple of others), that might eliminate the need for the server. Still, it’s money I’d rather not have to spend.

  3. brad says:

    Funny how there comes a point where “no drama” is much more desirable than “exciting”. Same thing happens with women, if you make it past the desire to ‘stick your stick in crazy’.

    Applies to women as well. Young women are often attracted to the “bad boys”. If they avoid getting knocked up and knocked around, they also learn that continuous “excitement” isn’t so great in the long term.

    Or maybe they do learn by being knocked up – hence a lot of single motherhood. A few days ago, I was reading something by a young wife who was divorcing her hubby, because he chose to party with his friends rather than being present at the birth of their first child. That’s a bit late to realize what she married, but still better than 10 years down the line…

  4. Greg Norton says:

    Or maybe they do learn by being knocked up – hence a lot of single motherhood. A few days ago, I was reading something by a young wife who was divorcing her hubby, because he chose to party with his friends rather than being present at the birth of their first child. That’s a bit late to realize what she married, but still better than 10 years down the line…

    At GTE, I worked for one manager who, according to legend, missed being at the birth of one of his children so he could stay at work for something critical.

  5. Greg Norton says:

    While mucking about, I came across our original purchase – it was in 2010, so the beastie has had a good life. We’ll see what Qnap support says, but I expect a replacement will be needed. The newer ones allow you to run containers, which can contain whatever services you want. Since that’s what our home server does (PiHole, OpenHab, and couple of others), that might eliminate the need for the server. Still, it’s money I’d rather not have to spend.

    Containers. Hot Skillz!

    Sooner or later, I expect Microsoft to “embrace and extend” Docker similar to the way Red Hat/IBM has already done with Podman.

    I’m of two minds on that. On the one hand “embrace and extend” is bad old Microsoft and scary, especially in light of what amounted to a very hostile takeover of OpenAI this week. OTOH, it  would be convenient to be able to count on a known container engine being available in Windows.

  6. MrAtoz says:

    In what universe are the thugs pictured “baby faced”?

    The real downside is for the Amish community. Now, the FUSA, and the World, will see Amish faces with cornrows and ‘Fros as the face of thuggery. That’s all the Amish need, more disdain from the World. It’s there own fault.

  7. MrAtoz says:

    Before I left for Trinidad, I tried a freeze-dry experiment. I feed our dogs commercial freeze-dried raw and raw frozen food. I wanted to make raw FD meat treats. I took a pound of lean ground beef and a pound of ground chicken breast. I mashed it all together and spread it out on a FD tray. I have some plastic adjustable dividers I stuck in the tray to make about 40 chunks and put it in the FD. They came out like little biscuits and were completely dry.  I break one into 4 pieces and the dogs go crazy for them.

    I’ve been keeping FD stuff vacuum-sealed in Mason jars. I got a separate rechargeable jar sealer on the ‘Zon that works well. You take out what you need and re-vacuum. The dog treats are still bone dry after two weeks.

  8. MrAtoz says:

    The real downside is for the Amish community. Now, the FUSA, and the World, will see Amish faces with cornrows and ‘Fros as the face of thuggery. That’s all the Amish need, more disdain from the World. It’s there* own fault.


  9. Greg Norton says:

    The real downside is for the Amish community. Now, the FUSA, and the World, will see Amish faces with cornrows and ‘Fros as the face of thuggery. That’s all the Amish need, more disdain from the World. It’s there own fault.

    Even in Belleville, WI I saw a wannabe gangbanger in Subway of all places, complete with pants down around his hips and cornrows.

    The girlfriend accompanying him looked like she tried to fit in with the mainstream, but she wore a cheerleading uniform from the local high school so I’m guessing that those programs still have appearance standards.

    As soon as Wannabe walked into the Subway, members of the high school’s golf team, seated behind us, got up and made a hasty exit trying not to be obvious.

    Right across the street from the Duluth Trading outlet. You don’t get more white than that corner.

  10. CowboyStu says:

    I may stop buying Levis and Dockers.  

    I stopped thirty years ago.  I get Wranglers here:  https://www.bootbarn.com/stores?StoreID=0018

  11. Brad says:

    I need to make another Boot Barn order soon. I’m a huge fan if their Western shirts. Haven’t ordered jeans from them before, but why not? Maybe after Christmas…

  12. lpdbw says:

    SteveF has it right.  You can make yourself crazy trying to boycott wokeness, when wokeness is everywhere.

    I’m going with the theory that if Wranglers were good enough for Lucas McCain, they’re good enough for me.

    Never mind that he wore them before they were actually produced  TV shows are full of anachronisms.  Like his 1892 rifle, in a show set in 1880…

  13. EdH says:

    It’s there* own fault.


    Really, why so many vowels anyway, how about we all just switch to  ther.

  14. dkreck says:

    SteveF has it right.  You can make yourself crazy trying to boycott wokeness, when wokeness is everywhere.

    Maybe but I stopped buying Nike because of Krapernack. Problem is Vans are awful and lack any support so right now I’m mostly wearing Fila for reasonable now that slap season is over. 


    Stopped Levis years ago when I bought my 501s and the fit was all wrong. Way too deep in the pockets and crotch. Problem was they had a made in Columbia label. I still have many 10+ years old ones I can wear. Mostly Lee All Blacks now.  

  15. SteveF says:

    SteveF has it right.

    Does that even need to be said? Isn’t that one of the axioms of the world?

    The sun rises in the east, tyrants gonna tyrant, SteveF was right about everything.

  16. SteveF says:

    Really, why so many vowels anyway, how about we all just switch to  ther.

    Not enough vowels. Spell it theiy’re from now on.

  17. Ray Thompson says:

    Not enough vowels. Spell it theiy’re from now on.

    Around it’s you’ns or themis.

  18. Nick Flandrey says:

    “ther”  sounds like a gender descriptive neologism…   I’m betting the old english or wherever the “there’s” came from didn’t make a distinction, but that the dictionary writers chose spelling to make the differences clear, and up their word count<like clicks and likes!


    Forecast for today changed overnight from part clouds, to solid overcast, and that’s what I’m seeing at the moment.   


    Will be doing stuff around the house today.  Gotta keep an eye on the Ds and chauffer D2 later in the day.

    Lack of scroll wheel is driving me nuts.


  19. Nick Flandrey says:

    Hey, daynotes readers for the win!

    Didn’t even have to disassemble it, just shot some air on both sides, and pried out the fuzz that blew loose.   I can SCROLL again!

    Weird that it just got to a point where it failed completely.

    I like this mouse, btw.  It’s full sized, has a sensitivity button with an led bargraph right below the scroll wheel to change speed for different tasks.   I don’t use that often but it makes a difference when modeling or doing drawings.

    There are extra buttons I don’t use but they don’t get in the way.


  20. Nick Flandrey says:

    I wore Levi’s 501 button fly for years, and exclusively after an incident involving a very drunken night, a zipper, and loose but very sensitive skin…

    Stopped at some point.   Maybe a boycott?   Wore cargo pants and Dockers for work and travel.   Didn’t even have jeans in the deep deep storage.


  21. SteveF says:

    and it seems weird to say “wife” instead of “my” wife, but whose wife would you be doing something with?

    Well, I suppose that depends on how open-minded your wife is.

  22. MrAtoz says:

    Shoes: I’ve been wearing various “barefoot” shoes for almost a year now. My feet don’t hurt at all. I wear my Vibram Five Fingers for walking and working out with no problem. I wear Peluva/Vivo/Olukai most of the time. 

    I still have various regular shoes for dress and work boots. Redwing Exos Lite w/BOA and safety toe are my go-to. I have various other work outdoor boots, also.

  23. lpdbw says:

    SteveF was right about everything.

    Occasionally, I lean this way, but then I remember SteveF has been married at least twice, and realize that all heroes are fallible.

  24. SteveF says:

    but then I remember SteveF has been married at least twice

    Ooh, ouch. You’re right. I’d repressed that.

    OK, fine. I’m an idiot, which I think just about everyone can recognize.

  25. JimB says:

    OK, fine. I’m an idiot, which I think just about everyone can recognize.

    Not an idiot, a very rich guy from all those Send a Dollar to SteveF, right?

  26. CowboyStu says:

    @ dkreck:  When I went to Buck Owens Crystal Palace for music and beer, it was all Wranglers.

  27. Paul Hampson says:

    I wore Levi’s 501 button fly for years

    I quit Levi’s when they went over $5.25, sometime in the 70s I think.  Last pair I bought was on sale when a friend’s parents were closing their store to retire.

  28. Jenny says:

    I’m going with SteveF was right again ~grin~

    We are slowly wrapping up the big roof repair. We have had a terrible amount of snow. Half our winters average fell in about the space of a week. Folks are going after the mayor with tar and feathers, though I’m not sure how you’re supposed to responsibly budget for such an extraordinary amount of snow. If you budget to be able to clear that much snow fast, you’re burning dollars on additional road clearing equipment (big bucks) plus writing contracts and hiring more employees (bigger bucks) which are enormous costs and burdening future city leaders with those bills. Based on what? We might get three crazy record breaking snowstorms in a week this year? That’s poor monetary stewardship.  But doesn’t matter. He’s the wrong political persuasion after all so it’s all his fault. 


    Bread. Made a couple loaves yesterday morning. With husband’s help just made another six loaves yesterday afternoon. I use my 20+ year old kitchen aid and a scale, making the dough and kneading is the work of just a few minutes. These loaves will mostly go into stuffing for Thanksgiving. Goat, sheep, and turkey are on the menu. Plus lots of traditional sides. As much locally produced as can manage. Feeding 15-18 on Thanksgiving.

    I took the week off so I could tackle some neglected household tasks. Taking advantage of the time to do more baking and puttering. That’s been pretty nice.

    Had a near disaster in the rabbitry, from over engineering my water system. My base water system is 1/2” pvc pipe, a 30 gallon barrel, 500 watt stock tank heater, and 770 pm water pump. Winter temperatures are typically in the teens, we do dip as low as -20. The pvc runs in a loop, behind each cage with a brass nipple for drinking. The nipples function best at 3-5 psi. That’s hard to gauge, other than by the presence of either leaks or thirsty rabbits. Water circulates continuously returning to the barrel regularly to be warmed by the 500 watt stock tank heater.

    When I rebuilt the system this year I included three low pressure gauges, each followed a few inches upstream by a valve that I can adjust how much water is flowing. This acts as an unsophisticated method to adjust the water pressure. The first couplet is right after water exits the barrel, a second after the first three cages, third after the last three cages. I was delighted to see I could easily hold the water pressure at 2 psi at each couplet, and my leaking nipples became a thing of the past.

    I did note that the water exiting the pvc pipes slowed to a trickle. Hmm. Well that’s ok, right?

    No, no it’s not. It’s ok if it’s above 12-15 Fahrenheit. This week it dropped to 0 and the pvc pipes froze solid overnight. Because the water wasn’t moving through the system quickly enough to warm up and because I created pools at the couplets.


    We fired up an electric space heater, our propane powered ‘buddy heater’ and a friends borrowed propane powered buddy heater.

    It took 4 hours or so to thaw the pipes and get water moving again. I need to cut out about a 2’ section to replace a leaky tee the pressure gauge sits in.

    We got really lucky. Really really lucky.

  29. EdH says:


    One of those mornings.

    If you have an indoor pet and a Roomba you know what I”m talking about.

    There is a small bright side, at least it isn’t Thanksgiving day with guests over.

  30. MrAtoz says:

    Occasionally, I lean this way, but then I remember SteveF has been married at least twice, and realize that all heroes are fallible.

    Never meet your heroes (or Gods).

  31. Ray Thompson says:

    We have had a terrible amount of snow. Half our winters average fell in about the space of a week. Folks are going after the mayor with tar and feathers, though I’m not sure how you’re supposed to responsibly budget for such an extraordinary amount of snow

    Same thing in Atlanta. There was a snow storm in Atlanta a few years ago, a few inches of snow fell. The city was paralyzed. People were screaming that Atlanta did not have enough snow removal equipment. Idiots. It is not fiscally prudent to have 20 or 30 half million dollar snow plows that would get used once every 20 years.

    Almost the same situation here. TDOT and Knoxville do have snow plows that go on the front of the dump trucks. They may get used once, maybe twice a year. TDOT gets the freeways, state highways with the help of the city. People are always pitching a fit about not enough snow removal equipment because their little road does not get cleared until late in the afternoon.

    My take is that there is too much snow removal equipment. Clear the interstates and major arteries. Skip the local streets and side roads. Most will clear in two or three days tops. Rather than the city spending hundreds of thousands of dollars on equipment, maintenance, fuel and staff for two days of inconvenience.

    I just stay home until the roads are clear. Works every, single, time.

  32. Lynn says:

    My new office PC (one year old) crashed this morning with “invalid media error, press any key to boot”.  Which, when I pressed a key repeated the message.  I power cycled with a ten second halt and Windows 11 Pro came up.  I am now worried that my WD Black 1 TB M.2 drive may be failing.  Or, my PC got nailed with a random solar ray in the wrong place.  

  33. Lynn says:

    I got a verbal warning over the weekend.  My old PC at home does not have a working audio anymore.  So, she cannot sit there and watch youtube videos while watching General Hospital on my tv.  She gently encouraged me to get off my ass and finish building the new PC I bought in August of 2021.  I thought about it all weekend and did not get it done.

  34. Lynn says:

    “Army Sends Letter to Troops Dismissed for Refusing COVID Vaccine”


    Why do I get the feeling that the response will be low ?

  35. Lynn says:

    It’s there* own fault.


    Really, why so many vowels anyway, how about we all just switch to  ther.

    I want to buy a vowel please.

  36. Lynn says:

    It’s there* own fault.


    Really, why so many vowels anyway, how about we all just switch to  ther.

    This is how we distinguish the English language from those other pansy languages: There and Their.  Of course, Where, Wear, and Were are even worse.

    I will remind you of James Nicoll’s infamous saying:

    “The problem with defending the purity of the English language is that English is about as pure as a cribhouse whore. We don’t just borrow words; on occasion, English has pursued other languages down alleyways to beat them unconscious and rifle their pockets for new vocabulary.” 
    ― James D. Nicoll 


    Eight million words in English and counting (SWAG).

  37. Lynn says:

    “WD 24TB CMR HDDs Shipping, 28TB SMR HDD Ramping”


    Wow.  These drives never stop growing in size.  I guess that the NSA is driving this.

  38. Lynn says:

    “A public service reminder… sort of”


    “There are no calories on Thanksgiving”

    Great, just great.  I am coming in five pounds heavy.  I will need the xxlarge arresting wire.

  39. CowboyStu says:

    James D. Nicoll 

    About usage of letters, isn’t one “l” in the last name enough?

  40. Lynn says:

    James D. Nicoll 

    About usage of letters, isn’t one “l” in the last name enough?


    James has got two of them. James is Canadian, they do everything different. They cannot even decide if they are English or French.

  41. Nick Flandrey says:

    Dropped D2 off at the latest hunger games movie with her friend group.

    Dropped my Expy off at the auto repair place.   Walked home.   Since it’s only high 50s and there is a brisk wind, I walked briskly too. Took 20 minutes and I feel fine.  Never got short of breath or had to slow down.   I guess walking up and down the hill at the BOL IS helping.  Made mental notes about some infrastructure as I walked home.

    Sun did poke thru briefly, but we’re back to overcast.


  42. Ken Mitchell says:

    “There are no calories on Thanksgiving”

    One doctor’s book said “I don’t care how many calories you eat between Thanksgiving and New Year’s. I DO care how many calories you eat between New Year’s and Thanksgiving.”

    “Army Sends Letter to Troops Dismissed for Refusing COVID Vaccine”

    Between that and the GoArmy commercial last week with all white men doing manly things like jumping out of airplanes, I get the impression that the military has suddenly become very worried about the recruiting and manning levels, and that they would like a few more troops in the pipeline, soonest.

  43. Lynn says:

    “Memes that made me laugh 186”


    Now that is an Art teacher !

  44. CowboyStu says:

    James has got two of them. James is Canadian, they do everything different. They cannot even decide if they are English or French.

    Okay, that explains it.  I only have one and my paternal granfather came here legally from Scotland.

  45. MrAtoz says:

    Between that and the GoArmy commercial last week with all white men doing manly things like jumping out of airplanes, I get the impression that the military has suddenly become very worried about the recruiting and manning levels, and that they would like a few more troops in the pipeline, soonest.

    Have I mentioned how glad I am that I’m retired from the Army?

    The DoD is finding out what happens when you go WOKE. Go ahead and recruit more trannies, Amish thugs, and low-life morons. That’ll help. Loosen appearance standards for full-body tattoos, beards, and piercings. That will also help. Our military is the laughingstock of the World.

  46. Greg Norton says:

    The DoD is finding out what happens when you go WOKE.

    Disney is about to ride Woke into bankruptcy.

    “Wish” opens tomorrow — yet another writeoff project buying the silence of an actress in The Beard’s “Westside Story” debacle.

  47. Greg Norton says:

    I took the week off so I could tackle some neglected household tasks. Taking advantage of the time to do more baking and puttering. That’s been pretty nice.

    @Jenny – My kids are home this week and one was giggling to this today.

    Sooner or later, if your daughter sticks with the drums, she’s going to discover Dave Grohl, The Foo Fighters, and Nirvana.

    And Grohl is the gateway to … well, so much worse … watch.


    If the kid is still on the Talking Heads kick, get “Little Creatures” *on CD* and screen it carefully.

    Manilow? I don’t know if you want to do that to an impressionable mind.

  48. Greg Norton says:

    My new office PC (one year old) crashed this morning with “invalid media error, press any key to boot”.  Which, when I pressed a key repeated the message.  I power cycled with a ten second halt and Windows 11 Pro came up.  I am now worried that my WD Black 1 TB M.2 drive may be failing.  Or, my PC got nailed with a random solar ray in the wrong place.  

    I still don’t trust SSDs for my desktop or home server.

    I’ve had pretty good luck with SSDs in my laptops, however. 

    I only buy Crucial SSDs.

  49. Lynn says:

    Sooner or later, if your daughter sticks with the drums, she’s going to discover Dave Grohl, The Foo Fighters, and Nirvana.

    And Grohl is the gateway to … well, so much worse … watch.


    If the kid is still on the Talking Heads kick, get “Little Creatures” *on CD* and screen it carefully.

    Manilow? I don’t know if you want to do that to an impressionable mind.

    Dave Grohl is awesome.  I watch his Nirvana Unplugged videos over and over again.  He is playing drums without a sound cage, just softly and gently to perfectly back up Cobain.


    And yes, Kurt Cobain is playing that Martin guitar upside down.  I heard it sold the other day for over a million.

  50. Lynn says:

    I only buy Crucial SSDs.

    I’ve bought 20 SSDs and a dozen M.2s.  No problems to date for the M.2s, all WD.

  51. Lynn says:

    “Inflation and its growing threat to our stability”


    “When I go to the grocery store the register tape — and my Quicken — says I’m spending a lot more money there.  Not a couple of percent over the last 12 months, an obscene increase.  Shelf prices are one thing, but actual paid prices are truth — and those involve discounts, coupons, BOGOs and similar.  I, like most people, buy pretty much the same things to eat.  Spending over the last 12 months is in fact up more than 30%, not 2%.”

    “Car insurance is claimed to be up about 20% — and it is.  That’s real, and everyone with a car has had to pay it.”

    “But the government also claims that health insurance has been down in price by roughly 30%.  That’s nonsense, and we all know it, but there it is.”

    I sure do hope that we all do not have to move to the country and live in a travel trailer like Creekmore did back in 2010.  “The Dirt-Cheap Survival Retreat: One Man’s Solution” by M.D. Creekmore.


    And my BCBS health insurance is going from $975/month to $1,075/month on Dec 1. No inflation there.

  52. Greg Norton says:

    “Car insurance is claimed to be up about 20% — and it is.  That’s real, and everyone with a car has had to pay it.”

    My homeowners’ insurance  is up 50% even before the hail storm from the beginning of October is factored into the rates.

    As for car insurance, just wait. Someone is going to have to pay for all of the Teslas totaled in Round Rock six weeks ago.

  53. Ken Mitchell says:

    My new office PC (one year old) crashed this morning with “invalid media error, press any key to boot”.  Which, when I pressed a key repeated the message.  I power cycled with a ten second halt and Windows 11 Pro came up. 

    I bought a new Lenovo PC about 8 years ago. In about year 4, I started seeing similar messages. If I powered down and rebooted, it would come back up, for another couple of months.  Until about a year ago, when the 2TB hard drive died dead and it would no longer come back up. I had regular backups, so it was just a matter of removing the dead drive and replacing it with a “new” 4TB Western Digital drive, which took the better part of a couple of days.  It’s working fine now. 

    I’d recommend getting a new full backup and buying a new drive so that you can replace that drive the next time it pukes out. Which may not be for a while, if my experience is any indication.

  54. Lynn says:

    I’d recommend getting a new full backup and buying a new drive so that you can replace that drive the next time it pukes out. Which may not be for a while, if my experience is any indication.

    I have an automated backup to a separate internal drive every night and to a separate internal drive on one of my file servers, also every night.  I get a permanent backup to an external drive every weekend.

  55. Ken Mitchell says:

    Mr Atoz writes:

    Have I mentioned how glad I am that I’m retired from the Army?

    Ditto, except in my case it was from the Canoe Club, the USN. Being retired military was nice and handy, until Obamacare’s “mandates” rolled out, and TriCare sent me a letter saying that Tricare was valid coverage for Obamacare’s purposes. And then when I hit 65, Medicare PLUS Tricare covered almost all of our medical costs, and most drugs as well.  Doing 20+ in the military was the best decision I ever (inadvertently) made. 

    But I would NOT recommend that route now!

  56. Ken Mitchell says:

    Lynn sez:

    I have an automated backup to a separate internal drive every night and to a separate internal drive on one of my file servers, also every night.  

    I had figured that you would have good backups. So when that drive finally stops permanently, it won’t be TOO much of a hassle getting it back.

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