Day: November 17, 2023

Fri. Nov. 17, 2023 – getting ready to head out…

Cool and overcast again, some possibility of rain. It was misty in several places as I drove around Thursday. No real rain though. I don’t think it ever got hotter than about 64F either. Pretty depressing and dreary overall. And today should be the same, joy.

Did my pickups in 3 of the 4 corners of Houston. Lots of driving. Almost all of it for resale, although a couple of items might end up in my stacks. Received some packages that I was waiting for too. Mostly it’s stuff to fix stuff for resale or my use. I like fixing stuff, but the endless list can be oppressive.

Plan for today is try for a minor dropoff, try to take some stuff to my secondary, do one pickup, and load for the trip to the BOL for the weekend. I scored another kayak, only $73, so I’ll be strapping that to the top of the other stuff on the truck… which will mostly be patio furniture, but may also include a loveseat. I should be a right proper Fred Sanford, or Jed Clampitt when I’m fully loaded up. Hope I can find enough straps.

I’ll be on the end of a thin pipe for a few days so if stuff is happening, go ahead and link…

I’ve got a list of stuff I’d like to get done this weekend. We’ll see what the universe has in mind. I’m hoping to get at least some of it done but I never can predict…

I should hit Lowes for some stuff before I head up too. I’ve got what I need for the main project, but maybe not for a couple of secondary options. And my wife needs some 1/4 round for her flooring project. A right Fred Sanford…

Always be working to improve your situation. Always be learning and trying new things. Keep meeting new people. And stack like your life depends on it.


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