Day: November 18, 2023

Sat. Nov. 18, 2023 – a fine day to do some work…

Cool and clear. Like yesterday. After all the predictions, it ended up clear with a blue sky. Hopefully today will be the same and I can get a bunch of work done.

Did my running around yesterday. Picked up a kayak. Strapped it to the roof rack. It kinda cuts through the air, and it’s kinda like a brick being pushed at 70mph… My Ranger can’t quite find a gear at the speed limit with the brick on top. So I could drive 10 under, or 10 over. I chose over. Well, until I got on the dark country roads. Then I was happy to go slower.

Given that it is a DWI enforcement weekend there were a surprising number of idiots driving VERY fast. And more than usual pulled over. The cops have something new, a white light bar on the front to light up the scene, and it’s FRICKEN bright. In fact I found a lot of bright lights shining in my eyes making it hard to drive. I can’t be the only one that thinks super bright LED parking lot lights shouldn’t be pointed at the freeway. And yet.

Today I’ll unload the truck, and maybe do some carpentry. There are some support posts that need to be replaced under the patio roof. I’ve had everything I think I need in place and ready to go, just lacked the time to start a project that has to be finished before I can move on. We’ll see how it goes. And if not, there is a long list.

Always be working…

and stacking.


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