Day: November 21, 2023

Tues. Nov. 21, 2023 – kids are at home for break, so I’m not working…

Cool, and damp. Partly cloudy, but not raining? We’ll see about that. Had a day with all the weather at the BOL. Sun, overcast, rain, wind, calm, and clear. All in about 14 hours. And it was mostly 65F through all that.

I got up early for the second day in a row, ate a hearty breakfast, and got to work… no, not really. I got to playing games with D2 and my wife. Played a few rounds of Rumikub and THEN went to work. Finished the trim on the twice danged garage entry door. (“danged” didn’t get a spell check wavy line, who knew??) Then in between periods of rain and clear and rain, I got a few things done. Sorted and put away stuff that had piled up. Cleared some debris. Got the pole saw out and did some limb trimming. Trees, not mine.

I was stacking the firewood when the rain came back, again. Then it stopped and I decided to fish. It was a beautiful dusk and sunset, after the grey dreary day. And I caught a bass. It’s possible, I’ve done it. Now to catch something I can eat…

Hey it was a great weekend from a prepper point of view. I ate venison, and the kids liked it too, and I caught a fish. My drainage changes around the house work, and just need a bit of refining (I didn’t go big enough with the execution of some of it.) I improved the safety and security of the house, a little bit anyway, and stacked a little bit more firewood. Baby steps are still steps, amiright?

So keep stacking, and keep plugging away at whatever you need to do to improve. Every little bit helps.


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